// proxy: 0=none, 1=socks4, 2=socks5, 3=socks5_pw 4=http 5=http_pw
void test_transfer(boost::intrusive_ptr<torrent_info> torrent_file
	, int proxy, int port, char const* protocol, bool url_seed, bool chunked_encoding, bool test_ban)
	using namespace libtorrent;

	session ses(fingerprint("  ", 0,0,0,0), 0);
	session_settings settings;
	settings.max_queued_disk_bytes = 256 * 1024;
	ses.set_alert_mask(~(alert::progress_notification | alert::stats_notification));
	error_code ec;
	ses.listen_on(std::make_pair(51000, 52000), ec);
	if (ec) fprintf(stderr, "listen_on failed: %s\n", ec.message().c_str());

	remove_all("tmp2_web_seed", ec);

	char const* test_name[] = {"no", "SOCKS4", "SOCKS5", "SOCKS5 password", "HTTP", "HTTP password"};

	fprintf(stderr, "\n\n  ==== TESTING === proxy: %s ==== protocol: %s ==== seed: %s === transfer-encoding: %s === corruption: %s\n\n\n"
		, test_name[proxy], protocol, url_seed ? "URL seed" : "HTTP seed", chunked_encoding ? "chunked": "none", test_ban ? "yes" : "no");
	if (proxy)
		start_proxy(8002, proxy);
		proxy_settings ps;
		ps.hostname = "";
		ps.port = 8002;
		ps.username = "******";
		ps.password = "******";
		ps.type = (proxy_settings::proxy_type)proxy;

	add_torrent_params p;
	p.flags &= ~add_torrent_params::flag_paused;
	p.flags &= ~add_torrent_params::flag_auto_managed;
	p.ti = torrent_file;
	p.save_path = "tmp2_web_seed";
	p.storage_mode = storage_mode_compact;
	torrent_handle th = ses.add_torrent(p, ec);

	std::vector<announce_entry> empty;

	const size_type total_size = torrent_file->total_size();

	float rate_sum = 0.f;
	float ses_rate_sum = 0.f;

	cache_status cs;

	file_storage const& fs = torrent_file->files();
	int pad_file_size = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < fs.num_files(); ++i)
		file_entry f = fs.at(i);
		if (f.pad_file) pad_file_size += f.size;

	for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
		torrent_status s = th.status();
		session_status ss = ses.status();
		rate_sum += s.download_payload_rate;
		ses_rate_sum += ss.payload_download_rate;

		sha1_hash ih(0);
		ses.get_cache_info(ih, &cs);
		if (cs.blocks_read < 1) cs.blocks_read = 1;
		if (cs.blocks_written < 1) cs.blocks_written = 1;
		std::cerr << (s.progress * 100.f) << " %"
			<< " torrent rate: " << (s.download_rate / 1000.f) << " kB/s"
			<< " session rate: " << (ss.download_rate / 1000.f) << " kB/s"
			<< " session total: " << ss.total_payload_download
			<< " torrent total: " << s.total_payload_download
			<< " rate sum:" << ses_rate_sum
			<< " w-cache: " << cs.write_cache_size
			<< " r-cache: " << cs.read_cache_size
			<< " buffers: " << cs.total_used_buffers
			<< std::endl;
		print_alerts(ses, "  >>  ses", test_ban, false, false, 0, true);

		if (test_ban && th.url_seeds().empty())
			// when we don't have any web seeds left, we know we successfully banned it

		if (s.is_seeding /* && ss.download_rate == 0.f*/)
			TEST_EQUAL(s.total_payload_download - s.total_redundant_bytes, total_size - pad_file_size);
			// we need to sleep here a bit to let the session sync with the torrent stats
			TEST_EQUAL(ses.status().total_payload_download - ses.status().total_redundant_bytes
				, total_size - pad_file_size);

	// for test_ban tests, make sure we removed
	// the url seed (i.e. banned it)
	TEST_CHECK(!test_ban || th.url_seeds().empty());

	TEST_EQUAL(cs.read_cache_size, torrent_file->total_size() / 0x4000);
	TEST_EQUAL(cs.total_used_buffers, torrent_file->total_size() / 0x4000);

	std::cerr << "total_size: " << total_size
		<< " rate_sum: " << rate_sum
		<< " session_rate_sum: " << ses_rate_sum
		<< " session total download: " << ses.status().total_payload_download
		<< " torrent total download: " << th.status().total_payload_download
		<< " redundant: " << th.status().total_redundant_bytes
		<< std::endl;

	// the rates for each second should sum up to the total, with a 10% error margin
//	TEST_CHECK(fabs(rate_sum - total_size) < total_size * .1f);
//	TEST_CHECK(fabs(ses_rate_sum - total_size) < total_size * .1f);

	// if test_ban is true, we're not supposed to have completed the download
	// otherwise, we are supposed to have
	TEST_CHECK(th.status().is_seeding == !test_ban);

	if (proxy) stop_proxy(8002);

	TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path("tmp2_web_seed", torrent_file->files().file_path(
		torrent_file->file_at(0)))) || test_ban);
	remove_all("tmp2_web_seed", ec);
Esempio n. 2
// proxy: 0=none, 1=socks4, 2=socks5, 3=socks5_pw 4=http 5=http_pw
void test_transfer(boost::intrusive_ptr<torrent_info> torrent_file
	, int proxy, int port, char const* protocol, bool url_seed, bool chunked_encoding)
	using namespace libtorrent;

	session ses(fingerprint("  ", 0,0,0,0), 0);
	session_settings settings;
	settings.max_queued_disk_bytes = 256 * 1024;
	ses.set_alert_mask(~(alert::progress_notification | alert::stats_notification));
	error_code ec;
	ses.listen_on(std::make_pair(51000, 52000), ec);
	if (ec) fprintf(stderr, "listen_on failed: %s\n", ec.message().c_str());

	remove_all("./tmp2_web_seed", ec);

	char const* test_name[] = {"no", "SOCKS4", "SOCKS5", "SOCKS5 password", "HTTP", "HTTP password"};

	fprintf(stderr, "\n\n  ==== TESTING === proxy: %s ==== protocol: %s ==== seed: %s === transfer-encoding: %s\n\n\n"
		, test_name[proxy], protocol, url_seed ? "URL seed" : "HTTP seed", chunked_encoding ? "chunked": "none");
	if (proxy)
		start_proxy(8002, proxy);
		proxy_settings ps;
		ps.hostname = "";
		ps.port = 8002;
		ps.username = "******";
		ps.password = "******";
		ps.type = (proxy_settings::proxy_type)proxy;

	add_torrent_params p;
	p.auto_managed = false;
	p.paused = false;
	p.ti = torrent_file;
	p.save_path = "./tmp2_web_seed";
	p.storage_mode = storage_mode_compact;
	torrent_handle th = ses.add_torrent(p, ec);

	std::vector<announce_entry> empty;

	const size_type total_size = torrent_file->total_size();

	float rate_sum = 0.f;
	float ses_rate_sum = 0.f;

	cache_status cs;

	for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
		torrent_status s = th.status();
		session_status ss = ses.status();
		rate_sum += s.download_payload_rate;
		ses_rate_sum += ss.payload_download_rate;

		cs = ses.get_cache_status();
		if (cs.blocks_read < 1) cs.blocks_read = 1;
		if (cs.blocks_written < 1) cs.blocks_written = 1;
		std::cerr << (s.progress * 100.f) << " %"
			<< " torrent rate: " << (s.download_rate / 1000.f) << " kB/s"
			<< " session rate: " << (ss.download_rate / 1000.f) << " kB/s"
			<< " session total: " << ss.total_payload_download
			<< " torrent total: " << s.total_payload_download
			<< " rate sum:" << ses_rate_sum
			<< " cache: " << cs.cache_size
			<< " rcache: " << cs.read_cache_size
			<< " buffers: " << cs.total_used_buffers
			<< std::endl;
		print_alerts(ses, "  >>  ses", false, false, false, 0, true);

		if (s.is_seeding /* && ss.download_rate == 0.f*/)
			TEST_EQUAL(s.total_payload_download - s.total_redundant_bytes, total_size);
			// we need to sleep here a bit to let the session sync with the torrent stats
			TEST_EQUAL(ses.status().total_payload_download - ses.status().total_redundant_bytes
				, total_size);

	TEST_EQUAL(cs.cache_size, 0);
	TEST_EQUAL(cs.total_used_buffers, 0);

	std::cerr << "total_size: " << total_size
		<< " rate_sum: " << rate_sum
		<< " session_rate_sum: " << ses_rate_sum
		<< " session total download: " << ses.status().total_payload_download
		<< " torrent total download: " << th.status().total_payload_download
		<< " redundant: " << th.status().total_redundant_bytes
		<< std::endl;

	// the rates for each second should sum up to the total, with a 10% error margin
//	TEST_CHECK(fabs(rate_sum - total_size) < total_size * .1f);
//	TEST_CHECK(fabs(ses_rate_sum - total_size) < total_size * .1f);


	if (proxy) stop_proxy(8002);

	TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path("./tmp2_web_seed", torrent_file->files().file_path(
	remove_all("./tmp2_web_seed", ec);