Esempio n. 1
bool Node::dumpFaceMask(uint16 index, int face, DirectorySubEntry::ResourceType type) {
	static const int32 kMaskSize = 640 * 640;

	byte *mask = new byte[kMaskSize];
	memset(mask, 0, kMaskSize);
	uint32 headerOffset = 0;
	uint32 dataOffset = 0;

	const DirectorySubEntry *maskDesc = _vm->getFileDescription(0, index, face, type);

	if (!maskDesc) {
		delete[] mask;
		return false;

	Common::MemoryReadStream *maskStream = maskDesc->getData();

	while (headerOffset < 400) {
		int blockX = (headerOffset / sizeof(dataOffset)) % 10;
		int blockY = (headerOffset / sizeof(dataOffset)) / 10;

		maskStream->seek(headerOffset, SEEK_SET);
		dataOffset = maskStream->readUint32LE();
		headerOffset = maskStream->pos();

		if (dataOffset != 0) {
			maskStream->seek(dataOffset, SEEK_SET);

			for(int i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
				int x = 0;
				byte numValues = maskStream->readByte();
				for (int j = 0; j < numValues; j++) {
					byte repeat = maskStream->readByte();
					byte value = maskStream->readByte();
					for (int k = 0; k < repeat; k++) {
						mask[((blockY * 64) + i) * 640 + blockX * 64 + x] = value;

	delete maskStream;

	Common::DumpFile outFile;"dump/%d-%d.masku_%d", index, face, type));
	outFile.write(mask, kMaskSize);
	delete[] mask;

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
void ObjectMan::loadObjectNames() {
	DisplayMan &dispMan = *_vm->_displayMan;

	_objectIconForMousePointer = new byte[16 * 16];

	char *objectNames = new char[dispMan.getCompressedDataSize(k556_ObjectNamesGraphicIndice) + k199_ObjectNameCount];
	Common::MemoryReadStream stream = dispMan.getCompressedData(k556_ObjectNamesGraphicIndice);

	for (uint16 objNameIndex = 0; objNameIndex < k199_ObjectNameCount; ++objNameIndex) {
		_objectNames[objNameIndex] = objectNames;

		byte tmpByte;
		for (tmpByte = stream.readByte(); !(tmpByte & 0x80); tmpByte = stream.readByte()) // last char of object name has 7th bit on
			*objectNames++ = tmpByte; // write while not last char

		*objectNames++ = tmpByte & 0x7F; // write without the 7th bit
		*objectNames++ = '\0'; // terminate string
Esempio n. 3
void PictureResource::loadRaw(byte *source, int size) {
	// Loads a "raw" picture as used in RtZ, LGoP2, Manhole:N&E and Rodney's Funscreen

	Common::MemoryReadStream *sourceS = new Common::MemoryReadStream(source, size);

	_hasPalette = (sourceS->readByte() != 0);
	byte cmdFlags = sourceS->readByte();
	byte pixelFlags = sourceS->readByte();
	byte maskFlags = sourceS->readByte();
	uint16 cmdOffs = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 pixelOffs = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 maskOffs = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 lineSize = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	/*uint16 u = */sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 width = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 height = sourceS->readUint16LE();

	if (cmdFlags || pixelFlags || maskFlags) {
		warning("PictureResource::loadRaw() Graphic has flags set (%d, %d, %d)", cmdFlags, pixelFlags, maskFlags);

	_paletteColorCount = (cmdOffs - 18) / 3; // 18 = sizeof header

	debug(2, "width = %d; height = %d\n", width, height);

	if (_hasPalette) {
		_picturePalette = new byte[_paletteColorCount * 3];
		sourceS->read(_picturePalette, _paletteColorCount * 3);

	_picture = new Graphics::Surface();
	_picture->create(width, height, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());

	decompressImage(source, *_picture, cmdOffs, pixelOffs, maskOffs, lineSize, cmdFlags, pixelFlags, maskFlags);

	delete sourceS;

Esempio n. 4
GTEST_TEST(MemoryReadStream, readStream) {
	static const byte data[3] = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56 };
	Common::MemoryReadStream stream(data);

	Common::MemoryReadStream *streamRead = stream.readStream(ARRAYSIZE(data));

	EXPECT_EQ(streamRead->size(), ARRAYSIZE(data));
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(data); i++)
		EXPECT_EQ(streamRead->readByte(), data[i]) << "At index " << i;

	delete streamRead;;

	EXPECT_THROW(stream.readStream(ARRAYSIZE(data) + 1), Common::Exception);
Esempio n. 5
void PictureResource::loadChunked(byte *source, int size) {
	// Loads a "chunked" picture as used in Manhole EGA

	Common::MemoryReadStream *sourceS = new Common::MemoryReadStream(source, size);

	byte cmdFlags = 0, pixelFlags = 0, maskFlags = 0;
	uint16 cmdOffs = 0, pixelOffs = 0, maskOffs = 0;
	uint16 lineSize = 0, width = 0, height = 0;

	sourceS->skip(36); // skip the "Flex" header

	_hasPalette = false;

	while (!sourceS->eos()) {

		uint32 chunkType = sourceS->readUint32BE();
		uint32 chunkSize = sourceS->readUint32BE();

		if (sourceS->eos())

		debug(0, "chunkType = %08X; chunkSize = %d", chunkType, chunkSize);

		if (chunkType == MKTAG('R','e','c','t')) {
			debug(0, "Rect");
			height = sourceS->readUint16BE();
			width = sourceS->readUint16BE();
			debug(0, "width = %d; height = %d", width, height);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','M','a','p')) {
			debug(0, "fMap");
			lineSize = sourceS->readUint16BE();
			cmdFlags = sourceS->readByte();
			cmdOffs = sourceS->pos();
			sourceS->skip(chunkSize - 14);
			debug(0, "lineSize = %d; cmdFlags = %d; cmdOffs = %04X", lineSize, cmdFlags, cmdOffs);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','L','C','o')) {
			debug(0, "fLCo");
			pixelFlags = sourceS->readByte();
			pixelOffs = sourceS->pos();
			sourceS->skip(chunkSize - 10);
			debug(0, "pixelFlags = %d; pixelOffs = %04X", pixelFlags, pixelOffs);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','P','i','x')) {
			debug(0, "fPix");
			maskFlags = sourceS->readByte();
			maskOffs = sourceS->pos();
			sourceS->skip(chunkSize - 10);
			debug(0, "maskFlags = %d; maskOffs = %04X", maskFlags, maskOffs);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','G','C','o')) {
			debug(0, "fGCo");
			_hasPalette = true;
			_paletteColorCount = chunkSize / 3;
			_picturePalette = new byte[_paletteColorCount * 3];
			sourceS->read(_picturePalette, _paletteColorCount * 3);
		} else {
			error("PictureResource::loadChunked() Invalid chunk %08X at %08X", chunkType, sourceS->pos());


	if (!cmdOffs || !pixelOffs /*|| !maskOffs*/ || !lineSize || !width || !height) {
		error("PictureResource::loadChunked() Error parsing the picture data, one or more chunks/parameters are missing");

	_picture = new Graphics::Surface();
	_picture->create(width, height, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());

	decompressImage(source, *_picture, cmdOffs, pixelOffs, maskOffs, lineSize, cmdFlags, pixelFlags, maskFlags);

	delete sourceS;
