void urbandevelWaterAttributes::run() { DM::System * sys = this->getData("data"); std::vector<DM::Component *> cities = sys->getAllComponentsInView(city); std::vector<DM::Component *> buildings = sys->getAllComponentsInView(buildingview); if (cities.size() != 1 && paramfromCity) { DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "One component expected. There are " << cities.size(); return; } DM::Component * currentcity = cities[0]; if (paramfromCity) { dwfpp = currentcity->getAttribute("dwfpp")->getDouble(); wsdpp = currentcity->getAttribute("wsdpp")->getDouble(); } for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { DM::Face * currentbuilding = dynamic_cast<DM::Face *>(buildings[i]); int pop = static_cast<int>(currentbuilding->getAttribute("POP")->getDouble()); if (pop < 1) continue; double dwf = pop*dwfpp; double wsd = pop*wsdpp; currentbuilding->addAttribute("dwf", dwf); currentbuilding->addAttribute("wsd", wsd); } }
void Current_RealisationModule::run() { DM::System * sys = this->getData("City"); DM::Component * cmp = new DM::Component(); sys->addComponent(cmp,Simu); cmp->addAttribute("MusicFileNo",atoi(this->RealisationNr.c_str())); }
void urbandevelReduction::run() { // get data from stream/port DM::System * sys = this->getData("data"); std::vector<DM::Component *> cities = sys->getAllComponentsInView(city); if (cities.size() != 1) { DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "Only one component expected. There are " << cities.size(); return; } DM::Component * currentcity = cities[0]; std::vector<std::string> type; type.push_back("res"); type.push_back("com"); type.push_back("ind"); int cyclepopdiff = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("cyclepopdiff")->getDouble()); int cyclecomdiff = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("cyclecomdiff")->getDouble()); int cycleinddiff = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("cycleinddiff")->getDouble()); bool dev = 1; DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "popdiff = " << cyclepopdiff; for (int i = 0; i < type.size() ; ++i) { cities[0]->changeAttribute("triggerbool",0); if (cyclepopdiff > 0) { cities[0]->changeAttribute("triggerbool",1); setdev(type[i],dev); } } }
void ImportRasterData2::run() { DM::System * sys = this->getData("Data"); DM::View data(dataname, DM::RASTERDATA, DM::WRITE); DM::RasterData * r = this->getRasterData("Data", data); QFile file(QString::fromStdString(FileName)); DM::Component * cmp = new DM::Component(); sys->addComponent(cmp,Coords); QTextStream stream(&file); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { DM::Logger(DM::Error) << "warning, read input file "; return; } QString line("NULL"); int LineCounter = 0; int rowCounter = 0; int ncols = 0; int nrows = 0; double xoffset = 0; double yoffset = 0; double cellsize = 0; double NoDataValue = -9999; //default //Read Header while (!line.isNull() && LineCounter < 6 ) { LineCounter++; line =stream.readLine(); if (LineCounter == 1) { QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); QString s = QString(list[1]); s.replace(",", "."); ncols = s.toInt(); } if (LineCounter == 2) { QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); QString s = QString(list[1]); s.replace(",", "."); nrows = s.toInt(); } if (LineCounter == 3) { QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); QString s = QString(list[1]); s.replace(",", "."); xoffset = s.toDouble(); cmp->addAttribute("Xoffset",xoffset); } if (LineCounter == 4) { QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); QString s = QString(list[1]); s.replace(",", "."); yoffset = s.toDouble(); cmp->addAttribute("Yoffset",yoffset); } if (LineCounter == 5) { QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); QString s = QString(list[1]); s.replace(",", "."); cellsize = s.toDouble() * multiplier; } if (LineCounter == 6) { QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); QString s = QString(list[1]); s.replace(",", "."); NoDataValue = s.toDouble(); } } std::cout <<" Cols " << ncols << std::endl; std::cout <<" Rows " << nrows << std::endl; std::cout <<" Cellsize " << cellsize << std::endl; r->setNoValue(NoDataValue); r->setSize(ncols, nrows, cellsize,cellsize,xoffset,yoffset); while (!line.isNull()) { LineCounter++; line =stream.readLine(); if (LineCounter >= 6 && rowCounter < nrows) { QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) { QString s = QString(list[i]); s.replace(",", "."); if (flip) r->setCell(i, nrows-rowCounter-1, s.toDouble()); else r->setCell(i, rowCounter, s.toDouble()); } rowCounter++; } } file.close(); }
void urbandevelReduction::setdev(std::string type, bool dev) { DM::System * sys = this->getData("data"); std::vector<DM::Component *> sb = sys->getAllComponentsInView(superblock); std::vector<DM::Component *> cb = sys->getAllComponentsInView(cityblock); std::vector<DM::Component *> prcl = sys->getAllComponentsInView(parcel); std::vector<int> sbrankvec; // std::string rankfieldname = "redrank"; if (dev) rankfieldname = "devrank"; // develop all available parcels, no matter which ranking (fill up existing superblocks) for (int i = 0; i < prcl.size(); i++) { std::string status = prcl[i]->getAttribute("status")->getString();\ std::string prcltype = prcl[i]->getAttribute("type")->getString(); DM::Logger(DM::Debug) << "analyzing parcel, status: " << status << "; type: " << prcltype; if (prcltype != type || status == "populated" ) continue; if (status == "empty") { prcl[i]->changeAttribute("status", "develop"); DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "setting parcel to develop"; return; } } // develop all abvailable cityblocks, no matter which ranking (fill up existing superblocks)) for (int i = 0; i < cb.size(); i++) { std::string status = cb[i]->getAttribute("status")->getString(); std::string cbtype = cb[i]->getAttribute("type")->getString(); DM::Logger(DM::Debug) << "analyzing cb, status: " << status << "; type: " << cbtype; if (cbtype != type || status == "populated" ) continue; if (status == "empty") { cb[i]->changeAttribute("status", "develop"); DM::Logger(DM::Debug) << "setting cityblock to develop"; return; } } for (int i = 0; i < sb.size(); i++) { int rank = static_cast<int>(sb[i]->getAttribute(rankfieldname)->getDouble()); sbrankvec.push_back(rank); } int maxrank = *std::max_element(sbrankvec.begin(), sbrankvec.end()); for (int i = 0; i < sb.size(); i++) { std::string status = sb[i]->getAttribute("status")->getString(); std::string sbtype = sb[i]->getAttribute("type")->getString(); DM::Logger(DM::Debug) << "analyzing sb, status: " << status << "; type: " << sbtype; int sbrank = static_cast<int>(sb[i]->getAttribute(rankfieldname)->getDouble()); if ( sbrank < maxrank || sbtype != type || status == "populated" ) continue; if (status == "empty") { sb[i]->changeAttribute("status", "develop"); DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "setting superblock to develop"; return; } } return; }
void SinglePoint::run() { DM::System * sys = this->getData("sys"); sys->addNode(x,y,z, DM::View(viewname, DM::NODE, DM::WRITE)); }
void ModernBuilding::run() { std::vector<double> roofColor; roofColor.push_back(0.66); roofColor.push_back(0.66); roofColor.push_back(0.66); std::vector<double> wallColor; wallColor.push_back(196./255.); wallColor.push_back(196./255.); wallColor.push_back(196./255.); std::vector<double> windowColor; windowColor.push_back(0.53); windowColor.push_back(0.81); windowColor.push_back(1); //Get simulation datastream DM::System * city = this->getData("city"); //Create building container DM::Component * building = city->addComponent(new Component(), buildings); //Set building parameters building->addAttribute("type", 1001); building->addAttribute("built_year", buildyear); building->addAttribute("stories", stories); building->addAttribute("stories_below", 0); //cellar counts as story building->addAttribute("stories_height",3 ); building->addAttribute("floor_area", l*b); building->addAttribute("gross_floor_area", l * b * stories); building->addAttribute("V_living", l*b*stories * 3); building->addAttribute("l_bounding", l); building->addAttribute("b_bounding", b); building->addAttribute("h_bounding", stories * 3); building->addAttribute("alpha_bounding", 0); building->addAttribute("alpha_roof", 0); building->addAttribute("cellar_used", 1); building->addAttribute("roof_used", 0); building->addAttribute("T_heating", heatingT); building->addAttribute("T_cooling", 26); //Building Footprint. Orientation matters. Check if the normal vector of the face is in your direction std::vector<DM::Node * > nodes_footprint; DM::Node * n1 = city->addNode(-l/2., -b/2., 0.); DM::Node * n2 = city->addNode( l/2., -b/2., 0.); DM::Node * n3 = city->addNode( l/2., b/2., 0.); DM::Node * n4 = city->addNode(-l/2., b/2., 0.); nodes_footprint.push_back(n1); nodes_footprint.push_back(n2); nodes_footprint.push_back(n3); nodes_footprint.push_back(n4); nodes_footprint.push_back(n1); //To a closed polygon last is first //Overhang DM::Node n1_c (-l/2. - overhang, -b/2. - overhang, 0.); DM::Node n2_c ( l/2. + overhang, -b/2. - overhang, 0.); DM::Node n3_c ( l/2. + overhang, b/2. + overhang, 0.); DM::Node n4_c (-l/2. - overhang, b/2. + overhang, 0.); std::vector<DM::Node> overhang_nodes; overhang_nodes.push_back(n1_c); overhang_nodes.push_back(n2_c); overhang_nodes.push_back(n3_c); overhang_nodes.push_back(n4_c); //Add Footprint DM::Face * footprint = city->addFace(nodes_footprint, footprints); Node n = DM::CGALGeometry::CalculateCentroid(city, footprint); building->addAttribute("centroid_x", n.getX()); building->addAttribute("centroid_y", n.getY()); //Set footprint as floor DM::Face * base_plate = city->addFace(nodes_footprint, geometry); building->getAttribute("Geometry")->addLink(base_plate, "Geometry"); //Define baseplate as cellar base_plate->addAttribute("type", "ceiling_cellar"); //Extrude Footprint for (int story = 0; story < stories; story++) { std::vector<DM::Face*> extruded_faces = TBVectorData::ExtrudeFace(city, geometry, nodes_footprint, 3); //last face in vector is ceiling int unsigned lastID = extruded_faces.size()-1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < extruded_faces.size(); i++) { DM::Face * f = extruded_faces[i]; //if wall if (i != lastID) { //Add type f->addAttribute("type", "wall_outside"); //Add color f->getAttribute("color")->setDoubleVector(wallColor); //Create Windows every 5m with = 1.5m height = 1.0m std::vector<DM::Face* > windows = LittleGeometryHelpers::CreateHolesInAWall(city, f, w_distance, w_width, w_height, parapet); foreach (DM::Face * w, windows) { city->addComponentToView(w, this->geometry); w->addAttribute("type", "window"); w->getAttribute("color")->setDoubleVector(windowColor); building->getAttribute("Geometry")->addLink(w, "Geometry"); } } //if ceiling else if (story != stories -1){
void urbandevelBuilding::run() { DM::System * sys = this->getData("data"); std::vector<DM::Component *> cities = sys->getAllComponentsInView(cityview); std::vector<DM::Component *> parcels = sys->getAllComponentsInView(parcelview); if (cities.size() != 1 && paramfromCity) { DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "One component expected. There are " << cities.size(); return; } DM::Component * currentcity = cities[0]; if (paramfromCity) { buildingyear = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("year")->getDouble()); offset = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("ratio")->getDouble()); } int cyclediff = -1; std::string triggertype = ""; if (genPopulation) { triggertype = currentcity->getAttribute("triggertype")->getString(); //DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "pop " << cyclepopdiff << ";com " << cyclecomdiff << ";ind " << cycleinddiff; if ( !buildingtype.empty() && !triggertype.empty() ) { if ( buildingtype.compare("res") == 0 && buildingtype.compare(triggertype ) == 0) { cyclediff = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("cyclepopdiff")->getDouble()); } else if ( buildingtype == "com" && buildingtype.compare(triggertype) == 0 ) cyclediff = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("cyclecomdiff")->getDouble()); else if ( buildingtype == "ind" && buildingtype.compare(triggertype) == 0 ) cyclediff = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("cycleinddiff")->getDouble()); } } int currentyear = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("currentyear")->getDouble()); int startyear = static_cast<int>(currentcity->getAttribute("startyear")->getDouble()); if ( currentyear <= startyear+1 ) { std::vector<DM::Component *> buildings = sys->getAllComponentsInView(buildingview); for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { std::string bdyear = buildings[i]->getAttribute("year")->getString(); if ( bdyear.empty() ) { QString year = QString::number(startyear) + QString("-1-1"); std::string stdyear = year.toUtf8().constData(); buildings[i]->changeAttribute("year", stdyear); } } } int numberOfHouseBuild = 0; int numberOfPeople = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parcels.size(); i++) { DM::Face * currentparcel = dynamic_cast<DM::Face *>(parcels[i]); double parcel_area = TBVectorData::CalculateArea((DM::System*)sys, (DM::Face*)currentparcel); if (parcel_area < 300) { DM::Logger(DM::Debug) << "BD: parcel to small"; currentparcel->addAttribute("status","recreation"); continue; } std::string parcelstatus = currentparcel->getAttribute("status")->getString(); std::string parceltype = currentparcel->getAttribute("type")->getString(); int parcelheight_avg = static_cast<int>(currentparcel->getAttribute("height_avg")->getDouble()); int parcelheight_min = static_cast<int>(currentparcel->getAttribute("height_min")->getDouble()); int parcelheight_max = static_cast<int>(currentparcel->getAttribute("height_max")->getDouble()); std::string checkstatus = "process"; // do not generate houses if no population (if population should be generated) is available // OR no parcel status equals develop (if development should happen on signal) //DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "CYCLEDIFF = " << cyclediff << "TYPE = " << buildingtype << parceltype; if ( genPopulation && cyclediff <= 0 ) continue; if ( onSignal ) { if ( parcelstatus.compare(checkstatus) != 0 ) { //DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "BD: skipping parcel, status = " << parcelstatus; continue; } if (parceltype.compare(buildingtype) != 0 ) { //DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "BD: skipping parcel, parceltype = " << parceltype << "buidlingtype = " << buildingtype; continue; } } std::vector<DM::Face *> f_off = this->createOffest(sys, currentparcel, offset); if (f_off.size() == 0) { currentparcel->addAttribute("status","recreation"); continue; } foreach (DM::Face * building, f_off) { sys->addComponentToView(building, buildingview); double roof_area = TBVectorData::CalculateArea((DM::System*)sys, (DM::Face*)building); double traffic_area = (parcel_area - roof_area)/3; double impervious_area = parcel_area - traffic_area - roof_area; int stories = static_cast<int>(parcelheight_min + (rand() % (int)(parcelheight_max - parcelheight_min + 1))); DM::Logger(DM::Debug) << "stories - max: " << parcelheight_max << " min: " << parcelheight_min << " calculated: " << stories; QString year = QString::number(currentyear) + QString("-1-1"); std::string stdyear = year.toUtf8().constData(); building->addAttribute("type", buildingtype); building->addAttribute("year", stdyear); building->addAttribute("stories", stories); building->addAttribute("roofarea", roof_area); building->addAttribute("roofarea_effective", 0.8); currentparcel->addAttribute("trafficarea", traffic_area); currentparcel->addAttribute("trafficarea_effective", 0.9); currentparcel->addAttribute("imperviousarea", impervious_area); currentparcel->addAttribute("imperviousarea_effective", 0.1); //Create Links building->getAttribute("PARCEL")->addLink(currentparcel, parcelview.getName()); currentparcel->getAttribute("BUILDING")->addLink(building, buildingview.getName()); numberOfHouseBuild++; if (genPopulation) { int peopleinbuilding = static_cast<int>(roof_area * stories / spacepp); cyclediff = std::max(cyclediff - peopleinbuilding,0); building->addAttribute("POP", peopleinbuilding); numberOfPeople = numberOfPeople + peopleinbuilding; if ( !buildingtype.empty() ) { if ( buildingtype.compare("res") == 0) { currentcity->addAttribute("cyclepopdiff", cyclediff); } else if ( buildingtype == "com") { currentcity->addAttribute("cyclecomdiff", cyclediff); } else if ( buildingtype == "ind") { currentcity->addAttribute("cycleinddiff", cyclediff); } else { currentcity->addAttribute("cyclepopdiff", cyclediff); } } } currentparcel->addAttribute("status", "populated"); building->addAttribute("height", stories*4); building->addAttribute("type", buildingtype); } //DM::Logger(DM::Warning) << "added face(s)"; }
void PlaceJobs::run() { DM::System * city = this->getData("City"); std::vector<Component*> personCmps = city->getAllComponentsInView(persons); std::vector<int> person_rand_int_id; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < personCmps.size(); i++) { person_rand_int_id.push_back(i); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < personCmps.size(); i++) { int index1 = rand() % person_rand_int_id.size(); int index2 = rand() % person_rand_int_id.size(); int p_id_tmp = person_rand_int_id[index1]; person_rand_int_id[index1] = person_rand_int_id[index2]; person_rand_int_id[index2] = p_id_tmp; } std::vector<Component*> gridCmps = city->getAllComponentsInView(grids); int job_id = 0; foreach(DM::Component * grid, gridCmps) { double jobsN = grid->getAttribute("jobs")->getDouble(); if (jobsN < 0.01) continue; //Calcualte Total Area Attribute * attrBuildings = grid->getAttribute("BUILDING"); double building_footprints_tot = 0; std::vector<Component*> linkedBuildings = attrBuildings->getLinkedComponents(); foreach(DM::Component* b, linkedBuildings) building_footprints_tot += b->getAttribute("area")->getDouble(); if (building_footprints_tot < 0.01) continue; //Create Jobs double JobperSqft = jobsN/building_footprints_tot; foreach(DM::Component* b, linkedBuildings) { double area = b->getAttribute("area")->getDouble(); int jobsInBuilding = (int) (area*JobperSqft + 0.5); for (int i = 0; i < jobsInBuilding; i++) { job_id++; DM::Component * job = new DM::Component(); //Person ID DM::Component * person = personCmps[person_rand_int_id[job_id]]; person->addAttribute("job_id", job_id); DM::Component * households = person->getAttribute("HOUSEHOLD")->getLinkedComponents()[0]; households->addAttribute("workers", households->getAttribute("workers")->getDouble()+1); job->addAttribute("id", job_id); job->addAttribute("home_based_status", 0); job->addAttribute("sector_id", 1); job->addAttribute("building_type", 1); Attribute lAttr("BUILDING", Attribute::LINK); lAttr.addLink(b, "BUILDING"); job->addAttribute(lAttr); city->addComponent(job, jobs); Attribute * lBAttr = b->getAttribute("JOB"); lBAttr->addLink(job, "JOB"); } b->addAttribute("non_residential_sqft", 20*jobsInBuilding*1.1); }
void AnnualEmploymentControl::run() { DM::System * sys = this->getData("City"); int numberOfJobs; DM::Component * city = sys->getAllComponentsInView(this->city)[0]; numberOfJobs = (int)city->getAttribute("JOBS")->getDouble(); QSqlDatabase db; db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL", QUuid::createUuid().toString()); db.setHostName(""); db.setUserName("urbansim"); db.setPassword("urbansim"); bool ok = db.open(); if( ok == false) { Logger(Error) << "Database failed"; return; } // Setup the db and start using it somewhere after successfully connecting to the server.. QString dbname = QString::fromStdString("urbansim"); QString tablename = QString::fromStdString("annual_employment_control_totals"); QSqlQuery query(db); bool sr; sr = query.exec("USE "+dbname); stringstream ss; ss << "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "; ss << tablename.toStdString(); ss << " ("; ss << "year" << " " << "INT"; ss << ", "; ss << "sector_id" << " " << "INT"; ss << ", "; ss << "home_based_status" << " " << "INT"; ss << ", "; ss << "number_of_jobs" << " " << "INT"; ss << ")"; Logger(Debug) << ss.str(); sr = query.exec(QString::fromStdString(ss.str() )); if (!sr) { Logger(Error) << query.lastError().text().toStdString(); } stringstream insertstream; insertstream << "INSERT INTO " << tablename.toStdString() << "("; insertstream << "year"; insertstream << ", "; insertstream << "sector_id"; insertstream << ", "; insertstream << "home_based_status"; insertstream << ", "; insertstream << "number_of_jobs"; insertstream << ") " << " VALUES ("; insertstream << "?"; insertstream << ", "; insertstream << "?"; insertstream << ", "; insertstream << "?" ; insertstream << ", "; insertstream << "?" ; insertstream << ")"; for (int y = startYear; y <= endYear; y++) { query.prepare(QString::fromStdString(insertstream.str())); query.addBindValue(y); query.addBindValue(1); query.addBindValue(0); numberOfJobs = (int) numberOfJobs * this->growthRate; query.addBindValue(numberOfJobs); if ( !query.exec() ) Logger(Error) << query.lastError().text().toStdString(); } db.close(); }