 * Find 3D rotation and translation with homography (i.e. calibration boards position in the camera cooperate system )
 * @param h**o: [Input] Estimated Homography
 * @param rot: [Output] Rotation result
 * @param trans: [Output] Translation result
void AugmentationEnvironment::H2Rt(const cv::Mat_<double> intrisinc, const cv::Mat_<double>& h**o, cv::Mat_<double>& rot, cv::Mat_<double> &trans)
	double coefH;

	cv::Mat_<double> invcam = intrisinc.inv();
	rot = invcam*h**o;

	//scaling rotation matrix to right order = find the coefficient lost while calculating homography
	 * [Cam]*[Rot]' = [H**o]*coefH
	 *          |fx  0  u0|
	 * [Cam]' = | 0 fy  v0|
	 *          | 0  0   1|
	 *          |R11 R12 t1|
	 * [Rot]' = |R21 R22 t2|
	 *          |R31 R32 t3|
	 *           |H11 H12 H13|
	 * [H**o]' = |H21 H22 H23|
	 *           |H31 H32   1|
	coefH = 2/(cv::norm(rot.col(0)) + cv::norm(rot.col(1)));
	rot = rot * coefH;
	trans = rot.col(2).clone();

	//The their rotation vector in the rotation matrix is produced as the cross product of other two vectors
	cv::Mat tmp = rot.col(2);

	//Add here to make rotation matrix a "real" rotation matrix in zhang's method
	 * rot = UDVt
	 * rot_real = UVt
	cv::Mat_<double> D,U,Vt;
	rot = U*Vt;
T hotelling1_t2_score(
  cv::Mat_<T> mean1,  cv::Mat_<T> mean2,  cv::Mat_<T> cov1,  unsigned n1){
  unsigned k=mean1.size[0];  
  cv::Mat_<T > mean_diff=mean1-mean2;
  T t2_score= mean_diff.dot(cov1.inv() * mean_diff)*n1;
  return t2_score;}