Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion.
 * @note Pay attention to the convention used. The function follows the
 *    conversion in "Indirect Kalman Filter for 3D Attitude Estimation:
 *    A Tutorial for Quaternion Algebra", Equation (78).
 *    The input quaternion should be in the form
 *      [q1, q2, q3, q4(scalar)]^T
inline Eigen::Vector4d rotationToQuaternion(
    const Eigen::Matrix3d& R) {
  Eigen::Vector4d score;
  score(0) = R(0, 0);
  score(1) = R(1, 1);
  score(2) = R(2, 2);
  score(3) = R.trace();

  int max_row = 0, max_col = 0;
  score.maxCoeff(&max_row, &max_col);

  Eigen::Vector4d q = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero();
  if (max_row == 0) {
    q(0) = std::sqrt(1+2*R(0, 0)-R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(1) = (R(0, 1)+R(1, 0)) / (4*q(0));
    q(2) = (R(0, 2)+R(2, 0)) / (4*q(0));
    q(3) = (R(1, 2)-R(2, 1)) / (4*q(0));
  } else if (max_row == 1) {
    q(1) = std::sqrt(1+2*R(1, 1)-R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(0) = (R(0, 1)+R(1, 0)) / (4*q(1));
    q(2) = (R(1, 2)+R(2, 1)) / (4*q(1));
    q(3) = (R(2, 0)-R(0, 2)) / (4*q(1));
  } else if (max_row == 2) {
    q(2) = std::sqrt(1+2*R(2, 2)-R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(0) = (R(0, 2)+R(2, 0)) / (4*q(2));
    q(1) = (R(1, 2)+R(2, 1)) / (4*q(2));
    q(3) = (R(0, 1)-R(1, 0)) / (4*q(2));
  } else {
    q(3) = std::sqrt(1+R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(0) = (R(1, 2)-R(2, 1)) / (4*q(3));
    q(1) = (R(2, 0)-R(0, 2)) / (4*q(3));
    q(2) = (R(0, 1)-R(1, 0)) / (4*q(3));

  if (q(3) < 0) q = -q;
  return q;