int main() { int numClients = 2; // client settings float minClientActionDelay = 0.2f; // min wait time for a client before starting new actions float maxClientActionDelay = 0.4f; // max wait time for a client before it has to complete a new action float clientQueryWeight = 30.0f; // possibility of a query to happen float clientReplyWeight = 30.0f; // possibility of a reply to happen float clientPostWeight = 40.0f; // possibility of a new post (update) to happen // set the global MPI variabes gRank = gWorld.rank(); gNumFE = numClients; gNumRM = gWorld.size() - numClients; // early out if there are not enough nodes for at least one RM if(numClients + 1 > gWorld.size() && gWorld.rank() == 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: there are not enough nodes for at least 1 RM, please increase the number of nodes" << std::endl; exit(-1); } if (gWorld.rank() == 0) { std::cout << " num RM: " << gNumRM << " num FE: " << gNumFE << std::endl; } Log::singleton().open("Bulletin_" + std::to_string(gRank) + ".log"); // set log file Log::singleton().setVerbosity(LV_Normal); //the last 'numClients' ranks are front ends if (gWorld.rank() >= gWorld.size() - numClients) { std::cout << "P" << gWorld.rank() << ": assigned as a client" << std::endl; // create client instance Client client; // set client variables as defined above client.setMinActionDelay(minClientActionDelay); client.setMaxActionDelay(maxClientActionDelay); client.setQueryWeight(clientQueryWeight); client.setReplyWeight(clientReplyWeight); client.setPostWeight(clientPostWeight); // run the client // the client will now call the Frontend classes specific functions // whenever it wants to complete an action.; } else { std::cout << "P" << gWorld.rank() << ": assigned as a replicator" << std::endl; ReplicaManager RM;; } return 0; }
void collect_data(mpi::communicator local, mpi::communicator world) { // The rank of the collector within the world communicator int master_collector = world.size() - local.size(); if (world.rank() == master_collector) { while (true) { // Wait for a message mpi::status msg = world.probe(); if (msg.tag() == msg_data_packet) { // Receive the packet of data std::vector<int> data; world.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag(), data); // Tell each of the collectors that we'll be broadcasting some data for (int dest = 1; dest < local.size(); ++dest) local.send(dest, msg_broadcast_data, msg.source()); // Broadcast the actual data. broadcast(local, data, 0); } else if (msg.tag() == msg_finished) { // Receive the message world.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag()); // Tell each of the collectors that we're finished for (int dest = 1; dest < local.size(); ++dest) local.send(dest, msg_finished); break; } } } else { while (true) { // Wait for a message from the master collector mpi::status msg = local.probe(); if (msg.tag() == msg_broadcast_data) { // Receive the broadcast message int originator; local.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag(), originator); // Receive the data broadcasted from the master collector std::vector<int> data; broadcast(local, data, 0); std::cout << "Collector #" << local.rank() << " is processing data from generator #" << originator << "." << std::endl; } else if (msg.tag() == msg_finished) { // Receive the message local.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag()); break; } } } }
void TwoParticleGFContainer::computeAll_split(bool clearTerms, const boost::mpi::communicator & comm) { // split communicator size_t ncomponents = NonTrivialElements.size(); size_t ncolors = std::min(int(comm.size()), int(NonTrivialElements.size())); RealType color_size = 1.0*comm.size()/ncolors; std::map<int,int> proc_colors; std::map<int,int> elem_colors; std::map<int,int> color_roots; bool calc = false; for (size_t p=0; p<comm.size(); p++) { int color = int (1.0*p / color_size); proc_colors[p] = color; color_roots[color]=p; } for (size_t i=0; i<ncomponents; i++) { int color = i*ncolors/ncomponents; elem_colors[i] = color; }; if (!comm.rank()) { INFO("Splitting " << ncomponents << " components in " << ncolors << " communicators"); for (size_t i=0; i<ncomponents; i++) INFO("2pgf " << i << " color: " << elem_colors[i] << " color_root: " << color_roots[elem_colors[i]]); }; comm.barrier(); int comp = 0; boost::mpi::communicator comm_split = comm.split(proc_colors[comm.rank()]); for(std::map<IndexCombination4, boost::shared_ptr<TwoParticleGF> >::iterator iter = NonTrivialElements.begin(); iter != NonTrivialElements.end(); iter++, comp++) { bool calc = (elem_colors[comp] == proc_colors[comm.rank()]); if (calc) { INFO("C" << elem_colors[comp] << "p" << comm.rank() << ": computing 2PGF for " << iter->first); if (calc) static_cast<TwoParticleGF&>(*(iter->second)).compute(clearTerms, comm_split); }; }; comm.barrier(); // distribute data if (!comm.rank()) INFO_NONEWLINE("Distributing 2PGF container..."); comp = 0; for(std::map<IndexCombination4, boost::shared_ptr<TwoParticleGF> >::iterator iter = NonTrivialElements.begin(); iter != NonTrivialElements.end(); iter++, comp++) { int sender = color_roots[elem_colors[comp]]; TwoParticleGF& chi = *((iter)->second); for (size_t p = 0; p<; p++) { // if (comm.rank() == sender) INFO("P" << comm.rank() << " 2pgf " << p << " " <<[p]->NonResonantTerms.size()); boost::mpi::broadcast(comm,[p]->NonResonantTerms, sender); boost::mpi::broadcast(comm,[p]->ResonantTerms, sender); if (comm.rank() != sender) { chi.setStatus(TwoParticleGF::Computed); }; }; } comm.barrier(); if (!comm.rank()) INFO("done."); }
// Posle pozadavek o praci nahodne vybranemu procesu void sendRequest() { int pn = rand() % com.size(); srand(time(NULL)); // Pokud by se nahodne cislo trefilo na moje cislo, generuj nove if (pn == com.rank()) { pn = rand() % com.size(); } //cout << "Sending WORK_REQUEST to " << pn << endl; com.send(pn, WORK_REQUEST); }
void DocumentDecoder::manageTranslators( boost::mpi::communicator comm, NistXmlCorpus &testset ) { namespace mpi = boost::mpi; mpi::request reqs[2]; int stopped = 0; NumberedOutputDocument translation; reqs[0] = comm.irecv(mpi::any_source, TAG_COLLECT, translation); reqs[1] = comm.irecv(mpi::any_source, TAG_STOP_COLLECTING); NistXmlCorpus::const_iterator it = testset.begin(); uint docno = 0; for(int i = 0; i < comm.size() && it != testset.end(); ++i, ++docno, ++it) { LOG(logger_, debug, "S: Sending document " << docno << " to translator " << i); comm.send(i, TAG_TRANSLATE, std::make_pair(docno, *(*it)->asMMAXDocument())); } for(;;) { std::pair<mpi::status, mpi::request *> wstat = mpi::wait_any(reqs, reqs + 2); if(wstat.first.tag() == TAG_STOP_COLLECTING) { stopped++; LOG(logger_, debug, "C: Received STOP_COLLECTING from translator " << wstat.first.source() << ", now " << stopped << " stopped translators."); if(stopped == comm.size()) { reqs[0].cancel(); return; } *wstat.second = comm.irecv(mpi::any_source, TAG_STOP_COLLECTING); } else { LOG(logger_, debug, "C: Received translation of document " << translation.first << " from translator " << wstat.first.source()); reqs[0] = comm.irecv(mpi::any_source, TAG_COLLECT, translation); if(it != testset.end()) { LOG(logger_, debug, "S: Sending document " << docno << " to translator " << wstat.first.source()); comm.send(wstat.first.source(), TAG_TRANSLATE, std::make_pair(docno, *(*it)->asMMAXDocument())); ++docno; ++it; } else { LOG(logger_, debug, "S: Sending STOP_TRANSLATING to translator " << wstat.first.source()); comm.send(wstat.first.source(), TAG_STOP_TRANSLATING); } testset[translation.first]->setTranslation(translation.second); } } }
void generate_data(mpi::communicator local, mpi::communicator world) { using std::srand; using std::rand; // The rank of the collector within the world communicator int master_collector = local.size(); srand(time(0) + world.rank()); // Send out several blocks of random data to the collectors. int num_data_blocks = rand() % 3 + 1; for (int block = 0; block < num_data_blocks; ++block) { // Generate some random data int num_samples = rand() % 1000; std::vector<int> data; for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) { data.push_back(rand()); } // Send our data to the master collector process. std::cout << "Generator #" << local.rank() << " sends some data..." << std::endl; world.send(master_collector, msg_data_packet, data); } // Wait for all of the generators to complete (local.barrier)(); // The first generator will send the message to the master collector // indicating that we're done. if (local.rank() == 0) world.send(master_collector, msg_finished); }
void printit(const boost::mpi::communicator& comm, const std::vector<T>& things, const std::string& caption) { if (!caption.empty() && comm.rank() == 0) { std::cout << caption << std::endl; std::cout.flush(); } for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p) { if (comm.rank() == p) { std::cout << p << ": "; std::copy(things.begin(), things.end(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(std::cout, ",")); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout.flush(); } comm.barrier(); } comm.barrier(); size_t global_size; boost::mpi::reduce(comm, things.size(), global_size, std::plus<size_t>(), 0); if (comm.rank() == 0) { if (!caption.empty()) { std::cout << caption; } std::cout << "Number of things: " << global_size << std::endl; } comm.barrier(); std::cout << comm.rank() << ": leaving printit()" << std::endl; }
void TwoParticleGF::compute(bool clear, const boost::mpi::communicator & comm) { if (Status < Prepared) throw (exStatusMismatch()); if (Status >= Computed) return; if (!Vanishing) { // Create a "skeleton" class with pointers to part that can call a compute method pMPI::mpi_skel<ComputeAndClearWrap> skel; bool fill_container = m_data_.NBosonic() > 0 && m_data_.NFermionic() > 0;; for (size_t i=0; i<parts.size(); i++) {, parts[i], clear, fill_container, 1)); }; std::map<pMPI::JobId, pMPI::WorkerId> job_map =, true); // actual running - very costly int rank = comm.rank(); int comm_size = comm.size(); // Start distributing data //DEBUG(comm.rank() << getIndex(0) << getIndex(1) << getIndex(2) << getIndex(3) << " Start distributing data"); comm.barrier(); if (!clear) { for (size_t p = 0; p<parts.size(); p++) { boost::mpi::broadcast(comm, parts[p]->NonResonantTerms, job_map[p]); boost::mpi::broadcast(comm, parts[p]->ResonantTerms, job_map[p]); if (rank == job_map[p]) { parts[p]->Status = TwoParticleGFPart::Computed; }; }; comm.barrier(); } }; Status = Computed; }
void all_gatherv_test(const mpi::communicator& comm, Generator generator, std::string kind) { typedef typename Generator::result_type value_type; using boost::mpi::all_gatherv; std::vector<value_type> myvalues, expected, values; std::vector<int> sizes; for(int r = 0; r < comm.size(); ++r) { value_type value = generator(r); sizes.push_back(r+1); for (int k=0; k < r+1; ++k) { expected.push_back(value); if(comm.rank() == r) { myvalues.push_back(value); } } } if (comm.rank() == 0) { std::cout << "Gathering " << kind << "..."; std::cout.flush(); } mpi::all_gatherv(comm, myvalues, values, sizes); BOOST_CHECK(values == expected); if (comm.rank() == 0 && values == expected) std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; (comm.barrier)(); }
void broadcast_test(const mpi::communicator& comm, const T& bc_value, std::string const& kind) { for (int root = 0; root < comm.size(); ++root) { broadcast_test(comm, bc_value, kind, root); } }
void init(const mpi::communicator& comm) { PetscErrorCode ierr; PetscInt lo, hi; ierr = VecCreate(comm,&x); // CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = VecSetSizes(x, PETSC_DECIDE, 5*comm.size()); // CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = VecSetFromOptions(x); // CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = VecGetOwnershipRange(x, &lo, &hi); for (PetscInt i = lo; i <= hi; ++i) { std::complex<double> v(i, 5*comm.size() - i - 1); ierr = VecSetValue(x, i, v, INSERT_VALUES); } ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(x); // CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(x); // CHKERRQ(ierr); }
void runMaster(mpi::communicator world, int size, int grid_dimension) { // Start timer and go. boost::chrono::system_clock::time_point start = boost::chrono::system_clock::now(); // Send Matrix A(Size(size, size)); Matrix result(Size(size, size)); for(int row = 0; row < A.size.rows; ++row){ for(int col = 0; col < A.size.cols; ++col){[row][col] = (row % 11) + (col % 11); } } //cout << A << endl; //cout << "\nProduct:\n" << A*A << endl; // Do sequential if (grid_dimension == 0) A.square(result); // Else parallel else{ // Split matrix up and send to slaves int slave_id = 1; int sub_matrix_sizes = size / grid_dimension; for(int i = 0; i < size; i += sub_matrix_sizes){ for(int j = 0; j < size; j += sub_matrix_sizes){ MatrixCrossSection cs = getCrossSection( A, i, j, sub_matrix_sizes); world.send(slave_id, 0, cs); slave_id ++; } } // Recieve std::vector<Matrix> saved; int num_slaves = world.size() -1; for(int i = 1; i <= num_slaves; ++i){ Matrix r; world.recv(i, 0, r); result.insertSubMatrix(r); } } // Done boost::chrono::duration<double> sec = boost::chrono::system_clock::now() - start; cout << sec.count() << endl; // Print Result //cout << "\nResult:\n" << result << endl; //assert ( result == A*A); }
// Poslani zpravy vsem ostatnim procesum void broadcastMessage(int msgType) { for (int i = 0; i < com.size(); i++) { // Sobe nic neposilam if (i == com.rank()) { continue; } // Pokud jsem nasel vysledek, poslu ho if (msgType == FOUND || msgType == FOUND_BEST) { //cout << "Sending (BEST)FOUND to " << i << endl; com.send(i, msgType, myLongest); } // Pri oznameni konce vypoctu neni treba posilat zadna data else if (msgType == END) { //cout << "Sending end to " << i << endl; com.send(i, msgType); } } }
void random_scattered_vector(const boost::mpi::communicator& comm, const int& global_size, std::vector<I>& local_values) { int me(comm.rank()); int nproc(comm.size()); std::vector< std::vector<I> > toscatter(nproc); if (me == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < global_size; ++i) { boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, nproc-1); int p(dist(gen)); toscatter[p].push_back(i); } } scatter(comm, toscatter, local_values, 0); }
static void master(mpi::communicator world){ int ntasks, rank; vector<int> data; int work; int result; for(int i = 0; i< 10; i++){ data.push_back(i); } const int size_work = (int)data.size(); rank = world.rank(); //int rank(ID) of processor ntasks = world.size();//int total number of processors for (rank = 1; rank < ntasks; ++rank) { get_next_work_item(work,size_work,data); world.send(rank,WORKTAG,work); } int ret = get_next_work_item(work,size_work,data); while (ret == 0){ mpi::status status = world.recv(mpi::any_source,mpi::any_tag,result); world.send(status.source(),WORKTAG,work); ret = get_next_work_item(work,size_work,data); } for (rank = 1; rank < ntasks; ++rank) { world.recv( mpi::any_source, mpi::any_tag,result); } for (rank = 1; rank < ntasks; ++rank) { world.send(rank,DIETAG,0); } }
void all_gather_test(const mpi::communicator& comm, Generator generator, std::string kind) { typedef typename Generator::result_type value_type; value_type value = generator(comm.rank()); std::vector<value_type> values; if (comm.rank() == 0) { std::cout << "Gathering " << kind << "..."; std::cout.flush(); } mpi::all_gather(comm, value, values); std::vector<value_type> expected_values; for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p) expected_values.push_back(generator(p)); BOOST_CHECK(values == expected_values); if (comm.rank() == 0 && values == expected_values) std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; (comm.barrier)(); }
pair<Species_tree *,string > sim_init_LL_mpi(string tree_file,string sim_file,int outgroup, const mpi::communicator world) { //########################## GLOBAL ######################### string S_tree_string; tree_type* S; int server = 0; int rank = world.rank(); int size = world.size(); scalar_type delta,tau,lambda,omega,delta_var,tau_var,lambda_var,omega_var,noise; int N; long seed; vector < vector <scalar_type> > gather_sim_O_counts; vector < vector <scalar_type> > gather_sim_D_counts; vector < vector <scalar_type> > gather_sim_T_counts; vector < vector <scalar_type> > gather_sim_L_counts; vector < vector <scalar_type> > gather_sim_O_profile; //########################## GLOBAL ######################### if (rank==server) { seed=good_seed(); cout << "#SEED:" << seed <<endl; } broadcast(world,seed,server); RandomTools::setSeed(seed*rank+rank); if (rank == server) { string sim_file_name=sim_file; string tree_file_name=tree_file; vector <string> forest,codes; string line; int i=0; ifstream file_stream (sim_file_name.c_str()); scalar_type alpha=0.5; scalar_type rho=0.5; scalar_type height=0.5; noise=0; omega=0.5; delta_var=0.; tau_var=0.; lambda_var=0.; omega_var=0.; N=20; if (file_stream.is_open()) // ########## read sim params ############ { while (! file_stream.eof() ) { getline (file_stream,line); if (line.find("#N")!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); N=atoi(tokens[1].c_str()); } if (line.find("#noise")!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); noise=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } if (line.find("#ALPHA")!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); alpha=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } if (line.find("#RHO")!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); rho=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } if (line.find("#HEIGHT")!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); height=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } if (line.find("#OMEGA")!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); omega=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } if (line.find('#VAR')!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); delta_var=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); tau_var=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); lambda_var=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } if (line.find("#OMEGAVAR")!=line.npos) { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); omega_var=atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } } file_stream.close(); } delta=(1-alpha)*(rho)*height; tau=(alpha)*(rho)*height; lambda=(1-rho)*height; if (rank==server) cout <<"D,T,L,O,N: "<< delta << " " << tau << " " << lambda << " " << omega << " " << N <<endl; if (rank==server) cout <<"Dv,Tv,Lv,Ov,NOISE: "<< delta_var << " " << tau_var << " " << lambda_var << " " << omega_var<<" " << noise<<endl; string S_string="";; if (file_stream.is_open()) // ########## read an input S tree ############ { while (! file_stream.eof() ) { getline (file_stream,line); if (line.find('(')!=line.npos && S_string=="") { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); for (int i=0;i<tokens.size();i++) if (tokens[i].find('(')!=tokens[i].npos) S_string=tokens[i]; } } file_stream.close(); } //########################## DISTRIBUTE ###################### S_tree_string=S_string; } //########################## DISTRIBUTE ###################### // SERVER CHECK POINT 1 - client trees sent - broadcast(world, N, server); broadcast(world, delta, server); broadcast(world, tau, server); broadcast(world, lambda, server); broadcast(world, omega, server); broadcast(world, delta_var, server); broadcast(world, tau_var, server); broadcast(world, lambda_var, server); broadcast(world, omega_var, server); broadcast(world, noise, server); broadcast(world, S_tree_string, server); //########################## infer_tree init ####################### S = TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(S_tree_string); tree_type * So=S->clone(); Node * root=So->getRootNode(); double stem_len=0.1; if (outgroup || true)// ########## add outgroup to root of S tree ############ { Node * new_root = new Node(); Node * out_group = new Node(); root->addSon(new_root); new_root->addSon(out_group); out_group->setDistanceToFather(1.+stem_len); out_group -> setName("OUT_GROUP"); So->rootAt(new_root); Node * root=So->getRootNode(); root->getSon(0)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); root->getSon(1)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); } Species_tree * infer_tree = new Species_tree(So); infer_tree->init_x(); //cout << "rank " << rank << " " << delta << " " << tau << " " << lambda << endl; infer_tree->init_sim(0.1, delta, tau, lambda, delta_var*delta, tau_var*tau, lambda_var*lambda,omega,omega*omega_var,0.); stringstream out; out<< rank << "trees.trees"; ofstream trees_file(out.str().c_str()); infer_tree->event_stream=&trees_file; vector <string> client_trees; vector <string> client_codes; vector <string> client_stream; if (rank!=server) { infer_tree->emit_G_trees(N,&client_trees,&client_codes,&client_stream); for (int i=0;i<client_trees.size();i++) { if (noise>0) { scalar_type p0 = exp(-noise); scalar_type p=1; int k=-1; bool stop=false; while(!stop) { k++; scalar_type u = RandomTools::giveRandomNumberBetweenZeroAndEntry(1); p*=u; if (p<=p0) stop=true; } for (int nni=0;nni<k;nni++) { vector <string> allnnis=all_NNIs(client_trees[i]); client_trees[i]=allnnis[RandomTools::giveIntRandomNumberBetweenZeroAndEntry(allnnis.size())]; } } } infer_tree->unrooted_register(client_trees); for (int i=0;i<client_trees.size();i++) infer_tree->codes[client_trees[i]]=client_codes[i]; } //########################## infer_tree init ####################### if (noise==0) { infer_tree->world=world; infer_tree->branchwise=1; infer_tree->count_labels(client_trees); scalar_type pea_count = sum_counts(infer_tree,world); for (int i = 0;i<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves();i++) { infer_tree->sim_O_count[i]=infer_tree->O_counts[i]; infer_tree->sim_D_count[i]=infer_tree->D_counts[i]; infer_tree->sim_T_count[i]=infer_tree->T_counts[i]; infer_tree->sim_L_count[i]=infer_tree->branch_zero[i]; infer_tree->sim_branch_sum[i]=infer_tree->branch_sum[i]; infer_tree->sim_branch_count[i]=infer_tree->branch_count[i]; infer_tree->sim_branch_genome_size[i]=infer_tree->branch_genome_size[i]; } } vector < vector <string> > gather_trees; gather(infer_tree->world, infer_tree->in_trees, gather_trees, server); if (rank==server) { vector <string> forest; //GG for (int j=1;j<size;j++) for (vector<string>::iterator tit=gather_trees[j].begin();tit!=gather_trees[j].end();tit++) forest.push_back((*tit)); infer_tree->panj_string= PANJ(S_tree_string,forest); cout << "#PANJ "<< infer_tree->panj_string <<endl; cout << "#PANJ "<< TreeTools::robinsonFouldsDistance(*TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(S_tree_string),*TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(infer_tree->panj_string)) << endl; } pair<Species_tree *,string > return_pair; return_pair.first=infer_tree; return_pair.second=S_tree_string; return return_pair; //########################## CLIENT ######################### }
scalar_type LL_mpi(Species_tree * infer_tree,string Sstring,string mode,bool outgroup,scalar_type delta,scalar_type tau, scalar_type lambda) { const mpi::communicator world = infer_tree->world; int server = 0; int rank = world.rank(); int size = world.size(); scalar_type ll; scalar_type return_ll; if (rank==server) cout << mode << " " << Sstring <<endl; broadcast(world, Sstring,server); tree_type * S=TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(Sstring); if (outgroup) { Node * root=S->getRootNode(); vector <Node*> nodes=S->getNodes(); for (vector<Node * > :: iterator it=nodes.begin();it!=nodes.end();it++) if ((*it)->hasFather()) if ((*it)->getDistanceToFather()==0) (*it)->setDistanceToFather(0.001); infer_tree->node_makeclocklike_height((S->getRootNode())); S->scaleTree(1./TreeTemplateTools::getDistanceBetweenAnyTwoNodes(*root,*(S->getLeaves()[0]))); double stem_len=0.1; Node * new_root = new Node(); Node * out_group = new Node(); root->addSon(new_root); new_root->addSon(out_group); out_group->setDistanceToFather(1.+stem_len); out_group -> setName("OUT_GROUP"); S->rootAt(new_root); root=S->getRootNode(); if (root->getSon(0)->isLeaf()) root->getSon(1)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); else root->getSon(0)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); //root->getSon(1)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); infer_tree->reconstruct(S); } vector <string> modes; Tokenize(mode,modes,"_"); if (modes[0]=="clock" ) { infer_tree->intp=0; infer_tree->w=0.; infer_tree->reset(); infer_tree->branchwise=0; string clock_string=Sstring; if (rank==server) cout << modes[0] << " " << modes[1] <<endl; clock_string=DTL_clock(clock_string,infer_tree,modes[1]); //ll=LL_mpi(infer_tree, clock_string, "Hest",outgroup,delta,tau, lambda); ll=infer_tree->tmp_ll; infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; delete S; if (rank==server) cout <<"$$ "<< clock_string <<endl; infer_tree->tmp_Sstring=clock_string; infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; return ll; } if (mode=="Nest" ) { infer_tree->intp=0; infer_tree->w=0.; infer_tree->reset(delta,tau,lambda); infer_tree->branchwise=0; ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"estimate"); //ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"intbck"); infer_tree->omega_avg=infer_tree->branchwise_omega[0]+infer_tree->branchwise_omega[1]+infer_tree->branchwise_omega[2]; delete S; infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; return ll; } if (mode=="noestimate" ) { ll= oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"noestimate") ; delete S; return ll; } if (mode=="Pest" ) { infer_tree->intp=0.9; infer_tree->w=0.; // !! no T infer_tree->reset(); infer_tree->branchwise=0; ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"intbck"); scalar_type pea_count = sum_counts(infer_tree,world); delete S; infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; return ll; } if (mode=="Test" ) { infer_tree->intp=0.9; infer_tree->w=0.; // !! no T infer_tree->reset(); infer_tree->branchwise=0; ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"intbck"); scalar_type pea_count = sum_counts(infer_tree,world); delete S; scalar_type Tll=0; for (int i = 0;i<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;i++) Tll+=infer_tree->T_counts[i]; infer_tree->tmp_ll=-Tll; return -Tll; } if (mode=="FASTest" ) { infer_tree->intp=0.9; infer_tree->w=0.; // !! no T infer_tree->reset(); infer_tree->branchwise=0; ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"intbck"); scalar_type pea_count = sum_counts(infer_tree,world); infer_tree->apparent_rates(pea_count,true,true); //if (rank==server) cout<<"#p "<< ll << " " << " "<< infer_tree->delta_avg << " " << infer_tree->tau_avg << " " << infer_tree->lambda_avg<< " " << infer_tree->omega_avg << endl ; ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"estimate"); infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; infer_tree->omega_avg=infer_tree->branchwise_omega[0]+infer_tree->branchwise_omega[1]+infer_tree->branchwise_omega[2]; delete S; return ll; } if (mode=="Hest" || mode=="IHest") { if (mode=="Hest") infer_tree->nclasses=5; // !! no T //tau=1e-30; //infer_tree->reset(0.01,1e-30,0.01); infer_tree->reset(); infer_tree->intp=0.9; infer_tree->w=0.; infer_tree->branchwise=0; ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"intbck"); infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; scalar_type pea_count = sum_counts(infer_tree,world); if (rank==server) cout<<"#p "<< ll << " " << " "<< infer_tree->delta_avg << " " << infer_tree->tau_avg << " " << infer_tree->lambda_avg<< " " << infer_tree->omega_avg <<" "<<pea_count << endl ; infer_tree->apparent_rates(pea_count,mode=="Hest",true); //if (rank==server) infer_tree->print_rates(); // ### sum events scalar_type ll2=ll-2; while (ll>ll2 && abs(ll-ll2)>1 ) { ll2=ll; // given rates estimate p_omega ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"estimate"); infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; if (ll2>ll) { infer_tree->recall_rates(); //scalar_type re_ll=oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"noestimate") ; ll=ll2; break; } infer_tree->omega_avg=infer_tree->branchwise_omega[0]+infer_tree->branchwise_omega[1]+infer_tree->branchwise_omega[2]; // given p_omega estimate rates // formal position of remember oLL(infer_tree,S,delta,tau,lambda,1,"intbck"); scalar_type pea_count = sum_counts(infer_tree,world); infer_tree->apparent_rates(pea_count,mode=="Hest",true); if (rank==server) cout<<"#e "<< ll << " " << " "<< infer_tree->delta_avg << " " << infer_tree->tau_avg << " " << infer_tree->lambda_avg<< " " << infer_tree->omega_avg << endl ; // ### sum events } return_ll=ll; infer_tree->tmp_ll=ll; delete S; return return_ll; } }
pair<Species_tree *,string > init_LL_mpi(string tree_file,string forest_file,int outgroup, const mpi::communicator world) { //########################## GLOBAL ######################### tree_type * S; string S_tree_string; string panj_string; int server = 0; int rank = world.rank(); int size = world.size(); vector <string> client_trees; vector <string> client_codes; vector < vector <string> > scatter_trees; vector < vector <string> > scatter_codes; //########################## GLOBAL ######################### if (rank == server) { //########################## SERVER ######################### string forest_file_name=forest_file; string tree_file_name=tree_file; vector <string> forest,codes; string line; int i=0; ifstream file_stream (forest_file_name.c_str()); if (file_stream.is_open()) // ########## read a forest ############ { while (! file_stream.eof() ) { getline (file_stream,line); if (line.find('(')!=line.npos) { i++; forest.push_back(line); } else if (line.find('#')!=line.npos) codes.push_back(line); } file_stream.close(); } string S_string="";; if (file_stream.is_open()) // ########## read an input S tree ############ { while (! file_stream.eof() ) { getline (file_stream,line); if (line.find('(')!=line.npos && S_string=="") { vector<string> tokens; Tokenize(line,tokens," "); for (int i=0;i<tokens.size();i++) if (tokens[i].find('(')!=tokens[i].npos) S_string=tokens[i]; } } file_stream.close(); } //########################## DISTRIBUTE ###################### /// SAMPLE vector <int> lottery; for (int i=0;i<forest.size();i++) lottery.push_back(i); vector <int> winners; winners.resize(forest.size()/10.); RandomTools::getSample(lottery,winners); vector<string> sample_forest; vector<string> sample_codes; for (int i=0;i<winners.size();i++) { int j=winners[i]; sample_forest.push_back(forest[j]); sample_codes.push_back(codes[j]); } forest.clear(); codes.clear(); for (int i=0;i<winners.size();i++) { forest.push_back(sample_forest[i]); codes.push_back(sample_codes[i]); } /// SAMPLE S_tree_string=S_string; panj_string= PANJ(S_string,forest); cout << "#PANJ "<<panj_string <<endl; cout << "#PANJ "<< TreeTools::robinsonFouldsDistance(*TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(S_string),*TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(panj_string)) << endl; map <scalar_type,string> sort_trees; map <scalar_type,string> sort_codes; for (int i=0;i<forest.size();i++) { tree_type * S=TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(forest[i]); scalar_type treesize=S->getNumberOfLeaves(); while ( sort_trees.count(treesize) ) treesize+=RandomTools::giveRandomNumberBetweenZeroAndEntry(1e-2); sort_trees[treesize]=forest[i]; sort_codes[treesize]=codes[i]; delete S; } int new_i=0; for ( map <scalar_type,string> ::iterator it=sort_trees.begin();it!=sort_trees.end();it++) { forest[new_i]=it->second; codes[new_i]=sort_codes[it->first]; new_i+=1; } map <int,int> large_trees; for (int i=0;i<forest.size();i++) { tree_type * S=TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(forest[i]); if (S->getNumberOfLeaves()>150) { large_trees[i]=S->getNumberOfLeaves(); } //large_trees[S->getNumberOfLeaves()]++; delete S; } //int cum=0; //for ( map <int,int> ::iterator it=large_trees.begin();it!=large_trees.end();it++) // { // cum+=(*it).second; // cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second << " " << cum << endl; // } map <int,int> scatter_sizes; for (int j=0;j<size;j++) { vector <string> tmp; scatter_trees.push_back(tmp); vector <string> tmp2; scatter_codes.push_back(tmp2); } //cout << "distribute" <<endl; for (int i=0;i<forest.size();i++) { int j = i%(size-1); if (large_trees.count(i)==0) { scatter_trees[j+1].push_back(forest[i]); scatter_codes[j+1].push_back(codes[i]); tree_type * S=TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(forest[i]); scatter_sizes[j]+=S->getNumberOfLeaves(); delete S; } } for ( map <int,int> ::iterator it=scatter_sizes.begin();it!=scatter_sizes.end();it++) cout << it->first << " " << it->second << endl; //cout << "distribute" <<endl; //.optimization could come here //########################## DISTRIBUTE ###################### // SERVER CHECK POINT 1 - client trees sent - broadcast(world, S_tree_string, server); broadcast(world, panj_string, server); scatter(world, scatter_trees, client_trees, server); scatter(world, scatter_codes, client_codes, server); //########################## count_tree init ####################### S = TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(S_tree_string); tree_type * So=S->clone(); Node * root=So->getRootNode(); double stem_len=0.1; //!! if (outgroup || true)// ########## add outgroup to root of S tree ############ { Node * new_root = new Node(); Node * out_group = new Node(); root->addSon(new_root); new_root->addSon(out_group); out_group->setDistanceToFather(1.+stem_len); out_group -> setName("OUT_GROUP"); So->rootAt(new_root); Node * root=So->getRootNode(); if (root->getSon(0)->isLeaf()) root->getSon(1)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); else root->getSon(0)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); } Species_tree * count_tree = new Species_tree(So); count_tree->panj_string=panj_string; count_tree->init_x(); //########################## count_tree init ####################### // SERVER CHECK POINT 1 - client trees sent - count_tree->world=world; pair<Species_tree *,string > return_pair; return_pair.first=count_tree; return_pair.second=S_tree_string; return return_pair; //########################## SERVER ######################### } else { //########################## CLIENT ######################### // CLIENT CHECK POINT 1 - client trees recived - broadcast(world, S_tree_string, server); broadcast(world, panj_string, server); scatter(world, scatter_trees, client_trees, server); scatter(world, scatter_codes, client_codes, server); //########################## infer_tree init ####################### S = TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(S_tree_string); tree_type * So=S->clone(); Node * root=So->getRootNode(); double stem_len=0.1; if (outgroup || true)// ########## add outgroup to root of S tree ############ { Node * new_root = new Node(); Node * out_group = new Node(); root->addSon(new_root); new_root->addSon(out_group); out_group->setDistanceToFather(1.+stem_len); out_group -> setName("OUT_GROUP"); So->rootAt(new_root); Node * root=So->getRootNode(); root->getSon(0)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); root->getSon(1)->setDistanceToFather(stem_len); } Species_tree * infer_tree = new Species_tree(So); infer_tree->panj_string=panj_string; infer_tree->init_x(); infer_tree->unrooted_register(client_trees); for (int i=0;i<client_trees.size();i++) infer_tree->codes[client_trees[i]]=client_codes[i]; //########################## infer_tree init ####################### // CLIENT CHECK POINT 1 - client trees recived - infer_tree->world=world; pair<Species_tree *,string > return_pair; return_pair.first=infer_tree; return_pair.second=S_tree_string; return return_pair; //########################## CLIENT ######################### } }
MCCResults mccrun_master( const Options& opts, const Eigen::VectorXd& vpar, unsigned int num_bins, const set<observables_t>& obs, const mpi::communicator& mpicomm ) { cout << "========== NEW MONTE CARLO CYCLE ==========" << endl; cout << ":: Preparing the simulation" << endl; HubbardModelVMC model = prepare_model( opts, vpar, mpicomm ); vector< unique_ptr<Observable> > obscalc = prepare_obscalcs( obs, opts ); ObservableCache obscache; unsigned int finished_workers = 0; unsigned int scheduled_bins = 0; unsigned int completed_bins = 0; unsigned int enqueued_bins = num_bins; // define procedure to query the slaves for new work requests function<void()> mpiquery_work_requests( [&]() { while ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS ) ) { // receive the request and hand out new bins to the source mpicomm.recv( status->source(), MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS ); if ( enqueued_bins > 0 ) { mpicomm.send( status->source(), MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS, 1 ); scheduled_bins += 1; enqueued_bins -= 1; } else { mpicomm.send( status->source(), MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS, 0 ); ++finished_workers; } } } ); // define procedure to query the slaves for finished work function<void()> mpiquery_finished_work( [&]() { while ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, 2 ) ) { mpicomm.recv( status->source(), 2 ); --scheduled_bins; ++completed_bins; } } ); cout << ":: Equilibrating the system" << endl; for ( unsigned int mcs = 0; mcs < opts["calc.num-mcs-equil"].as<unsigned int>(); ++mcs ) { // take care of the slaves mpiquery_finished_work(); mpiquery_work_requests(); // perform a Monte Carlo step model.mcs(); } unsigned int completed_bins_master = 0; cout << ":: Performing Monte Carlo cycle" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Progress:" << endl; while ( enqueued_bins > 0 ) { cout << '\r' << " Bin " << completed_bins << "/" << num_bins; cout.flush(); --enqueued_bins; ++scheduled_bins; for ( unsigned int mcs = 0; mcs < opts["calc.num-binmcs"].as<unsigned int>(); ++mcs ) { // take care of the slaves mpiquery_finished_work(); mpiquery_work_requests(); // perform a Monte Carlo step model.mcs(); // measure observables for ( const unique_ptr<Observable>& o : obscalc ) { o->measure( model, obscache ); } obscache.clear(); } // tell the observables that a bin has been completed for ( const unique_ptr<Observable>& o : obscalc ) { o->completebin(); } --scheduled_bins; ++completed_bins_master; ++completed_bins; } ++finished_workers; while ( completed_bins != num_bins || static_cast<int>( finished_workers ) < mpicomm.size() ) { if ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, MSGTAG_S_M_FINISHED_BINS ) ) { mpicomm.recv( status->source(), MSGTAG_S_M_FINISHED_BINS ); --scheduled_bins; ++completed_bins; cout << '\r' << " Bin " << completed_bins << "/" << num_bins; cout.flush(); } if ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS ) ) { // receive the request for more work mpicomm.recv( status->source(), MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS ); // tell him there is no more work mpicomm.send( status->source(), MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS, 0 ); ++finished_workers; } } assert( enqueued_bins == 0 ); assert( scheduled_bins == 0 ); cout << '\r' << " Bin " << completed_bins << "/" << num_bins << endl; cout.flush(); // check for floating point precision problems cout << endl; cout << " Floating point precision control" << endl; vector<FPDevStat> W_devstats; assert( mpicomm.rank() == 0 ); mpi::gather( mpicomm, model.get_W_devstat(), W_devstats, 0 ); FPDevStat W_devstat_combined = accumulate( W_devstats.begin(), W_devstats.end(), FPDevStat( opts["fpctrl.W-deviation-target"].as<double>() ) ); cout << " W: " << W_devstat_combined.recalcs << "/" << W_devstat_combined.misses << "/" << W_devstat_combined.mag1_misses << endl; vector<FPDevStat> T_devstats; assert( mpicomm.rank() == 0 ); mpi::gather( mpicomm, model.get_T_devstat(), T_devstats, 0 ); FPDevStat T_devstat_combined = accumulate( T_devstats.begin(), T_devstats.end(), FPDevStat( opts["fpctrl.T-deviation-target"].as<double>() ) ); cout << " T: " << T_devstat_combined.recalcs << "/" << T_devstat_combined.misses << "/" << T_devstat_combined.mag1_misses << endl; if ( W_devstat_combined.mag1_misses > 0 || T_devstat_combined.mag1_misses > 0 ) { cout << " Precision targets missed by more than an order of magnitude!" << endl << " WARNING: Your results might be unreliable!!!" << endl << endl; } else if ( W_devstat_combined.misses > 0 || T_devstat_combined.misses > 0 ) { cout << " Some precision targets were missed, but your results should be fine." << endl << endl; } else { cout << " No missed precision targets." << endl << endl; } // collect results from the slaves and return results the scheduler MCCResults results; for ( const unique_ptr<Observable>& o : obscalc ) { o->collect_and_write_results( mpicomm, results ); } results.success = true; return results; }
string clock_root(Species_tree * infer_tree,string Sstring,string mode) { const mpi::communicator world = infer_tree->world; int server = 0; int mpi_rank = world.rank(); int size = world.size(); broadcast(world, Sstring,server); tree_type * S=TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(Sstring); map < Node*,int > do_01; map < Node*,int > do_12; map < Node*,int > do_02; map < pair <Node*,Node*>,int > dnodes; vector< pair <Node*,Node*> > seen; map < pair <node_type*,node_type*>, pair <node_type*,node_type*> > root_dnodes; map < pair <Node*,Node*>,int > roots; S->unroot(); vector <Node *> S_leaves=S->getLeaves(); vector<Node*>::iterator it,jt; vector <pair <Node*,Node*> > roots_vec; for (it = S_leaves.begin(); it!=S_leaves.end(); it++ ) { Node * node = (*it); Node * head = node->getFather(); if (S_leaves.size()==2) if (S_leaves[0]==(*it)) head=S_leaves[1]; else head=S_leaves[0]; pair <Node*,Node*> tmp_pair(node,head); if (node->getId()>head->getId()) {tmp_pair.first=head;tmp_pair.second=node;} roots[tmp_pair]++; if (roots[tmp_pair]==2) { Node* a_root=new Node(); //a_root->setName(tmp_pair.first->getName() + " -0- " + tmp_pair.second->getName()); pair <Node*,Node*> root_dnode(a_root,a_root); pair <Node*,Node*> left_pair(tmp_pair.first,tmp_pair.second); pair <Node*,Node*> right_pair(tmp_pair.second,tmp_pair.first); root_dnodes[root_dnode]=tmp_pair; roots_vec.push_back(root_dnode); } vector <Node*> neigbours = head->getSons(); if (head->hasFather()) neigbours.push_back(head->getFather()); int node_id; if (node==neigbours[0]) { node_id=0; do_01[head]++; do_02[head]++; } else if (node==neigbours[1]) { node_id=1; do_01[head]++; do_12[head]++; } else if (node==neigbours[2]) { node_id=2; do_12[head]++; do_02[head]++; } pair <Node*,Node*> left_pair(node,head); pair <Node*,Node*> right_pair(node,head); if ((node_id==0 || node_id==1) && do_01[head]==2) { pair <Node*,Node*> head_pair(head,neigbours[2]); if (node_id==0) right_pair.first=neigbours[1]; else right_pair.first=neigbours[0]; } if ((node_id==1 || node_id==2) && do_12[head]==2) { pair <Node*,Node*> head_pair(head,neigbours[0]); if (node_id==1) right_pair.first=neigbours[2]; else right_pair.first=neigbours[1]; } if ((node_id==0 || node_id==2) && do_02[head]==2) { pair <Node*,Node*> head_pair(head,neigbours[1]); if (node_id==0) right_pair.first=neigbours[2]; else right_pair.first=neigbours[0]; } for (jt=neigbours.begin();jt!=neigbours.end();jt++) if (node!=(*jt)) { pair <Node*,Node*> dnode (head,(*jt)); dnodes[dnode]++; } neigbours.clear(); } while(1) { for (map < pair <Node*,Node*>,int >::iterator dit=dnodes.begin(); dit!=dnodes.end(); dit++) if ((*dit).second==2) { Node * node = (*dit).first.first; Node * head = (*dit).first.second; pair <Node*,Node*> tmp_pair(node,head); if (node->getId()>head->getId()) {tmp_pair.first=head;tmp_pair.second=node;} roots[tmp_pair]++; if (roots[tmp_pair]==2) { Node* a_root=new Node(); //a_root->setName(tmp_pair.first->getName() + " -0- " + tmp_pair.second->getName()); pair <Node*,Node*> root_dnode(a_root,a_root); pair <Node*,Node*> left_pair(tmp_pair.first,tmp_pair.second); pair <Node*,Node*> right_pair(tmp_pair.second,tmp_pair.first); root_dnodes[root_dnode]=tmp_pair; roots_vec.push_back(root_dnode); } vector <Node*> neigbours = head->getSons(); if (head->hasFather()) neigbours.push_back(head->getFather()); int node_id; if (node==neigbours[0]) { node_id=0; do_01[head]++; do_02[head]++; } else if (node==neigbours[1]) { node_id=1; do_01[head]++; do_12[head]++; } else if (node==neigbours[2]) { node_id=2; do_12[head]++; do_02[head]++; } pair <Node*,Node*> left_pair(node,head); pair <Node*,Node*> right_pair(node,head); if ((node_id==0 || node_id==1) && do_01[head]==2) { pair <Node*,Node*> head_pair(head,neigbours[2]); if (node_id==0) right_pair.first=neigbours[1]; else right_pair.first=neigbours[0]; } if ((node_id==1 || node_id==2) && do_12[head]==2) { pair <Node*,Node*> head_pair(head,neigbours[0]); if (node_id==1) right_pair.first=neigbours[2]; else right_pair.first=neigbours[1]; } if ((node_id==0 || node_id==2) && do_02[head]==2) { pair <Node*,Node*> head_pair(head,neigbours[1]); if (node_id==0) right_pair.first=neigbours[2]; else right_pair.first=neigbours[0]; } for (jt=neigbours.begin();jt!=neigbours.end();jt++) if (node!=(*jt)) { pair <Node*,Node*> dnode (head,(*jt)); dnodes[dnode]++; } seen.push_back((*dit).first); } if (seen.size()==0) break; for (vector< pair <Node*,Node*> >::iterator sit=seen.begin();sit!=seen.end();sit++) dnodes.erase((*sit)); seen.clear(); } int root_i=0; string max_S; scalar_type max_ll=-1e30; for (map < pair <node_type*,node_type*>, pair <node_type*,node_type*> >::iterator rt=root_dnodes.begin();rt!=root_dnodes.end();rt++) { root_i+=1; Node* head=(*rt).second.first; Node* node=(*rt).second.second; vector <Node*> head_neigbours = head->getSons(); if (head->hasFather()) head_neigbours.push_back(head->getFather()); vector <Node*> node_neigbours = node->getSons(); if (head->hasFather()) node_neigbours.push_back(node->getFather()); int node_id=-1; if (node==head_neigbours[0]) node_id=0; else if (node==head_neigbours[1]) node_id=1; else if (node==head_neigbours[2]) node_id=2; int did; Node * new_root = new Node(); new_root->setName("R"); if (( node_id==2 && head->hasFather() ) || head->isLeaf()) { did=1; node->removeSon(head); node->addSon(new_root); new_root->addSon(head); new_root->setDistanceToFather(1); head->setDistanceToFather(1); } else { did=0; head->removeSon(node); head->addSon(new_root); new_root->addSon(node); new_root->setDistanceToFather(1); node->setDistanceToFather(1); } S->rootAt(new_root); //stringstream out; //out << root_i; //string fname=forest_file_name+".root"+out.str(); //; vector <node_type*> tmp=S->getNodes(); for (vector <node_type*>::iterator it=tmp.begin();it!=tmp.end();it++) if ((*it)->hasFather()) { scalar_type d=(*it)->getDistanceToFather(); (*it)->setDistanceToFather(1); } string clock_S =DTL_clock(TreeTemplateTools::treeToParenthesis(*S),infer_tree); scalar_type ll=LL_mpi(infer_tree,clock_S,mode); if (max_ll<ll) { max_S=clock_S; max_ll=ll; } //tree_stream<<TreeTemplateTools::treeToParenthesis(*S); //tree_stream.close(); } return max_S; }
scalar_type sum_counts(Species_tree * infer_tree,const mpi::communicator world) { //########################## GLOBAL ######################### int server = 0; int rank = world.rank(); int size = world.size(); scalar_type client_ll,broadcast_ll; vector<scalar_type> gather_ll; scalar_type client_pea_count; scalar_type broadcast_pea_count; vector<scalar_type> gather_pea_count; scatter_scalar gather_O_counts; scatter_scalar gather_D_counts; scatter_scalar gather_T_counts; scatter_scalar gather_L_counts; scatter_scalar gather_B_counts; scatter_scalar gather_S_counts; scatter_scalar gather_F_counts; scatter_scalar gather_G_counts; //vector< vector< vector<scalar_type> > > gather_Ttf; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_O_counts; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_D_counts; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_T_counts; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_branch_zero; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_branch_count; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_branch_sum; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_from_count; vector<scalar_type> broadcast_genome_size; int start=1; //########################## GLOBAL ######################### //########################## SERVER ######################### //########################## SERVER ######################### if (rank != server) { //########################## CLIENT ######################### client_pea_count=infer_tree->tmp_pea_sum; client_ll=infer_tree->tmp_ll; //########################## CLIENT ######################### } //########################## COMMON ######################### gather(world, infer_tree->O_counts, gather_O_counts, server); gather(world, infer_tree->D_counts, gather_D_counts, server); gather(world, infer_tree->T_counts, gather_T_counts, server); gather(world, infer_tree->branch_zero, gather_L_counts, server); gather(world, infer_tree->branch_count, gather_B_counts, server); gather(world, infer_tree->branch_sum, gather_S_counts, server); gather(world, infer_tree->from_count, gather_F_counts, server); gather(world, infer_tree->branch_genome_size, gather_G_counts, server); //TTF // gather(world, infer_tree->Ttf, gather_Ttf, server); gather(world, client_pea_count, gather_pea_count, server); gather(world, client_ll, gather_ll, server); //########################## COMMON ######################### if (rank == server) { //########################## SERVER ######################### for (int i = 0;i<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;i++) { broadcast_O_counts.push_back(0); broadcast_D_counts.push_back(0); broadcast_T_counts.push_back(0); broadcast_branch_zero.push_back(0); broadcast_branch_count.push_back(0); broadcast_branch_sum.push_back(0); broadcast_from_count.push_back(0); broadcast_genome_size.push_back(0); } scalar_type tmp_O=0; scalar_type tmp_D=0; scalar_type tmp_T=0; scalar_type tmp_z=0; scalar_type tmp_c=0; scalar_type tmp_s=0; scalar_type tmp_f=0; //cout << " start summing - sum " <<endl; //for (int i = 0;i<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;i++) // for (int k = 0;k<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;k++) // infer_tree->Ttf[i][k]=0; for (int j=1;j<size;j++) { for (int i = 0;i<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;i++) { //for (int k = 0;k<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;k++) // infer_tree->Ttf[i][k]+=gather_Ttf[j][i][k]; broadcast_O_counts[i]+=gather_O_counts[j][i]; broadcast_D_counts[i]+=gather_D_counts[j][i]; broadcast_T_counts[i]+=gather_T_counts[j][i]; broadcast_branch_zero[i]+=gather_L_counts[j][i]; broadcast_branch_count[i]+=gather_B_counts[j][i]; broadcast_branch_sum[i]+=gather_S_counts[j][i]; broadcast_from_count[i]+=gather_F_counts[j][i]; broadcast_genome_size[i]+=gather_G_counts[j][i]; tmp_O+=gather_O_counts[j][i]; tmp_D+=gather_D_counts[j][i]; tmp_T+=gather_T_counts[j][i]; tmp_z+=gather_L_counts[j][i]; tmp_c+=gather_B_counts[j][i]; tmp_s+=gather_S_counts[j][i]; tmp_f+=gather_F_counts[j][i]; } } /* for (int i = 0;i<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;i++) { cout << "tag "<<i; cout << " " << broadcast_O_counts[i]; cout << " " << broadcast_D_counts[i]; cout << " " << broadcast_T_counts[i]; cout << " " << broadcast_branch_zero[i]; cout << " " << broadcast_branch_sum[i]; cout << " " << broadcast_branch_count[i]; cout << " " << broadcast_from_count[i]; cout << endl; } */ //if (rank==server) cout << rank << " : "<<tmp_O << " " << tmp_D << " " << tmp_T << " " << tmp_z << " " << tmp_c << " " << tmp_s << " " << tmp_f << endl; broadcast_pea_count=0.; broadcast_ll=0.; //cout << " start summing - llsum " << endl; for (int j=1;j<size;j++) { broadcast_pea_count+=gather_pea_count[j]; broadcast_ll+=gather_ll[j]; } // ### sum events //########################## SERVER ######################### //cout << " end summing" << endl; } //########################## CLIENT ######################### //########################## CLIENT ######################### //########################## COMMON ######################### broadcast(world, broadcast_O_counts,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_D_counts,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_T_counts,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_branch_zero,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_branch_count,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_branch_sum,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_from_count,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_genome_size,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_pea_count,server); broadcast(world, broadcast_ll,server); //########################## COMMON ######################### //########################## SEVER ######################### //########################## CLIENT ######################### // if (rank==server) // { for (int i = 0;i<infer_tree->N_slices+infer_tree->tree->getNumberOfLeaves()-1;i++) { infer_tree->O_counts[i]=broadcast_O_counts[i]; infer_tree->D_counts[i]=broadcast_D_counts[i]; infer_tree->T_counts[i]=broadcast_T_counts[i]; infer_tree->branch_zero[i]=broadcast_branch_zero[i]; infer_tree->branch_count[i]=broadcast_branch_count[i]; infer_tree->branch_sum[i]=broadcast_branch_sum[i]; infer_tree->from_count[i]=broadcast_from_count[i]; infer_tree->branch_genome_size[i]=broadcast_genome_size[i]; } //infer_tree->remember_rates(); // } //infer_tree->apparent_rates(broadcast_pea_count,true,true); //########################## CLIENT ######################### //########################## SERVER ######################### gather_ll.clear(); gather_pea_count.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_O_counts.begin();it!=gather_O_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_O_counts.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_D_counts.begin();it!=gather_D_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_D_counts.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_T_counts.begin();it!=gather_T_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_T_counts.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_L_counts.begin();it!=gather_L_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_L_counts.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_B_counts.begin();it!=gather_B_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_B_counts.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_S_counts.begin();it!=gather_S_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_S_counts.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_F_counts.begin();it!=gather_F_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_F_counts.clear(); for (scatter_scalar::iterator it=gather_G_counts.begin();it!=gather_G_counts.end();it++) (*it).clear(); gather_G_counts.clear(); broadcast_O_counts.clear(); broadcast_D_counts.clear(); broadcast_T_counts.clear(); broadcast_branch_zero.clear(); broadcast_branch_count.clear(); broadcast_branch_sum.clear(); broadcast_from_count.clear(); broadcast_genome_size.clear(); return broadcast_pea_count; }
WorkerProcess(mpi::communicator& c) : com(c), data(), myLongest("") { token = NO_TOKEN; nextHop = (com.rank() + 1) % com.size(); isWhiteProcess = true; }
pair < scalar_type,string> ML_nni_step(Species_tree * infer_tree,string Sstring,string mode,bool greedy) { const mpi::communicator world = infer_tree->world; int server = 0; int mpi_rank = world.rank(); int size = world.size(); broadcast(world, Sstring,server); tree_type * S=TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree(Sstring); // get inital set up from branch lengts Node * root = S->getRootNode(); //vector<Node * > nodes_tmp = S->getNodes(); vector<Node * > nodes= S->getNodes(); //RandomTools::getSample(nodes_tmp,nodes); map <scalar_type,Node * > times; for (vector<Node * > :: iterator ni = nodes.begin(); ni != nodes.end(); ni++ ) if (!(*ni)->isLeaf()) { scalar_type h=TreeTemplateTools::getDistanceBetweenAnyTwoNodes(*(*ni),*root); if (times.count(h)) h+=1e-20; times[h]=(*ni); } // register ranks map <Node *,int> node_2_rank; map <int,Node *> rank_2_node; map <int,int> id_2_rank; map <int,int> rank_2_id; vector <pair <int,int> > moves; int rank=0; for (map < scalar_type,Node *> :: iterator hi = times.begin(); hi != times.end(); hi++ ) { rank++; rank_2_node[rank]=(*hi).second; node_2_rank[(*hi).second]=rank; rank_2_id[rank]=(*hi).second->getId(); id_2_rank[(*hi).second->getId()]=rank; stringstream out;out<<rank; (*hi).second->setBranchProperty("ID",BppString(out.str())); } // set branch lengths according to ranks for (vector<Node * > :: iterator ni = nodes.begin(); ni != nodes.end(); ni++ ) if ((*ni)->isLeaf() ) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( rank+1 - node_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()] ); else if ((*ni)!=root) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( node_2_rank[(*ni)] - node_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()] ); scalar_type max_dLL=-1e30; /* // find moves for (map <int,Node *> :: iterator nri = rank_2_node.begin(); nri != rank_2_node.end(); nri++ ) if ((*nri).first!=1) { Node * node=(*nri).second; int r=(*nri).first; if (rank_2_node[r-1]->getSon(0)!=node && rank_2_node[r-1]->getSon(1)!=node) { pair <int,int> move; move.first=r-1; move.second=r; moves.push_back(move); } } //cout << TreeTemplateTools::treeToParenthesis(*S,false,"ID"); scalar_type oLL=LL_mpi(infer_tree,S,mode); //XX //cout << oLL << endl; TreeTemplate<Node> * max_dS; vector<pair<int,int> > good_moves; map <scalar_type, TreeTemplate<Node> * > move_trees; nodes = S->getNodes(); root=S->getRootNode(); // preform moves for (vector <pair <int,int> > :: iterator mi = moves.begin(); mi != moves.end(); mi++ ) { //TreeTemplate<Node> * dS=S->clone(); //vector<Node * > dS_nodes = dS->getNodes(); //Node * dS_root=dS->getRootNode(); id_2_rank[rank_2_id[(*mi).first]] = (*mi).second; id_2_rank[rank_2_id[(*mi).second]] = (*mi).first; for (vector<Node * > :: iterator ni = nodes.begin(); ni != nodes.end(); ni++ ) if ((*ni)->isLeaf() ) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( rank+1 - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); else if ((*ni)!=root) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()] - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); scalar_type dLL = LL_mpi(infer_tree,S,mode)-oLL; //cout << (*mi).first << " <-> " << (*mi).second << endl; //cout << dLL <<endl; id_2_rank[rank_2_id[(*mi).first]] = (*mi).first; id_2_rank[rank_2_id[(*mi).second]] = (*mi).second; for (vector<Node * > :: iterator ni = nodes.begin(); ni != nodes.end(); ni++ ) if ((*ni)->isLeaf() ) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( rank+1 - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); else if ((*ni)!=root) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()] - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); if (dLL>max_dLL) { max_dLL=dLL; //max_dS=dS; } if(dLL>0) good_moves.push_back((*mi)); } //cout << max_dLL << endl; map<int,int> moved; for (vector <pair <int,int> > :: iterator mi = good_moves.begin(); mi != good_moves.end(); mi++ ) { if (moved.count((*mi).first)==0 && moved.count((*mi).first)==0) { //cout << (*mi).first << " <-G-> " << (*mi).second << endl; id_2_rank[rank_2_id[(*mi).first]] = (*mi).second; id_2_rank[rank_2_id[(*mi).second]] = (*mi).first; moved[(*mi).first]=1; moved[(*mi).second]=1; } } for (vector<Node * > :: iterator ni = nodes.begin(); ni != nodes.end(); ni++ ) if ((*ni)->isLeaf() ) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( rank+1 - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); else if ((*ni)!=root) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()] - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); */ if (mpi_rank==server) cout << Sstring<<endl; if (mpi_rank==server) cout << TreeTemplateTools::treeToParenthesis(*S)<<endl; if (mpi_rank==server) cout << can_order(S)<<endl; scalar_type oLL=LL_mpi(infer_tree,can_order(S),mode); if (mpi_rank==server) cout << "oLL " << oLL << endl; scalar_type maxdLL=0; int max_id=-1; int max_father_id=-1; //TreeTemplate<Node> * maxdS; string maxdS; root=S->getRootNode(); for (vector < Node *> :: iterator ni=nodes.begin();ni!=nodes.end(); ni++) if (!((*ni)==root) && !((*ni)->isLeaf()) ) { Node * node0=(*ni)->getSon(0); Node * node1=(*ni)->getSon(1); Node * father=(*ni)->getFather(); Node * node2; if (father->getSon(0)==(*ni)) node2=father->getSon(1); else node2=father->getSon(0); //disolve (*ni)->removeSons(); father->removeSons(); //NNI 1. (*ni)->addSon(node0); (*ni)->addSon(node2); father->addSon((*ni)); father->addSon(node1); //clone out int old_rank=id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()]; for (map<int,int> :: iterator ii = id_2_rank.begin(); ii != id_2_rank.end(); ii++ ) if ((*ii).second<id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()] && (*ii).second>id_2_rank[father->getId()]) (*ii).second+=1; id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()]=id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()]+1; vector<Node * > dS_nodes = S->getNodes(); Node * dS_root=S->getRootNode(); for (vector<Node * > :: iterator nii = dS_nodes.begin(); nii != dS_nodes.end(); nii++ ) if ((*nii)->isLeaf() ) (*nii)->setDistanceToFather( rank+1 - id_2_rank[(*nii)->getFather()->getId()] ); else if ((*nii)!=dS_root) (*nii)->setDistanceToFather( id_2_rank[(*nii)->getId()] - id_2_rank[(*nii)->getFather()->getId()] ); //TreeTemplate<Node> * dS=S->clone(); string nni_string=can_order(S); scalar_type dLL = LL_mpi(infer_tree,nni_string,mode)-oLL; //cout << get_name(node0) << " ^ " << get_name(node2) << " -- " << get_name(node1) <<endl; if (dLL>maxdLL) { maxdLL=dLL; maxdS=nni_string;//S->clone(); max_id=(*ni)->getId(); max_father_id=father->getId(); if (mpi_rank==server) cout << dLL << " " << oLL << endl; if (mpi_rank==server) cout << nni_string << endl; if (greedy) break; } //disolve (*ni)->removeSons(); father->removeSons(); for (map<int,int> :: iterator ii = id_2_rank.begin(); ii != id_2_rank.end(); ii++ ) if ((*ii).second<old_rank+1 && (*ii).second>id_2_rank[father->getId()]) (*ii).second-=1; id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()]=old_rank; //NNI 2. (*ni)->addSon(node1); (*ni)->addSon(node2); father->addSon((*ni)); father->addSon(node0); //clone out old_rank=id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()]; for (map<int,int> :: iterator ii = id_2_rank.begin(); ii != id_2_rank.end(); ii++ ) if ((*ii).second<id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()] && (*ii).second>id_2_rank[father->getId()]) (*ii).second+=1; id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()]=id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()]+1; dS_nodes = S->getNodes(); dS_root=S->getRootNode(); for (vector<Node * > :: iterator nii = dS_nodes.begin(); nii != dS_nodes.end(); nii++ ) if ((*nii)->isLeaf() ) (*nii)->setDistanceToFather( rank+1 - id_2_rank[(*nii)->getFather()->getId()] ); else if ((*nii)!=dS_root) (*nii)->setDistanceToFather( id_2_rank[(*nii)->getId()] - id_2_rank[(*nii)->getFather()->getId()] ); //dS nni_string=can_order(S); dLL = LL_mpi(infer_tree,nni_string,mode)-oLL; //cout << dLL << "nni move"<<endl; //cout << get_name(node1) << " ^ " << get_name(node2) << " -- " << get_name(node0) <<endl; if (dLL>maxdLL) { maxdLL=dLL; maxdS=nni_string;//S->clone();; max_id=(*ni)->getId(); max_father_id=father->getId(); if (mpi_rank==server) cout << dLL << " ."<< endl; if (mpi_rank==server) cout << nni_string << endl; if (greedy) break; } //disolve (*ni)->removeSons(); father->removeSons(); for (map<int,int> :: iterator ii = id_2_rank.begin(); ii != id_2_rank.end(); ii++ ) if ((*ii).second<old_rank+1 && (*ii).second>id_2_rank[father->getId()]) (*ii).second-=1; id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()]=old_rank; //restore (*ni)->addSon(node0); (*ni)->addSon(node1); father->addSon((*ni)); father->addSon(node2); } times.clear(); nodes.clear(); node_2_rank.clear(); rank_2_node.clear(); id_2_rank.clear(); rank_2_id.clear(); moves.clear(); pair < scalar_type,string> ML_step; delete S; ML_step.first=maxdLL; if (maxdLL>0) ML_step.second=maxdS; else ML_step.second=Sstring; return ML_step; /* if (maxdLL>0) { S=maxdS; max_dLL=maxdLL; int old_rank=id_2_rank[max_id]; for (map<int,int> :: iterator ii = id_2_rank.begin(); ii != id_2_rank.end(); ii++ ) if ((*ii).second<id_2_rank[max_id] && (*ii).second>id_2_rank[max_father_id]) (*ii).second+=1; id_2_rank[max_id]=id_2_rank[max_father_id]+1; } nodes = S->getNodes(); root=S->getRootNode(); for (vector<Node * > :: iterator ni = nodes.begin(); ni != nodes.end(); ni++ ) if ((*ni)->isLeaf() ) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( rank+1 - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); else if ((*ni)!=root) (*ni)->setDistanceToFather( id_2_rank[(*ni)->getId()] - id_2_rank[(*ni)->getFather()->getId()] ); pair < scalar_type,string> ML_step; ML_step.first=max_dLL; ML_step.second=can_order(S); //ML_step.second=maxdS; return ML_step; */ }