bool lineBasedShouldSuppress(int beginLine, clang::ASTContext &context) { std::string filePath = getMainFilePath(context); auto commentLinesIt = singleLineMapping.find(filePath); std::set<int> commentLines; if (commentLinesIt == singleLineMapping.end()) { clang::RawCommentList commentList = context.getRawCommentList(); clang::ArrayRef<clang::RawComment *> commentArray = commentList.getComments(); for (auto comment : commentArray) { if (std::string::npos != comment->getRawText(context.getSourceManager()).find("//!OCLINT")) { clang::SourceLocation startLocation = comment->getLocStart(); int startLocationLine = context.getSourceManager().getPresumedLineNumber(startLocation); commentLines.insert(startLocationLine); } } singleLineMapping[filePath] = commentLines; } else { commentLines = commentLinesIt->second; } return commentLines.find(beginLine) != commentLines.end(); }
static clang::CanQualType getClangMetatypeType( const clang::ASTContext &clangCtx) { clang::QualType clangType = clangCtx.getObjCObjectType(clangCtx.ObjCBuiltinClassTy, 0, 0); clangType = clangCtx.getObjCObjectPointerType(clangType); return clangCtx.getCanonicalType(clangType); }
static void StreamArr(llvm::raw_ostream& o, const void* V, clang::QualType Ty, clang::ASTContext& C) { const clang::ArrayType* ArrTy = Ty->getAsArrayTypeUnsafe(); clang::QualType ElementTy = ArrTy->getElementType(); if (ElementTy->isCharType()) StreamCharPtr(o, (const char*)V); else if (Ty->isConstantArrayType()) { // Stream a constant array by streaming up to 5 elements. const clang::ConstantArrayType* CArrTy = C.getAsConstantArrayType(Ty); const llvm::APInt& APSize = CArrTy->getSize(); size_t ElBytes = C.getTypeSize(ElementTy) / C.getCharWidth(); size_t Size = (size_t)APSize.getZExtValue(); o << "{ "; for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) { StreamValue(o, (const char*) V + i * ElBytes, ElementTy, C); if (i + 1 < Size) { if (i == 4) { o << "..."; break; } else o << ", "; } } o << " }"; } else StreamPtr(o, V); }
static clang::CanQualType getClangIdType( const clang::ASTContext &clangCtx) { clang::QualType clangType = clangCtx.getObjCObjectType(clangCtx.ObjCBuiltinIdTy, nullptr, 0); clangType = clangCtx.getObjCObjectPointerType(clangType); return clangCtx.getCanonicalType(clangType); }
static clang::CanQualType getClangDecayedVaListType( const clang::ASTContext &clangCtx) { clang::QualType clangType = clangCtx.getCanonicalType(clangCtx.getBuiltinVaListType()); if (clangType->isConstantArrayType()) clangType = clangCtx.getDecayedType(clangType); return clangCtx.getCanonicalType(clangType); }
static clang::CanQualType getClangVectorType(const clang::ASTContext &ctx, clang::BuiltinType::Kind eltKind, clang::VectorType::VectorKind vecKind, StringRef numEltsString) { unsigned numElts; bool failedParse = numEltsString.getAsInteger<unsigned>(10, numElts); assert(!failedParse && "vector type name didn't end in count?"); (void) failedParse; auto eltTy = getClangBuiltinTypeFromKind(ctx, eltKind); auto vecTy = ctx.getVectorType(eltTy, numElts, vecKind); return ctx.getCanonicalType(vecTy); }
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &ctx) { llvm::raw_ostream &out = llvm::errs(); clang::TranslationUnitDecl *translationUnit = ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl(); MyDeclVisitor(out, _astinfo).Visit(translationUnit); }
bool markedParentsAsSuppress(const T &node, clang::ASTContext &context, oclint::RuleBase *rule) { const auto &parents = context.getParents(node); if (parents.empty()) { return false; } clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode dynTypedNode = parents.front(); const clang::Decl *aDecl = dynTypedNode.get<clang::Decl>(); if (aDecl) { if (markedAsSuppress(aDecl, rule)) { return true; } return markedParentsAsSuppress(*aDecl, context, rule); } const clang::Stmt *aStmt = dynTypedNode.get<clang::Stmt>(); if (aStmt) { return markedParentsAsSuppress(*aStmt, context, rule); } return false; }
void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &astContext) override { const auto &sourceManager = astContext.getSourceManager(); const auto cursorSourceLocation = sourceManager.translateLineCol(sourceManager.getMainFileID(), line, column); if (cursorSourceLocation.isValid()) collectUnifiedSymbolResoltions(astContext, cursorSourceLocation); }
void ExitIfError(clang::ASTContext &Context) { DiagnosticsEngine & diags = Context.getDiagnostics(); if (diags.hasErrorOccurred()) { unsigned DiagID = diags.getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal, "previous errors prevent further compilation"); diags.Report(DiagID); exit(1); } }
void ReplaceArrayAccessWithIndex::HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &Ctx) { TransAssert(Collector && "NULL Collector"); Collector->TraverseDecl(Ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()); if (QueryInstanceOnly) return; if (TransformationCounter > ValidInstanceNum) { TransError = TransMaxInstanceError; return; } Ctx.getDiagnostics().setSuppressAllDiagnostics(false); doRewrite(); if (Ctx.getDiagnostics().hasErrorOccurred() || Ctx.getDiagnostics().hasFatalErrorOccurred()) TransError = TransInternalError; }
void WebCLConsumer::checkAndAnalyze(clang::ASTContext &context) { clang::TranslationUnitDecl *decl = context.getTranslationUnitDecl(); for (Visitors::iterator i = visitors_.begin(); i != visitors_.end(); ++i) { // There is no point to continue if an error has been reported. if (!hasErrors(context)) { WebCLVisitor *visitor = (*i); visitor->TraverseDecl(decl); } } }
clang::Token GetTokenBeforeLocation(clang::SourceLocation loc, const clang::ASTContext& ast_context) { clang::Token token; token.setKind(clang::tok::unknown); clang::LangOptions lang_options = ast_context.getLangOpts(); const clang::SourceManager& source_manager = ast_context.getSourceManager(); clang::SourceLocation file_start_loc = source_manager.getLocForStartOfFile(source_manager.getFileID(loc)); loc = loc.getLocWithOffset(-1); while (loc != file_start_loc) { loc = clang::Lexer::GetBeginningOfToken(loc, source_manager, lang_options); if (!clang::Lexer::getRawToken(loc, token, source_manager, lang_options)) { if (! { break; } } loc = loc.getLocWithOffset(-1); } return token; }
PPIncludeCallback::PPIncludeCallback( ParserContext& ctx_, clang::ASTContext& astContext_, MangledNameCache& mangledNameCache_, clang::Preprocessor&) : _ctx(ctx_), _cppSourceType("CPP"), _clangSrcMgr(astContext_.getSourceManager()), _fileLocUtil(astContext_.getSourceManager()), _mangledNameCache(mangledNameCache_) { }
RangeSet collect(clang::ASTContext &astContext, oclint::RuleBase *rule) { _rule = rule; _sourceManager = &astContext.getSourceManager(); _range.clear(); clang::DeclContext *decl = astContext.getTranslationUnitDecl(); for (clang::DeclContext::decl_iterator declIt = decl->decls_begin(), declEnd = decl->decls_end(); declIt != declEnd; ++declIt) { clang::SourceLocation startLocation = (*declIt)->getLocStart(); if (startLocation.isValid() && _sourceManager->getMainFileID() == _sourceManager->getFileID(startLocation)) { (void) /* explicitly ignore the return of this function */ clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<DeclAnnotationRangeCollector>::TraverseDecl(*declIt); } } return _range; }
bool lineBasedShouldSuppress(int beginLine, clang::ASTContext &context) { std::string filePath = getMainFilePath(context); auto commentLinesIt = singleLineMapping.find(filePath); std::set<int> commentLines; if (commentLinesIt == singleLineMapping.end()) { clang::RawCommentList commentList = context.getRawCommentList(); clang::ArrayRef<clang::RawComment *> commentArray = commentList.getComments(); for (auto comment : commentArray) { // g++ 4.8 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS doesn't support regex yet, // so we will ship this once Ubuntu 16.04 releases #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__) std::string commentString = comment->getRawText(context.getSourceManager()).str(); std::regex CAPARegex = std::regex("//! *CAPA", std::regex::basic | std::regex::icase); if (std::regex_search(commentString, CAPARegex)) #else if (std::string::npos != comment->getRawText(context.getSourceManager()).find("//!CAPA")) #endif { clang::SourceLocation startLocation = comment->getLocStart(); int startLocationLine = context.getSourceManager().getPresumedLineNumber(startLocation); commentLines.insert(startLocationLine); } } singleLineMapping[filePath] = commentLines; } else { commentLines = commentLinesIt->second; } return commentLines.find(beginLine) != commentLines.end(); }
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext& Ctx) override { /* if (PP.getDiagnostics().hasErrorOccurred()) return;*/ ci.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics().getClient(); BrowserASTVisitor v(annotator); v.TraverseDecl(Ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()); annotator.generate(ci.getSema(), WasInDatabase); }
RSContext::RSContext(clang::Preprocessor &PP, clang::ASTContext &Ctx, const clang::TargetInfo &Target, PragmaList *Pragmas, unsigned int TargetAPI, std::vector<std::string> *GeneratedFileNames) : mPP(PP), mCtx(Ctx), mTarget(Target), mPragmas(Pragmas), mTargetAPI(TargetAPI), mGeneratedFileNames(GeneratedFileNames), mTargetData(NULL), mLLVMContext(llvm::getGlobalContext()), mLicenseNote(NULL), mRSPackageName("android.renderscript"), version(0), mMangleCtx(Ctx.createMangleContext()) { slangAssert(mGeneratedFileNames && "Must supply GeneratedFileNames"); // For #pragma rs export_type PP.AddPragmaHandler( "rs", RSPragmaHandler::CreatePragmaExportTypeHandler(this)); // For #pragma rs java_package_name PP.AddPragmaHandler( "rs", RSPragmaHandler::CreatePragmaJavaPackageNameHandler(this)); // For #pragma rs set_reflect_license PP.AddPragmaHandler( "rs", RSPragmaHandler::CreatePragmaReflectLicenseHandler(this)); // For #pragma version PP.AddPragmaHandler(RSPragmaHandler::CreatePragmaVersionHandler(this)); // Prepare target data mTargetData = new llvm::TargetData(Target.getTargetDescription()); return; }
RSContext::RSContext(clang::Preprocessor &PP, clang::ASTContext &Ctx, const clang::TargetInfo &Target, PragmaList *Pragmas, unsigned int TargetAPI, bool Verbose) : mPP(PP), mCtx(Ctx), mPragmas(Pragmas), mTargetAPI(TargetAPI), mVerbose(Verbose), mDataLayout(NULL), mLLVMContext(llvm::getGlobalContext()), mLicenseNote(NULL), mRSPackageName("android.renderscript"), version(0), mMangleCtx(Ctx.createMangleContext()), mIs64Bit(Target.getPointerWidth(0) == 64) { AddPragmaHandlers(PP, this); // Prepare target data mDataLayout = new llvm::DataLayout(Target.getTargetDescription()); }
static lldb_private::Scalar::Type GetScalarTypeForClangType (clang::ASTContext &ast_context, clang::QualType clang_type, uint32_t &count) { count = 1; switch (clang_type->getTypeClass()) { default: break; case clang::Type::FunctionNoProto: case clang::Type::FunctionProto: break; case clang::Type::IncompleteArray: case clang::Type::VariableArray: break; case clang::Type::ConstantArray: break; case clang::Type::ExtVector: case clang::Type::Vector: // TODO: Set this to more than one??? break; case clang::Type::Builtin: switch (cast<clang::BuiltinType>(clang_type)->getKind()) { default: assert(0 && "Unknown builtin type!"); case clang::BuiltinType::Void: break; case clang::BuiltinType::Bool: case clang::BuiltinType::Char_S: case clang::BuiltinType::SChar: case clang::BuiltinType::WChar: case clang::BuiltinType::Char16: case clang::BuiltinType::Char32: case clang::BuiltinType::Short: case clang::BuiltinType::Int: case clang::BuiltinType::Long: case clang::BuiltinType::LongLong: case clang::BuiltinType::Int128: return lldb_private::Scalar::GetValueTypeForSignedIntegerWithByteSize ((ast_context.getTypeSize(clang_type)/CHAR_BIT)/count); case clang::BuiltinType::Char_U: case clang::BuiltinType::UChar: case clang::BuiltinType::UShort: case clang::BuiltinType::UInt: case clang::BuiltinType::ULong: case clang::BuiltinType::ULongLong: case clang::BuiltinType::UInt128: case clang::BuiltinType::NullPtr: return lldb_private::Scalar::GetValueTypeForUnsignedIntegerWithByteSize ((ast_context.getTypeSize(clang_type)/CHAR_BIT)/count); case clang::BuiltinType::Float: case clang::BuiltinType::Double: case clang::BuiltinType::LongDouble: return lldb_private::Scalar::GetValueTypeForFloatWithByteSize ((ast_context.getTypeSize(clang_type)/CHAR_BIT)/count); } break; // All pointer types are represented as unsigned integer encodings. // We may nee to add a eEncodingPointer if we ever need to know the // difference case clang::Type::ObjCObjectPointer: case clang::Type::BlockPointer: case clang::Type::Pointer: case clang::Type::LValueReference: case clang::Type::RValueReference: case clang::Type::MemberPointer: return lldb_private::Scalar::GetValueTypeForUnsignedIntegerWithByteSize ((ast_context.getTypeSize(clang_type)/CHAR_BIT)/count); // Complex numbers are made up of floats case clang::Type::Complex: count = 2; return lldb_private::Scalar::GetValueTypeForFloatWithByteSize ((ast_context.getTypeSize(clang_type)/CHAR_BIT) / count); case clang::Type::ObjCInterface: break; case clang::Type::Record: break; case clang::Type::Enum: return lldb_private::Scalar::GetValueTypeForSignedIntegerWithByteSize ((ast_context.getTypeSize(clang_type)/CHAR_BIT)/count); case clang::Type::Typedef: return GetScalarTypeForClangType(ast_context, cast<clang::TypedefType>(clang_type)->LookThroughTypedefs(), count); break; case clang::Type::TypeOfExpr: case clang::Type::TypeOf: case clang::Type::Decltype: //case clang::Type::QualifiedName: case clang::Type::TemplateSpecialization: break; } count = 0; return lldb_private::Scalar::e_void; }
static clang::CanQualType getClangSelectorType( const clang::ASTContext &clangCtx) { return clangCtx.getPointerType(clangCtx.ObjCBuiltinSelTy); }
void ClangToSageTranslator::HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext & ast_context) { Traverse(ast_context.getTranslationUnitDecl()); }
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &Context) { Visitor.TraverseDecl(Context.getTranslationUnitDecl()); }
clang::QualType AppleObjCTypeEncodingParser::BuildType (clang::ASTContext &ast_ctx, StringLexer& type, bool for_expression, uint32_t *bitfield_bit_size) { if (!type.HasAtLeast(1)) return clang::QualType(); switch (type.Peek()) { default: break; case '{': return BuildStruct(ast_ctx, type, for_expression); case '[': return BuildArray(ast_ctx, type, for_expression); case '(': return BuildUnion(ast_ctx, type, for_expression); case '@': return BuildObjCObjectPointerType(ast_ctx, type, for_expression); } switch (type.Next()) { default: type.PutBack(1); return clang::QualType(); case 'c': return ast_ctx.CharTy; case 'i': return ast_ctx.IntTy; case 's': return ast_ctx.ShortTy; case 'l': return ast_ctx.getIntTypeForBitwidth(32, true); // this used to be done like this: // ClangASTContext *lldb_ctx = ClangASTContext::GetASTContext(&ast_ctx); // if (!lldb_ctx) // return clang::QualType(); // return lldb_ctx->GetIntTypeFromBitSize(32, true).GetQualType(); // which uses one of the constants if one is available, but we don't think all this work is necessary. case 'q': return ast_ctx.LongLongTy; case 'C': return ast_ctx.UnsignedCharTy; case 'I': return ast_ctx.UnsignedIntTy; case 'S': return ast_ctx.UnsignedShortTy; case 'L': return ast_ctx.getIntTypeForBitwidth(32, false); // see note for 'l' case 'Q': return ast_ctx.UnsignedLongLongTy; case 'f': return ast_ctx.FloatTy; case 'd': return ast_ctx.DoubleTy; case 'B': return ast_ctx.BoolTy; case 'v': return ast_ctx.VoidTy; case '*': return ast_ctx.getPointerType(ast_ctx.CharTy); case '#': return ast_ctx.getObjCClassType(); case ':': return ast_ctx.getObjCSelType(); case 'b': { uint32_t size = ReadNumber(type); if (bitfield_bit_size) { *bitfield_bit_size = size; return ast_ctx.UnsignedIntTy; // FIXME: the spec is fairly vague here. } else return clang::QualType(); } case 'r': { clang::QualType target_type = BuildType(ast_ctx, type, for_expression); if (target_type.isNull()) return clang::QualType(); else if (target_type == ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy) return ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy; else return ast_ctx.getConstType(target_type); } case '^': { if (!for_expression && type.NextIf('?')) { // if we are not supporting the concept of unknownAny, but what is being created here is an unknownAny*, then // we can just get away with a void* // this is theoretically wrong (in the same sense as 'theoretically nothing exists') but is way better than outright failure // in many practical cases return ast_ctx.VoidPtrTy; } else { clang::QualType target_type = BuildType(ast_ctx, type, for_expression); if (target_type.isNull()) return clang::QualType(); else if (target_type == ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy) return ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy; else return ast_ctx.getPointerType(target_type); } } case '?': return for_expression ? ast_ctx.UnknownAnyTy : clang::QualType(); } }
bool WebCLConsumer::hasErrors(clang::ASTContext &context) const { clang::DiagnosticsEngine &diags = context.getDiagnostics(); return diags.hasErrorOccurred() || diags.hasUnrecoverableErrorOccurred(); }
// the runtime can emit these in the form of @"SomeType", giving more specifics // this would be interesting for expression parser interop, but since we actually try // to avoid exposing the ivar info to the expression evaluator, consume but ignore the type info // and always return an 'id'; if anything, dynamic typing will resolve things for us anyway clang::QualType AppleObjCTypeEncodingParser::BuildObjCObjectPointerType (clang::ASTContext &ast_ctx, lldb_utility::StringLexer& type, bool for_expression) { if (!type.NextIf('@')) return clang::QualType(); std::string name; if (type.NextIf('"')) { // We have to be careful here. We're used to seeing // @"NSString" // but in records it is possible that the string following an @ is the name of the next field and @ means "id". // This is the case if anything unquoted except for "}", the end of the type, or another name follows the quoted string. // // E.g. // - @"NSString"@ means "id, followed by a field named NSString of type id" // - @"NSString"} means "a pointer to NSString and the end of the struct" // - @"NSString""nextField" means "a pointer to NSString and a field named nextField" // - @"NSString" followed by the end of the string means "a pointer to NSString" // // As a result, the rule is: If we see @ followed by a quoted string, we peek. // - If we see }, ), ], the end of the string, or a quote ("), the quoted string is a class name. // - If we see anything else, the quoted string is a field name and we push it back onto type. name = ReadQuotedString(type); if (type.HasAtLeast(1)) { switch (type.Peek()) { default: // roll back type.PutBack(name.length() + 2); // undo our consumption of the string and of the quotes name.clear(); break; case '}': case ')': case ']': case '"': // the quoted string is a class name – see the rule break; } } else { // the quoted string is a class name – see the rule } } if (for_expression && !name.empty()) { size_t less_than_pos = name.find_first_of('<'); if (less_than_pos != std::string::npos) { if (less_than_pos == 0) return ast_ctx.getObjCIdType(); else name.erase(less_than_pos); } DeclVendor *decl_vendor = m_runtime.GetDeclVendor(); assert (decl_vendor); // how are we parsing type encodings for expressions if a type vendor isn't in play? const bool append = false; const uint32_t max_matches = 1; std::vector<clang::NamedDecl *> decls; uint32_t num_types = decl_vendor->FindDecls(ConstString(name), append, max_matches, decls); // The user can forward-declare something that has no definition. The runtime doesn't prohibit this at all. // This is a rare and very weird case. We keep this assert in debug builds so we catch other weird cases. #ifdef LLDB_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG assert(num_types); #else if (!num_types) return ast_ctx.getObjCIdType(); #endif return ClangASTContext::GetTypeForDecl(decls[0]).GetPointerType().GetQualType(); } else { // We're going to resolve this dynamically anyway, so just smile and wave. return ast_ctx.getObjCIdType(); } }
bool GenericAstNode::getRangeInMainFile(std::pair<int, int> &result, clang::SourceManager const &manager, clang::ASTContext &context) { auto range = getRange(); if (range.isInvalid()) { return false; } auto start = manager.getDecomposedSpellingLoc(range.getBegin()); auto end = manager.getDecomposedSpellingLoc(clang::Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(range.getEnd(), 0, manager, context.getLangOpts())); if (start.first != end.first || start.first != manager.getMainFileID()) { //Not in the same file, or not in the main file (probably #included) return false; } result = std::make_pair(start.second, end.second); return true; }
/** * Method called only when the entire file is parsed. */ void HandleTranslationUnit( clang::ASTContext & context ) override { // Recursively visit the AST. myrecvisitor.TraverseDecl( context.getTranslationUnitDecl() ); }
virtual void Initialize(clang::ASTContext& Ctx) override { annotator.setSourceMgr(Ctx.getSourceManager(), Ctx.getLangOpts()); annotator.setMangleContext(Ctx.createMangleContext()); ci.getPreprocessor().addPPCallbacks(maybe_unique(new PreprocessorCallback(annotator, ci.getPreprocessor()))); ci.getDiagnostics().setClient(new BrowserDiagnosticClient(annotator), true); }
void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext& ctx) { MyASTVisitor visitor(ctx.getSourceManager(), _db); visitor.TraverseDecl(ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()); }