/* static */ bool ocraWbiConversions::wbiToOcraSegJacobian(const Eigen::MatrixXd &jac, Eigen::MatrixXd &J)
        int dof = DIM_T + DIM_R;
        if(dof != jac.rows() || dof != J.rows()||jac.cols() != J.cols())
            std::cout<<"ERROR: Input and output matrices dimensions should be the same" <<std::endl;
            return false;

        // FOR FULL n+6 Jacobian ONLY
        Eigen::MatrixXd jac5,jac6;
        Eigen::Matrix3d jac1,jac2,jac3,jac4;

        jac1 = jac.topLeftCorner(3,3);
        jac2 = jac.block<3,3>(0,3);
        jac3 = jac.bottomLeftCorner(3,3);
        jac4 = jac.block<3,3>(3,3);
        jac5 = jac.topRightCorner(3,jac.cols()-6);
        jac6 = jac.bottomRightCorner(3,jac.cols()-6);

        J.topLeftCorner(3,3) = jac4;
        J.block<3,3>(0,3) = jac3;
        J.bottomLeftCorner(3,3) = jac2;
        J.block<3,3>(3,3) = jac1;
        J.topRightCorner(3,jac.cols()-6) = jac6;
        J.bottomRightCorner(3,jac.cols()-6) = jac5;

        return true;