Esempio n. 1
// PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
//         policyIdentifier   CertPolicyId,
//         policyQualifiers   SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
//                                 PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
inline der::Result
CheckPolicyInformation(der::Input& input, EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA,
                       const CertPolicyId& requiredPolicy,
                       /*in/out*/ bool& found)
  if (input.MatchTLV(der::OIDTag, requiredPolicy.numBytes,
                     requiredPolicy.bytes)) {
    found = true;
  } else if (endEntityOrCA == EndEntityOrCA::MustBeCA &&
             input.MatchTLV(der::OIDTag, CertPolicyId::anyPolicy.numBytes,
                            CertPolicyId::anyPolicy.bytes)) {
    found = true;

  // RFC 5280 Section says "Optional qualifiers, which MAY be present,
  // are not expected to change the definition of the policy." Also, it seems
  // that Section 6, which defines validation, does not require any matching of
  // qualifiers. Thus, doing anything with the policy qualifiers would be a
  // waste of time and a source of potential incompatibilities, so we just
  // ignore them.

  // Skip unmatched OID and/or policyQualifiers

  return der::Success;