// Same as above, only this time for the files.
// Alembic uses LittleEndian by default.
hid_t GetFileH5T( const AbcA::DataType &adt, bool &oCleanUp )
    oCleanUp = false;
    hid_t baseDtype = -1;
    switch ( adt.getPod() )
    case kBooleanPOD:
        oCleanUp = true;
        baseDtype = GetFileBoolH5T(); break;
    case kUint8POD:     baseDtype = H5T_STD_U8LE; break;
    case kInt8POD:      baseDtype = H5T_STD_I8LE; break;
    case kUint16POD:    baseDtype = H5T_STD_U16LE; break;
    case kInt16POD:     baseDtype = H5T_STD_I16LE; break;
    case kUint32POD:    baseDtype = H5T_STD_U32LE; break;
    case kInt32POD:     baseDtype = H5T_STD_I32LE; break;
    case kUint64POD:    baseDtype = H5T_STD_U64LE; break;
    case kInt64POD:     baseDtype = H5T_STD_I64LE; break;
    case kFloat16POD:
        oCleanUp = true;
        baseDtype = GetFileHalfH5T(); break;
    case kFloat32POD:   baseDtype = H5T_IEEE_F32LE; break;
    case kFloat64POD:   baseDtype = H5T_IEEE_F64LE; break;
        ABCA_THROW( "Unsuppored POD type: " << PODName( adt.getPod() ) );

    ABCA_ASSERT( baseDtype >= 0, "Bad base datatype id" );

    return baseDtype;
// In order to read or write a slab of a given DataType, we need an H5::Datatype
// for the dataset in the file, and a 'native' one for how it will be
// stored in local memory. We are not bothering with named datatypes for now.
// Though, it may prove timesaving later on.
// So - we need some sort of structure which allows you to take an
// AlembicAsset::DataType and come up with an H5::Datatype for it.
hid_t GetNativeH5T( const AbcA::DataType &adt, bool &oCleanUp )
    oCleanUp = false;

    hid_t baseDtype = -1;
    switch ( adt.getPod() )
    case kBooleanPOD:
        oCleanUp = true;
        baseDtype = GetNativeBoolH5T();
    case kUint8POD:     baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_UINT8; break;
    case kInt8POD:      baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_INT8; break;
    case kUint16POD:    baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_UINT16; break;
    case kInt16POD:     baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_INT16; break;
    case kUint32POD:    baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_UINT32; break;
    case kInt32POD:     baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_INT32; break;
    case kUint64POD:    baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_UINT64; break;
    case kInt64POD:     baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_INT64; break;
    case kFloat16POD:
        oCleanUp = true;
        baseDtype = GetNativeHalfH5T();
    case kFloat32POD:   baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT; break;
    case kFloat64POD:   baseDtype = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; break;
        ABCA_THROW( "Unsuppored POD type: " << PODName( adt.getPod() ) );

    ABCA_ASSERT( baseDtype >= 0, "Bad base datatype id" );

    return baseDtype;
Esempio n. 3
CpwData::createArrayProperty( AbcA::CompoundPropertyWriterPtr iParent,
                              const std::string & iName,
                              const AbcA::MetaData & iMetaData,
                              const AbcA::DataType & iDataType,
                              Util::uint32_t iTimeSamplingIndex )
    if ( m_madeProperties.count( iName ) )
        ABCA_THROW( "Already have a property named: " << iName );

    ABCA_ASSERT( iDataType.getExtent() != 0 &&
                 iDataType.getPod() != Alembic::Util::kNumPlainOldDataTypes &&
                 iDataType.getPod() != Alembic::Util::kUnknownPOD,
                 "createArrayProperty, illegal DataType provided.");

    // will assert if TimeSamplingPtr not found
    AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr ts =
            iTimeSamplingIndex );

    PropertyHeaderPtr headerPtr( new PropertyHeaderAndFriends( iName,
        AbcA::kArrayProperty, iMetaData, iDataType, ts, iTimeSamplingIndex ) );

        ret( new ApwImpl( iParent, m_group->addGroup(), headerPtr,
                          m_propertyHeaders.size() ) );

    m_propertyHeaders.push_back( headerPtr );
    m_madeProperties[iName] = WeakBpwPtr( ret );


    return ret;
Esempio n. 4
static AbcA::ArraySamplePtr
ReadStringArrayT( AbcA::ReadArraySampleCachePtr iCache,
                  hid_t iParent,
                  const std::string &iName,
                  const AbcA::DataType &iDataType )
    assert( iDataType.getExtent() > 0 );

    // Open the data set.
    hid_t dsetId = H5Dopen( iParent, iName.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dsetId >= 0, "Cannot open dataset: " << iName );
    DsetCloser dsetCloser( dsetId );

    // Read the digest, if there's a cache.
    AbcA::ArraySample::Key key;
    bool foundDigest = ReadKey( dsetId, "key", key );

    // If we found a digest and there's a cache, see
    // if we're in there, and return it if so.
    if ( foundDigest && iCache )
        AbcA::ReadArraySampleID found = iCache->find( key );
        if ( found )
            AbcA::ArraySamplePtr ret = found.getSample();
            assert( ret );
            if ( ret->getDataType() != iDataType )
                ABCA_THROW( "ERROR: Read data type for dset: " << iName
                            << ": " << ret->getDataType()
                            << " does not match expected data type: "
                            << iDataType );

            // Got it!
            return ret;

    // Okay, we haven't found it in a cache.

    // Read the data type.
    // Checking code.
        hid_t dsetFtype = H5Dget_type( dsetId );
        DtypeCloser dtypeCloser( dsetFtype );

        hid_t nativeDtype = GetNativeDtype<CharT>();
        ABCA_ASSERT( H5Tget_class( dsetFtype ) ==
                     H5Tget_class( nativeDtype ) &&

                     H5Tget_sign( dsetFtype ) ==
                     H5Tget_sign( nativeDtype )

                     // CJH They can now be different
                     // sizes, because wchar_t is sometimes 16-bit,
                     // but we always store 32 bit.
                     // && H5Tget_size( dsetFtype ) ==
                     //H5Tget_size( nativeDtype ),

                     , "Invalid datatype for stringT" );

    // String array datatypes require a "dimensions" to be stored
    // externally, since the strings themselves are stored in a compacted
    // array of rank 1.
    // This is an attribute called "dims" that lives in the dset itself.
    Dimensions realDims;
    ReadDimensions( dsetId, "dims", realDims );
    ABCA_ASSERT( realDims.rank() > 0,
                 "Degenerate rank in Dataset read" );

    // Read the data space.
    hid_t dspaceId = H5Dget_space( dsetId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dspaceId >= 0, "Could not get dataspace for dataSet: "
                 << iName );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    AbcA::ArraySamplePtr ret;

    H5S_class_t dspaceClass = H5Sget_simple_extent_type( dspaceId );

    if ( dspaceClass == H5S_SIMPLE )
        ABCA_ASSERT( realDims.numPoints() > 0,
                     "Degenerate dims in Dataset read" );
        size_t totalNumStrings = realDims.numPoints() * iDataType.getExtent();

        // Get the dimensions
        Dimensions dims;
        int rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( dspaceId );
        ABCA_ASSERT( rank == realDims.rank(),
                     "H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims() failed." );

        HDimensions hdims;
        hdims.setRank( rank );
        rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( dspaceId, hdims.rootPtr(), NULL );
        ABCA_ASSERT( rank == hdims.rank(),
                     "H5Sget_simple_extent_dims() "
                     "found inconsistent ranks."
                     << std::endl
                     << "Expecting rank: " << hdims.rank()
                     << " instead was: " << rank );
        dims = hdims;
        ABCA_ASSERT( dims.numPoints() > 0,
                     "Degenerate dims in Dataset read" );

        // Create temporary char storage buffer.
        size_t totalNumChars = dims.numPoints() + 1;
        std::vector<CharT> charStorage( totalNumChars, ( CharT )0 );
        // Read into it.
        herr_t status = H5Dread( dsetId, GetNativeDtype<CharT>(),
                                 H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
                                 ( void * )&charStorage.front() );
        ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0,
                     "Could not read string array from data set. Weird." );

        // Make an appropriately dimensionalized (and manageable)
        // array of strings using the ArraySamples.
        ret = AbcA::AllocateArraySample( iDataType,
                                         realDims );
        StringT *strings = reinterpret_cast<StringT*>(
            const_cast<void*>( ret->getData() ) );
        assert( strings != NULL );

        // This part is hard. We have to go through the one dimensional
        // array extracting each string.
        ExtractStrings<StringT,CharT>( strings,
                                       ( const CharT * )&charStorage.front(),
                                       totalNumStrings );
    else if ( dspaceClass == H5S_NULL )
        // Num points should be zero here.
        ABCA_ASSERT( realDims.numPoints() == 0,
                     "Expecting zero points in dimensions" );

        ret = AbcA::AllocateArraySample( iDataType, realDims );
        ABCA_THROW( "Unexpected scalar dataspace encountered." );

    // Store if there is a cache.
    if ( foundDigest && iCache )
        AbcA::ReadArraySampleID stored = iCache->store( key, ret );
        if ( stored )
            return stored.getSample();

    // Otherwise, just leave! ArraySamplePtr returned by AllocateArraySample
    // already has fancy-dan deleter built in.
    return ret;
Esempio n. 5
void WritePropertyInfo( hid_t iGroup,
                    const std::string &iName,
                    AbcA::PropertyType iPropertyType,
                    const AbcA::DataType &iDataType,
                    bool isScalarLike,
                    uint32_t iTimeSamplingIndex,
                    uint32_t iNumSamples,
                    uint32_t iFirstChangedIndex,
                    uint32_t iLastChangedIndex )

    uint32_t info[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    uint32_t numFields = 1;

    static const uint32_t ptypeMask = ( uint32_t )BOOST_BINARY (
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 );

    static const uint32_t podMask = ( uint32_t )BOOST_BINARY (
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1100 );

    static const uint32_t hasTsidxMask = ( uint32_t )BOOST_BINARY (
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 );

    static const uint32_t noRepeatsMask = ( uint32_t )BOOST_BINARY (
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 );

    static const uint32_t extentMask = ( uint32_t )BOOST_BINARY(
        0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000 );

    // for compounds we just write out 0
    if ( iPropertyType != AbcA::kCompoundProperty )
        // Slam the property type in there.
        info[0] |= ptypeMask & ( uint32_t )iPropertyType;

        // arrays may be scalar like, scalars are already scalar like
        info[0] |= ( uint32_t ) isScalarLike;

        uint32_t pod = ( uint32_t )iDataType.getPod();
        info[0] |= podMask & ( pod << 2 );

        if (iTimeSamplingIndex != 0)
            info[0] |= hasTsidxMask;

        if (iFirstChangedIndex == 1 && iLastChangedIndex == iNumSamples - 1)
            info[0] |= noRepeatsMask;

        uint32_t extent = ( uint32_t )iDataType.getExtent();
        info[0] |= extentMask & ( extent << 8 );

        ABCA_ASSERT( iFirstChangedIndex <= iNumSamples &&
            iLastChangedIndex <= iNumSamples &&
            iFirstChangedIndex <= iLastChangedIndex,
            "Illegal Sampling!" << std::endl <<
            "Num Samples: " << iNumSamples << std::endl <<
            "First Changed Index: " << iFirstChangedIndex << std::endl <<
            "Last Changed Index: " << iLastChangedIndex << std::endl );

        // Write the num samples. Only bother writing if
        // the num samples is greater than 1.  Existence of name.smp0
        // is used by the reader to determine if 0 or 1 sample.
        if ( iNumSamples > 1 )
            info[1] = iNumSamples;
            numFields ++;
            if ( iFirstChangedIndex > 1 || ( iLastChangedIndex != 0 &&
                iLastChangedIndex != iNumSamples - 1 ) )
                info[2] = iFirstChangedIndex;
                info[3] = iLastChangedIndex;
                numFields += 2;

        // finally set time sampling index on the end if necessary
        if (iTimeSamplingIndex != 0)
            info[numFields] = iTimeSamplingIndex;
            numFields ++;


    WriteSmallArray( iGroup, iName + ".info",
        H5T_STD_U32LE, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, numFields,
        ( const void * ) info );
Esempio n. 6
ReadArray( void * iIntoLocation,
           hid_t iParent,
           const std::string &iName,
           const AbcA::DataType &iDataType,
           hid_t iType )
    // Dispatch string stuff.
    if ( iDataType.getPod() == kStringPOD )
        return ReadStringArray( iIntoLocation, iParent, iName, iDataType );
    else if ( iDataType.getPod() == kWstringPOD )
        return ReadWstringArray( iIntoLocation, iParent, iName, iDataType );
    assert( iDataType.getPod() != kStringPOD &&
            iDataType.getPod() != kWstringPOD );

    // Open the data set.
    hid_t dsetId = H5Dopen( iParent, iName.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dsetId >= 0, "Cannot open dataset: " << iName );
    DsetCloser dsetCloser( dsetId );

    // Read the data space.
    hid_t dspaceId = H5Dget_space( dsetId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dspaceId >= 0, "Could not get dataspace for dataSet: "
                 << iName );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    // Read the data type.
    hid_t dtypeId = H5Dget_type( dsetId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dtypeId >= 0, "Could not get datatype for dataSet: "
                 << iName );
    DtypeCloser dtypeCloser( dtypeId );

    H5S_class_t dspaceClass = H5Sget_simple_extent_type( dspaceId );
    if ( dspaceClass == H5S_SIMPLE )
        // Get the dimensions
        int rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( dspaceId );
        ABCA_ASSERT( rank == 1,
                     "H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims() must be 1." );

        hsize_t hdim = 0;

        rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( dspaceId, &hdim, NULL );

        ABCA_ASSERT( hdim > 0,
                     "Degenerate dims in Dataset read" );

        // And... read into it.
        herr_t status = H5Dread( dsetId, iType,
                                 H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
                                 iIntoLocation );

        ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0, "H5Dread() failed." );
    else if ( dspaceClass != H5S_NULL )
        ABCA_THROW( "Unexpected scalar dataspace encountered." );
Esempio n. 7
ReadArray( AbcA::ReadArraySampleCachePtr iCache,
           hid_t iParent,
           const std::string &iName,
           const AbcA::DataType &iDataType,
           hid_t iFileType,
           hid_t iNativeType )
    // Dispatch string stuff.
    if ( iDataType.getPod() == kStringPOD )
        return ReadStringArray( iCache, iParent, iName, iDataType );
    else if ( iDataType.getPod() == kWstringPOD )
        return ReadWstringArray( iCache, iParent, iName, iDataType );
    assert( iDataType.getPod() != kStringPOD &&
            iDataType.getPod() != kWstringPOD );

    // Open the data set.
    hid_t dsetId = H5Dopen( iParent, iName.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dsetId >= 0, "Cannot open dataset: " << iName );
    DsetCloser dsetCloser( dsetId );

    // Read the data space.
    hid_t dspaceId = H5Dget_space( dsetId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dspaceId >= 0, "Could not get dataspace for dataSet: "
                 << iName );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    AbcA::ArraySample::Key key;
    bool foundDigest = false;

    // if we are caching, get the key and see if it is being used
    if ( iCache )
        key.origPOD = iDataType.getPod();
        key.readPOD = key.origPOD;

        key.numBytes = Util::PODNumBytes( key.readPOD ) *
            H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( dspaceId );

        foundDigest = ReadKey( dsetId, "key", key );

        AbcA::ReadArraySampleID found = iCache->find( key );

        if ( found )
            AbcA::ArraySamplePtr ret = found.getSample();
            assert( ret );
            if ( ret->getDataType().getPod() != iDataType.getPod() )
                ABCA_THROW( "ERROR: Read data type for dset: " << iName
                            << ": " << ret->getDataType()
                            << " does not match expected data type: "
                            << iDataType );

            // Got it!
            return ret;

    // Okay, we haven't found it in a cache.

    // Read the data type.
    hid_t dtypeId = H5Dget_type( dsetId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dtypeId >= 0, "Could not get datatype for dataSet: "
                 << iName );
    DtypeCloser dtypeCloser( dtypeId );

    ABCA_ASSERT( EquivalentDatatypes( iFileType, dtypeId ),
                 "File DataType clash for array dataset: "
                 << iName );

    AbcA::ArraySamplePtr ret;

    H5S_class_t dspaceClass = H5Sget_simple_extent_type( dspaceId );
    if ( dspaceClass == H5S_SIMPLE )
        // Get the dimensions
        int rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( dspaceId );
        ABCA_ASSERT( rank == 1,
                     "H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims() must be 1." );

        hsize_t hdim = 0;

        rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( dspaceId, &hdim, NULL );

        Dimensions dims;
        std::string dimName = iName + ".dims";
        if ( H5Aexists( iParent, dimName.c_str() ) )
            ReadDimensions( iParent, dimName, dims );
            dims[0] = hdim / iDataType.getExtent();

        ABCA_ASSERT( dims.numPoints() > 0,
                     "Degenerate dims in Dataset read" );

        // Create a buffer into which we shall read.
        ret = AbcA::AllocateArraySample( iDataType, dims );
        assert( ret->getData() );

        // And... read into it.
        herr_t status = H5Dread( dsetId, iNativeType,
                                 H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
                                 const_cast<void*>( ret->getData() ) );

        ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0, "H5Dread() failed." );
    else if ( dspaceClass == H5S_NULL )
        Dimensions dims;
        std::string dimName = iName + ".dims";
        if ( H5Aexists( iParent, dimName.c_str() ) )
            ReadDimensions( iParent, dimName, dims );
            ABCA_ASSERT( dims.rank() > 0,
                         "Degenerate rank in Dataset read" );
            // Num points should be zero here.
            ABCA_ASSERT( dims.numPoints() == 0,
                         "Expecting zero points in dimensions" );
            dims[0] = 0;

        ret = AbcA::AllocateArraySample( iDataType, dims );
        ABCA_THROW( "Unexpected scalar dataspace encountered." );

    // Store if there is a cache.
    if ( foundDigest && iCache )
        AbcA::ReadArraySampleID stored = iCache->store( key, ret );
        if ( stored )
            return stored.getSample();

    // Otherwise, just leave! ArraySamplePtr returned by AllocateArraySample
    // already has fancy-dan deleter built in.
    return ret;