SICALLBACK MOM_AddToCluster_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt ) { // The current output port being evaluated... ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( ); if(gSimulation == NULL) return CStatus::OK; switch( out_portID ) { case ID_OUT_base: { CDataArrayLong baseData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_base ); CDataArrayLong idData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_id ); CDataArrayLong clusterData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_cluster ); rbdID rbd_ID,cluster_ID; CIndexSet indexSet( in_ctxt ); // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayLong outData( in_ctxt ); for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); cluster_ID.primary = rbd_ID.primary; cluster_ID.secondary = (int)(clusterData.IsConstant() ? clusterData[0] : clusterData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); btRigidBodyReference * clusterRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(cluster_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL && clusterRef != NULL) { bodyRef->AddToCluster(clusterRef); } outData[it] = rbd_ID.primary; } break; } }; return CStatus::OK; }
CStatus VDB_Node_FBM::Evaluate(ICENodeContext& ctxt) { Application().LogMessage(L"[VDB_Node_FBM] Evaluate"); CDataArrayCustomType inVDBGridPort(ctxt, kInVDBGrid); // The current output port being evaluated... ULONG evaluatedPort = ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID(); switch (evaluatedPort) { case kOutVDBGrid: { CDataArrayCustomType output(ctxt); CIndexSet indexSet(ctxt); for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { //Application().LogMessage(L"[VDB_Node_FBM] iterator index = " + CValue(it.GetIndex()).GetAsText()); ULONG inDataSize; VDB_Primitive* inVDBPrim; inVDBGridPort.GetData(it, (const CDataArrayCustomType::TData**)&inVDBPrim, inDataSize); if (!inDataSize) { Application().LogMessage(L"[VDB_Node_FBM] data size is invalid!", siErrorMsg); return CStatus::OK; } Application().LogMessage(L"[VDB_Node_FBM] previous data size = " + CValue(inDataSize).GetAsText()); openvdb::GridBase::Ptr grid = inVDBPrim->GetGridPtr(); openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr outputGrid; outputGrid = openvdb::gridPtrCast<openvdb::FloatGrid>(grid); //openvdb::math::Transform::Ptr transform = outputGrid->getTransform(); CDataArrayLong octaves(ctxt, kOctaves); CDataArrayFloat lacunarity(ctxt, kLacunarity); CDataArrayFloat gain(ctxt, kGain); for (openvdb::FloatGrid::ValueOnIter iter = outputGrid->beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) { if (iter.isVoxelValue()) { openvdb::Coord coord = iter.getCoord(); openvdb::Vec3d vec = outputGrid->indexToWorld(coord); double result; double p[3] = {vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z()}; SeExpr::FBM<3,1,false>(p, &result, double(octaves[0]), double(lacunarity[0]), double(gain[0])); Application().LogMessage(CValue(vec.x()).GetAsText() + "," + CValue(vec.y()).GetAsText() + "," + CValue(vec.z()).GetAsText(), siVerboseMsg); Application().LogMessage(CValue(.5*result+.5).GetAsText(), siVerboseMsg); iter.setValue(*iter + 1.0f * result); } } VDB_Primitive* outVDBPrim = (VDB_Primitive*)output.Resize(it, sizeof(VDB_Primitive)); ::memcpy(outVDBPrim, inVDBPrim, inDataSize); Application().LogMessage(L"[VDB_Node_FBM] memcpy succeeded"); Application().LogMessage(L"[VDB_Node_FBM] grid type is " + CString(inVDBPrim->GetTypeName())); } break; } default: break; }; return CStatus::OK; }
SICALLBACK MOM_GetAttributes_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt ) { // The current output port being evaluated... ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( ); CDataArrayLong baseData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_base ); CDataArrayLong idData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_id ); rbdID rbd_ID; CIndexSet indexSet( in_ctxt ); if(gSimulation == NULL) return CStatus::OK; switch( out_portID ) { case ID_OUT_position : { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayVector3f outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator btTransform bodyTransform; btVector3 bodyPos; for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) { bodyRef->body->getMotionState()->getWorldTransform(bodyTransform); bodyPos = bodyTransform.getOrigin(); outData[it] = CVector3f(bodyPos.getX(),bodyPos.getY(),bodyPos.getZ()); } } break; } case ID_OUT_orientation : { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayVector3f outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator btTransform bodyTransform; btQuaternion bodyRot; CRotation rot; CVector3 angles; for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) { bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform(); bodyRot = bodyTransform.getRotation(); rot.SetFromQuaternion(CQuaternion(bodyRot.getW(),bodyRot.getX(),bodyRot.getY(),bodyRot.getZ())); angles = rot.GetXYZAngles(); outData[it].Set(RadiansToDegrees(angles.GetX()),RadiansToDegrees(angles.GetY()),RadiansToDegrees(angles.GetZ())); } } break; } case ID_OUT_linvelocity: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayVector3f outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator btVector3 linvel; for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) { linvel = bodyRef->body->getLinearVelocity(); outData[it].Set(linvel.getX(),linvel.getY(),linvel.getZ()); } } break; } case ID_OUT_angvelocity: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayVector3f outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator btVector3 angvel; for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) { angvel = bodyRef->body->getAngularVelocity(); outData[it].Set(angvel.getX(),angvel.getY(),angvel.getZ()); } } break; } case ID_OUT_state: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayLong outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) { outData[it] = 0; if(bodyRef->body->getActivationState() == WANTS_DEACTIVATION) outData[it] = 1; else if(bodyRef->body->getActivationState() == DISABLE_SIMULATION) outData[it] = 2; } } break; } case ID_OUT_mass: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayFloat outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) outData[it] = 1.0f / bodyRef->body->getInvMass(); } break; } case ID_OUT_bounce: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayFloat outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) outData[it] = bodyRef->body->getRestitution(); } break; } case ID_OUT_friction: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayFloat outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) outData[it] = bodyRef->body->getFriction(); } break; } case ID_OUT_lindamping: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayFloat outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) outData[it] = bodyRef->body->getLinearDamping(); } break; } case ID_OUT_angdamping: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayFloat outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) outData[it] = bodyRef->body->getAngularDamping(); } break; } case ID_OUT_lintreshold: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayFloat outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) outData[it] = bodyRef->body->getLinearSleepingThreshold(); } break; } case ID_OUT_angtreshold: { // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayFloat outData( in_ctxt ); // get the index set iterator for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) outData[it] = bodyRef->body->getAngularSleepingThreshold(); } break; } }; return CStatus::OK; }
SICALLBACK MOM_SetAttributes_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt ) { // The current output port being evaluated... ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( ); if(gSimulation == NULL) return CStatus::OK; switch( out_portID ) { case ID_OUT_base: { CDataArrayLong baseData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_base ); CDataArrayLong idData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_id ); rbdID rbd_ID; CIndexSet indexSet( in_ctxt ); // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayLong outData( in_ctxt ); // get all of the input SET data! CDataArrayBool setPosData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_position); CDataArrayBool setRotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_orientation); CDataArrayBool setLinvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_linvelocity); CDataArrayBool setAngvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angvelocity); CDataArrayBool setStateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_state); CDataArrayBool setMassData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_mass); CDataArrayBool setBounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_bounce); CDataArrayBool setFrictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_friction); CDataArrayBool setLindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lindamping); CDataArrayBool setAngdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angdamping); CDataArrayBool setLintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lintreshold); CDataArrayBool setAngtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angtreshold); // get all of the input data! CDataArrayVector3f posData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_position); CDataArrayVector3f rotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_orientation); CDataArrayVector3f linvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_linvelocity); CDataArrayVector3f angvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angvelocity); CDataArrayLong stateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_state); CDataArrayFloat massData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_mass); CDataArrayFloat bounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_bounce); CDataArrayFloat frictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_friction); CDataArrayFloat lindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lindamping); CDataArrayFloat angdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angdamping); CDataArrayFloat lintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lintreshold); CDataArrayFloat angtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angtreshold); // get the index set iterator btTransform bodyTransform; CVector3f bodyPos,linvel,angvel; btQuaternion bodyRot; CRotation rot; CQuaternion quat; CVector3f anglesf; CVector3 angles; for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]); rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]); btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID); if(bodyRef != NULL) { // take care of the positions if((setPosData.IsConstant() ? setPosData[0] : setPosData[it]) == true) { bodyPos = posData.IsConstant() ? posData[0] : posData[it]; bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform(); bodyTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(bodyPos.GetX(),bodyPos.GetY(),bodyPos.GetZ())); bodyRef->SetWorldTransform(bodyTransform); } // take care of the orientations if((setRotData.IsConstant() ? setRotData[0] : setRotData[it]) == true) { anglesf = rotData.IsConstant() ? rotData[0] : rotData[it]; rot.SetFromXYZAngles(DegreesToRadians(anglesf.GetX()),DegreesToRadians(anglesf.GetY()),DegreesToRadians(anglesf.GetZ())); quat = rot.GetQuaternion(); bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform(); bodyTransform.setRotation(btQuaternion(quat.GetX(),quat.GetY(),quat.GetZ(),quat.GetW())); bodyRef->SetWorldTransform(bodyTransform); } // take care of the linear velocity if((setLinvelData.IsConstant() ? setLinvelData[0] : setLinvelData[it]) == true) { linvel = linvelData.IsConstant() ? linvelData[0] : linvelData[it]; bodyRef->body->setLinearVelocity(btVector3(linvel.GetX(),linvel.GetY(),linvel.GetZ())); } // take care of the angular velocity if((setAngvelData.IsConstant() ? setAngvelData[0] : setAngvelData[it]) == true) { angvel = angvelData.IsConstant() ? angvelData[0] : angvelData[it]; bodyRef->body->setAngularVelocity(btVector3(angvel.GetX(),angvel.GetY(),angvel.GetZ())); } // take care of the state if((setStateData.IsConstant() ? setStateData[0] : setStateData[it]) == true) { int state = stateData.IsConstant() ? stateData[0] : stateData[it]; if(state == 0) bodyRef->body->forceActivationState(ACTIVE_TAG); else if(state == 1) bodyRef->body->forceActivationState(ISLAND_SLEEPING); else if(state == 2) bodyRef->body->forceActivationState(DISABLE_SIMULATION); } // take care of the mass if((setMassData.IsConstant() ? setMassData[0] : setMassData[it]) == true) { // compute the inertia bodyRef->mass = massData.IsConstant() ? massData[0] : massData[it]; btVector3 inertia(0,0,0); if(bodyRef->mass > 0.0f) bodyRef->body->getCollisionShape()->calculateLocalInertia(bodyRef->mass,inertia); bodyRef->body->setMassProps(bodyRef->mass,inertia); } // take care of the bounce if((setBounceData.IsConstant() ? setBounceData[0] : setBounceData[it]) == true) { bodyRef->body->setRestitution(bounceData.IsConstant() ? bounceData[0] : bounceData[it]); } // take care of the friction if((setFrictionData.IsConstant() ? setFrictionData[0] : setFrictionData[it]) == true) { bodyRef->body->setFriction(frictionData.IsConstant() ? frictionData[0] : frictionData[it]); } // take care of the linear damping if((setLindampData.IsConstant() ? setLindampData[0] : setLindampData[it]) == true) { float angdamp = bodyRef->body->getAngularDamping(); bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindampData.IsConstant() ? lindampData[0] : lindampData[it],angdamp); } // take care of the angular damping if((setAngdampData.IsConstant() ? setAngdampData[0] : setAngdampData[it]) == true) { float lindamp = bodyRef->body->getLinearDamping(); bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindamp,angdampData.IsConstant() ? angdampData[0] : angdampData[it]); } // take care of the linear treshold if((setLintreshData.IsConstant() ? setLintreshData[0] : setLintreshData[it]) == true) { float angtresh = bodyRef->body->getAngularSleepingThreshold(); bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintreshData.IsConstant() ? lintreshData[0] : lintreshData[it],angtresh); } // take care of the angular treshold if((setAngtreshData.IsConstant() ? setAngtreshData[0] : setAngtreshData[it]) == true) { float lintresh = bodyRef->body->getLinearSleepingThreshold(); bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintresh,angtreshData.IsConstant() ? angtreshData[0] : angtreshData[it]); } } outData[it] = rbd_ID.primary; } break; } }; return CStatus::OK; }
CStatus VDB_Node_VolumeToMesh::Evaluate(ICENodeContext& ctxt) { Application().LogMessage(L"[VDB_Node_VolumeToMesh] Evaluate"); if (!m_isValid) return CStatus::OK; // The current output port being evaluated... ULONG evaluatedPort = ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID(); switch (evaluatedPort) { case kPointArray: { CDataArray2DVector3f output(ctxt); CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor iter; iter = output.Resize(0, (ULONG)m_points.size()); CIndexSet::Iterator index = CIndexSet(ctxt).Begin(); for (size_t i=0; i<m_points.size(); ++i, index.Next()) { openvdb::math::Vec3s pnt = m_points[i]; iter[index] = CVector3f(pnt.x(), pnt.y(), pnt.z()); } break; } case kPolygonArray: { CDataArray2DLong output(ctxt); CDataArray2DLong::Accessor iter = output.Resize(0, m_polygonArraySize); CIndexSet::Iterator index = CIndexSet(ctxt).Begin(); // quads for (size_t q=0; q<m_quads.size(); ++q) { const openvdb::Vec4I& quad = m_quads[q]; iter[index] = quad.w(); index.Next(); iter[index] = quad.z(); index.Next(); iter[index] = quad.y(); index.Next(); iter[index] = quad.x(); index.Next(); // end of quad iter[index] = -1; index.Next(); } // triangles for (size_t t=0; t<m_triangles.size(); ++t) { const openvdb::Vec3I& triangle = m_triangles[t]; iter[index] = triangle.z(); index.Next(); iter[index] = triangle.y(); index.Next(); iter[index] = triangle.x(); index.Next(); // end of triangle iter[index] = -1; index.Next(); } break; } default: break; }; return CStatus::OK; }
XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus nest_LatticeDeform_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt ) { // The current output port being evaluated... ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( ); switch( out_portID ) { case Array_ID_OUT_Result: { siICENodeDataType dataType; siICENodeStructureType struType; siICENodeContextType contType; in_ctxt.GetPortInfo(Lattice_ID_IN_Point,dataType,struType,contType); // get all of the data that is the same for any structure CDataArrayVector3f SubdivData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Subdivision ); CDataArrayVector3f StepData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Step ); CDataArray2DVector3f ReferenceData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Reference ); CDataArray2DVector3f CurrentData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Current ); CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor ReferenceDataSub = ReferenceData[0]; CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor CurrentDataSub = CurrentData[0]; // define the things we need to calculate long subdiv[3]; subdiv[0] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetX())); subdiv[1] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetY())); subdiv[2] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetZ())); long subdiv1[3]; subdiv1[0] = subdiv[0]+1; subdiv1[1] = subdiv[1]+1; subdiv1[2] = subdiv[2]+1; float step[3]; step[0] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetX(); step[1] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetY(); step[2] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetZ(); float steplength = StepData[0].GetLength(); long indexX[8]; long indexY[8]; long indexZ[8]; long index[8]; long lastIndex[3]; lastIndex[0] = -1; lastIndex[1] = -1; lastIndex[2] = -1; CVector3f posCp; CVector3f pos; CVector3f diff[8]; CVector3f motion[8]; CVector3f motionScl[8]; CVector3f deform; float weight[8]; float xyz0[3]; float xyz1[3]; float weightSum; if(struType == siICENodeStructureSingle) { // two behaviours based on the datatype... // Get the output port array ... CDataArrayVector3f outData( in_ctxt ); // Get the input data buffers for each port CDataArrayVector3f PointData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Point ); // iterate each subset! CIndexSet IndexSet( in_ctxt ); for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = IndexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { // first let's find the index inside the box! posCp.Set(PointData[it].GetX(),PointData[it].GetY(),PointData[it].GetZ()); // substract the lowest corner pos.Sub(posCp,ReferenceDataSub[0]); pos.Set(pos.GetX() * step[0], pos.GetY() * step[1], pos.GetZ() * step[2]); xyz0[0] = pos.GetX() - floor(pos.GetX()); xyz0[1] = pos.GetY() - floor(pos.GetY()); xyz0[2] = pos.GetZ() - floor(pos.GetZ()); xyz1[0] = 1.0 - xyz0[0]; xyz1[1] = 1.0 - xyz0[1]; xyz1[2] = 1.0 - xyz0[2]; // calculate the indices (decomposed) indexX[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetX())),0,subdiv[0]); indexY[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetY())),0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetZ())),0,subdiv[2]); if(lastIndex[0] != indexX[0] || lastIndex[1] != indexY[0] || lastIndex[2] != indexZ[0]) { indexX[1] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[1] = clampl(indexY[0] ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[1] = clampl(indexZ[0] ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[2] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[2] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[2] = clampl(indexZ[0] ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[3] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[3] = clampl(indexY[0] ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[3] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[4] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[4] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[4] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[5] = clampl(indexX[0] ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[5] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[5] = clampl(indexZ[0] ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[6] = clampl(indexX[0] ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[6] = clampl(indexY[0] ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[6] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[7] = clampl(indexX[0] ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[7] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[7] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { // compose the indices! index[i] = compose(indexX[i],indexY[i],indexZ[i],subdiv1[1],subdiv1[2]); // calculate the motions motion[i].Sub(CurrentDataSub[index[i]],ReferenceDataSub[index[i]]); } } else { // for performance, remember the last used index lastIndex[0] = indexX[0]; lastIndex[1] = indexY[0]; lastIndex[2] = indexZ[0]; } // compute the weights weight[0] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[1] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[2] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[3] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2]; weight[4] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2]; weight[5] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[6] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2]; weight[7] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2]; // sum up all weighted motions deform.SetNull(); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { motionScl[i].Scale(weight[i],motion[i]); deform.AddInPlace(motionScl[i]); } // output the deformed position outData[it] = deform; } } else { // two behaviours based on the datatype... // Get the output port array ... CDataArray2DVector3f outData( in_ctxt ); // Get the input data buffers for each port CDataArray2DVector3f PointData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Point ); // iterate each subset! CIndexSet IndexSet( in_ctxt ); for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = IndexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) { CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor PointDataSub = PointData[it]; long subCount = PointDataSub.GetCount(); Application().LogMessage(CString((LONG)subCount)); outData.Resize(it,subCount); for(long k=0;k<subCount;k++) { // first let's find the index inside the box! posCp.Set(PointDataSub[k].GetX(),PointDataSub[k].GetY(),PointDataSub[k].GetZ()); // substract the lowest corner pos.Sub(posCp,ReferenceDataSub[0]); pos.Set(pos.GetX() * step[0], pos.GetY() * step[1], pos.GetZ() * step[2]); xyz0[0] = pos.GetX() - floor(pos.GetX()); xyz0[1] = pos.GetY() - floor(pos.GetY()); xyz0[2] = pos.GetZ() - floor(pos.GetZ()); xyz1[0] = 1.0 - xyz0[0]; xyz1[1] = 1.0 - xyz0[1]; xyz1[2] = 1.0 - xyz0[2]; // calculate the indices (decomposed) indexX[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetX())),0,subdiv[0]); indexY[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetY())),0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetZ())),0,subdiv[2]); if(lastIndex[0] != indexX[0] || lastIndex[1] != indexY[0] || lastIndex[2] != indexZ[0]) { indexX[1] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[1] = clampl(indexY[0] ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[1] = clampl(indexZ[0] ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[2] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[2] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[2] = clampl(indexZ[0] ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[3] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[3] = clampl(indexY[0] ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[3] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[4] = clampl(indexX[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[4] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[4] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[5] = clampl(indexX[0] ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[5] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[5] = clampl(indexZ[0] ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[6] = clampl(indexX[0] ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[6] = clampl(indexY[0] ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[6] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); indexX[7] = clampl(indexX[0] ,0,subdiv[0]); indexY[7] = clampl(indexY[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[1]); indexZ[7] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1 ,0,subdiv[2]); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { // compose the indices! index[i] = compose(indexX[i],indexY[i],indexZ[i],subdiv1[1],subdiv1[2]); // calculate the motions motion[i].Sub(CurrentDataSub[index[i]],ReferenceDataSub[index[i]]); } } else { // for performance, remember the last used index lastIndex[0] = indexX[0]; lastIndex[1] = indexY[0]; lastIndex[2] = indexZ[0]; } // compute the weights weight[0] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[1] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[2] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[3] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2]; weight[4] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2]; weight[5] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2]; weight[6] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2]; weight[7] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2]; // sum up all weighted motions deform.SetNull(); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { motionScl[i].Scale(weight[i],motion[i]); deform.AddInPlace(motionScl[i]); } // output the deformed position outData[it][k] = deform; } } } } break; // Other output ports... }; return CStatus::OK; }