void Gu::ConvexMesh::debugVisualize(Cm::RenderOutput& out, const PxTransform& pose, const PxMeshScale& scale)	const
	const PxU32 scolor = PxU32(PxDebugColor::eARGB_MAGENTA);

	const PxVec3* vertices = mHullData.getHullVertices();
	const PxU8* indexBuffer = mHullData.getVertexData8();
	const PxU32 nbPolygons = getNbPolygonsFast();

	const PxMat44 m44(PxMat33(pose.q) * scale.toMat33(), pose.p);

	out << m44 << scolor;	// PT: no need to output this for each segment!

	for (PxU32 i = 0; i < nbPolygons; i++)
		const PxU32 pnbVertices = mHullData.mPolygons[i].mNbVerts;

		PxVec3 begin = m44.transform(vertices[indexBuffer[0]]);	// PT: transform it only once before the loop starts
		for (PxU32 j = 1; j < pnbVertices; j++)
			PxVec3 end = m44.transform(vertices[indexBuffer[j]]);
			out.outputSegment(begin, end);
			begin = end;
		out.outputSegment(begin, m44.transform(vertices[indexBuffer[0]]));

		indexBuffer += pnbVertices;
void Gu::TriangleMesh::debugVisualize(
	Cm::RenderOutput& out, const Cm::Matrix34& absPose, const PxBounds3& cullbox,
	const PxU64 mask, const PxReal fscale)	const
	bool cscale = !!(mask & ((PxU64)1 << PxVisualizationParameter::eCULL_BOX));

	const PxMat44 midt = PxMat44::createIdentity();

	const PxU32 nbTriangles = mesh.getNumTriangles();
	const PxU32 nbVertices = mesh.getNumVertices();
	const PxVec3* vertices = mesh.getVertices();
	const void* indices = getTrianglesFast();

	const bool has16BitIndices = mesh.has16BitIndices();

	if (fscale)
		const PxU32 fcolor = PxDebugColor::eARGB_DARKRED;

		for (PxU32 i=0; i<nbTriangles; i++)
			PxVec3 wp[3];
			getTriangle(*this, i, wp, vertices, indices, absPose, has16BitIndices);

			const PxVec3 center = (wp[0] + wp[1] + wp[2]) / 3.0f;
			PxVec3 normal = (wp[0] - wp[1]).cross(wp[0] - wp[2]);
			normal = normal.getNormalized();

			if (!cscale || cullbox.contains(center))
				out << midt << fcolor <<
					Cm::DebugArrow(center, normal * fscale);

	if (mask & ((PxU64)1 << PxVisualizationParameter::eCOLLISION_SHAPES))
		const PxU32 scolor = PxDebugColor::eARGB_MAGENTA;

		out << midt << scolor;	// PT: no need to output this for each segment!

		// PT: transform vertices only once
		PxVec3* transformed = (PxVec3*)PX_ALLOC(sizeof(PxVec3)*nbVertices);
		for(PxU32 i=0;i<nbVertices;i++)
			transformed[i] = absPose.transform(vertices[i]);

		for (PxU32 i=0; i<nbTriangles; i++)
			PxVec3 wp[3];
			getTriangle(*this, i, wp, transformed, indices, has16BitIndices);

			if (!cscale || (cullbox.contains(wp[0]) && cullbox.contains(wp[1]) && cullbox.contains(wp[2])))
				out.outputSegment(wp[0], wp[1]);
				out.outputSegment(wp[1], wp[2]);
				out.outputSegment(wp[2], wp[0]);


	if (mask & ((PxU64)1 << PxVisualizationParameter::eCOLLISION_EDGES))
		const PxU32 ecolor = PxDebugColor::eARGB_YELLOW;

		for (PxU32 i=0; i<nbTriangles; i++)
			PxVec3 wp[3];
			getTriangle(*this, i, wp, vertices, indices, absPose, has16BitIndices);

			const PxU32 flags = mesh.getTrigSharedEdgeFlags(i);

			if(flags & Gu::ETD_CONVEX_EDGE_01)
				if (!cscale || (cullbox.contains(wp[0]) && cullbox.contains(wp[1])))
					out << midt << ecolor << Cm::RenderOutput::LINES << wp[0] << wp[1];
			if(flags & Gu::ETD_CONVEX_EDGE_12)
				if (!cscale || (cullbox.contains(wp[1]) && cullbox.contains(wp[2])))
					out << midt << ecolor << Cm::RenderOutput::LINES << wp[1] << wp[2];
			if(flags & Gu::ETD_CONVEX_EDGE_20)
				if (!cscale || (cullbox.contains(wp[0]) && cullbox.contains(wp[2])))
					out << midt << ecolor << Cm::RenderOutput::LINES << wp[0] << wp[2];