Esempio n. 1
 * @param FileName
 * @param data
 * @param nx X Dimension
 * @param ny Y Dimension
 * @param nz Z Dimension
int  ReadPHFile(QString FileName, QVector<int>& data, int& nx, int& ny, int& nz)
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();
  DataContainer::Pointer m = DataContainer::New(); /* FIXME: What Geometry do we need? */

  FilterManager::Pointer fm = FilterManager::Instance();
  AbstractFilter::Pointer reader = fm->getFactoryForFilter("PhReader")->create();
  bool propWasSet = reader->setProperty("InputFile", FileName);
  if(propWasSet == false)

  if (reader->getErrorCondition() < 0)
    qDebug() << "Error Reading the Ph File '" << FileName << "' Error Code:" << reader->getErrorCondition();
    return -1;

  Int32ArrayType* featureIds = Int32ArrayType::SafePointerDownCast(m->getAttributeMatrix(DREAM3D::Defaults::CellAttributeMatrixName)->getAttributeArray(DREAM3D::CellData::FeatureIds).get());
  size_t count = featureIds->getNumberOfTuples();

  for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    data[i] = featureIds->getValue(i);

  return 0;
int testCase1_Execute(const QString& name, int scalarType)
  int err = 0;
  int dataArraySize = ARRAY_SIZE * N;
  int junkArraySize = 0;
  int skipHeaderBytes = 0;
  qDebug() << "Testing case 1: " << name << " with num comps " << N;

  // Allocate an array, and get the dataArray from that array
  boost::shared_array<T> array(new T[dataArraySize]); // This makes sure our allocated array is deleted when we leave
  T* dataArray = array.get();

  // Write some data into the data array
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    dataArray[i] = static_cast<T>(i);

  // Create junkArray and set it to NULL because there is no junk in this test case
  T* junkArray = NULL;

  // Create the file and write to it.  If any of the information is wrong, the result will be false
  bool result = createAndWriteToFile(dataArray, dataArraySize, junkArray, junkArraySize, Detail::None);

  // Test to make sure that the file was created and written to successfully
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(result, == , true)

  // Create the data container
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m = VolumeDataContainer::New();
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();

  // Create the filter, passing in the skipHeaderBytes
  RawBinaryReader::Pointer filt = createRawBinaryReaderFilter(scalarType, N, skipHeaderBytes);

  // Preflight, get the error condition, and check that there are no errors
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  // Execute the filter, check that there are no errors, and compare the data
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  IDataArray::Pointer iData = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray("Test_Array");
  T* data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(iData->getVoidPointer(0));
  T d, p;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    d = data[i];
    p = dataArray[i];
  return err;
void testCase6_Execute(const QString& name, int scalarType)
  int dataArraySize = 0;
  int junkArraySize = ARRAY_SIZE * N;
  int skipHeaderBytes = junkArraySize * sizeof(T);
  int err = 0;
  qDebug() << "Testing case 6: " << name << " with num comps " << N;

  // Allocate an array, and get the dataArray from that array
  boost::shared_array<T> array(new T[dataArraySize]); // This makes sure our allocated array is deleted when we leave
  T* dataArray = array.get();

  // Write some data into the data array
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    dataArray[i] = static_cast<T>(i);

  // Create junkArray
  T* junkArray = new T[junkArraySize];

  // Write a pattern into junkArray
  for(size_t i = 0; i < junkArraySize; ++i)
    junkArray[i] = (unsigned)0xAB;

  // Create the file and write to it.  If any of the information is wrong, the result will be false
  bool result = createAndWriteToFile(dataArray, dataArraySize, junkArray, junkArraySize, Detail::Start);

  // Test to make sure that the file was created and written to successfully
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(result, == , true)

  // Create the data container
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m = VolumeDataContainer::New();
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();

  // Create the filter, passing in the skipHeaderBytes
  RawBinaryReader::Pointer filt = createRawBinaryReaderFilter(scalarType, N, skipHeaderBytes);

  // Preflight, get error condition, and check that the "file too small" error has occurred
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();

  // Execute, get error condition, and check that there are errors
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, < , 0)
void testCase4_Execute(const QString& name, int scalarType)
  int dataArraySize = ARRAY_SIZE * N;
  int junkArraySize = 5;
  int skipHeaderBytes = junkArraySize * sizeof(T);
  int err = 0;
  qDebug() << "Testing case 4: " << name << " with num comps " << N;

  // Allocate an array, and get the dataArray from that array
  boost::shared_array<T> array(new T[dataArraySize]); // This makes sure our allocated array is deleted when we leave
  T* dataArray = array.get();

  // Write some data into the data array
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    dataArray[i] = static_cast<T>(i);

  // Create junkArray
  T* junkArray = new T[junkArraySize];

  // Write a pattern into junkArray
  for(size_t i = 0; i < junkArraySize; ++i)
    junkArray[i] = (unsigned)0xAB;

  // Create the file and write to it.  If any of the information is wrong, the result will be false
  bool result = createAndWriteToFile(dataArray, dataArraySize, junkArray, junkArraySize, Detail::Start);

  // Test to make sure that the file was created and written to successfully
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(result, == , true)

  // Create the data container
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m = VolumeDataContainer::New();
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();

  // Create the filter, passing in the skipHeaderBytes
  RawBinaryReader::Pointer filt = createRawBinaryReaderFilter(scalarType, N, skipHeaderBytes);

  // Preflight, get error condition, and check that there are no errors
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  // Execute, get error condition, check that there are no errors, and compare the data
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  IDataArray::Pointer iData = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray("Test_Array");
  T* data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(iData->getVoidPointer(0));
  T d, p;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    d = data[i];
    p = dataArray[i];

   * SUBTEST: Test when skipHeaderBytes is larger than expected

  // Create another data container
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m2 = VolumeDataContainer::New();
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca2 = DataContainerArray::New();

  // Create another filter, passing in the skipHeaderBytes + 1
  RawBinaryReader::Pointer filt2 = createRawBinaryReaderFilter(scalarType, N, skipHeaderBytes + 1);

  // Preflight, get error condition, and check that there are errors
  err = filt2->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, < , 0)

  // Execute, get error condition, and check that the "file too small" error occurred
  err = filt2->getErrorCondition();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  std::cout << "Starting Conversion of H5Voxel to VTK with Feature ID and IPF Colors" << std::endl;
  if (argc < 3)
    std::cout << "This program takes 2 arguments: Input .h5voxel file and output vtk file." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  QString iFile = argv[1];

  int err = 0;

  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m = VolumeDataContainer::New();

  DataContainerReader::Pointer h5Reader = DataContainerReader::New();
  size_t dcDims[3];
  float spacing[3];
  float origin[3];
  err = h5Reader->getErrorCondition();
  if (err < 0)
//   addErrorMessages(h5Reader->getErrorMessages());
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  int64_t dims[3] = {dcDims[0], dcDims[1], dcDims[2]};

  /* Sanity check what we are trying to load to make sure it can fit in our address space.
   * Note that this does not guarantee the user has enough left, just that the
   * size of the volume can fit in the address space of the program
  int64_t max = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
  int64_t max = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
  if (dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2] > max )
    err = -1;
    std::stringstream s;
    s << "The total number of elements '" << (dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2])
      << "' is greater than this program can hold. Try the 64 bit version.";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (dims[0] > max || dims[1] > max || dims[2] > max)
    err = -1;
    std::stringstream s;
    s << "One of the dimensions is greater than the max index for this sysem. Try the 64 bit version.";
    s << " dim[0]=" << dims[0] << "  dim[1]=" << dims[1] << "  dim[2]=" << dims[2];
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  /* ************ End Sanity Check *************************** */

  std::stringstream ss;

  std::cout << "Writing VTK file" << std::endl;

  FILE* f = fopen(argv[2], "wb");


//  VoxelIPFColorScalarWriter<VolumeDataContainer> ipfWriter(m.get());
//  ipfWriter.m_WriteBinaryFiles = false;
//  ipfWriter.writeScalars(f);

  int64_t totalPoints = m->getTotalPoints();
  int32_t* m_FeatureIds = NULL;
  m_FeatureIds = m->getCellDataSizeCheck<int32_t, Int32ArrayType, AbstractFilter>(SIMPL::CellData::FeatureIds, totalPoints, 1, NULL);
  if (0 == m_FeatureIds )
    ss << "Filter " << getNameOfClass() << " requires the data array '" <<
       "DREAM3D" << "::" << "CellData" << "::" <<  "FeatureIds" << "' to already be created prior to execution." << std::endl;

  WRITE_VTK_GRAIN_IDS_ASCII(m, SIMPL::CellData::FeatureIds, m_FeatureIds)


  std::cout << "Done Converting" << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;