/* Propagate the attribute to its member functions. * NOTE: we pass this->getAttribute(name) by reference, thus the same * object is shared by the composite function and its members. */ void DiffRotDiscreteCircle::trickleDownAttribute(const std::string &name) { for (size_t iFun = 0; iFun < nFunctions(); iFun++) { API::IFunction_sptr fun = getFunction(iFun); if (fun->hasAttribute(name)) fun->setAttribute(name, this->getAttribute(name)); } }
/** Calls Gaussian1D as a child algorithm to fit the offset peak in a spectrum * * @param s :: The Workspace Index to fit * @param isAbsolbute :: Whether to calculate an absolute offset * @return The calculated offset value */ double GetDetectorOffsets::fitSpectra(const int64_t s, bool isAbsolbute) { // Find point of peak centre const auto &yValues = inputW->y(s); auto it = std::max_element(yValues.cbegin(), yValues.cend()); const double peakHeight = *it; const double peakLoc = inputW->x(s)[it - yValues.begin()]; // Return if peak of Cross Correlation is nan (Happens when spectra is zero) // Pixel with large offset will be masked if (std::isnan(peakHeight)) return (1000.); IAlgorithm_sptr fit_alg; try { // set the ChildAlgorithm no to log as this will be run once per spectra fit_alg = createChildAlgorithm("Fit", -1, -1, false); } catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) { g_log.error("Can't locate Fit algorithm"); throw; } auto fun = createFunction(peakHeight, peakLoc); fit_alg->setProperty("Function", fun); fit_alg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", inputW); fit_alg->setProperty<int>( "WorkspaceIndex", static_cast<int>(s)); // TODO what is the right thing to do here? fit_alg->setProperty("StartX", m_Xmin); fit_alg->setProperty("EndX", m_Xmax); fit_alg->setProperty("MaxIterations", 100); IFunction_sptr fun_ptr = createFunction(peakHeight, peakLoc); fit_alg->setProperty("Function", fun_ptr); fit_alg->executeAsChildAlg(); std::string fitStatus = fit_alg->getProperty("OutputStatus"); // Pixel with large offset will be masked if (fitStatus != "success") return (1000.); // std::vector<double> params = fit_alg->getProperty("Parameters"); API::IFunction_sptr function = fit_alg->getProperty("Function"); double offset = function->getParameter(3); // params[3]; // f1.PeakCentre offset = -1. * offset * m_step / (m_dreference + offset * m_step); // factor := factor * (1+offset) for d-spacemap conversion so factor cannot be // negative if (isAbsolbute) { // translated from(DIdeal - FittedPeakCentre)/(FittedPeakCentre) // given by Matt Tucker in ticket #10642 offset += (m_dideal - m_dreference) / m_dreference; } return offset; }
/** Find out whether a function has a certain parameter */ bool GeneratePeaks::hasParameter(API::IFunction_sptr function, std::string paramname) { std::vector<std::string> parnames = function->getParameterNames(); std::vector<std::string>::iterator piter; piter = std::find(parnames.begin(), parnames.end(), paramname); return piter != parnames.end(); }
/// Constructor FunctionGenerator::FunctionGenerator(API::IFunction_sptr source) : m_source(source), m_nOwnParams(source->nParams()), m_dirty(true) { if (!m_source) { throw std::logic_error( "FunctionGenerator initialised with null source function."); } declareAttribute("NumDeriv", Attribute(false)); }
/** * Initialize the function with the workspace. Default is to call * IFunction::setWorkspace(). */ void IDomainCreator::initFunction(API::IFunction_sptr function) { if (!function) { throw std::runtime_error( "IDomainCreator: cannot initialize empty function."); } if (!m_manager) { throw std::runtime_error("IDomainCreator: property manager isn't defined."); } API::Workspace_sptr workspace = m_manager->getProperty("InputWorkspace"); if (!workspace) { throw std::runtime_error( "IDomainCreator: cannot initialize function: workspace undefined."); } function->setWorkspace(workspace); }
/** Fit background function */ void ProcessBackground::fitBackgroundFunction(std::string bkgdfunctiontype) { // Get background type and create bakground function BackgroundFunction_sptr bkgdfunction = createBackgroundFunction(bkgdfunctiontype); int bkgdorder = getProperty("OutputBackgroundOrder"); bkgdfunction->setAttributeValue("n", bkgdorder); if (bkgdfunctiontype == "Chebyshev") { double xmin = m_outputWS->readX(0).front(); double xmax = m_outputWS->readX(0).back(); g_log.information() << "Chebyshev Fit range: " << xmin << ", " << xmax << "\n"; bkgdfunction->setAttributeValue("StartX", xmin); bkgdfunction->setAttributeValue("EndX", xmax); } g_log.information() << "Fit selected background " << bkgdfunctiontype << " to data workspace with " << m_outputWS->getNumberHistograms() << " spectra." << "\n"; // Fit input (a few) background pionts to get initial guess API::IAlgorithm_sptr fit; try { fit = this->createChildAlgorithm("Fit", 0.9, 1.0, true); } catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) { g_log.error() << "Requires CurveFitting library." << std::endl; throw; } g_log.information() << "Fitting background function: " << bkgdfunction->asString() << "\n"; double startx = m_lowerBound; double endx = m_upperBound; fit->setProperty("Function", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<API::IFunction>(bkgdfunction)); fit->setProperty("InputWorkspace", m_outputWS); fit->setProperty("WorkspaceIndex", 0); fit->setProperty("MaxIterations", 500); fit->setProperty("StartX", startx); fit->setProperty("EndX", endx); fit->setProperty("Minimizer", "Levenberg-MarquardtMD"); fit->setProperty("CostFunction", "Least squares"); fit->executeAsChildAlg(); // Get fit status and chi^2 std::string fitStatus = fit->getProperty("OutputStatus"); bool allowedfailure = (fitStatus.find("cannot") < fitStatus.size()) && (fitStatus.find("tolerance") < fitStatus.size()); if (fitStatus.compare("success") != 0 && !allowedfailure) { g_log.error() << "ProcessBackground: Fit Status = " << fitStatus << ". Not to update fit result" << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error("Bad Fit"); } const double chi2 = fit->getProperty("OutputChi2overDoF"); g_log.information() << "Fit background: Fit Status = " << fitStatus << ", chi2 = " << chi2 << "\n"; // Get out the parameter names API::IFunction_sptr funcout = fit->getProperty("Function"); TableWorkspace_sptr outbkgdparws = boost::make_shared<TableWorkspace>(); outbkgdparws->addColumn("str", "Name"); outbkgdparws->addColumn("double", "Value"); TableRow typerow = outbkgdparws->appendRow(); typerow << bkgdfunctiontype << 0.; vector<string> parnames = funcout->getParameterNames(); size_t nparam = funcout->nParams(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nparam; ++i) { TableRow newrow = outbkgdparws->appendRow(); newrow << parnames[i] << funcout->getParameter(i); } TableRow chi2row = outbkgdparws->appendRow(); chi2row << "Chi-square" << chi2; g_log.information() << "Set table workspace (#row = " << outbkgdparws->rowCount() << ") to OutputBackgroundParameterTable. " << "\n"; setProperty("OutputBackgroundParameterWorkspace", outbkgdparws); // Set output workspace const MantidVec &vecX = m_outputWS->readX(0); const MantidVec &vecY = m_outputWS->readY(0); FunctionDomain1DVector domain(vecX); FunctionValues values(domain); funcout->function(domain, values); MantidVec &dataModel = m_outputWS->dataY(1); MantidVec &dataDiff = m_outputWS->dataY(2); for (size_t i = 0; i < dataModel.size(); ++i) { dataModel[i] = values[i]; dataDiff[i] = vecY[i] - dataModel[i]; } return; }
/** Import peak and background functions from table workspace * @param functionmap :: (output) map contains vector of functions for each spectrum */ void GeneratePeaks::importPeaksFromTable(std::map<specid_t, std::vector<std::pair<double, API::IFunction_sptr> > >& functionmap) { size_t numpeaks = m_funcParamWS->rowCount(); size_t icolchi2 = m_funcParamWS->columnCount() - 1; size_t numpeakparams = m_peakFunction->nParams(); size_t numbkgdparams = 0; if (m_bkgdFunction) numbkgdparams = m_bkgdFunction->nParams(); else g_log.warning("There is no background function specified. "); // Create data structure for all peaks functions std::map<specid_t, std::vector<std::pair<double, API::IFunction_sptr> > >::iterator mapiter; // Go through the table workspace to create peak/background functions for (size_t ipeak = 0; ipeak < numpeaks; ++ipeak) { // Spectrum int wsindex = m_funcParamWS->cell<int>(ipeak, 0); // Ignore peak with large chi^2/Rwp double chi2 = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, icolchi2); if (chi2 > m_maxChi2) { g_log.notice() << "Skip Peak " << ipeak << " (chi^2 " << chi2 << " > " << m_maxChi2 << ".) " << "\n"; continue; } else if (chi2 < 0.) { g_log.notice() << "Skip Peak " << ipeak << " (chi^2 " << chi2 << " < 0 )" << "\n"; continue; } else { g_log.debug() << "[DB] Chi-square = " << chi2 << "\n"; } // Set up function if (m_useRawParameter) { for (size_t p = 0; p < numpeakparams; ++p) { std::string parname = m_funcParameterNames[p]; double parvalue = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, p+1); m_peakFunction->setParameter(parname, parvalue); } if (m_genBackground) { for (size_t p = 0; p < numbkgdparams; ++p) { std::string parname = m_funcParameterNames[p+numpeakparams]; double parvalue = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, p+1+numpeakparams); m_bkgdFunction->setParameter(parname, parvalue); } } } else { double tmpheight = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, i_height); double tmpwidth = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, i_width); double tmpcentre = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, i_centre); m_peakFunction->setHeight(tmpheight); m_peakFunction->setCentre(tmpcentre); m_peakFunction->setFwhm(tmpwidth); if (m_genBackground) { double tmpa0 = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, i_a0); double tmpa1 = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, i_a1); double tmpa2 = m_funcParamWS->cell<double>(ipeak, i_a2); m_bkgdFunction->setParameter("A0", tmpa0); m_bkgdFunction->setParameter("A1", tmpa1); m_bkgdFunction->setParameter("A2", tmpa2); } } double centre = m_peakFunction->centre(); // Generate function to plot API::CompositeFunction_sptr plotfunc = boost::make_shared<CompositeFunction>(); plotfunc->addFunction(m_peakFunction); if (m_genBackground) plotfunc->addFunction(m_bkgdFunction); // Clone to another function API::IFunction_sptr clonefunction = plotfunc->clone(); // Existed? mapiter = functionmap.find(wsindex); if (mapiter == functionmap.end()) { std::vector<std::pair<double, API::IFunction_sptr> > tempvector; std::pair<std::map<specid_t, std::vector<std::pair<double, API::IFunction_sptr> > >::iterator, bool> ret; ret = functionmap.insert(std::make_pair(wsindex, tempvector)); mapiter = ret.first; } // Generate peak function mapiter->second.push_back(std::make_pair(centre, clonefunction)); g_log.information() << "Peak " << ipeak << ": Spec = " << wsindex << " func: " << clonefunction->asString() << "\n"; } //ENDFOR (ipeak) // Sort by peak position for (mapiter = functionmap.begin(); mapiter != functionmap.end(); ++mapiter) { std::vector<std::pair<double, API::IFunction_sptr> >& vec_centrefunc = mapiter->second; std::sort(vec_centrefunc.begin(), vec_centrefunc.end()); } return; }
/** * Execute smoothing of a single spectrum. * @param inputWS :: A workspace to pick a spectrum from. * @param wsIndex :: An index of a spectrum to smooth. * @return :: A single-spectrum workspace with the smoothed data. */ API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr WienerSmooth::smoothSingleSpectrum(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS, size_t wsIndex) { size_t dataSize = inputWS->blocksize(); // it won't work for very small workspaces if (dataSize < 4) { g_log.debug() << "No smoothing, spectrum copied." << std::endl; return copyInput(inputWS, wsIndex); } // Due to the way RealFFT works the input should be even-sized const bool isOddSize = dataSize % 2 != 0; if (isOddSize) { // add a fake value to the end to make size even inputWS = copyInput(inputWS, wsIndex); wsIndex = 0; auto &X = inputWS->dataX(wsIndex); auto &Y = inputWS->dataY(wsIndex); auto &E = inputWS->dataE(wsIndex); double dx = X[dataSize - 1] - X[dataSize - 2]; X.push_back(X.back() + dx); Y.push_back(Y.back()); E.push_back(E.back()); } // the input vectors auto &X = inputWS->readX(wsIndex); auto &Y = inputWS->readY(wsIndex); auto &E = inputWS->readE(wsIndex); // Digital fourier transform works best for data oscillating around 0. // Fit a spline with a small number of break points to the data. // Make sure that the spline passes through the first and the last points // of the data. // The fitted spline will be subtracted from the data and the difference // will be smoothed with the Wiener filter. After that the spline will be // added to the smoothed data to produce the output. // number of spline break points, must be smaller than the data size but // between 2 and 10 size_t nbreak = 10; if (nbreak * 3 > dataSize) nbreak = dataSize / 3; // NB. The spline mustn't fit too well to the data. If it does smoothing // doesn't happen. // TODO: it's possible that the spline is unnecessary and a simple linear // function will // do a better job. g_log.debug() << "Spline break points " << nbreak << std::endl; // define the spline API::IFunction_sptr spline = API::FunctionFactory::Instance().createFunction("BSpline"); auto xInterval = getStartEnd(X, inputWS->isHistogramData()); spline->setAttributeValue("StartX", xInterval.first); spline->setAttributeValue("EndX", xInterval.second); spline->setAttributeValue("NBreak", static_cast<int>(nbreak)); // fix the first and last parameters to the first and last data values spline->setParameter(0, Y.front()); spline->fix(0); size_t lastParamIndex = spline->nParams() - 1; spline->setParameter(lastParamIndex, Y.back()); spline->fix(lastParamIndex); // fit the spline to the data auto fit = createChildAlgorithm("Fit"); fit->initialize(); fit->setProperty("Function", spline); fit->setProperty("InputWorkspace", inputWS); fit->setProperty("WorkspaceIndex", static_cast<int>(wsIndex)); fit->setProperty("CreateOutput", true); fit->execute(); // get the fit output workspace; spectrum 2 contains the difference that is to // be smoothed API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr fitOut = fit->getProperty("OutputWorkspace"); // Fourier transform the difference spectrum auto fourier = createChildAlgorithm("RealFFT"); fourier->initialize(); fourier->setProperty("InputWorkspace", fitOut); fourier->setProperty("WorkspaceIndex", 2); // we don't require bin linearity as we don't need the exact transform fourier->setProperty("IgnoreXBins", true); fourier->execute(); API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr fourierOut = fourier->getProperty("OutputWorkspace"); // spectrum 2 of the transformed workspace has the transform modulus which is // a square // root of the power spectrum auto &powerSpec = fourierOut->dataY(2); // convert the modulus to power spectrum wich is the base of the Wiener filter std::transform(powerSpec.begin(), powerSpec.end(), powerSpec.begin(), PowerSpectrum()); // estimate power spectrum's noise as the average of its high frequency half size_t n2 = powerSpec.size(); double noise = std::accumulate(powerSpec.begin() + n2 / 2, powerSpec.end(), 0.0); noise /= static_cast<double>(n2); // index of the maximum element in powerSpec const size_t imax = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance( powerSpec.begin(), std::max_element(powerSpec.begin(), powerSpec.end()))); if (noise == 0.0) { noise = powerSpec[imax] / guessSignalToNoiseRatio; } g_log.debug() << "Maximum signal " << powerSpec[imax] << std::endl; g_log.debug() << "Noise " << noise << std::endl; // storage for the Wiener filter, initialized with 0.0's std::vector<double> wf(n2); // The filter consists of two parts: // 1) low frequency region, from 0 until the power spectrum falls to the // noise level, filter is calculated // from the power spectrum // 2) high frequency noisy region, filter is a smooth function of frequency // decreasing to 0 // the following code is an adaptation of a fortran routine // noise starting index size_t i0 = 0; // intermediate variables double xx = 0.0; double xy = 0.0; double ym = 0.0; // low frequency filter values: the higher the power spectrum the closer the // filter to 1.0 for (size_t i = 0; i < n2; ++i) { double cd1 = powerSpec[i] / noise; if (cd1 < 1.0 && i > imax) { i0 = i; break; } double cd2 = log(cd1); wf[i] = cd1 / (1.0 + cd1); double j = static_cast<double>(i + 1); xx += j * j; xy += j * cd2; ym += cd2; } // i0 should always be > 0 but in case something goes wrong make a check if (i0 > 0) { g_log.debug() << "Noise start index " << i0 << std::endl; // high frequency filter values: smooth decreasing function double ri0f = static_cast<double>(i0 + 1); double xm = (1.0 + ri0f) / 2; ym /= ri0f; double a1 = (xy - ri0f * xm * ym) / (xx - ri0f * xm * xm); double b1 = ym - a1 * xm; g_log.debug() << "(a1,b1) = (" << a1 << ',' << b1 << ')' << std::endl; const double dblev = -20.0; // cut-off index double ri1 = floor((dblev / 4 - b1) / a1); if (ri1 < static_cast<double>(i0)) { g_log.warning() << "Failed to build Wiener filter: no smoothing." << std::endl; ri1 = static_cast<double>(i0); } size_t i1 = static_cast<size_t>(ri1); if (i1 > n2) i1 = n2; for (size_t i = i0; i < i1; ++i) { double s = exp(a1 * static_cast<double>(i + 1) + b1); wf[i] = s / (1.0 + s); } // wf[i] for i1 <= i < n2 are 0.0 g_log.debug() << "Cut-off index " << i1 << std::endl; } else { g_log.warning() << "Power spectrum has an unexpected shape: no smoothing" << std::endl; return copyInput(inputWS, wsIndex); } // multiply the fourier transform by the filter auto &re = fourierOut->dataY(0); auto &im = fourierOut->dataY(1); std::transform(re.begin(), re.end(), wf.begin(), re.begin(), std::multiplies<double>()); std::transform(im.begin(), im.end(), wf.begin(), im.begin(), std::multiplies<double>()); // inverse fourier transform fourier = createChildAlgorithm("RealFFT"); fourier->initialize(); fourier->setProperty("InputWorkspace", fourierOut); fourier->setProperty("IgnoreXBins", true); fourier->setPropertyValue("Transform", "Backward"); fourier->execute(); API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr out = fourier->getProperty("OutputWorkspace"); auto &background = fitOut->readY(1); auto &y = out->dataY(0); if (y.size() != background.size()) { throw std::logic_error("Logic error: inconsistent arrays"); } // add the spline "background" to the smoothed data std::transform(y.begin(), y.end(), background.begin(), y.begin(), std::plus<double>()); // copy the x-values and errors from the original spectrum // remove the last values for odd-sized inputs if (isOddSize) { out->dataX(0).assign(X.begin(), X.end() - 1); out->dataE(0).assign(E.begin(), E.end() - 1); out->dataY(0).resize(Y.size() - 1); } else { out->setX(0, X); out->dataE(0).assign(E.begin(), E.end()); } return out; }
/** * Update the cost function, derivatives and hessian by adding values calculated * on a domain. * @param function :: Function to use to calculate the value and the derivatives * @param domain :: The domain. * @param values :: The fit function values * @param evalFunction :: Flag to evaluate the function * @param evalDeriv :: Flag to evaluate the derivatives * @param evalHessian :: Flag to evaluate the Hessian */ void CostFuncLeastSquares::addValDerivHessian( API::IFunction_sptr function, API::FunctionDomain_sptr domain, API::FunctionValues_sptr values, bool evalFunction , bool evalDeriv, bool evalHessian) const { UNUSED_ARG(evalDeriv); size_t np = function->nParams(); // number of parameters size_t ny = domain->size(); // number of data points Jacobian jacobian(ny,np); if (evalFunction) { function->function(*domain,*values); } function->functionDeriv(*domain,jacobian); size_t iActiveP = 0; double fVal = 0.0; if (debug) { std::cerr << "Jacobian:\n"; for(size_t i = 0; i < ny; ++i) { for(size_t ip = 0; ip < np; ++ip) { if ( !m_function->isActive(ip) ) continue; std::cerr << jacobian.get(i,ip) << ' '; } std::cerr << std::endl; } } for(size_t ip = 0; ip < np; ++ip) { if ( !function->isActive(ip) ) continue; double d = 0.0; for(size_t i = 0; i < ny; ++i) { double calc = values->getCalculated(i); double obs = values->getFitData(i); double w = values->getFitWeight(i); double y = ( calc - obs ) * w; d += y * jacobian.get(i,ip) * w; if (iActiveP == 0 && evalFunction) { fVal += y * y; } } PARALLEL_CRITICAL(der_set) { double der = m_der.get(iActiveP); m_der.set(iActiveP, der + d); } //std::cerr << "der " << ip << ' ' << der[iActiveP] << std::endl; ++iActiveP; } if (evalFunction) { PARALLEL_ATOMIC m_value += 0.5 * fVal; } if (!evalHessian) return; //size_t na = m_der.size(); // number of active parameters size_t i1 = 0; // active parameter index for(size_t i = 0; i < np; ++i) // over parameters { if ( !function->isActive(i) ) continue; size_t i2 = 0; // active parameter index for(size_t j = 0; j <= i; ++j) // over ~ half of parameters { if ( !function->isActive(j) ) continue; double d = 0.0; for(size_t k = 0; k < ny; ++k) // over fitting data { double w = values->getFitWeight(k); d += jacobian.get(k,i) * jacobian.get(k,j) * w * w; } PARALLEL_CRITICAL(hessian_set) { double h = m_hessian.get(i1,i2); m_hessian.set(i1,i2, h + d); //std::cerr << "hess " << i1 << ' ' << i2 << std::endl; if (i1 != i2) { m_hessian.set(i2,i1,h + d); } } ++i2; } ++i1; } }
/** * Update the cost function, derivatives and hessian by adding values calculated * on a domain. * @param function :: Function to use to calculate the value and the derivatives * @param domain :: The domain. * @param values :: The fit function values * @param evalDeriv :: Flag to evaluate the derivatives * @param evalHessian :: Flag to evaluate the Hessian */ void CostFuncLeastSquares::addValDerivHessian(API::IFunction_sptr function, API::FunctionDomain_sptr domain, API::FunctionValues_sptr values, bool evalDeriv, bool evalHessian) const { UNUSED_ARG(evalDeriv); function->function(*domain, *values); size_t np = function->nParams(); // number of parameters size_t ny = values->size(); // number of data points Jacobian jacobian(ny, np); function->functionDeriv(*domain, jacobian); size_t iActiveP = 0; double fVal = 0.0; std::vector<double> weights = getFitWeights(values); for (size_t ip = 0; ip < np; ++ip) { if (!function->isActive(ip)) continue; double d = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ny; ++i) { double calc = values->getCalculated(i); double obs = values->getFitData(i); double w = weights[i]; double y = (calc - obs) * w; d += y * jacobian.get(i, ip) * w; if (iActiveP == 0) { fVal += y * y; } } PARALLEL_CRITICAL(der_set) { double der = m_der.get(iActiveP); m_der.set(iActiveP, der + d); } ++iActiveP; } PARALLEL_ATOMIC m_value += 0.5 * fVal; if (!evalHessian) return; size_t i1 = 0; // active parameter index for (size_t i = 0; i < np; ++i) // over parameters { if (!function->isActive(i)) continue; size_t i2 = 0; // active parameter index for (size_t j = 0; j <= i; ++j) // over ~ half of parameters { if (!function->isActive(j)) continue; double d = 0.0; for (size_t k = 0; k < ny; ++k) // over fitting data { double w = weights[k]; d += jacobian.get(k, i) * jacobian.get(k, j) * w * w; } PARALLEL_CRITICAL(hessian_set) { double h = m_hessian.get(i1, i2); m_hessian.set(i1, i2, h + d); if (i1 != i2) { m_hessian.set(i2, i1, h + d); } } ++i2; } ++i1; } }