bool CaptureManager::SaveTrajectoryImage(wxBitmap &bmp) { if (!Access(0,0, false, true)->contourArray.size()) { wxLogError(_T("No objects in the first frame. Detect/draw boundaries in the first frame and apply tracking first.")); return false; } wxRealPoint scale(6,6); CvPoint lastLoc; bmp.Create(scale.x*size.width,scale.y*size.height); wxMemoryDC dc(bmp); dc.SetBackground(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); dc.Clear(); for (int c=0; c<Access(0,0,false, true)->contourArray.size(); c++) { std::vector<CvPoint> traj = GetTrajectory(c); lastLoc = traj[0]; // draw first boundary MyCanvas::DrawContour_static(&dc, Access(0,0, false, true)->contourArray[c],wxPoint(0,0),scale); // drawing trajectory lines dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); for (int i=1; i<traj.size(); i++) { if(traj[i].x<0) continue; if (i>0) { dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(Preferences::GetColorContourBorderColor()), Preferences::GetColorContourBorderWidth())); dc.DrawLine(scale.x*lastLoc.x,scale.y*lastLoc.y, scale.x*traj[i].x,scale.y*traj[i].y); } lastLoc = traj[i]; } // drawing trajectory points dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(Preferences::GetColorContourPointColor()))); dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(Preferences::GetColorContourPointColor()))); for (int i=0; i<traj.size(); i++) { if(traj[i].x<0) continue; dc.DrawCircle(MyPoint(traj[i])*scale, 2*Preferences::GetColorContourBorderWidth()); } // draw last boundary dc.SetBrush(*wxRED_BRUSH); dc.SetPen(wxPen(*wxRED)); if(traj[frameCount-1].x>=0) { dc.DrawCircle(MyPoint(traj[frameCount-1])*scale, 2*Preferences::GetColorContourBorderWidth()); MyCanvas::DrawContour_static(&dc, book[(frameCount-1)*offset]->contourArray[c],wxPoint(0,0),scale, true, wxRED); } } return true; }
void BitmapTestCase::setUp() { m_bmp.Create(10, 10); wxMemoryDC dc(m_bmp);; dc.SetBackground(*wxWHITE); dc.Clear(); dc.SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH); dc.DrawRectangle(4, 4, 2, 2); dc.SetPen(*wxRED_PEN); dc.DrawLine(0, 0, 10, 10); dc.DrawLine(10, 0, 0, 10); }
bool BitmapFromWindow(wxWindow *window, wxBitmap& bitmap) { bool ret; wxMemoryDC mdc; wxClientDC cdc(window); const wxSize& size=window->GetClientSize(); window->Raise(); wxTheApp->Yield(); bitmap.Create(size.x, size.y); mdc.SelectObject(bitmap); ret=mdc.Blit(0, 0, size.x, size.y, &cdc, 0, 0); mdc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); return ret; }
void SjOscWindow::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent&) { SJ_FORCE_IN_HERE_ONLY_ONCE; if( m_oscModule ) { // volume stuff long volume, maxVolume = 1; bool volumeBeat; // other objects long i; bool titleChanged, forceOscAnim, forceSpectrAnim; wxString newTitle; // get data g_mainFrame->m_player.GetVisData(m_bufferStart, m_sampleCount*SJ_WW_CH*SJ_WW_BYTERES, 0); // get window client size, correct offscreen DC if needed wxSize clientSize = m_oscModule->m_oscWindow->GetClientSize(); if( clientSize.x != m_offscreenBitmap.GetWidth() || clientSize.y != m_offscreenBitmap.GetHeight() ) { m_offscreenBitmap.Create(clientSize.x, clientSize.y); m_offscreenDc.SelectObject(m_offscreenBitmap); } // calculate the points for the lines, collect volume m_oscilloscope->Calc(clientSize, m_bufferStart, volume); if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_SPECTRUM ) { m_spectrum->Calc(clientSize, m_bufferStart); } // get data that are shared between the threads { titleChanged = m_oscModule->m_titleChanged; m_oscModule->m_titleChanged = FALSE; if( titleChanged ) { newTitle = m_oscModule->m_trackName; if( newTitle.IsEmpty() ) { newTitle = SJ_PROGRAM_NAME; } else if( !m_oscModule->m_leadArtistName.IsEmpty() ) { newTitle.Prepend(m_oscModule->m_leadArtistName + wxT(" - ")); } } forceOscAnim = m_oscModule->m_forceOscAnim; m_oscModule->m_forceOscAnim = FALSE; forceSpectrAnim = m_oscModule->m_forceSpectrAnim; m_oscModule->m_forceSpectrAnim = FALSE; } // calculate volume, volume is theoretically max. 255, normally lesser if( titleChanged ) { maxVolume = 1; } if( volume > maxVolume ) { maxVolume = volume; } volumeBeat = (volume > maxVolume/2); // erase screen m_offscreenDc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); { // blue gradient background #define BG_STEPS 88 int rowH = (clientSize.y/BG_STEPS)+1; for( i = 0; i < BG_STEPS; i++ ) { m_bgBrush.SetColour(0, 0, i); m_offscreenDc.SetBrush(m_bgBrush); m_offscreenDc.DrawRectangle(0, i*rowH, clientSize.x, rowH); } } // draw text (very background) { m_offscreenDc.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT); m_offscreenDc.SetTextForeground(m_textColour); m_title->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, titleChanged, newTitle); } // draw figures (they lay in backgroud) if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_FIGURES ) { long bgLight = 100; // draw hands (optional) m_hands->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, volume, bgLight, titleChanged); // draw rotor (optional) m_rotor->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, m_starfield->IsRunning(), titleChanged, volume, bgLight); // draw firework (optional) m_firework->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, titleChanged, m_starfield->IsRunning(), volumeBeat, bgLight); } // draw starfield (optional) m_starfield->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, false, titleChanged, (m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_STARFIELD)!=0); // draw spectrum and/or oscilloscope (for both, the spectrum lays over the oscillosope) m_offscreenDc.SetPen(m_fgPen); if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_OSC ) { m_oscilloscope->Draw(m_offscreenDc, forceOscAnim); } if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_SPECTRUM ) { m_spectrum->Draw(m_offscreenDc, volumeBeat, (m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_FIGURES)? true : false, forceSpectrAnim); } // draw offscreen bitmap to screen wxClientDC dc(this); dc.Blit(0, 0, m_offscreenBitmap.GetWidth(), m_offscreenBitmap.GetHeight(), &m_offscreenDc, 0, 0); } }
bool CaptureManager::SaveTrackImage(wxBitmap &bmp, int start, int end) { if (end == -1) end = frameCount; if (!Access(0,0,false, true)->contourArray.size()) { wxLogError(_T("No objects in the first frame. Detect/draw boundaries in the first frame and apply tracking first.")); return false; } wxRealPoint scale(6, 6); bmp.Create(scale.x*size.width, scale.y*size.height); wxMemoryDC dc(bmp); dc.SetBackground(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); dc.Clear(); for (int c=0; c<Access(0, 0, false, true)->contourArray.size(); c++) { std::vector<CvPoint> traj = GetTrajectory(c); std::vector< std::vector<double> > ratios; CvPoint lastTraj = traj[start]; float maxRatio = 0; float minRatio = 0; for (int i=start+1; i<end && Access(i, 0, false, true)->contourArray.size() > c; i++) { CvSeq* oseq = Access(i-1, 0, false, true)->contourArray[c]; CvSeq* seq = Access(i, 0, false, true)->contourArray[c]; ratios.push_back(std::vector<double>()); for (int j=0; j<oseq->total; j++) { CvPoint *lastLoc = (CvPoint*) cvGetSeqElem(oseq, j); if(seq->total <= j) continue; CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*) cvGetSeqElem(seq, j); float ptx = p->x - lastLoc->x; float pty = p->y - lastLoc->y; float trajx = traj[i].x - lastTraj.x; float trajy = traj[i].y - lastTraj.y; float ratio = (ptx*trajx + pty*trajy)/(trajx*trajx + trajy*trajy); if (maxRatio < ratio) maxRatio = ratio; if (minRatio > ratio) minRatio = ratio; ratios[i-1-start].push_back(ratio); } lastTraj = traj[i]; } CvSeq* oseq = Access(start, 0, false, true)->contourArray[c]; MyCanvas::DrawContour_static(&dc, oseq, wxPoint(0,0), scale); for (int i=0; i<oseq->total; i++) { CvPoint *lastLoc = (CvPoint*) cvGetSeqElem(oseq, i); dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(Preferences::GetColorContourPointColor()))); dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); for (int j=start+1; j<end; j++) { if(Access(j,0,false, true)->contourArray.size() <= c || Access(j,0,false, true)->contourArray[c]->total <= i) continue; CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*) cvGetSeqElem(Access(j, 0, false, true)->contourArray[c], i); dc.DrawLine(scale.x*lastLoc->x, scale.y*lastLoc->y, scale.x*p->x, scale.y*p->y); lastLoc = p; } //dc.DrawCircle(MyPoint((CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(Access(start, 0, false, true)->contourArray[c],i))*scale, Preferences::GetColorContourBorderWidth()); for (int j=start+1; j<end; j++) { wxColor pointColor(*wxLIGHT_GREY); if (ratios[j-1-start][i] > 0) pointColor = wxColor(128 + 127*ratios[j-1-start][i]/maxRatio, 128 - 128*ratios[j-1-start][i]/maxRatio, 128 - 128*ratios[j-1-start][i]/maxRatio); else pointColor = wxColor(128 - 128*ratios[j-1-start][i]/minRatio, 128 - 128*ratios[j-1-start][i]/minRatio, 128 + 127*ratios[j-1-start][i]/minRatio); dc.SetPen(wxPen(pointColor)); dc.SetBrush(pointColor); if(Access(j, 0, false, true)->contourArray.size() <= c || Access(j, 0, false, true)->contourArray[c]->total <= i) continue; CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*) cvGetSeqElem(Access(j, 0, false, true)->contourArray[c], i); dc.DrawCircle(MyPoint(*p)*scale, Preferences::GetColorContourBorderWidth()*2); } } lastTraj = traj[start]; dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); for (int i=start+1; i<end/*traj.size()*/; i++) { if(traj[i].x<0) continue; if (i>0) { dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(Preferences::GetColorContourBorderColor()), Preferences::GetColorContourBorderWidth())); dc.DrawLine(scale.x*lastTraj.x,scale.y*lastTraj.y, scale.x*traj[i].x,scale.y*traj[i].y); } lastTraj = traj[i]; } if(c < Access(end-1,0,false, true)->contourArray.size()) MyCanvas::DrawContour_static(&dc, Access(end-1,0,false, true)->contourArray[c], wxPoint(0,0), scale, true, wxRED); } return true; }
void ScreenshotButton::GetScreenshot(wxBitmap &screenshot) { //Create a DC for the main window wxClientDC dcScreen(GetParent()); //Get the size of the screen/DC wxCoord screenWidth, screenHeight; //Size of the image int width, height; //The pixel array byte* graph; //Fill the pixel array graf->getPixels(graph, width, height); dcScreen.GetSize(&screenWidth, &screenHeight); //Create a Bitmap that will later on hold the screenshot image //Note that the Bitmap must have a size big enough to hold the screenshot //-1 means using the current default colour depth screenshot.Create(screenWidth, screenHeight,-1); //screenshot.Create(width, height,-1); //Create a memory DC that will be used for actually taking the screenshot wxMemoryDC memDC; //Tell the memory DC to use our Bitmap //all drawing action on the memory DC will go to the Bitmap now memDC.SelectObject(screenshot); //Blit (in this case copy) the actual screen on the memory DC //and thus the Bitmap memDC.Blit( 0, //Copy to this X coordinate 0, //Copy to this Y coordinate screenWidth, //Copy this width screenHeight, //Copy this height &dcScreen, //From where do we copy? 0, //What's the X offset in the original DC? 0 //What's the Y offset in the original DC? ); //Draw the graph on the screenshot //Temporary color wxColour color = wxColor(255,0,0); //Temporary position in pixel array int pos; //Loop through pixel array for(int y=0; y<height; y++) { for(int x=0; x<width; x++) { pos = (x+(height-y)*width)*3; color.Set(graph[pos], graph[pos+1], graph[pos+2]); memDC.SetBrush(color); memDC.SetPen(color); memDC.DrawPoint(x+79, y+59); } } //Select the Bitmap out of the memory DC by selecting a new //uninitialized Bitmap memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); return; }
void SjKaraokeWindow::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent&) { wxASSERT( wxThread::IsMain() ); /********************************************************************** * PREPARE DRAWING **********************************************************************/ if( m_karaokeModule == NULL || m_karaokeModule->m_bg == NULL ) return; if( m_inPaint ) return; m_inPaint = true; #ifdef __WXMAC__ m_pleaseUpdateAll = true; // partly updates do not work well on Mac OS X #endif // does the size of the window have changed? if( m_clientSize != GetClientSize() || m_bgChanged ) { // yes: save the new size m_clientSize = GetClientSize(); m_pleaseUpdateAll = true; // (re-)create the offscreen DC m_offscreenBitmap.Create(m_clientSize.x, m_clientSize.y); m_offscreenDc.SelectObject(m_offscreenBitmap); // force reloading of the background image m_karaokeModule->m_bg->SetSize(m_clientSize); m_bgChanged = false; } // check what to show int karaokeEnded = 1; if( m_karaokeMaster.HasKaraoke() ) { long totalMs, elapsedMs, remainingMs; g_mainFrame->m_player.GetTime(totalMs, elapsedMs, remainingMs); if( elapsedMs >= 0 ) // -1=error, 0=normal position 0:00 { karaokeEnded = m_karaokeMaster.SetPosition(elapsedMs)? 0 : 1; } } if( karaokeEnded != m_karaokeEnded ) { if( karaokeEnded ) { if( m_sjScreen == NULL ) m_sjScreen = new SjSjScreen(wxT("SILVERJUKE KARAOKE"), g_mainFrame->IsKioskStarted()? wxT("") : wxT(""), 8000); } else { if( m_sjScreen ) { delete m_sjScreen; m_sjScreen = NULL; } } m_pleaseUpdateAll = true; m_karaokeEnded = karaokeEnded; } // set the DC to use wxClientDC clientDcDontUse(this); wxDC* dc; if( m_pleaseUpdateAll ) { dc = &m_offscreenDc; } else { dc = &clientDcDontUse; } /********************************************************************** * DRAW! **********************************************************************/ // redraw background? if( m_pleaseUpdateAll ) { m_karaokeModule->m_bg->DrawBackground(*dc); } // redraw karaoke? if( karaokeEnded ) { if( m_sjScreen && !m_sjScreen->Render(*dc, *(m_karaokeModule->m_bg), m_pleaseUpdateAll) && !m_karaokeMaster.HasKaraoke() ) { delete m_sjScreen; m_sjScreen = NULL; if( !g_mainFrame->IsKioskStarted() /*no error messages in kiosk mode!*/ && !g_mainFrame->IsStopped() ) { m_sjScreen = new SjSjScreen(_("No lyrics found."), wxT(""), 0); } } } else { m_karaokeMaster.Render(*dc, *(m_karaokeModule->m_bg), m_pleaseUpdateAll); } /********************************************************************** * DRAWING DONE **********************************************************************/ // BLIT if we are drawing offscreen if( m_pleaseUpdateAll ) { clientDcDontUse.Blit(0, 0, m_clientSize.x, m_clientSize.y, &m_offscreenDc, 0, 0); } // really done! m_pleaseUpdateAll = false; m_inPaint = false; }