void AnalysisVisitor::visit(ast::SelectExp & e) { logger.log(L"SelectExp", e.getLocation()); e.getSelect()->accept(cv); ast::Exp & select = *e.getSelect(); bool found = false; if (cv.getResult() && select.isConstExp()) { ast::ConstExp & ce = static_cast<ast::ConstExp &>(select); types::InternalType * pIT = ce.getConstant(); if (!pIT) { select.accept(cv.getExec()); pIT = ce.getConstant(); } if (pIT) { for (ast::exps_t::iterator i = std::next(e.getExps().begin()), end = e.hasDefault() ? std::prev(e.getExps().end()) : e.getExps().end(); i != end; ++i) { ast::CaseExp & casee = *static_cast<ast::CaseExp *>(*i); casee.getTest()->accept(cv); ast::Exp & test = *casee.getTest(); if (cv.getResult() && test.isConstExp()) { ast::ConstExp & ce = static_cast<ast::ConstExp &>(test); types::InternalType * pIT2 = ce.getConstant(); if (!pIT2) { test.accept(cv.getExec()); pIT2 = ce.getConstant(); } if (pIT2) { types::InternalType * pIT3 = GenericComparisonEqual(pIT, pIT2); if (pIT3 && pIT3->isTrue()) { // We found the good case e.replace(casee.getBody()); *i = nullptr; casee.getBody()->accept(*this); found = true; break; } } } } if (!found && e.hasDefault()) { e.getDefaultCase()->accept(*this); e.replace(e.getDefaultCase()); *std::prev(e.getExps().end()) = nullptr; found = true; } } } if (!found) { dm.addBlock(Block::EXCLUSIVE, &e); e.getSelect()->accept(*this); ast::exps_t cases = e.getCases(); for (auto exp : cases) { dm.addBlock(Block::NORMAL, exp); exp->accept(*this); dm.finalizeBlock(); } if (e.getDefaultCase()) { dm.addBlock(Block::NORMAL, e.getDefaultCase()); e.getDefaultCase()->accept(*this); dm.finalizeBlock(); } dm.finalizeBlock(); } }
void AnalysisVisitor::analyze(ast::SelectExp & e) { enum Kind { INT, STRING, DUNNO }; std::vector<int64_t> ints; std::vector<std::wstring> strs; ast::exps_t cases = e.getCases(); Kind kind = DUNNO; bool first = true; for (ast::exps_t::iterator i = cases.begin(), end = cases.end(); i != end; ++i) { ast::CaseExp & casee = *static_cast<ast::CaseExp *>(*i); ast::Exp & test = *casee.getTest(); if (test.isDoubleExp()) { ast::DoubleExp & de = static_cast<ast::DoubleExp &>(test); if (first) { kind = INT; first = false; } else if (kind != INT) { kind = DUNNO; } int64_t ival; if (kind == INT && tools::asInteger<int64_t>(de.getValue(), ival)) { ints.push_back(ival); } } else if (test.isStringExp()) { ast::StringExp & se = static_cast<ast::StringExp &>(test); if (first) { kind = STRING; first = false; } else if (kind != STRING) { kind = DUNNO; } if (kind == STRING) { strs.push_back(se.getValue()); } } } if (kind == INT) { const std::size_t size = ints.size(); // Firstly, we check if we have a linear progression if (size > 2) { int64_t min, max; if (ints[0] < ints[1]) { min = ints[0]; max = ints[1]; } else { min = ints[1]; max = ints[0]; } for (std::size_t i = 2; i < size; ++i) { const int64_t v = ints[i]; if (v > max) { max = v; } else if (v < min) { min = v; } } const double diff = 1 - (double)size / (double)(max - min + 1); ast::exps_t * _cases = new ast::exps_t(cases); if (diff <= 0.25) { // we use a jump table ast::TableIntSelectExp * tise = nullptr; if (e.hasDefault()) { tise = new ast::TableIntSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, *e.getDefaultCase(), ints, min, max); } else { tise = new ast::TableIntSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, ints, min, max); } tise->setLocation(e.getLocation()); e.replace(tise); } else if (size >= 4) { // we use a map ast::MapIntSelectExp * mise = nullptr; if (e.hasDefault()) { mise = new ast::MapIntSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, *e.getDefaultCase(), ints); } else { mise = new ast::MapIntSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, ints); } mise->setLocation(e.getLocation()); e.replace(mise); } else { // we use a basic select ast::SmallIntSelectExp * sise = nullptr; if (e.hasDefault()) { sise = new ast::SmallIntSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, *e.getDefaultCase(), ints); } else { sise = new ast::SmallIntSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, ints); } sise->setLocation(e.getLocation()); e.replace(sise); } } } else if (kind == STRING) { ast::exps_t * _cases = new ast::exps_t(cases); ast::StringSelectExp * sse = nullptr; if (e.hasDefault()) { sse = new ast::StringSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, *e.getDefaultCase(), strs); } else { sse = new ast::StringSelectExp(e.getLocation(), *e.getSelect(), *_cases, strs); } sse->setLocation(e.getLocation()); e.replace(sse); } }