Esempio n. 1
BWAPI::TilePosition BuildingManager::getBuildingLocation(const Building & b)
    int numPylons = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->completedUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon);

    if (b.isGasSteal)
        BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());
        UAB_ASSERT(enemyBaseLocation,"Should have enemy base location before attempting gas steal");
        UAB_ASSERT(enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers().size() > 0,"Should have spotted an enemy geyser");

        for (auto & unit : enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers())
            BWAPI::TilePosition tp(unit->getInitialTilePosition());
            return tp;

    if (b.type.requiresPsi() && numPylons == 0)
        return BWAPI::TilePositions::None;
	//if building a bunker for strategy "Terran_Custom", return one location near an attacked unit
	if ((b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker) && (Config::Strategy::StrategyName == "Terran_Custom"))
		for (auto & unit : BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUnits())
			if (unit->isUnderAttack())
				return BuildingPlacer::Instance().getBuildLocationNear(b, 1, false);
    if (b.type.isRefinery())
        return BuildingPlacer::Instance().getRefineryPosition();

    if (b.type.isResourceDepot())
        // get the location 
        BWAPI::TilePosition tile = MapTools::Instance().getNextExpansion();

        return tile;

    // set the building padding specifically
    int distance = b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon ? 0 : Config::Macro::BuildingSpacing;
    if (b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon && (numPylons < 3))
        distance = Config::Macro::PylonSpacing;

    // get a position within our region
    return BuildingPlacer::Instance().getBuildLocationNear(b,distance,false);
Esempio n. 2
BWAPI::TilePosition BuildingManager::getBuildingLocation(const Building & b)
    int numPylons = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->completedUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon);

    if (b.isGasSteal)
        BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());
        UAB_ASSERT(enemyBaseLocation,"Should have enemy base location before attempting gas steal");
        UAB_ASSERT(enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers().size() > 0,"Should have spotted an enemy geyser");

        for (auto & unit : enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers())
            BWAPI::TilePosition tp(unit->getInitialTilePosition());
            return tp;

    if (b.type.requiresPsi() && numPylons == 0)
        return BWAPI::TilePositions::None;

    if (b.type.isRefinery())
        return BuildingPlacer::Instance().getRefineryPosition();

    if (b.type.isResourceDepot())
        // get the location 
        BWAPI::TilePosition tile = MapTools::Instance().getNextExpansion();

        return tile;

	if (b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker)
		BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());
		UAB_ASSERT(enemyBaseLocation, "Should have enemy base location before attempting gas steal");
		BWTA::Chokepoint * chokePoint = BWTA::getNearestChokepoint(enemyBaseLocation->getTilePosition());
		std::pair<BWAPI::Position, BWAPI::Position> sides = chokePoint->getSides();
		BWAPI::Position poi = enemyBaseLocation->getPosition().getDistance(sides.first) > enemyBaseLocation->getPosition().getDistance(sides.second) ? sides.first : sides.second;
		//BWAPI::Broodwar->printf("Tisssle Position (%d, %d)", BWAPI::TilePosition(poi).x, BWAPI::TilePosition(poi).y);
		return BWAPI::TilePosition(sides.second);

    // set the building padding specifically
    int distance = b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon ? 0 : Config::Macro::BuildingSpacing;
    if (b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon && (numPylons < 3))
        distance = Config::Macro::PylonSpacing;

    // get a position within our region
    return BuildingPlacer::Instance().getBuildLocationNear(b,distance,false);
BWAPI::Unit ScoutManager::getEnemyGeyser()
	BWAPI::Unit geyser = nullptr;
	BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());

	for (auto & unit : enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers())
		geyser = unit;

	return geyser;
BWAPI::UnitInterface* ScoutManager::getEnemyGeyser()
	BWAPI::UnitInterface* geyser = NULL;
	BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());

	for (BWAPI::UnitInterface* unit : enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers())
		geyser = unit;

	return geyser;
bool WorkerManager::isGasStealRefinery(BWAPI::Unit unit)
    BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());
    if (!enemyBaseLocation)
        return false;
    if (enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers().empty())
        return false;
	for (auto & u : enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers())
        if (unit->getTilePosition() == u->getTilePosition())
            return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 6
// Get a sunken position depending on whether or not we have an expansion.
BWAPI::TilePosition BuildingManager::getSunkenPosition()

	BWAPI::UnitType sunk = BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Creep_Colony;
	// Always make sunkens at natural expansion if you can.
	if (createdHatcheriesSet.size() >= 1)
		BWAPI::TilePosition hatchPosition = createdHatcheriesVector[0];
		BWAPI::Unit pExpansion = BWAPI::Broodwar->getClosestUnit(BWAPI::Position(hatchPosition), BWAPI::Filter::IsResourceDepot);
		BWAPI::Unitset myUnits = pExpansion->getUnitsInRadius(200);
		BWAPI::UnitType larva = BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva;
		BWAPI::UnitType egg = BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg;

		std::set<BWAPI::TilePosition> stuffBlocking;
		for (BWAPI::Unit p : myUnits)
			if (p->getType() == larva || p->getType() == egg)

		while (buildableSunkenTilePositions.size() >= 1)
			std::set<BWAPI::TilePosition>::iterator it = buildableSunkenTilePositions.begin();

			BWAPI::TilePosition mySunkPosition = *it;
			Building z(sunk, mySunkPosition);

			if (!isCreepStarted())
				if (BWAPI::Broodwar->hasCreep(mySunkPosition) && createdBuilding.find(mySunkPosition) == createdBuilding.end() && stuffBlocking.find(mySunkPosition) == stuffBlocking.end())
					return *it;

				if (BWAPI::Broodwar->hasCreep(mySunkPosition) && BuildingPlacer::Instance().canBuildHere(mySunkPosition, z) && createdBuilding.find(mySunkPosition) == createdBuilding.end() && stuffBlocking.find(mySunkPosition) == stuffBlocking.end())
					return *it;



		//BWAPI::Position hatchPositionBWP = BWAPI::Position(hatchPosition);
		BWAPI::TilePosition sunkPosition;

		const std::set<BWTA::BaseLocation*, std::less<BWTA::BaseLocation*>> locations = BWTA::getBaseLocations();
		BWTA::BaseLocation *myLocation;

		for (BWTA::BaseLocation *p : locations) {
			BWAPI::TilePosition z = p->getTilePosition();
			if (z == hatchPosition){
				// This is the BWTA::Location of the first hatchery.
				myLocation = p;

		// Get the set of mineral patches closest to BWTA::Location of the hatchery(it will return like 8 mineral patches usually in the set)
		const BWAPI::Unitset mineralSet = myLocation->getMinerals();
		//const std::set<BWAPI::Unit*> mineralSet = myLocation->getMinerals();

		int counter3 = 0;
		int theX = 0;
		int theY = 0;
		for (BWAPI::Unit p : mineralSet)
			// Calculate the difference between LeftMostMineralPatch.x - ExpansionHatchery.x and store it in theX
			theX = p->getTilePosition().x - hatchPosition.x;
			// Calculate the difference between LeftMostMineralPatch.y - ExpansionHatchery.y and store it in theY
			theY = p->getTilePosition().y - hatchPosition.y;

		int gasX = 0;
		int gasY = 0;
		int counter4 = 0;
		//Get all geysers near the expansion -- it should only return 1 for every map we play..
		const BWAPI::Unitset gasSet = myLocation->getGeysers();
		for (BWAPI::Unit p : gasSet)
			// Calculate the difference between Geyser.x- ExpansionHatchery.x and store it in gasX
			gasX = p->getTilePosition().x - hatchPosition.x;
			// Calculate the difference between Geyser.y- ExpansionHatchery.y and store it in gasY
			gasY = p->getTilePosition().y - hatchPosition.y;

		int newx, newy;

		int outercounter = 0;
		int counter = 0;
		newx = hatchPosition.x;
		newy = hatchPosition.y;

		int beginX = hatchPosition.x;
		int beginY = hatchPosition.y;

		//sunkPosition = BWAPI::TilePosition(newx, newy);

		//test4 = BuildingPlacer::Instance().canBuildHere(sunkPosition, b);

		// Form a new sunken position that starts at the hatchery positive.

		std::vector<bool> incrementDecrement(8);

		bool useGasX = false;
		bool useGasY = false;
		bool useMinX = false;
		bool useMinY = false;

		if (abs(gasX) > abs(gasY))
			useGasX = true;
			useGasY = true;

		if (abs(theX) > abs(theY))
			useMinX = true;
			useMinY = true;

		// Gas differences is probably more reliable than mineral differences.
		if (useGasX && useMinX)
			useMinX = false;
			useMinY = true;

		// Gas differences is probably more reliable than mineral differences.
		if (useGasY && useMinY)
			useMinY = false;
			useMinX = true;
		// This is where we decide which directions we can make sunkens in
		// It is based on X and Y differences in LeftMostMineral - Hatchery and Geyser - Hatchery
		// It is not very good right now because we only use two variables. We should use four variables for better dection : theX, theY, gasX, gasY

		// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.y - Hatchery.y is negative : It means the mierals are North of the hatchery
		// If the difference between Geyser.X - Hatchery.X is negative : It means that the geyser is Left of the Hatchery
		if (useMinY && useGasX)
			if (theY < 0 && gasX < 0)
				/* Allow the following directions for sunken to be built :
				Increase X & Keep Y the same (East)
				Increase X & Increase Y (Go South East)
				Decrease X & Increase Y  (Go South West)
				Keep X Same, Increase Y (Go South)

				Go NORTHEAST **Test**
				incrementDecrement = { true, false, true, true, false, false, true, false };


			// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.y - Hatchery.y is positive : It means the mierals are South of the hatchery
			// If the difference between Geyser.X - Hatchery.X is negative : It means that the geyser is Left of the Hatchery
			else if (gasX < 0 && theY > 0)
				/* Allow the following directions for sunken to be built :
				Increase X & Keep Y the same (East)
				Increase X & Decrease Y (Go North East)
				Decrease X & Decrease Y (Go North West)
				Keep X Same, Decrease Y (Go North)

				GO SOUTHEAST --> Test
				incrementDecrement = { false, true, true, false, true, false, false, true };

			// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.y - Hatchery.y is negative : It means the mierals are North of the hatchery
			// If the difference between Geyser.X - Hatchery.X is positive : It means that the geyser is Right or East of the Hatchery
			else if (gasX > 0 && theY < 0)
				/* Allow the following directions for sunken to be built :
				Decrease X & Keep Y the same (West)
				Decrease X & Increase Y (Go South West)
				Increase X & Increase Y  (Go South East)
				Keep X Same, Increase Y (Go South)

				Go Northwest
				incrementDecrement = { true, false, false, true, false, true, true, false };


			// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.y - Hatchery.y is positive : It means the mierals are South of the hatchery
			// If the difference between Geyser.X - Hatchery.X is positive : It means that the geyser is Right or East of the Hatchery
			else if (theY > 0 && gasX > 0)
				/* Decrease X & Keep Y the same (West)
				Decrease X & Decrease Y (Go North West)
				Increase X & Decrease Y (Go North East)
				Don't change X Decrease y (Go North)

				Go Southwest
				incrementDecrement = { false, true, false, false, true, true, false, true };


		else if (useMinX && useGasY)
			// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.x - Hatchery.x is positive : It means the mierals are East of the hatchery
			// If the difference between Geyser.Y - Hatchery.Y is negative : It means that the geyser is North of the Hatchery
			if (gasY < 0 && theX > 0)
				/* Decrease X(Go West)
				Increase Y(Go South)
				Decrease X, Increase Y(Go South West)
				Decrease X, Decrease Y(Go North West)
				I think can try SouthEast ? */
				incrementDecrement = { false, false, false, true, true, true, true, false };


			// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.x - Hatchery.x is positive : It means the mierals are East of the hatchery
			// If the difference between Geyser.Y - Hatchery.Y is positive : It means that the geyser is South of the Hatchery
			else if (theX > 0 && gasY > 0)
				/* Decrease X(Go West)
				Decrease Y(Go North)
				Decrease X, INcrease Y(Go SOuth West)
				Decrease X, Decrease Y(Go North West)
				I think can try NOrthEast?
				incrementDecrement = { false, false, false, true, true, true, false, true };


			// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.x - Hatchery.x is negative : It means the minerals are West of the hatchery
			// If the difference between Geyser.Y - Hatchery.Y is negative : It means that the geyser is North of the Hatchery
			else if (gasY < 0 && theX < 0)
				/* Increase X(Go East)
				Increase Y(Go South)
				Increase X, Increase Y(Go South East)
				Increase X, Decrease Y(Go North East)
				I think maybe Southwest is okay?.. Even NW might be okay */
				incrementDecrement = { true, true, true, false, false, false, true, false };

			// If the difference between LeftMostMineral.x - Hatchery.x is negative : It means the minerals are West of the hatchery
			// If the difference between Geyser.Y - Hatchery.Y is positive : It means that the geyser is South of the Hatchery
			else if (gasY > 0 && theX < 0)

				incrementDecrement = { true, true, true, false, false, false, false, true };
				/* Increase X(Go East)
				Decrease Y(Go North)
				Increase X, Increase Y(Go South East)
				Increase X, Decrease Y(Go North East)
				I think maybe Northwest is okay? */


		beginX = hatchPosition.x;
		beginY = hatchPosition.y;

		std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > myVec;
		std::pair<int, int> p1;

		for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			if (incrementDecrement[i])
				if (i == 0)
					p1.first = 1;
					p1.second = 1;

				else if (i == 1)
					p1.first = 1;
					p1.second = -1;

				else if (i == 2)
					p1.first = 1;
					p1.second = 0;

				else if (i == 3)
					p1.first = -1;
					p1.second = 1;

				else if (i == 4)
					p1.first = -1;
					p1.second = -1;

				else if (i == 5)
					p1.first = -1;
					p1.second = 0;

				else if (i == 6)
					p1.first = 0;
					p1.second = 1;

				else if (i == 7)
					p1.first = 0;
					p1.second = -1;



		for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
		for (int k = 0; k < 30; k++)
		for (int l = 0; l < 30; l++)
			int xChange = beginX;
			int yChange = beginY;

			xChange += i * myVec[0].first;
			yChange += i * myVec[0].second;

			xChange += j * myVec[1].first;
			yChange += j * myVec[1].second;

			xChange += k * myVec[2].first;
			yChange += k * myVec[2].second;

			xChange += l * myVec[3].first;
			yChange += l * myVec[3].second;

			if (beginX + 1 == xChange) 
				if (yChange == beginY)
					BWAPI::Broodwar->printf("%d", xChange);
			sunkPosition = BWAPI::TilePosition(xChange, yChange);

			Building b(sunk, sunkPosition);

			if (!isCreepStarted())
				if (BWAPI::Broodwar->hasCreep(sunkPosition) && stuffBlocking.find(sunkPosition) == stuffBlocking.end() && createdBuilding.find(sunkPosition) == createdBuilding.end())

				if (BWAPI::Broodwar->hasCreep(sunkPosition) && BuildingPlacer::Instance().canBuildHere(sunkPosition, b) && stuffBlocking.find(sunkPosition) == stuffBlocking.end() && createdBuilding.find(sunkPosition) == createdBuilding.end())


		if (buildableSunkenTilePositions.size() != 0)
			std::set<BWAPI::TilePosition>::iterator it = buildableSunkenTilePositions.begin();
			return *it;
			return BWAPI::TilePositions::None;
BWAPI::TilePosition BuildingManager::getBuildingLocation(const Building & b)
    int numPylons = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->completedUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon);

    if (b.isGasSteal)
        BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());
        UAB_ASSERT(enemyBaseLocation,"Should have enemy base location before attempting gas steal");
        UAB_ASSERT(enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers().size() > 0,"Should have spotted an enemy geyser");

        for (auto & unit : enemyBaseLocation->getGeysers())
            BWAPI::TilePosition tp(unit->getInitialTilePosition());
            return tp;

    if (b.type.requiresPsi() && numPylons == 0)
        return BWAPI::TilePositions::None;

    if (b.type.isRefinery())
        return BuildingPlacer::Instance().getRefineryPosition();

	if (b.type.isResourceDepot())
      // get the location
      // Make every other base for zerg a macro hatch.
      bool is_macro = false;
	  if (BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getRace() == BWAPI::Races::Zerg) {
        int num_mains = UnitUtil::GetAllUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Hatchery) + UnitUtil::GetAllUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Lair) + UnitUtil::GetAllUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Hive);
        if (num_mains % 2 == 1)
          is_macro = true;

	  if (!is_macro || Config::Strategy::StrategyName == "GreedyHydras") {
        BWAPI::TilePosition tile = MapTools::Instance().getNextExpansion();
        return tile;

    if (b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Creep_Colony) {
      // Half way between start and choke.
      BWAPI::TilePosition startLocation = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation();
      BWAPI::TilePosition chokeLocation = BWAPI::TilePosition(BWTA::getNearestChokepoint(startLocation)->getCenter());

      return BWAPI::Broodwar->getBuildLocation(b.type, chokeLocation, 64, true);

    // set the building padding specifically
    int distance = b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon ? 0 : Config::Macro::BuildingSpacing;
    if (b.type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon && (numPylons < 3))
        distance = Config::Macro::PylonSpacing;

    // get a position within our region
    return BuildingPlacer::Instance().getBuildLocationNear(b,distance,false);