/* Most of the hard work is done. We only need to create the Irrlicht Engine device and all the buttons, menus and toolbars. We start up the engine as usual, using createDevice(). To make our application catch events, we set our eventreceiver as parameter. As you can see, there is also a call to IrrlichtDevice::setResizeable(). This makes the render window resizeable, which is quite useful for a mesh viewer. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // ask user for driver video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType=driverChoiceConsole(); if (driverType==video::EDT_COUNT) return 1; // create device and exit if creation failed MyEventReceiver receiver; Device = createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<u32>(800, 600), 16, false, false, false, &receiver); if (Device == 0) return 1; // could not create selected driver. Device->setResizable(true); Device->setWindowCaption(L"Irrlicht Engine - Loading..."); video::IVideoDriver* driver = Device->getVideoDriver(); IGUIEnvironment* env = Device->getGUIEnvironment(); scene::ISceneManager* smgr = Device->getSceneManager(); smgr->getParameters()->setAttribute(scene::COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES, true); driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, true); smgr->addLightSceneNode(0, core::vector3df(200,200,200), video::SColorf(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f),2000); smgr->setAmbientLight(video::SColorf(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)); // add our media directory as "search path" Device->getFileSystem()->addFileArchive("../../media/"); /* The next step is to read the configuration file. It is stored in the xml format and looks a little bit like this: @verbatim <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <startUpModel file="some filename" /> <messageText caption="Irrlicht Engine Mesh Viewer"> Hello! </messageText> </config> @endverbatim We need the data stored in there to be written into the global variables StartUpModelFile, MessageText and Caption. This is now done using the Irrlicht Engine integrated XML parser: */ // read configuration from xml file io::IXMLReader* xml = Device->getFileSystem()->createXMLReader( L"config.xml"); while(xml && xml->read()) { switch(xml->getNodeType()) { case io::EXN_TEXT: // in this xml file, the only text which occurs is the // messageText MessageText = xml->getNodeData(); break; case io::EXN_ELEMENT: { if (core::stringw("startUpModel") == xml->getNodeName()) StartUpModelFile = xml->getAttributeValue(L"file"); else if (core::stringw("messageText") == xml->getNodeName()) Caption = xml->getAttributeValue(L"caption"); } break; default: break; } } if (xml) xml->drop(); // don't forget to delete the xml reader if (argc > 1) StartUpModelFile = argv[1]; /* That wasn't difficult. Now we'll set a nicer font and create the Menu. It is possible to create submenus for every menu item. The call menu->addItem(L"File", -1, true, true); for example adds a new menu Item with the name "File" and the id -1. The following parameter says that the menu item should be enabled, and the last one says, that there should be a submenu. The submenu can now be accessed with menu->getSubMenu(0), because the "File" entry is the menu item with index 0. */ // set a nicer font IGUISkin* skin = env->getSkin(); IGUIFont* font = env->getFont("fonthaettenschweiler.bmp"); if (font) skin->setFont(font); // create menu gui::IGUIContextMenu* menu = env->addMenu(); menu->addItem(L"File", -1, true, true); menu->addItem(L"View", -1, true, true); menu->addItem(L"Camera", -1, true, true); menu->addItem(L"Help", -1, true, true); gui::IGUIContextMenu* submenu; submenu = menu->getSubMenu(0); submenu->addItem(L"Open Model File & Texture...", GUI_ID_OPEN_MODEL); submenu->addItem(L"Set Model Archive...", GUI_ID_SET_MODEL_ARCHIVE); submenu->addItem(L"Load as Octree", GUI_ID_LOAD_AS_OCTREE); submenu->addSeparator(); submenu->addItem(L"Quit", GUI_ID_QUIT); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(1); submenu->addItem(L"sky box visible", GUI_ID_SKY_BOX_VISIBLE, true, false, true); submenu->addItem(L"toggle model debug information", GUI_ID_TOGGLE_DEBUG_INFO, true, true); submenu->addItem(L"model material", -1, true, true ); submenu = submenu->getSubMenu(1); submenu->addItem(L"Off", GUI_ID_DEBUG_OFF); submenu->addItem(L"Bounding Box", GUI_ID_DEBUG_BOUNDING_BOX); submenu->addItem(L"Normals", GUI_ID_DEBUG_NORMALS); submenu->addItem(L"Skeleton", GUI_ID_DEBUG_SKELETON); submenu->addItem(L"Wire overlay", GUI_ID_DEBUG_WIRE_OVERLAY); submenu->addItem(L"Half-Transparent", GUI_ID_DEBUG_HALF_TRANSPARENT); submenu->addItem(L"Buffers bounding boxes", GUI_ID_DEBUG_BUFFERS_BOUNDING_BOXES); submenu->addItem(L"All", GUI_ID_DEBUG_ALL); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(1)->getSubMenu(2); submenu->addItem(L"Solid", GUI_ID_MODEL_MATERIAL_SOLID); submenu->addItem(L"Transparent", GUI_ID_MODEL_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENT); submenu->addItem(L"Reflection", GUI_ID_MODEL_MATERIAL_REFLECTION); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(2); submenu->addItem(L"Maya Style", GUI_ID_CAMERA_MAYA); submenu->addItem(L"First Person", GUI_ID_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(3); submenu->addItem(L"About", GUI_ID_ABOUT); /* Below the menu we want a toolbar, onto which we can place colored buttons and important looking stuff like a senseless combobox. */ // create toolbar gui::IGUIToolBar* bar = env->addToolBar(); video::ITexture* image = driver->getTexture("open.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_OPEN_MODEL, 0, L"Open a model",image, 0, false, true); image = driver->getTexture("tools.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_SHOW_TOOLBOX, 0, L"Open Toolset",image, 0, false, true); image = driver->getTexture("zip.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_SELECT_ARCHIVE, 0, L"Set Model Archive",image, 0, false, true); image = driver->getTexture("help.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_SHOW_ABOUT, 0, L"Open Help", image, 0, false, true); // create a combobox for texture filters gui::IGUIComboBox* box = env->addComboBox(core::rect<s32>(250,4,350,23), bar, GUI_ID_TEXTUREFILTER); box->addItem(L"No filtering"); box->addItem(L"Bilinear"); box->addItem(L"Trilinear"); box->addItem(L"Anisotropic"); box->addItem(L"Isotropic"); /* To make the editor look a little bit better, we disable transparent gui elements, and add an Irrlicht Engine logo. In addition, a text showing the current frames per second value is created and the window caption is changed. */ // disable alpha for (s32 i=0; i<gui::EGDC_COUNT ; ++i) { video::SColor col = env->getSkin()->getColor((gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i); col.setAlpha(255); env->getSkin()->setColor((gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i, col); } // add a tabcontrol createToolBox(); // create fps text IGUIStaticText* fpstext = env->addStaticText(L"", core::rect<s32>(400,4,570,23), true, false, bar); IGUIStaticText* postext = env->addStaticText(L"", core::rect<s32>(10,50,470,80),false, false, 0, GUI_ID_POSITION_TEXT); postext->setVisible(false); // set window caption Caption += " - ["; Caption += driver->getName(); Caption += "]"; Device->setWindowCaption(Caption.c_str()); /* That's nearly the whole application. We simply show the about message box at start up, and load the first model. To make everything look better, a skybox is created and a user controled camera, to make the application a little bit more interactive. Finally, everything is drawn in a standard drawing loop. */ // show about message box and load default model if (argc==1) showAboutText(); loadModel(StartUpModelFile.c_str()); // add skybox SkyBox = smgr->addSkyBoxSceneNode( driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_up.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_dn.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_lf.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_rt.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_ft.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_bk.jpg")); // add a camera scene node Camera[0] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeMaya(); Camera[0]->setFarValue(20000.f); // Maya cameras reposition themselves relative to their target, so target the location // where the mesh scene node is placed. Camera[0]->setTarget(core::vector3df(0,30,0)); Camera[1] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(); Camera[1]->setFarValue(20000.f); Camera[1]->setPosition(core::vector3df(0,0,-70)); Camera[1]->setTarget(core::vector3df(0,30,0)); setActiveCamera(Camera[0]); // load the irrlicht engine logo IGUIImage *img = env->addImage(driver->getTexture("irrlichtlogo2.png"), core::position2d<s32>(10, driver->getScreenSize().Height - 128)); // lock the logo's edges to the bottom left corner of the screen img->setAlignment(EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT); // remember state so we notice when the window does lose the focus bool hasFocus = Device->isWindowFocused(); // draw everything while(Device->run() && driver) { // Catch focus changes (workaround until Irrlicht has events for this) bool focused = Device->isWindowFocused(); if ( hasFocus && !focused ) onKillFocus(); hasFocus = focused; if (Device->isWindowActive()) { driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(150,50,50,50)); smgr->drawAll(); env->drawAll(); driver->endScene(); // update information about current frame-rate core::stringw str(L"FPS: "); str.append(core::stringw(driver->getFPS())); str += L" Tris: "; str.append(core::stringw(driver->getPrimitiveCountDrawn())); fpstext->setText(str.c_str()); // update information about the active camera scene::ICameraSceneNode* cam = Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera(); str = L"Pos: "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getPosition().X)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getPosition().Y)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getPosition().Z)); str += L" Tgt: "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getTarget().X)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getTarget().Y)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getTarget().Z)); postext->setText(str.c_str()); // update the tool dialog updateToolBox(); } else Device->yield(); } Device->drop(); return 0; }
/* The three following functions do several stuff used by the mesh viewer. The first function showAboutText() simply displays a messagebox with a caption and a message text. The texts will be stored in the MessageText and Caption variables at startup. */ void showAboutText() { // create modal message box with the text // loaded from the xml file. Device->getGUIEnvironment()->addMessageBox( Caption.c_str(), MessageText.c_str()); }
/** Returns the name of this player. */ core::stringw getName() const { #ifdef DEBUG assert(m_magic_number == 0xABCD1234); #endif return m_name.c_str(); } // getName
void BrowserWindowImpl::BindFunction(const core::stringw& name) { Berkelium::WideString lval=Berkelium::WideString::point_to(name.c_str(),name.length()); //m_window->bind(lval,Berkelium::Script::Variant()); m_window->addBindOnStartLoading(lval,Berkelium::Script::Variant::bindFunction(lval,false)); }
void CGUITTFont::draw(const core::stringw& text, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect<s32>* clip) { if (!Driver) return; // Clear the glyph pages of their render information. for (u32 i = 0; i < Glyph_Pages.size(); ++i) { Glyph_Pages[i]->render_positions.clear(); Glyph_Pages[i]->render_source_rects.clear(); } // Set up some variables. core::dimension2d<s32> textDimension; core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner; // Determine offset positions. if (hcenter || vcenter) { textDimension = getDimension(text.c_str()); if (hcenter) offset.X = ((position.getWidth() - textDimension.Width) >> 1) + offset.X; if (vcenter) offset.Y = ((position.getHeight() - textDimension.Height) >> 1) + offset.Y; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinnerWidget::setCustomText(const core::stringw& text) { m_customText = text; if (m_children.size() > 0) { m_children[1].m_element->setText(text.c_str()); } }
core::dimension2du dbGetTextDimension( const core::stringw& txt ) { DarkGDK_SGlobalStruct& app = DarkGDK_SGlobalStruct::getInstance(); if (!app.Font) return core::dimension2du(0,0); return app.Font->getDimension( txt.c_str() ); }
core::stringw Translations::fribidizeLine(const core::stringw &str) { #if ENABLE_BIDI FriBidiChar *fribidiInput = toFribidiChar(str.c_str()); std::size_t length = 0; while (fribidiInput[length]) length++; // Assume right to left as start direction. #if FRIBIDI_MINOR_VERSION==10 // While the doc for older fribidi versions is somewhat sparse, // using the RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING character here appears to // work correct. FriBidiCharType pbase_dir = L'\u202B'; #else FriBidiCharType pbase_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_ON; #endif // Reverse text line by line FriBidiChar *fribidiOutput = new FriBidiChar[length + 1]; memset(fribidiOutput, 0, (length + 1) * sizeof(FriBidiChar)); fribidi_boolean result = fribidi_log2vis(fribidiInput, length, &pbase_dir, fribidiOutput, /* gint *position_L_to_V_list */ NULL, /* gint *position_V_to_L_list */ NULL, /* gint8 *embedding_level_list */ NULL ); freeFribidiChar(fribidiInput); if (!result) { delete[] fribidiOutput; Log::error("Translations::fribidize", "Fribidi failed in 'fribidi_log2vis' =("); return core::stringw(str); } wchar_t *convertedString = fromFribidiChar(fribidiOutput); core::stringw converted_string(convertedString); freeFribidiChar(convertedString); delete[] fribidiOutput; return converted_string; #else return core::stringw(str); #endif // ENABLE_BIDI }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PlayerProfile::PlayerProfile(const core::stringw& name) : m_player_group("Player", "Represents one human player"), m_name(name, "name", &m_player_group), m_is_guest_account(false, "guest", &m_player_group), m_use_frequency(0, "use_frequency", &m_player_group), m_unique_id("", "unique_id", &m_player_group) { #ifdef DEBUG m_magic_number = 0xABCD1234; #endif int64_t unique_id = generateUniqueId(core::stringc(name.c_str()).c_str()); std::ostringstream to_string; to_string << std::hex << unique_id; m_unique_id = to_string.str(); }
/** * \param singular Message to translate in singular form * \param plural Message to translate in plural form (can be the same as the singular form) * \param num Count used to obtain the correct plural form. * \param context Optional, can be set to differentiate 2 strings that are identical * in English but could be different in other languages */ const wchar_t* Translations::w_ngettext(const char* singular, const char* plural, int num, const char* context) { const std::string& res = (context == NULL ? m_dictionary.translate_plural(singular, plural, num) : m_dictionary.translate_ctxt_plural(context, singular, plural, num)); static core::stringw str_buffer; str_buffer = StringUtils::utf8ToWide(res); const wchar_t* out_ptr = str_buffer.c_str(); if (REMOVE_BOM) out_ptr++; #if TRANSLATE_VERBOSE std::wcout << L" translation : " << out_ptr << std::endl; #endif return out_ptr; }
void Recreate(int res, bool bold, bool italic, bool underline, const core::stringw& fontName) { if (font) DeleteFont(font); font = CreateFontW( res, 0, 0, 0, bold ? FW_BOLD : 0, italic, underline, 0, ANSI_CHARSET | ARABIC_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, fontName.c_str()); fontDirty = false; }
void dbText( const core::stringw& txt, s32 x, s32 y, s32 hAlign = -1, s32 vAlign = -1 ) { DarkGDK_SGlobalStruct& app = DarkGDK_SGlobalStruct::getInstance(); if (!app.Font) return; const core::dimension2du txt_size = app.Font->getDimension( txt.c_str() ); // calculate final 2d-position for text ( top/left) core::position2di txt_pos(x,y); // horizontal align if (hAlign == 0) { txt_pos.X -= (s32)txt_size.Width / 2; } else if (hAlign == 1) { txt_pos.X -= (s32)txt_size.Width; } // vertical align if (vAlign == 0) { txt_pos.Y -= (s32)txt_size.Height / 2; } else if (vAlign == 1) { txt_pos.Y -= (s32)txt_size.Height; } DarkGDK_SText2d tmp; tmp.Font = app.Font; tmp.Text = txt; tmp.Position = core::recti( txt_pos, txt_size); tmp.FGColor = app.TextForeColor; tmp.BGColor = app.TextBackColor; app.Texts.push_back( tmp ); }
/** * \param original Message to translate * \param context Optional, can be set to differentiate 2 strings that are identical * in English but could be different in other languages */ const wchar_t* Translations::w_gettext(const char* original, const char* context) { if (original[0] == '\0') return L""; #if TRANSLATE_VERBOSE Log::info("Translations", "Translating %s", original); #endif const std::string& original_t = (context == NULL ? m_dictionary.translate(original) : m_dictionary.translate_ctxt(context, original)); if (original_t == original) { static irr::core::stringw converted_string; converted_string = StringUtils::utf8ToWide(original); #if TRANSLATE_VERBOSE std::wcout << L" translation : " << converted_string << std::endl; #endif return converted_string.c_str(); } // print //for (int n=0;; n+=4) static core::stringw original_tw; original_tw = StringUtils::utf8ToWide(original_t); const wchar_t* out_ptr = original_tw.c_str(); if (REMOVE_BOM) out_ptr++; #if TRANSLATE_VERBOSE std::wcout << L" translation : " << out_ptr << std::endl; #endif return out_ptr; }
/** Init the message text, do linebreak as required. */ void init() { const GUIEngine::BoxRenderParams &brp = GUIEngine::getSkin()->getBoxRenderParams(m_render_type); const unsigned width = irr_driver->getActualScreenSize().Width; const unsigned height = irr_driver->getActualScreenSize().Height; const unsigned max_width = width - (brp.m_left_border + brp.m_right_border); m_text = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(m_message.c_str(), core::recti(0, 0, max_width, height)); m_text->setRightToLeft(translations->isRTLText(m_message)); core::dimension2du dim(m_text->getTextWidth(), m_text->getTextHeight()); dim.Width += brp.m_left_border + brp.m_right_border; int x = (width - dim.Width) / 2; int y = height - int(1.5f * dim.Height); g_area = irr::core::recti(x, y, x + dim.Width, y + dim.Height); m_text->setRelativePosition(g_area); m_text->setTextAlignment(gui::EGUIA_CENTER, gui::EGUIA_CENTER); m_text->grab(); m_text->remove(); }
//! draws an text and clips it to the specified rectangle if wanted void CGUITTFont::draw(const core::stringw& text_, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect<s32>* clip) { const wchar_t* text = text_.c_str(); if (!Driver) return; core::dimension2d<u32> textDimension; core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner; video::SColor colors[4]; for (int i = 0;i < 4;i++){ colors[i] = color; } if (hcenter || vcenter) { textDimension = getDimension(text); if (hcenter) offset.X = ((position.getWidth() - textDimension.Width)>>1) + offset.X; if (vcenter) offset.Y = ((position.getHeight() - textDimension.Height)>>1) + offset.Y; }
void ScalableFont::doDraw(const core::stringw& text, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect<s32>* clip, FontCharCollector* charCollector) { if (!m_video_driver) return; GUIEngine::GlyphPageCreator* gp_creator = GUIEngine::getGlyphPageCreator(); if (m_shadow) { m_shadow = false; // avoid infinite recursion core::rect<s32> shadowpos = position; shadowpos.LowerRightCorner.X += 2; shadowpos.LowerRightCorner.Y += 2; draw(text, shadowpos, m_shadow_color, hcenter, vcenter, clip); m_shadow = true; // set back } core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner; core::dimension2d<s32> text_dimension; if (m_rtl || hcenter || vcenter || clip) { text_dimension = getDimension(text.c_str()); if (hcenter) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width) / 2; else if (m_rtl) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width); if (vcenter) offset.Y += (position.getHeight() - text_dimension.Height) / 2; if (clip) { core::rect<s32> clippedRect(offset, text_dimension); clippedRect.clipAgainst(*clip); if (!clippedRect.isValid()) return; } } // ---- collect character locations const unsigned int text_size = text.size(); core::array<s32> indices(text_size); core::array<core::position2di> offsets(text_size); std::vector<bool> fallback(text_size); if (m_type == T_NORMAL || T_BOLD) //lazy load char, have to do this again { //because some text isn't drawn with getDimension for (u32 i = 0; i < text_size; i++) { wchar_t c = text[i]; if (c == L'\r' || c == L'\n' || c == L' ' || c < 32) continue; if (!GUIEngine::getFont()->hasThisChar(c)) gp_creator->insertChar(c); if (charCollector != NULL && m_type == T_NORMAL && m_spritebank->getSprites() [GUIEngine::getFont()->getSpriteNoFromChar(&c)].Frames[0].textureNumber == m_spritebank->getTextureCount() - 1) //Prevent overwriting texture used by billboard text { Log::debug("ScalableFont::doDraw", "Character used by billboard text is in the last " "glyph page of normal font. Create a new glyph " "page for new characters inserted later to prevent " "it from being removed."); GUIEngine::getFont()->forceNewPage(); } } if (gp_creator->getNewChar().size() > 0 && !m_is_hollow_copy && m_scale == 1) { Log::debug("ScalableFont::doDraw", "New character(s) %s discoverd, perform lazy loading", StringUtils::wideToUtf8(gp_creator->getNewChar()).c_str()); if (!GUIEngine::getFont()->lazyLoadChar()) Log::error("ScalableFont::lazyLoadChar", "Can't insert new char into glyph pages."); } } for (u32 i = 0; i < text_size; i++) { wchar_t c = text[i]; if (c == L'\r' || // Windows breaks c == L'\n' ) // Unix breaks { if(c==L'\r' && text[i+1]==L'\n') c = text[++i]; offset.Y += (int)(m_max_height*m_scale); offset.X = position.UpperLeftCorner.X; if (hcenter) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width) >> 1; continue; } // if lineBreak bool use_fallback_font = false; const SFontArea &area = getAreaFromCharacter(c, &use_fallback_font); fallback[i] = use_fallback_font; if (charCollector == NULL) { //Try to use ceil to make offset calculate correctly when m_scale is smaller than 1 s32 glyph_offset_x = (s32)((float) area.bearingx* (fallback[i] ? m_scale*m_fallback_font_scale : m_scale)); s32 glyph_offset_y = (s32)ceil((float) area.offsety* (fallback[i] ? m_scale*m_fallback_font_scale : m_scale)); offset.X += glyph_offset_x; offset.Y += s32(glyph_offset_y + floor(m_type == T_DIGIT ? 20*m_scale : 0)); //Additional offset for digit text offsets.push_back(offset); offset.X -= glyph_offset_x; offset.Y -= s32(glyph_offset_y + floor(m_type == T_DIGIT ? 20*m_scale : 0)); } else //Billboard text specific { s32 glyph_offset_x = (s32)ceil((float) area.bearingx* (fallback[i] ? m_scale*m_fallback_font_scale : m_scale)); s32 glyph_offset_y = (s32)ceil((float) area.offsety_bt* (fallback[i] ? m_scale*m_fallback_font_scale : m_scale)); offset.X += glyph_offset_x; offset.Y += s32(glyph_offset_y + floor(m_type == T_DIGIT ? 20*m_scale : 0)); //Additional offset for digit text offsets.push_back(offset); offset.X -= glyph_offset_x; offset.Y -= s32(glyph_offset_y + floor(m_type == T_DIGIT ? 20*m_scale : 0)); } // Invisible character. add something to the array anyway so that // indices from the various arrays remain in sync indices.push_back(m_invisible.findFirst(c) < 0 ? area.spriteno : -1); offset.X += getCharWidth(area, fallback[i]); } // for i<text_size // ---- do the actual rendering const int indiceAmount = indices.size(); core::array< SGUISprite >& sprites = m_spritebank->getSprites(); core::array< core::rect<s32> >& positions = m_spritebank->getPositions(); core::array< SGUISprite >* fallback_sprites; core::array< core::rect<s32> >* fallback_positions; if (m_fallback_font != NULL) { fallback_sprites = &m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getSprites(); fallback_positions = &m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getPositions(); } else { fallback_sprites = NULL; fallback_positions = NULL; } const int spriteAmount = sprites.size(); if (m_black_border && charCollector == NULL) { //Draw black border first, to make it behind the real character //which make script language display better video::SColor black(color.getAlpha(),0,0,0); for (int n = 0; n < indiceAmount; n++) { const int spriteID = indices[n]; if (!fallback[n] && (spriteID < 0 || spriteID >= spriteAmount)) continue; if (indices[n] == -1) continue; const int texID = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_sprites)[spriteID].Frames[0].textureNumber : sprites[spriteID].Frames[0].textureNumber); core::rect<s32> source = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_positions)[(*fallback_sprites)[spriteID].Frames[0].rectNumber] : positions[sprites[spriteID].Frames[0].rectNumber]); core::dimension2d<s32> size = source.getSize(); float scale = (fallback[n] ? m_scale*m_fallback_font_scale : m_scale); size.Width = (int)(size.Width * scale); size.Height = (int)(size.Height * scale); core::rect<s32> dest(offsets[n], size); video::ITexture* texture = (fallback[n] ? m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getTexture(texID) : m_spritebank->getTexture(texID) ); for (int x_delta = -2; x_delta <= 2; x_delta++) { for (int y_delta = -2; y_delta <= 2; y_delta++) { if (x_delta == 0 || y_delta == 0) continue; draw2DImage(texture, dest + core::position2d<s32>(x_delta, y_delta), source, clip, black, true); } } } } for (int n = 0; n < indiceAmount; n++) { const int spriteID = indices[n]; if (!fallback[n] && (spriteID < 0 || spriteID >= spriteAmount)) continue; if (indices[n] == -1) continue; //assert(sprites[spriteID].Frames.size() > 0); const int texID = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_sprites)[spriteID].Frames[0].textureNumber : sprites[spriteID].Frames[0].textureNumber); core::rect<s32> source = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_positions)[(*fallback_sprites)[spriteID].Frames[0].rectNumber] : positions[sprites[spriteID].Frames[0].rectNumber]); core::dimension2d<s32> size = source.getSize(); float scale = (fallback[n] ? m_scale*m_fallback_font_scale : m_scale); size.Width = (int)(size.Width * scale); size.Height = (int)(size.Height * scale); core::rect<s32> dest(offsets[n], size); video::ITexture* texture = (fallback[n] ? m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getTexture(texID) : m_spritebank->getTexture(texID) ); /* if (fallback[n]) { Log::info("ScalableFont", "Using fallback font %s; source area is %d, %d; size %d, %d; dest = %d, %d", core::stringc(texture->getName()).c_str(), source.UpperLeftCorner.X, source.UpperLeftCorner.Y, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), offsets[n].X, offsets[n].Y); } */ #ifdef FONT_DEBUG GL32_draw2DRectangle(video::SColor(255, 255,0,0), dest,clip); #endif if (fallback[n] || m_type == T_BOLD) { video::SColor top = GUIEngine::getSkin()->getColor("font::top"); video::SColor bottom = GUIEngine::getSkin()->getColor("font::bottom"); top.setAlpha(color.getAlpha()); bottom.setAlpha(color.getAlpha()); video::SColor title_colors[] = {top, bottom, top, bottom}; if (charCollector != NULL) { charCollector->collectChar(texture, dest, source, title_colors); } else { draw2DImage(texture, dest, source, clip, title_colors, true); } } else { if (charCollector != NULL) { video::SColor colors[] = { color, color, color, color }; charCollector->collectChar(texture, dest, source, colors); } else { draw2DImage(texture, dest, source, clip, color, true); } } } }
//! draws some text and clips it to the specified rectangle if wanted void CGUIFont::draw(const core::stringw& text, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect<s32>* clip ) { if (!Driver) return; core::dimension2d<s32> textDimension; // NOTE: don't make this u32 or the >> later on can fail when the dimension width is < position width core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner; if (hcenter || vcenter || clip) textDimension = getDimension(text.c_str()); if (hcenter) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - textDimension.Width) >> 1; if (vcenter) offset.Y += (position.getHeight() - textDimension.Height) >> 1; if (clip) { core::rect<s32> clippedRect(offset, textDimension); clippedRect.clipAgainst(*clip); if (!clippedRect.isValid()) return; } core::array<u32> indices(text.size()); core::array<core::position2di> offsets(text.size()); for(u32 i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { wchar_t c = text[i]; bool lineBreak=false; if ( c == L'\r') // Mac or Windows breaks { lineBreak = true; if ( text[i + 1] == L'\n') // Windows breaks c = text[++i]; } else if ( c == L'\n') // Unix breaks { lineBreak = true; } if (lineBreak) { offset.Y += MaxHeight; offset.X = position.UpperLeftCorner.X; if ( hcenter ) { offset.X += (position.getWidth() - textDimension.Width) >> 1; } continue; } SFontArea& area = Areas[getAreaFromCharacter(c)]; offset.X += area.underhang; if ( Invisible.findFirst ( c ) < 0 ) { indices.push_back(area.spriteno); offsets.push_back(offset); } offset.X += area.width + area.overhang + GlobalKerningWidth; } SpriteBank->draw2DSpriteBatch(indices, offsets, clip, color); }
void OptionsScreenUI::eventCallback(Widget* widget, const std::string& name, const int playerID) { if (name == "options_choice") { std::string selection = ((RibbonWidget*)widget)->getSelectionIDString(PLAYER_ID_GAME_MASTER); Screen *screen = NULL; if (selection == "tab_audio") screen = OptionsScreenAudio::getInstance(); else if (selection == "tab_video") screen = OptionsScreenVideo::getInstance(); else if (selection == "tab_players") screen = TabbedUserScreen::getInstance(); else if (selection == "tab_controls") screen = OptionsScreenInput::getInstance(); //else if (selection == "tab_ui") // screen = OptionsScreenUI::getInstance(); if(screen) StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(screen); } else if(name == "back") { StateManager::get()->escapePressed(); } else if (name == "skinchoice") { GUIEngine::SpinnerWidget* skinSelector = getWidget<GUIEngine::SpinnerWidget>("skinchoice"); assert( skinSelector != NULL ); const core::stringw selectedSkin = skinSelector->getStringValue(); UserConfigParams::m_skin_file = core::stringc(selectedSkin.c_str()).c_str() + std::string(".stkskin"); GUIEngine::reloadSkin(); } else if (name == "showfps") { CheckBoxWidget* fps = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("showfps"); assert( fps != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_display_fps = fps->getState(); } else if (name=="enable-internet") { CheckBoxWidget* internet = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("enable-internet"); assert( internet != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_internet_status = internet->getState() ? RequestManager::IPERM_ALLOWED : RequestManager::IPERM_NOT_ALLOWED; // If internet gets enabled, re-initialise the addon manager (which // happens in a separate thread) so that news.xml etc can be // downloaded if necessary. CheckBoxWidget *stats = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("enable-hw-report"); LabelWidget *stats_label = getWidget<LabelWidget>("label-hw-report"); if(internet->getState()) { NewsManager::get()->init(false); stats->setVisible(true); stats_label->setVisible(true); stats->setState(UserConfigParams::m_hw_report_enable); } else { stats->setVisible(false); stats_label->setVisible(false); PlayerProfile* profile = PlayerManager::getCurrentPlayer(); if (profile != NULL && profile->isLoggedIn()) profile->requestSignOut(); } } else if (name=="enable-hw-report") { CheckBoxWidget* stats = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("enable-hw-report"); UserConfigParams::m_hw_report_enable = stats->getState(); if(stats->getState()) HardwareStats::reportHardwareStats(); } else if (name=="show-login") { CheckBoxWidget* show_login = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("show-login"); assert( show_login != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_always_show_login_screen = show_login->getState(); } else if (name=="perPlayerDifficulty") { CheckBoxWidget* difficulty = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("perPlayerDifficulty"); assert( difficulty != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_per_player_difficulty = difficulty->getState(); } else if (name == "language") { ListWidget* list_widget = getWidget<ListWidget>("language"); std::string selection = list_widget->getSelectionInternalName(); delete translations; if (selection == "system") { #ifdef WIN32 _putenv("LANGUAGE="); #else unsetenv("LANGUAGE"); #endif } else { #ifdef WIN32 std::string s=std::string("LANGUAGE=")+selection.c_str(); _putenv(s.c_str()); #else setenv("LANGUAGE", selection.c_str(), 1); #endif } translations = new Translations(); // Reload fonts for new translation GUIEngine::getStateManager()->hardResetAndGoToScreen<MainMenuScreen>(); font_manager->getFont<BoldFace>()->reset(); font_manager->getFont<RegularFace>()->reset(); GUIEngine::getFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getTitleFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getSmallFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getLargeFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getOutlineFont()->updateRTL(); UserConfigParams::m_language = selection.c_str(); user_config->saveConfig(); OptionsScreenUI::getInstance()->push(); } } // eventCallback
void CIrrMeshWriter::writeMeshBuffer(const scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer) { Writer->writeElement(L"buffer", false); Writer->writeLineBreak(); // write bounding box writeBoundingBox(buffer->getBoundingBox()); Writer->writeLineBreak(); // write material writeMaterial(buffer->getMaterial()); // write vertices const core::stringw vertexTypeStr = video::sBuiltInVertexTypeNames[buffer->getVertexType()]; Writer->writeElement(L"vertices", false, L"type", vertexTypeStr.c_str(), L"vertexCount", core::stringw(buffer->getVertexCount()).c_str()); Writer->writeLineBreak(); u32 vertexCount = buffer->getVertexCount(); switch(buffer->getVertexType()) { case video::EVT_STANDARD: { video::S3DVertex* vtx = (video::S3DVertex*)buffer->getVertices(); for (u32 j=0; j<vertexCount; ++j) { core::stringw str = getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Pos); str += L" "; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Normal); char tmp[12]; sprintf(tmp, " %02x%02x%02x%02x ", vtx[j].Color.getAlpha(), vtx[j].Color.getRed(), vtx[j].Color.getGreen(), vtx[j].Color.getBlue()); str += tmp; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].TCoords); Writer->writeText(str.c_str()); Writer->writeLineBreak(); } } break; case video::EVT_2TCOORDS: { video::S3DVertex2TCoords* vtx = (video::S3DVertex2TCoords*)buffer->getVertices(); for (u32 j=0; j<vertexCount; ++j) { core::stringw str = getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Pos); str += L" "; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Normal); char tmp[12]; sprintf(tmp, " %02x%02x%02x%02x ", vtx[j].Color.getAlpha(), vtx[j].Color.getRed(), vtx[j].Color.getGreen(), vtx[j].Color.getBlue()); str += tmp; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].TCoords); str += L" "; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].TCoords2); Writer->writeText(str.c_str()); Writer->writeLineBreak(); } } break; case video::EVT_TANGENTS: { video::S3DVertexTangents* vtx = (video::S3DVertexTangents*)buffer->getVertices(); for (u32 j=0; j<vertexCount; ++j) { core::stringw str = getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Pos); str += L" "; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Normal); char tmp[12]; sprintf(tmp, " %02x%02x%02x%02x ", vtx[j].Color.getAlpha(), vtx[j].Color.getRed(), vtx[j].Color.getGreen(), vtx[j].Color.getBlue()); str += tmp; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].TCoords); str += L" "; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Tangent); str += L" "; str += getVectorAsStringLine(vtx[j].Binormal); Writer->writeText(str.c_str()); Writer->writeLineBreak(); } } break; } Writer->writeClosingTag(L"vertices"); Writer->writeLineBreak(); // write indices Writer->writeElement(L"indices", false, L"indexCount", core::stringw(buffer->getIndexCount()).c_str()); Writer->writeLineBreak(); int indexCount = (int)buffer->getIndexCount(); video::E_INDEX_TYPE iType = buffer->getIndexType(); const u16* idx16 = buffer->getIndices(); const u32* idx32 = (u32*) buffer->getIndices(); const int maxIndicesPerLine = 25; for (int i=0; i<indexCount; ++i) { if(iType == video::EIT_16BIT) { core::stringw str((int)idx16[i]); Writer->writeText(str.c_str()); } else { core::stringw str((int)idx32[i]); Writer->writeText(str.c_str()); } if (i % maxIndicesPerLine != maxIndicesPerLine) { if (i % maxIndicesPerLine == maxIndicesPerLine-1) Writer->writeLineBreak(); else Writer->writeText(L" "); } } if ((indexCount-1) % maxIndicesPerLine != maxIndicesPerLine-1) Writer->writeLineBreak(); Writer->writeClosingTag(L"indices"); Writer->writeLineBreak(); // close buffer tag Writer->writeClosingTag(L"buffer"); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FontWithFace::render(const core::stringw& text, const core::rect<s32>& position, const video::SColor& color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect<s32>* clip, FontSettings* font_settings, FontCharCollector* char_collector) { const bool is_bold_face = dynamic_cast<BoldFace*>(this); const bool black_border = font_settings ? font_settings->useBlackBorder() : false; const bool rtl = font_settings ? font_settings->isRTL() : false; const float scale = font_settings ? font_settings->getScale() : 1.0f; const float shadow = font_settings ? font_settings->useShadow() : false; if (shadow) { assert(font_settings); // Avoid infinite recursion font_settings->setShadow(false); core::rect<s32> shadowpos = position; shadowpos.LowerRightCorner.X += 2; shadowpos.LowerRightCorner.Y += 2; render(text, shadowpos, font_settings->getShadowColor(), hcenter, vcenter, clip, font_settings); // Set back font_settings->setShadow(true); } core::position2d<float> offset(float(position.UpperLeftCorner.X), float(position.UpperLeftCorner.Y)); core::dimension2d<s32> text_dimension; if (rtl || hcenter || vcenter || clip) { text_dimension = getDimension(text.c_str(), font_settings); if (hcenter) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width) / 2; else if (rtl) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width); if (vcenter) offset.Y += (position.getHeight() - text_dimension.Height) / 2; if (clip) { core::rect<s32> clippedRect(core::position2d<s32> (s32(offset.X), s32(offset.Y)), text_dimension); clippedRect.clipAgainst(*clip); if (!clippedRect.isValid()) return; } } // Collect character locations const unsigned int text_size = text.size(); core::array<s32> indices(text_size); core::array<core::position2d<float>> offsets(text_size); std::vector<bool> fallback(text_size); // Test again if lazy load char is needed, // as some text isn't drawn with getDimension insertCharacters(text.c_str()); updateCharactersList(); for (u32 i = 0; i < text_size; i++) { wchar_t c = text[i]; if (c == L'\r' || // Windows breaks c == L'\n' ) // Unix breaks { if (c==L'\r' && text[i+1]==L'\n') c = text[++i]; offset.Y += m_font_max_height * scale; offset.X = position.UpperLeftCorner.X; if (hcenter) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width) >> 1; continue; } // if lineBreak bool use_fallback_font = false; const FontArea &area = getAreaFromCharacter(c, &use_fallback_font); fallback[i] = use_fallback_font; if (char_collector == NULL) { float glyph_offset_x = area.bearing_x * (fallback[i] ? m_fallback_font_scale : scale); float glyph_offset_y = area.offset_y * (fallback[i] ? m_fallback_font_scale : scale); offset.X += glyph_offset_x; offset.Y += glyph_offset_y; offsets.push_back(offset); offset.X -= glyph_offset_x; offset.Y -= glyph_offset_y; } else { // Prevent overwriting texture used by billboard text when // using lazy loading characters if (supportLazyLoadChar() && fallback[i]) { const int cur_texno = m_fallback_font->getSpriteBank() ->getSprites()[area.spriteno].Frames[0].textureNumber; if (cur_texno == int(m_fallback_font->getSpriteBank() ->getTextureCount() - 1)) { m_fallback_font->createNewGlyphPage(); } } else if (supportLazyLoadChar()) { const int cur_texno = m_spritebank ->getSprites()[area.spriteno].Frames[0].textureNumber; if (cur_texno == int(m_spritebank->getTextureCount() - 1)) { createNewGlyphPage(); } } // Billboard text specific, use offset_y_bt instead float glyph_offset_x = area.bearing_x * (fallback[i] ? m_fallback_font_scale : scale); float glyph_offset_y = area.offset_y_bt * (fallback[i] ? m_fallback_font_scale : scale); offset.X += glyph_offset_x; offset.Y += glyph_offset_y; offsets.push_back(offset); offset.X -= glyph_offset_x; offset.Y -= glyph_offset_y; } indices.push_back(area.spriteno); offset.X += getCharWidth(area, fallback[i], scale); } // for i < text_size // Do the actual rendering const int indice_amount = indices.size(); core::array<gui::SGUISprite>& sprites = m_spritebank->getSprites(); core::array<core::rect<s32>>& positions = m_spritebank->getPositions(); core::array<gui::SGUISprite>* fallback_sprites; core::array<core::rect<s32>>* fallback_positions; if (m_fallback_font != NULL) { fallback_sprites = &m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getSprites(); fallback_positions = &m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getPositions(); } else { fallback_sprites = NULL; fallback_positions = NULL; } const int sprite_amount = sprites.size(); if ((black_border || is_bold_face) && char_collector == NULL) { // Draw black border first, to make it behind the real character // which make script language display better video::SColor black(color.getAlpha(),0,0,0); for (int n = 0; n < indice_amount; n++) { const int sprite_id = indices[n]; if (!fallback[n] && (sprite_id < 0 || sprite_id >= sprite_amount)) continue; if (indices[n] == -1) continue; const int tex_id = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_sprites)[sprite_id].Frames[0].textureNumber : sprites[sprite_id].Frames[0].textureNumber); core::rect<s32> source = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_positions) [(*fallback_sprites)[sprite_id].Frames[0].rectNumber] : positions[sprites[sprite_id].Frames[0].rectNumber]); core::dimension2d<float> size(0.0f, 0.0f); float cur_scale = (fallback[n] ? m_fallback_font_scale : scale); size.Width = source.getSize().Width * cur_scale; size.Height = source.getSize().Height * cur_scale; core::rect<float> dest(offsets[n], size); video::ITexture* texture = (fallback[n] ? m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getTexture(tex_id) : m_spritebank->getTexture(tex_id)); for (int x_delta = -2; x_delta <= 2; x_delta++) { for (int y_delta = -2; y_delta <= 2; y_delta++) { if (x_delta == 0 || y_delta == 0) continue; draw2DImage(texture, dest + core::position2d<float> (float(x_delta), float(y_delta)), source, clip, black, true); } } } } for (int n = 0; n < indice_amount; n++) { const int sprite_id = indices[n]; if (!fallback[n] && (sprite_id < 0 || sprite_id >= sprite_amount)) continue; if (indices[n] == -1) continue; const int tex_id = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_sprites)[sprite_id].Frames[0].textureNumber : sprites[sprite_id].Frames[0].textureNumber); core::rect<s32> source = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_positions)[(*fallback_sprites)[sprite_id].Frames[0] .rectNumber] : positions[sprites[sprite_id].Frames[0].rectNumber]); core::dimension2d<float> size(0.0f, 0.0f); float cur_scale = (fallback[n] ? m_fallback_font_scale : scale); size.Width = source.getSize().Width * cur_scale; size.Height = source.getSize().Height * cur_scale; core::rect<float> dest(offsets[n], size); video::ITexture* texture = (fallback[n] ? m_fallback_font->m_spritebank->getTexture(tex_id) : m_spritebank->getTexture(tex_id)); if (fallback[n] || is_bold_face) { video::SColor top = GUIEngine::getSkin()->getColor("font::top"); video::SColor bottom = GUIEngine::getSkin() ->getColor("font::bottom"); top.setAlpha(color.getAlpha()); bottom.setAlpha(color.getAlpha()); video::SColor title_colors[] = {top, bottom, top, bottom}; if (char_collector != NULL) { char_collector->collectChar(texture, dest, source, title_colors); } else { draw2DImage(texture, dest, source, clip, title_colors, true); } } else { if (char_collector != NULL) { video::SColor colors[] = {color, color, color, color}; char_collector->collectChar(texture, dest, source, colors); } else { draw2DImage(texture, dest, source, clip, color, true); } } } } // render
void OptionsScreenUI::eventCallback(Widget* widget, const std::string& name, const int playerID) { if (name == "options_choice") { std::string selection = ((RibbonWidget*)widget)->getSelectionIDString(PLAYER_ID_GAME_MASTER).c_str(); if (selection == "tab_audio") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenAudio::getInstance()); else if (selection == "tab_video") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenVideo::getInstance()); else if (selection == "tab_players") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenPlayers::getInstance()); else if (selection == "tab_controls") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenInput::getInstance()); } else if(name == "back") { StateManager::get()->escapePressed(); } else if (name == "skinchoice") { GUIEngine::SpinnerWidget* skinSelector = getWidget<GUIEngine::SpinnerWidget>("skinchoice"); assert( skinSelector != NULL ); const core::stringw selectedSkin = skinSelector->getStringValue(); UserConfigParams::m_skin_file = core::stringc(selectedSkin.c_str()).c_str() + std::string(".stkskin"); GUIEngine::reloadSkin(); } else if (name == "showfps") { CheckBoxWidget* fps = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("showfps"); assert( fps != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_display_fps = fps->getState(); } else if (name=="enable-internet") { CheckBoxWidget* news = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("enable-internet"); assert( news != NULL ); if(INetworkHttp::get()) { INetworkHttp::get()->stopNetworkThread(); INetworkHttp::destroy(); } UserConfigParams::m_internet_status = news->getState() ? INetworkHttp::IPERM_ALLOWED : INetworkHttp::IPERM_NOT_ALLOWED; INetworkHttp::create(); // Note that the network thread must be started after the assignment // to network_http (since the thread might use network_http, otherwise // a race condition can be introduced resulting in a crash). INetworkHttp::get()->startNetworkThread(); } else if (name=="minimal-racegui") { CheckBoxWidget* min_gui = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("minimal-racegui"); assert( min_gui != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_minimal_race_gui = !UserConfigParams::m_minimal_race_gui; } else if (name == "language") { ListWidget* list_widget = getWidget<ListWidget>("language"); std::string selection = list_widget->getSelectionInternalName(); delete translations; if (selection == "system") { #ifdef WIN32 _putenv("LANGUAGE="); #else unsetenv("LANGUAGE"); #endif } else { #ifdef WIN32 std::string s=std::string("LANGUAGE=")+selection.c_str(); _putenv(s.c_str()); #else setenv("LANGUAGE", selection.c_str(), 1); #endif } translations = new Translations(); GUIEngine::getStateManager()->hardResetAndGoToScreen<MainMenuScreen>(); GUIEngine::getFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getTitleFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getSmallFont()->updateRTL(); UserConfigParams::m_language = selection.c_str(); user_config->saveConfig(); GUIEngine::getStateManager()->pushScreen(OptionsScreenUI::getInstance()); } } // eventCallback
void BrowserWindowImpl::ExecuteScript(const core::stringw& script) { m_window->executeJavascript(Berkelium::WideString::point_to(script.c_str(),script.length())); }
//! draws some text and clips it to the specified rectangle if wanted void ScalableFont::doDraw(const core::stringw& text, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect<s32>* clip, FontCharCollector* charCollector) { if (!Driver) return; if (m_shadow) { m_shadow = false; // avoid infinite recursion core::rect<s32> shadowpos = position; shadowpos.LowerRightCorner.X += 2; shadowpos.LowerRightCorner.Y += 2; draw(text, shadowpos, m_shadow_color, hcenter, vcenter, clip); m_shadow = true; // set back } core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner; core::dimension2d<s32> text_dimension; if (m_rtl || hcenter || vcenter || clip) { text_dimension = getDimension(text.c_str()); if (hcenter) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width) / 2; else if (m_rtl) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width); if (vcenter) offset.Y += (position.getHeight() - text_dimension.Height) / 2; if (clip) { core::rect<s32> clippedRect(offset, text_dimension); clippedRect.clipAgainst(*clip); if (!clippedRect.isValid()) return; } } // ---- collect character locations const unsigned int text_size = text.size(); core::array<s32> indices(text_size); core::array<core::position2di> offsets(text_size); std::vector<bool> fallback(text_size); for (u32 i = 0; i<text_size; i++) { wchar_t c = text[i]; if (c == L'\r' || // Windows breaks c == L'\n' ) // Unix breaks { if(c==L'\r' && text[i+1]==L'\n') c = text[++i]; offset.Y += (int)(MaxHeight*m_scale); offset.X = position.UpperLeftCorner.X; if (hcenter) offset.X += (position.getWidth() - text_dimension.Width) >> 1; continue; } // if lineBreak bool use_fallback_font = false; const SFontArea &area = getAreaFromCharacter(c, &use_fallback_font); fallback[i] = use_fallback_font; offset.X += area.underhang; offsets.push_back(offset); // Invisible character. add something to the array anyway so that // indices from the various arrays remain in sync indices.push_back( Invisible.findFirst(c) < 0 ? area.spriteno : -1 ); offset.X += getCharWidth(area, fallback[i]); } // for i<text_size // ---- do the actual rendering const int indiceAmount = indices.size(); core::array< SGUISprite >& sprites = SpriteBank->getSprites(); core::array< core::rect<s32> >& positions = SpriteBank->getPositions(); core::array< SGUISprite >* fallback_sprites; core::array< core::rect<s32> >* fallback_positions; if(m_fallback_font!=NULL) { fallback_sprites = &m_fallback_font->SpriteBank->getSprites(); fallback_positions = &m_fallback_font->SpriteBank->getPositions(); } else { fallback_sprites = NULL; fallback_positions = NULL; } const int spriteAmount = sprites.size(); for (int n=0; n<indiceAmount; n++) { const int spriteID = indices[n]; if (!fallback[n] && (spriteID < 0 || spriteID >= spriteAmount)) continue; if (indices[n] == -1) continue; //assert(sprites[spriteID].Frames.size() > 0); const int texID = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_sprites)[spriteID].Frames[0].textureNumber : sprites[spriteID].Frames[0].textureNumber); core::rect<s32> source = (fallback[n] ? (*fallback_positions)[(*fallback_sprites)[spriteID].Frames[0].rectNumber] : positions[sprites[spriteID].Frames[0].rectNumber]); const TextureInfo& info = (fallback[n] ? (*(m_fallback_font->m_texture_files.find(texID))).second : (*(m_texture_files.find(texID))).second ); float char_scale = info.m_scale; core::dimension2d<s32> size = source.getSize(); float scale = (fallback[n] ? m_scale*m_fallback_font_scale : m_scale); size.Width = (int)(size.Width * scale * char_scale); size.Height = (int)(size.Height * scale * char_scale); // align vertically if character is smaller int y_shift = (size.Height < MaxHeight*m_scale ? (int)((MaxHeight*m_scale - size.Height)/2.0f) : 0); core::rect<s32> dest(offsets[n] + core::position2di(0, y_shift), size); video::ITexture* texture = (fallback[n] ? m_fallback_font->SpriteBank->getTexture(texID) : SpriteBank->getTexture(texID) ); /* if (fallback[n]) { Log::info("ScalableFont", "Using fallback font %s; source area is %d, %d; size %d, %d; dest = %d, %d", core::stringc(texture->getName()).c_str(), source.UpperLeftCorner.X, source.UpperLeftCorner.Y, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), offsets[n].X, offsets[n].Y); } */ if (texture == NULL) { // perform lazy loading if (fallback[n]) { m_fallback_font->lazyLoadTexture(texID); texture = m_fallback_font->SpriteBank->getTexture(texID); } else { lazyLoadTexture(texID); texture = SpriteBank->getTexture(texID); } if (texture == NULL) { Log::warn("ScalableFont", "Character not found in current font"); continue; // no such character } } if (m_black_border && charCollector == NULL) { // draw black border video::SColor black(color.getAlpha(),0,0,0); for (int x_delta=-2; x_delta<=2; x_delta++) { for (int y_delta=-2; y_delta<=2; y_delta++) { if (x_delta == 0 || y_delta == 0) continue; draw2DImage(texture, dest + core::position2d<s32>(x_delta, y_delta), source, clip, black, true); } } } if (fallback[n]) { // TODO: don't hardcode colors? video::SColor orange(color.getAlpha(), 255, 100, 0); video::SColor yellow(color.getAlpha(), 255, 220, 15); video::SColor title_colors[] = {orange, yellow, orange, yellow}; if (charCollector != NULL) { charCollector->collectChar(texture, dest, source, title_colors); } else { draw2DImage(texture, dest, source, clip, title_colors, true); } } else { if (charCollector != NULL) { video::SColor colors[] = { color, color, color, color }; charCollector->collectChar(texture, dest, source, colors); } else { draw2DImage(texture, dest, source, clip, color, true); } #ifdef FONT_DEBUG video::IVideoDriver* driver = GUIEngine::getDriver(); driver->draw2DLine(core::position2d<s32>(dest.UpperLeftCorner.X, dest.UpperLeftCorner.Y), core::position2d<s32>(dest.UpperLeftCorner.X, dest.LowerRightCorner.Y), video::SColor(255, 255,0,0)); driver->draw2DLine(core::position2d<s32>(dest.LowerRightCorner.X, dest.LowerRightCorner.Y), core::position2d<s32>(dest.LowerRightCorner.X, dest.UpperLeftCorner.Y), video::SColor(255, 255,0,0)); driver->draw2DLine(core::position2d<s32>(dest.LowerRightCorner.X, dest.LowerRightCorner.Y), core::position2d<s32>(dest.UpperLeftCorner.X, dest.LowerRightCorner.Y), video::SColor(255, 255,0,0)); driver->draw2DLine(core::position2d<s32>(dest.UpperLeftCorner.X, dest.UpperLeftCorner.Y), core::position2d<s32>(dest.LowerRightCorner.X, dest.UpperLeftCorner.Y), video::SColor(255, 255,0,0)); #endif } } }
/* The second function loadModel() loads a model and displays it using an addAnimatedMeshSceneNode and the scene manager. Nothing difficult. It also displays a short message box, if the model could not be loaded. */ void loadModel(const c8* fn) { // modify the name if it a .pk3 file io::path filename(fn); io::path extension; core::getFileNameExtension(extension, filename); extension.make_lower(); // if a texture is loaded apply it to the current model.. if (extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".pcx" || extension == ".png" || extension == ".ppm" || extension == ".pgm" || extension == ".pbm" || extension == ".psd" || extension == ".tga" || extension == ".bmp" || extension == ".wal" || extension == ".rgb" || extension == ".rgba") { video::ITexture * texture = Device->getVideoDriver()->getTexture( filename ); if ( texture && Model ) { // always reload texture Device->getVideoDriver()->removeTexture(texture); texture = Device->getVideoDriver()->getTexture( filename ); Model->setMaterialTexture(0, texture); } return; } // if a archive is loaded add it to the FileArchive.. else if (extension == ".pk3" || extension == ".zip" || extension == ".pak" || extension == ".npk") { Device->getFileSystem()->addFileArchive(filename.c_str()); return; } // load a model into the engine if (Model) Model->remove(); Model = 0; if (extension==".irr") { core::array<scene::ISceneNode*> outNodes; Device->getSceneManager()->loadScene(filename); Device->getSceneManager()->getSceneNodesFromType(scene::ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH, outNodes); if (outNodes.size()) Model = outNodes[0]; return; } scene::IAnimatedMesh* m = Device->getSceneManager()->getMesh( filename.c_str() ); if (!m) { // model could not be loaded if (StartUpModelFile != filename) Device->getGUIEnvironment()->addMessageBox( Caption.c_str(), L"The model could not be loaded. " \ L"Maybe it is not a supported file format."); return; } // set default material properties if (Octree) Model = Device->getSceneManager()->addOctreeSceneNode(m->getMesh(0)); else { scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* animModel = Device->getSceneManager()->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(m); animModel->setAnimationSpeed(30); Model = animModel; } Model->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, UseLight); Model->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, UseLight); // Model->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, false); Model->setDebugDataVisible(scene::EDS_OFF); // we need to uncheck the menu entries. would be cool to fake a menu event, but // that's not so simple. so we do it brute force gui::IGUIContextMenu* menu = (gui::IGUIContextMenu*)Device->getGUIEnvironment()->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(GUI_ID_TOGGLE_DEBUG_INFO, true); if (menu) for(int item = 1; item < 6; ++item) menu->setItemChecked(item, false); updateScaleInfo(Model); }
void OptionsScreenUI::eventCallback(Widget* widget, const std::string& name, const int playerID) { if (name == "options_choice") { std::string selection = ((RibbonWidget*)widget)->getSelectionIDString(PLAYER_ID_GAME_MASTER).c_str(); if (selection == "tab_audio") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenAudio::getInstance()); else if (selection == "tab_video") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenVideo::getInstance()); else if (selection == "tab_players") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenPlayers::getInstance()); else if (selection == "tab_controls") StateManager::get()->replaceTopMostScreen(OptionsScreenInput::getInstance()); } else if(name == "back") { StateManager::get()->escapePressed(); } else if (name == "skinchoice") { GUIEngine::SpinnerWidget* skinSelector = getWidget<GUIEngine::SpinnerWidget>("skinchoice"); assert( skinSelector != NULL ); const core::stringw selectedSkin = skinSelector->getStringValue(); UserConfigParams::m_skin_file = core::stringc(selectedSkin.c_str()).c_str() + std::string(".stkskin"); GUIEngine::reloadSkin(); } else if (name == "showfps") { CheckBoxWidget* fps = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("showfps"); assert( fps != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_display_fps = fps->getState(); } else if (name=="enable-internet") { CheckBoxWidget* internet = getWidget<CheckBoxWidget>("enable-internet"); assert( internet != NULL ); UserConfigParams::m_internet_status = internet->getState() ? RequestManager::IPERM_ALLOWED : RequestManager::IPERM_NOT_ALLOWED; // If internet gets enabled, re-initialise the addon manager (which // happens in a separate thread) so that news.xml etc can be // downloaded if necessary. if(internet->getState()) NewsManager::get()->init(false); } else if (name == "language") { ListWidget* list_widget = getWidget<ListWidget>("language"); std::string selection = list_widget->getSelectionInternalName(); delete translations; if (selection == "system") { #ifdef WIN32 _putenv("LANGUAGE="); #else unsetenv("LANGUAGE"); #endif } else { #ifdef WIN32 std::string s=std::string("LANGUAGE=")+selection.c_str(); _putenv(s.c_str()); #else setenv("LANGUAGE", selection.c_str(), 1); #endif } translations = new Translations(); GUIEngine::getStateManager()->hardResetAndGoToScreen<MainMenuScreen>(); GUIEngine::getFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getTitleFont()->updateRTL(); GUIEngine::getSmallFont()->updateRTL(); UserConfigParams::m_language = selection.c_str(); user_config->saveConfig(); GUIEngine::getStateManager()->pushScreen(OptionsScreenUI::getInstance()); } } // eventCallback
void MyIrrlichtComposition::ChangeCaption(core::stringw str) { device->setWindowCaption(str.c_str()); }
s32 main( s32 argc, c8** argv ) { const core::stringw AppTitle = L"FPS-Cube (c) 2013 by [email protected]"; dbDarkGDK ( argc, argv ); dbSetWindowTitle ( AppTitle.c_str() ); dbSetDisplayMode ( 1024, 786, 32, false, false ); // dbSetDisplayMode ( dbDesktopWidth()-200, dbDesktopHeight()-200, dbDesktopDepth(), false, false ); dbPositionWindow ( 0, 100, 100); /// create camera ( create first because of possible need as rendertarget ) dbMakeCamera ( 1 ); dbPositionCamera ( 1, 0, 100, -100 ); dbPointCamera ( 1, 0,0,0 ); /// create skybox u32 skybox = dbFreeObject(); dbMakeObjectBox ( skybox, 10000,10000,10000 ); dbSetObjectBackCull( skybox, false ); u32 texmon = dbFreeImage(); dbLoadImage( texmon, "../../media/sysmon.png"); dbTextureObject( skybox, texmon, 0 ); //u32 textroll = dbGetFreeImageID(); //dbLoadImage( textroll, "../../media/trollface.png"); //dbTextureObject( skybox, texmon, 1 ); //dbSetObjectLight ( skybox, false ); //dbPositionObject( skybox, 100,0,0 ); /// create floor u32 ground = dbFreeObject(); dbMakeObjectPlain ( ground, 100.0f, 100.0f, SColor(255,50,168,60) ); dbPositionObject ( ground, 0,0,0); // dbLoadObject ( ground, "../../media/player/alien/alien.mdl" ); dbSetObjectLight ( ground, false ); /// create sun // u32 sun = dbGetFreeObjectID(); // dbLoadObject ( sun, "../../media/player/alien/alien.mdl" ); // dbSetObjectLight ( sun, false ); // dbPositionObject ( sun, 100,0,0 ); // camera variables f32 fCameraAngleX = 0.0f; f32 fCameraAngleY = 0.0f; dbSetTextFont( "fonts/courier10.png" ); u32 TimeLastWindowTitleUpdate = dbTimer(); u32 TimeWaitWindowTitleUpdate = 200; s32 x,y; core::stringc t; while (dbLoopGDK()) { // move the camera using the arrow keys dbControlCameraUsingArrowKeys ( 1 ); /// Hello World! ( top center ) dbInk( white ); dbCenterText( core::stringw(L"Hello World!"), dbScreenWidth()/2, 5 ); /// info-box ( left bottom ) dbInk( yellow, black ); x = 5; y = dbScreenHeight() - 5; dbPositionCursor( x, y, -1, 1 ); t = "version = "; t += dbGetVersion(); dbPrint( t ); t = "vendor = "; t += dbGetVendor(); dbPrint( t ); t = "driver = "; t += dbGetDriverString(); dbPrint( t ); t = "fps = "; t += dbScreenFPS(); dbPrint( t ); t = "tris = "; t += dbGetPolygonCount(); dbPrint( t ); t = "desktop ("; t += dbDesktopWidth(); t = ","; t += dbDesktopHeight(); t = ","; t += dbDesktopDepth(); t = ")"; dbPrint( t ); t = "screen ("; t += dbScreenWidth(); t = ","; t += dbScreenHeight(); t = ","; t += dbScreenDepth(); t = ")"; dbPrint( t ); t = "rtt_w = "; t += dbDesktopWidth(); dbPrint( t ); t = "rtt_h = "; t += dbDesktopHeight(); dbPrint( t ); t = "rtt_bpp = "; t += dbDesktopDepth(); dbPrint( t ); t = "get-dir = "; t += dbGetDir(); dbPrint( t ); /// print number of object-list-item x = dbScreenWidth()-600; y = dbScreenHeight()-200; dbPositionCursor( x,y ); const u32 obj_count = dbGetObjectCount(); t = "obj_count = "; t += obj_count; dbPrint( t ); /// print object-list for (u32 i = 1; i <= obj_count; i++) { core::vector3df s = dbGetObjectSize( i ); t = "obj[" ; t += i; t += "] - size("; t += s.X; t += ", "; t += s.Y; t += ", "; t += s.Z; t += ")"; dbPrint( t ); } // create a rotation axis based on mouse movement // fCameraAngleX = dbWrapValue ( fCameraAngleX + dbMouseMoveY ( ) * 0.4f ); // fCameraAngleY = dbWrapValue ( fCameraAngleY + dbMouseMoveX ( ) * 0.4f ); // // // rotate camera // dbXRotateCamera ( 1, fCameraAngleX ); // dbYRotateCamera ( 1, fCameraAngleY ); // update the screen dbSync(); if ( dbTimer() > TimeLastWindowTitleUpdate + TimeWaitWindowTitleUpdate) { core::stringw t = AppTitle; t += L" | frames "; t += dbGetFrameCount(); t += L", polys "; t += dbGetPolygonCount(); t += L", fps "; t += dbGetFPS(); t += L", fps_min "; t += dbGetFPSMin(); t += L", fps_max "; t += dbGetFPSMax(); dbSetWindowTitle( t.c_str() ); TimeLastWindowTitleUpdate = dbTimer(); } } return 0; }
//Set the cutscene text ingame GUI void GUIGame::setCutsceneText(core::stringw text) { IGUIStaticText* guitext=(IGUIStaticText*)GUIManager::getInstance()->getGUIElement(GUIManager::ST_ID_CUTSCENE_TEXT); guitext->setText(text.c_str()); }
bloop(tree_list, i) { CTree* tree = (CTree*)b_get_mem_address(tree_list,i); if (tree->translation == vec3(0,0,0)) { continue; } for (s4 k = 0; k < tree->child_list.length;k++) { Component* cmpnt = (Component*)b_get_value(tree->child_list,k); cmpnt->node->setPosition(cmpnt->node->getPosition() + tree->translation.irr()); cmpnt->shadow->setPosition(cmpnt->node->getPosition() * vector3df(1,1,0) + vector3df(0,0,10)); } tree->translation = vec3(0,0,0); } if (receiver->restart.state) { game_state = GAME_STATE_RESET; } if (receiver->QUIT) { game_state = GAME_STATE_QUIT; } } core::stringw str = L"Secret ["; str += irrlicht->driver->getName(); str += L"] FPS: "; str += (s32)irrlicht->driver->getFPS(); irrlicht->device->setWindowCaption(str.c_str()); } irrlicht->device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(true); }