Esempio n. 1

    algebra::Vector3Ds anchor_positions)
    :Object("ProbabilisticAnchorGraph%1%") {
    GVertex u;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<anchor_positions.size(); i++) {
        u = boost::add_vertex(g_);
Esempio n. 2
get_diffusion_coefficient(const algebra::Vector3Ds &displacements,
                          double dt) {
  algebra::Vector3D Ds;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i< 3; ++i) {
    Ds[i]= get_diffusion_coefficient(displacements.begin(),
                                     displacements.end(), i,  dt);
  IMP_LOG_TERSE( "Diffusion coefficients are " << Ds << std::endl);
  int len=displacements.size()/2;
  algebra::Vector3D Ds0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i< 3; ++i) {
    Ds0[i]= get_diffusion_coefficient(displacements.begin(),
                                      displacements.begin()+len, i, dt);
  algebra::Vector3D Ds1;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i< 3; ++i) {
    Ds1[i]= get_diffusion_coefficient(displacements.begin()+len,
                                      displacements.end(), i, dt);
  IMP_LOG_TERSE( "Partial coefficients are " << Ds0 << " and "
          << Ds1 << std::endl);
  return std::accumulate(Ds1.coordinates_begin(),
                         Ds1.coordinates_end(), 0.0)/3.0;
Esempio n. 3
algebra::Vector3Ds get_normals(const Ints &faces,
                               const algebra::Vector3Ds &vertices) {
  IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(faces.size() % 3 == 0, "Not triangles");
  IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(faces.size() > 0, "No faces");
  Ints count(vertices.size());
  algebra::Vector3Ds sum(vertices.size(), algebra::get_zero_vector_d<3>());
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < faces.size() / 3; ++i) {
    algebra::Vector3D n =
        get_normal(faces.begin() + 3 * i, faces.begin() + 3 * i + 3, vertices);
    IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(!IMP::isnan(n[0]), "Nan found");
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
      int v = faces[3 * i + j];
      sum[v] += n;
      count[v] += 1;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count.size(); ++i) {
    sum[i] /= count[i];
                       "Nan found at end:" << count[i] << " on " << i);
  return sum;
Esempio n. 4
algebra::Vector2Ds do_project_vectors(const algebra::Vector3Ds &ps,
                                      const algebra::Rotation3D &R,
                                      const algebra::Vector3D &translation,
                                      const algebra::Vector3D &center) {
  // Project
  unsigned long n_particles = ps.size();
  algebra::Vector3D p;
  algebra::Vector2Ds vs(n_particles);
  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n_particles; i++) {
    // Coordinates respect to the center
    p[0] = ps[i][0] - center[0];
    p[1] = ps[i][1] - center[1];
    p[2] = ps[i][2] - center[2];
    // Point after transformation to project in Z axis
    // Not necessary to compute pz, is going to be ignored
    double px = R.get_rotated_one_coordinate(p, 0) + translation[0];
    double py = R.get_rotated_one_coordinate(p, 1) + translation[1];
    // Project is simply ignore Z-coordinate
    vs[i] = algebra::Vector2D(px, py);
  return vs;
Esempio n. 5
algebra::Vector3Ds CoarseCC::calc_derivatives(const DensityMap *em_map,
                                              const DensityMap *model_map,
                                              const Particles &model_ps,
                                              const FloatKey &w_key,
                                              KernelParameters *kernel_params,
                                              const float &scalefac,
                                              const algebra::Vector3Ds &dv) {
  algebra::Vector3Ds dv_out;
  dv_out.insert(dv_out.end(), dv.size(), algebra::Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
  double tdvx = 0., tdvy = 0., tdvz = 0., tmp, rsq;
  int iminx, iminy, iminz, imaxx, imaxy, imaxz;

  const DensityHeader *model_header = model_map->get_header();
  const DensityHeader *em_header = em_map->get_header();
  const float *x_loc = em_map->get_x_loc();
  const float *y_loc = em_map->get_y_loc();
  const float *z_loc = em_map->get_z_loc();
  IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(model_ps.size() == dv.size(),
                     "input derivatives array size does not match "
                         << "the number of particles in the model map\n");
  core::XYZRs model_xyzr = core::XYZRs(model_ps);
  // this would go away once we have XYZRW decorator
  const emreal *em_data = em_map->get_data();
  float lim = kernel_params->get_lim();
  long ivox;
  // validate that the model and em maps are not empty
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(em_header->rms >= EPS,
                  "EM map is empty ! em_header->rms = " << em_header->rms);
  // it may be that CG takes a too large step, which causes the particles
  // to go outside of the density
  // if (model_header->rms <= EPS){
  // IMP_WARN("Model map is empty ! model_header->rms = " << model_header->rms
  //           <<" derivatives are not calculated. the model centroid is : " <<
  //           core::get_centroid(core::XYZs(model_ps))<<
  //           " the map centroid is " << em_map->get_centroid()<<
  //                 "number of particles in model:"<<model_ps.size()
  // return;
  // }
  // Compute the derivatives
  int nx = em_header->get_nx();
  int ny = em_header->get_ny();
  // int nz=em_header->get_nz();
                     "RMS should be calculated for calculating derivatives \n");
  long nvox = em_header->get_number_of_voxels();
  double lower_comp = 1. * nvox * em_header->rms * model_header->rms;

  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < model_ps.size(); ii++) {
    float x, y, z;
    x = model_xyzr[ii].get_x();
    y = model_xyzr[ii].get_y();
    z = model_xyzr[ii].get_z();
      algebra::Vector3D vv(x, y, z);
          "start value:: (" << x << "," << y << "," << z << " ) "
                            << em_map->get_value(x, y, z) << " : "
                            << em_map->get_dim_index_by_location(vv, 0) << ","
                            << em_map->get_dim_index_by_location(vv, 1) << ","
                            << em_map->get_dim_index_by_location(vv, 2)
                            << std::endl);
    const RadiusDependentKernelParameters &params =
    calc_local_bounding_box(  // em_map,
        model_map, x, y, z, params.get_kdist(), iminx, iminy, iminz, imaxx,
        imaxy, imaxz);
    IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("local bb: [" << iminx << "," << iminy << "," << iminz
                                  << "] [" << imaxx << "," << imaxy << ","
                                  << imaxz << "] \n");
    tdvx = .0;
    tdvy = .0;
    tdvz = .0;
    for (int ivoxz = iminz; ivoxz <= imaxz; ivoxz++) {
      for (int ivoxy = iminy; ivoxy <= imaxy; ivoxy++) {
        ivox = ivoxz * nx * ny + ivoxy * nx + iminx;
        for (int ivoxx = iminx; ivoxx <= imaxx; ivoxx++) {
          /*          if (em_data[ivox]<EPS) {
          float dx = x_loc[ivox] - x;
          float dy = y_loc[ivox] - y;
          float dz = z_loc[ivox] - z;
          rsq = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
          rsq = EXP(-rsq * params.get_inv_sigsq());
          tmp = (x - x_loc[ivox]) * rsq;
          if (std::abs(tmp) > lim) {
            tdvx += tmp * em_data[ivox];
          tmp = (y - y_loc[ivox]) * rsq;
          if (std::abs(tmp) > lim) {
            tdvy += tmp * em_data[ivox];
          tmp = (z - z_loc[ivox]) * rsq;
          if (std::abs(tmp) > lim) {
            tdvz += tmp * em_data[ivox];
    tmp = model_ps[ii]->get_value(w_key) * 2. * params.get_inv_sigsq() *
          scalefac * params.get_normfac() / lower_comp;
    IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("for particle:" << ii << " (" << tdvx << "," << tdvy << ","
                                    << tdvz << ")" << std::endl);
    dv_out[ii][0] = tdvx * tmp;
    dv_out[ii][1] = tdvy * tmp;
    dv_out[ii][2] = tdvz * tmp;

  }  // particles
  return dv_out;