void saveCSV(CryptoNote::WalletGreen &wallet, CryptoNote::INode &node)
    const size_t numTransactions = wallet.getTransactionCount();

    std::ofstream csv;

    if (!csv)
        std::cout << WarningMsg("Couldn't open transactions.csv file for "
                  << std::endl
                  << WarningMsg("Ensure it is not open in any other "
                  << std::endl;

    std::cout << InformationMsg("Saving CSV file...") << std::endl;

    /* Create CSV header */
    csv << "Timestamp,Block Height,Hash,Amount,In/Out"
        << std::endl;

    /* Loop through transactions */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numTransactions; i++)
        const CryptoNote::WalletTransaction t = wallet.getTransaction(i);

        /* Ignore fusion transactions */
        if (t.totalAmount == 0)

        const std::string amount = formatAmountBasic(std::abs(t.totalAmount));

        const std::string direction = t.totalAmount > 0 ? "IN" : "OUT";

        csv << unixTimeToDate(t.timestamp) << ","       /* Timestamp */
            << t.blockHeight << ","                     /* Block Height */
            << Common::podToHex(t.hash) << ","          /* Hash */
            << amount << ","                            /* Amount */
            << direction                                /* In/Out */
            << std::endl;


    std::cout << SuccessMsg("CSV successfully written to ")
              << SuccessMsg(WalletConfig::csvFilename)
              << SuccessMsg("!")
              << std::endl;
void listTransfers(bool incoming, bool outgoing, 
                   CryptoNote::WalletGreen &wallet, CryptoNote::INode &node)
    const size_t numTransactions = wallet.getTransactionCount();

    int64_t totalSpent = 0;
    int64_t totalReceived = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < numTransactions; i++)
        const CryptoNote::WalletTransaction t = wallet.getTransaction(i);

        if (t.totalAmount < 0 && outgoing)
            printOutgoingTransfer(t, node);
            totalSpent += -t.totalAmount;
        else if (t.totalAmount > 0 && incoming)
            printIncomingTransfer(t, node);
            totalReceived += t.totalAmount;

    if (incoming)
        std::cout << SuccessMsg("Total received: " 
                              + formatAmount(totalReceived))
                  << std::endl;

    if (outgoing)
        std::cout << WarningMsg("Total spent: " + formatAmount(totalSpent))
                  << std::endl;
void sendMultipleTransactions(CryptoNote::WalletGreen &wallet,
    size_t numTxs = transfers.size();
    size_t currentTx = 1;

    std::cout << "Your transaction has been split up into " << numTxs
              << " separate transactions of " 
              << formatAmount(transfers[0].destinations[0].amount)
              << ". It may take some time to send all the transactions, "
              << "please be patient." << std::endl << std::endl;

    for (auto tx : transfers)
        while (true)
            std::cout << "Attempting to send transaction "
                      << InformationMsg(std::to_string(currentTx))
                      << " of " << InformationMsg(std::to_string(numTxs))
                      << std::endl;


            uint64_t neededBalance = tx.destinations[0].amount + tx.fee;

            if (neededBalance < wallet.getActualBalance())
                size_t id = wallet.transfer(tx);

                CryptoNote::WalletTransaction sentTx 
                    = wallet.getTransaction(id);

                std::cout << SuccessMsg("Transaction has been sent!")
                          << std::endl
                          << SuccessMsg("Hash: " 
                                      + Common::podToHex(sentTx.hash))
                          << std::endl << std::endl;


            std::cout << "Not enough balance available to send transaction, "
                      << "this is because some of your balance is used when "
                      << "sending another transaction to help hide the size "
                      << "of your transaction, and is locked for a short "
                      << "time. It will return shortly." << std::endl
                      << "Needed balance: " << formatAmount(neededBalance) 
                      << std::endl << "Available balance: " 
                      << formatAmount(wallet.getActualBalance())
                      << std::endl << "Locked balance: "
                      << formatAmount(wallet.getPendingBalance())
                      << std::endl << "Will try again in 5 seconds..."
                      << std::endl << std::endl;



    std::cout << SuccessMsg("All transactions sent!") << std::endl;
Esempio n. 4
bool optimize(CryptoNote::WalletGreen &wallet, uint64_t threshold)
    std::vector<Crypto::Hash> fusionTransactionHashes;

    while (true)
        /* Create as many fusion transactions until we can't send anymore,
           either because balance is locked too much or we can no longer
           optimize anymore transactions */
        const size_t tmpFusionTxID = makeFusionTransaction(wallet, threshold);

        if (tmpFusionTxID == CryptoNote::WALLET_INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID)
            const CryptoNote::WalletTransaction w
                = wallet.getTransaction(tmpFusionTxID);


            if (fusionTransactionHashes.size() == 1)
                std::cout << SuccessMsg("Created 1 fusion transaction!")
                          << std::endl;
                std::cout << SuccessMsg("Created " 
                            + std::to_string(fusionTransactionHashes.size())
                                    + " fusion transactions!") << std::endl;

    if (fusionTransactionHashes.empty())
        return false;

    /* Hurr durr grammar */
    if (fusionTransactionHashes.size() == 1)
        std::cout << SuccessMsg("1 fusion transaction has been sent, waiting "
                                "for balance to return and unlock")
                  << std::endl << std::endl;
        std::cout << SuccessMsg(std::to_string(fusionTransactionHashes.size()) +
                                " fusion transactions have been sent, waiting "
                                "for balance to return and unlock")
              << std::endl << std::endl;


    /* Short sleep to ensure it's in the transaction pool when we poll it */

    while (true)
        const std::vector<CryptoNote::WalletTransactionWithTransfers> 
            unconfirmedTransactions = wallet.getUnconfirmedTransactions();

        std::vector<Crypto::Hash> unconfirmedTxHashes;

        for (const auto &t : unconfirmedTransactions)

        bool fusionCompleted = true;

        /* Is our fusion transaction still unconfirmed? We can't gain the
           benefits of fusioning if the balance hasn't unlocked, so we can
           send this new optimized balance */
        for (const auto &tx : fusionTransactionHashes)
            /* If the fusion transaction hash is present in the unconfirmed
               transactions pool, we need to wait for it to complete. */
            if (std::find(unconfirmedTxHashes.begin(),
                          unconfirmedTxHashes.end(), tx) 
                       != unconfirmedTxHashes.end())
                fusionCompleted = false; 
                /* We can't find this transaction in the unconfirmed
                   transaction pool anymore, so it has been confirmed. Remove
                   it so we both have to check less transactions each time,
                   and we can easily update the transactions left to confirm
                   output message */
                     fusionTransactionHashes.end(), tx), 

        if (!fusionCompleted)
            std::cout << WarningMsg("Balance is still locked, "
                  + std::to_string(fusionTransactionHashes.size()));

            /* More grammar... */
            if (fusionTransactionHashes.size() == 1)
                std::cout << WarningMsg(" fusion transaction still to be "
                std::cout << WarningMsg(" fusion transactions still to be "
            std::cout << std::endl
                      << SuccessMsg("Will try again in 1 minute...")
                      << std::endl;


            std::cout << SuccessMsg("All fusion transactions confirmed!")
                      << std::endl;

    return true;