void ControllerUI::CopyToClipboard(::CEGUI::Window* EditBox, bool Cut)
		if (!EditBox)

		// get possibly typed instances we process
		CEGUI::Editbox* box				= dynamic_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(EditBox);
		CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox* mlbox	= dynamic_cast<CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox*>(EditBox);
		// type of Editbox
		if (box)
			// get text from cegui textbox
			::CEGUI::String boxStr = box->getText();

			size_t start = box->getSelectionStartIndex();
			size_t len = box->getSelectionLength();

			// get substring which is selected
			boxStr = boxStr.substr(start, len);
			// copy to clipboard
			if (boxStr.length() > 0)
				if (Cut)			

		// type of MultiLineEditbox
		else if (mlbox)
			// get text from cegui textbox
			::CEGUI::String boxStr = mlbox->getText();

			size_t start = mlbox->getSelectionStartIndex();
			size_t len = mlbox->getSelectionLength();

			// get substring which is selected
			boxStr = boxStr.substr(start, len);
			// copy to clipboard
			if (boxStr.length() > 0)
				if (Cut)			
Esempio n. 2
void GuiChat::writeMessage(Event* event)
	if (event->hasProperty("Perso") && event->hasProperty("Message"))
		std::string message = event->getProperty("Perso") + " > " + event->getProperty("Message");
		// add this entry to the command history buffer
		// reset history position
		d_historyPos = d_history.size();
		// append newline to this entry
		message += '\n';
		// get history window
		CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox* history = static_cast<CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox*>(chatWindow->getChild("ListOfMessage"));
		// append new text to history output
		history->setText(history->getText() + message);
		// scroll to bottom of history output

Esempio n. 3
void CGUIMemo_Impl::EnsureCaratIsVisible ( void )
    CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox* wndMemo = reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox* > ( m_pWindow );
    wndMemo->setCaratIndex ( ( wndMemo->getText ( ) ).length ( ) );
Esempio n. 4
handle send button event
bool ChatBox::HandleEnterKey (const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
	const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs& we =
    static_cast<const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs&>(e);

	const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs& wine =
    static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>(e);

	if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::LeftControl || we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::RightControl)
		_control_key_on = true;
		return true;

	if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::LeftShift || we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::RightShift)
		_shift_key_on = true;
		return true;

	if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::LeftAlt || we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::RightAlt)
		return true;

	if(wine.window->getName() == "Chat/edit")
		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::Return)
			HandleSend (e);

			CEGUI::Editbox * bed = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox *>
			return true;

		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowUp)
			if(_itltext == _lasttexts.end())
				_itltext = _lasttexts.begin();
				std::list<std::string>::iterator ittmp = _itltext;
				if(ittmp != _lasttexts.end())

				CEGUI::Window *windowchat = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("Chat/edit");
				std::string text = "";
				if(_itltext != _lasttexts.end())
					text = *_itltext;

					windowchat->setText((const unsigned char *)text.c_str());

			//if(_currSelectedch >= (int)_channels.size())
			//	--_currSelectedch;
			//	std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = _channels.begin();
			//	std::list<std::string>::const_iterator end = _channels.end();
			//	for(int cc=0; cc<_currSelectedch && it != end; ++it, ++cc);

			//	CEGUI::PushButton * bch = static_cast<CEGUI::PushButton *>
			//		(CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("Chat/bChannel"));
			//	bch->setProperty("Text", *it);

			return true;
		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowDown)
			if(_itltext != _lasttexts.end())
				if(_itltext != _lasttexts.begin())
					_itltext = _lasttexts.end();

			CEGUI::Window *windowchat = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("Chat/edit");
			std::string text = "";
			if(_itltext != _lasttexts.end())
				text = *_itltext;

				windowchat->setText((const unsigned char *)text.c_str());

			//if(_currSelectedch < 0)
			//	++_currSelectedch;
			//	std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = _channels.begin();
			//	std::list<std::string>::const_iterator end = _channels.end();
			//	for(int cc=0; cc<_currSelectedch && it != end; ++it, ++cc);

			//	CEGUI::PushButton * bch = static_cast<CEGUI::PushButton *>
			//		(CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("Chat/bChannel"));
			//	bch->setProperty("Text", *it);

			return true;

		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowUp || we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowDown)
			return true;

		// paste text
		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::V && _control_key_on)
			CEGUI::Editbox * bed = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox *>
			if(bed && bed->isActive())
				if(_text_copyed != "")
					size_t selB = bed->getSelectionStartIndex();
					size_t selE = bed->getSelectionLength();
					CEGUI::String str = bed->getText();
					if(selE > 0)
						str = str.erase(selB, selE);

					if(str.size() + _text_copyed.size() < bed->getMaxTextLength())
						size_t idx = bed->getCaratIndex();
						str = str.insert(idx, (unsigned char *)_text_copyed.c_str());
						bed->setCaratIndex(idx + _text_copyed.size());

				return true;

	// copy text
	if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::C && _control_key_on)
		CEGUI::Window * actw = _myChat->getActiveChild();
		if(actw != NULL)
			if(actw->getName() == "Chat/edit")
				CEGUI::Editbox * bed = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox *> (actw);
				size_t selB = bed->getSelectionStartIndex();
				size_t selE = bed->getSelectionLength();
				if(selE > 0)
					CEGUI::String str = bed->getText().substr(selB, selE);
					_text_copyed = str.c_str();

				return true;
				CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox* txt = static_cast<CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox *>(actw);
				size_t selB = txt->getSelectionStartIndex();
				size_t selE = txt->getSelectionLength();
				if(selE > 0)
					CEGUI::String str = txt->getText().substr(selB, selE);
					_text_copyed = str.c_str();

				return true;


    return false;
Esempio n. 5
handle send button event
bool ChatBox::HandleEnterKey (const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
	const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs& we =
    static_cast<const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs&>(e);

	const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs& wine =
    static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>(e);

	if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::LeftControl || we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::RightControl)
		_control_key_on = true;
		return true;

	if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::LeftShift || we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::RightShift)
		_shift_key_on = true;
		return true;

	if(wine.window->getName() == "Chat/edit")
		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::Return)
			HandleSend (e);

			CEGUI::Editbox * bed = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox *>
			return true;

		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowUp)
			if(_itltext == _lasttexts.end())
				_itltext = _lasttexts.begin();
				std::list<std::string>::iterator ittmp = _itltext;
				if(ittmp != _lasttexts.end())

				if(_itltext != _lasttexts.end())
														(const unsigned char *)_itltext->c_str());

			return true;
		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowDown)
			if(_itltext != _lasttexts.end())
				if(_itltext != _lasttexts.begin())
					_itltext = _lasttexts.end();

			if(_itltext != _lasttexts.end())
													(const unsigned char *)_itltext->c_str());

			return true;

		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowUp || we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::ArrowDown)
			return true;

		// paste text
		if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::V && _control_key_on)
			CEGUI::Editbox * bed = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox *>
				if(_text_copyed != "")
					size_t selB = bed->getSelectionStartIndex();
					size_t selE = bed->getSelectionLength();
					CEGUI::String str = bed->getText();
					if(selE > 0)
						str = str.erase(selB, selE);

					if(str.size() + _text_copyed.size() < bed->getMaxTextLength())
						size_t idx = bed->getCaratIndex();
						str = str.insert(idx, (unsigned char *)_text_copyed.c_str());
						bed->setCaratIndex(idx + _text_copyed.size());

				return true;

	// copy text
	if(we.scancode == CEGUI::Key::C && _control_key_on)
		CEGUI::Window * actw = _myChat->getActiveChild();
		if(actw != NULL)
			if(actw->getName() == "Chat/edit")
				CEGUI::Editbox * bed = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox *> (actw);
				size_t selB = bed->getSelectionStartIndex();
				size_t selE = bed->getSelectionLength();
				if(selE > 0)
					CEGUI::String str = bed->getText().substr(selB, selE);
					_text_copyed = str.c_str();

				return true;
				CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox* txt = static_cast<CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox *>(actw);
				size_t selB = txt->getSelectionStartIndex();
				size_t selE = txt->getSelectionLength();
				if(selE > 0)
					CEGUI::String str = txt->getText().substr(selB, selE);
					_text_copyed = str.c_str();

				return true;


    return false;
Esempio n. 6
bool GUI_Paste_From_Clipboard( void )
	CEGUI::Window *sheet = CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getGUISheet();

	// no sheet
	if( !sheet )
		return 0;

	CEGUI::Window *window_active = sheet->getActiveChild();

	// no active window
	if( !window_active )
		return 0;

	const CEGUI::String &type = window_active->getType();

	// MultiLineEditbox
	if( type.find( "/MultiLineEditbox" ) != CEGUI::String::npos )
		CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox *editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox*>(window_active);

		if( editbox->isReadOnly() )
			return 0;

		CEGUI::String::size_type beg = editbox->getSelectionStartIndex();
		CEGUI::String::size_type len = editbox->getSelectionLength();

		CEGUI::String new_text = editbox->getText();
		// erase selected text
		new_text.erase( beg, len );

		// get clipboard text
		CEGUI::String clipboard_text = reinterpret_cast<const CEGUI::utf8*>(Get_Clipboard_Content().c_str());
		// set new text
		editbox->setText( new_text.insert( beg, clipboard_text ) );
		// set new carat index
		editbox->setCaratIndex( editbox->getCaratIndex() + clipboard_text.length() );
	// Editbox
	else if( type.find( "/Editbox" ) != CEGUI::String::npos )
		CEGUI::Editbox *editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(window_active);

		if( editbox->isReadOnly() )
			return 0;

		CEGUI::String::size_type beg = editbox->getSelectionStartIndex();
		CEGUI::String::size_type len = editbox->getSelectionLength();

		CEGUI::String new_text = editbox->getText();
		// erase selected text
		new_text.erase( beg, len );

		// get clipboard text
		CEGUI::String clipboard_text = reinterpret_cast<const CEGUI::utf8*>(Get_Clipboard_Content().c_str());
		// set new text
		editbox->setText( new_text.insert( beg, clipboard_text ) );
		// set new carat index
		editbox->setCaratIndex( editbox->getCaratIndex() + clipboard_text.length() );
		return 0;

	return 1;
Esempio n. 7
bool GUI_Copy_To_Clipboard( bool cut )
	CEGUI::Window *sheet = CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getGUISheet();

	// no sheet
	if( !sheet )
		return 0;

	CEGUI::Window *window_active = sheet->getActiveChild();

	// no active window
	if( !window_active )
		return 0;

	CEGUI::String sel_text;
	const CEGUI::String &type = window_active->getType();

	// MultiLineEditbox
	if( type.find( "/MultiLineEditbox" ) != CEGUI::String::npos )
		CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox *editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox*>(window_active);
		CEGUI::String::size_type beg = editbox->getSelectionStartIndex();
		CEGUI::String::size_type len = editbox->getSelectionLength();
		sel_text = editbox->getText().substr( beg, len ).c_str();

		// if cutting
		if( cut )
			if( editbox->isReadOnly() )
				return 0;

			CEGUI::String new_text = editbox->getText();
			editbox->setText( new_text.erase( beg, len ) );
	// Editbox
	else if( type.find( "/Editbox" ) != CEGUI::String::npos )
		CEGUI::Editbox *editbox = static_cast<CEGUI::Editbox*>(window_active);
		CEGUI::String::size_type beg = editbox->getSelectionStartIndex();
		CEGUI::String::size_type len = editbox->getSelectionLength();
		sel_text = editbox->getText().substr( beg, len ).c_str();

		// if cutting
		if( cut )
			if( editbox->isReadOnly() )
				return 0;

			CEGUI::String new_text = editbox->getText();
			editbox->setText( new_text.erase( beg, len ) );
		return 0;

	Set_Clipboard_Content( sel_text.c_str() );
	return 1;