     * Creates a rotation matrix which describes how a point in an auxiliary
     * coordinate system, whose x axis is desbibed by vec_along_x_axis and has
     * a point on its xz-plane vec_on_xz_plane, rotates into the real coordinate
     * system.
    void Cornea::createRotationMatrix(const Eigen::Vector3d &vec_along_x_axis,
                                      const Eigen::Vector3d &vec_on_xz_plane,
                                      Eigen::Matrix3d &R) {

        // normalise pw
        Eigen::Vector3d vec_on_xz_plane_n = vec_on_xz_plane.normalized();

        // define helper variables x, y and z
        // x
        Eigen::Vector3d xn = vec_along_x_axis.normalized();

        // y
        Eigen::Vector3d tmp = vec_on_xz_plane_n.cross(xn);
        Eigen::Vector3d yn = tmp.normalized();

        // z
        tmp = xn.cross(yn);
        Eigen::Vector3d zn = tmp.normalized();

        // create the rotation matrix
        R.col(0) << xn(0), xn(1), xn(2);
        R.col(1) << yn(0), yn(1), yn(2);
        R.col(2) << zn(0), zn(1), zn(2);

Esempio n. 2
    Eigen::Vector3d getForcePoint(Eigen::Vector3d & c_current, Eigen::Vector3d & c_previous, const double & ro)
            Eigen::Vector3d f=kp_mat*(ro-c_current.norm())*c_current.normalized()

            return f;
            return Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0);
Esempio n. 3
void PlanarJoint::setPlane(const Eigen::Vector3d& _rotAxis,
                            const Eigen::Vector3d& _tranAxis1)
  mPlaneType = PT_ARBITRARY;

  // Rotational axis
  mRotAxis = _rotAxis.normalized();

  // Translational axes
  assert(_rotAxis == _tranAxis1);
  Eigen::Vector3d unitTA1 = _tranAxis1.normalized();
  mTranAxis1 = (unitTA1 - unitTA1.dot(mRotAxis) * mRotAxis).normalized();

  mTranAxis2 = (mRotAxis.cross(mTranAxis1)).normalized();
Esempio n. 4
    const Eigen::Vector3d& _axis, double _pitch)
  : mAxis(_axis.normalized()),
  // Do nothing
Esempio n. 5
PlaneShape::PlaneShape(const Eigen::Vector3d& _normal,
                       const Eigen::Vector3d& _point)
  : Shape(),
/** handleRayPick is called to test whether a visualizer is intersected
  * by a pick ray. It should be overridden by any pickable visualizer.
  * \param pickOrigin origin of the pick ray in local coordinates
  * \param pickDirection the normalized pick ray direction, in local coordinates
  * \param pixelAngle angle in radians subtended by one pixel of the viewport
Visualizer::handleRayPick(const Eigen::Vector3d& pickOrigin,
                          const Eigen::Vector3d& pickDirection,
                          double pixelAngle) const
    if (!m_geometry.isNull())
        // For geometry with a fixed apparent size, test to see if the pick ray is
        // within apparent size / 2 pixels of the center.
        if (m_geometry->hasFixedApparentSize())
            double cosAngle = pickDirection.dot(-pickOrigin.normalized());
            if (cosAngle > 0.0)

                if (cosAngle >= 1.0 || acos(cosAngle) < m_geometry->apparentSize() / 2.0 * pixelAngle)
                    return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 7
Eigen::Isometry3d State::getCOMFrame() const
  Eigen::Isometry3d T = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();

  // Y-axis
  Eigen::Vector3d yAxis = Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY();

  // X-axis
  Eigen::Vector3d xAxis = mPelvis->getTransform().linear().col(0);
  Eigen::Vector3d pelvisXAxis = mPelvis->getTransform().linear().col(0);
  double mag = yAxis.dot(pelvisXAxis);
  pelvisXAxis -= mag * yAxis;
  xAxis = pelvisXAxis.normalized();

  // Z-axis
  Eigen::Vector3d zAxis = xAxis.cross(yAxis);

  T.translation() = getCOM();

  T.linear().col(0) = xAxis;
  T.linear().col(1) = yAxis;
  T.linear().col(2) = zAxis;

  return T;
Esempio n. 8
      const Eigen::Vector3d& normal,
      const Eigen::Vector3d& point_on_plane)
  : normal_(normal.normalized())
  d_ = -point_on_plane.dot(normal_);
Esempio n. 9
// return closest point on line segment to the given point, and the distance
// betweeen them.
double mesh_core::closestPointOnLine(
      const Eigen::Vector3d& line_a,
      const Eigen::Vector3d& line_b,
      const Eigen::Vector3d& point,
      Eigen::Vector3d& closest_point)
  Eigen::Vector3d ab = line_b - line_a;
  Eigen::Vector3d ab_norm = ab.normalized();
  Eigen::Vector3d ap = point - line_a;

  Eigen::Vector3d closest_point_rel = ab_norm.dot(ap) * ab_norm;

  double dp = ab.dot(closest_point_rel);
  if (dp < 0.0)
    closest_point = line_a;
  else if (dp > ab.squaredNorm())
    closest_point = line_b;
    closest_point = line_a + closest_point_rel;

  return (closest_point - point).norm();
Esempio n. 10
void pointAndLineTransform(const Eigen::Vector3d& lineVector,
                           const Eigen::Vector3d& linePoint,
                           Eigen::Matrix4d& transform)
  //define a plane containing the line point and with normal vector equal to the line vector
  pcl::ModelCoefficientsPtr planeCoefficients( new pcl::ModelCoefficients );


  Eigen::Vector3d normal;
  normal = lineVector.normalized();
  planeCoefficients->values[0] = normal(0,0);
  planeCoefficients->values[1] = normal(1,0);
  planeCoefficients->values[2] = normal(2,0);
  // Provided the plane explicit equation A·X + B·Y + C·Z + D = 0, define D by
  // evaluating the equation with the line point:
  planeCoefficients->values[3] = -( normal(0,0)*linePoint(0,0) +
                                    normal(1,0)*linePoint(1,0) +
                                    normal(2,0)*linePoint(2,0) );

  Eigen::Vector3d origin;
  origin = linePoint;

Esempio n. 11
void Camera::updatePrincipleRay() {
	// XXX Does lens distortion play a role here...?
	const Eigen::Vector3d tcol = K_.col(2);
	const Eigen::Vector3d dir = Kinv_ * (tcol / tcol[2]);
	principleRay_.setDirection(Rinv_ * dir.normalized());
 double constraints() {
     Eigen::Vector3d vec = ((*s2).curPos - (*s1).curPos);
     double magnitude = vec.norm();
     double ext_dist = magnitude - const_dist;
     // lighter objects move further
     double weight1 = fmax(1.0 - (*s1).mass/((*s1).mass + (*s2).mass), 1e-5);
     double weight2 = fmax(1.0 - (*s2).mass/((*s1).mass + (*s2).mass), 1e-5);
     if (abs(ext_dist) > 1e-5) {
         Eigen::Vector3d s1s2 = vec.normalized();
         Eigen::Vector3d s2s1 = -(vec.normalized());
         (*s1).curPos = (*s1).curPos + weight1*ext_dist*s1s2;
         (*s2).curPos = (*s2).curPos + weight2*ext_dist*s2s1;
         (*s1).oldPos = (*s1).oldPos + 0.6*weight1*ext_dist*s1s2;
         (*s2).oldPos = (*s2).oldPos + 0.6*weight2*ext_dist*s2s1;
     return ext_dist;
Esempio n. 13
UniversalJoint::UniversalJoint(const Eigen::Vector3d& _axis0,
                               const Eigen::Vector3d& _axis1,
                               const std::string& _name)
  : Joint(_name)

  mS = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 2>::Zero();
  mdS = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 2>::Zero();

  mSpringStiffness.resize(2, 0.0);
  mDampingCoefficient.resize(2, 0.0);
  mRestPosition.resize(2, 0.0);

  mAxis[0] = _axis0.normalized();
  mAxis[1] = _axis1.normalized();
Esempio n. 14
// Set this to a random transformation with bounded rotation and translation.
inline void Transformation::setRandom(double translationMaxMeters,
                                      double rotationMaxRadians) {
  // Create a random unit-length axis.
  Eigen::Vector3d axis = rotationMaxRadians * Eigen::Vector3d::Random();
  // Create a random rotation angle in radians.
  Eigen::Vector3d r = translationMaxMeters * Eigen::Vector3d::Random();
  r_ = r;
  q_ = Eigen::AngleAxisd(axis.norm(), axis.normalized());
Esempio n. 15
void StateEstimatorKinematic::integrate_angular_velocity(Eigen::Vector3d xyz) {
    Eigen::Quaterniond m;
    // m = Eigen::AngleAxisd(timestep,xyz);

    m = Eigen::AngleAxisd(xyz.norm()*timestep,xyz.normalized());

    _q = _q*m;
Esempio n. 16
         * @brief set pose based on compact scaled-axis representation
         * @param v compact 6 vector [r t], where r is a 3 vector representing
         *  the rotation in scaled axis form, and t is the translation 3 vector.
        void fromVector6d( const Vector6d &v )
            const Eigen::Vector3d saxis = v.head<3>();
            if( saxis.norm() > 1e-9 )
            orientation = Eigen::AngleAxisd( saxis.norm(), saxis.normalized() );
            orientation = Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity();

            position = v.tail<3>();
Esempio n. 17
void TranslationalJoint2DUniqueProperties::setArbitraryPlane(
    const Eigen::Vector3d& transAxis1, const Eigen::Vector3d& transAxis2)
  // Set plane type as arbitrary plane
  mPlaneType = PlaneType::ARBITRARY;

  // First translational axis
  mTransAxes.col(0) = transAxis1.normalized();

  // Second translational axis
  mTransAxes.col(1) = transAxis2.normalized();

  // Orthogonalize translational axes
  const double dotProduct = mTransAxes.col(0).dot(mTransAxes.col(1));
  assert(std::abs(dotProduct) < 1.0 - 1e-6);
  if (std::abs(dotProduct) > 1e-6)
        = (mTransAxes.col(1) - dotProduct * mTransAxes.col(0)).normalized();
Esempio n. 18
void PrismaticJoint::setAxis(const Eigen::Vector3d& _axis)
  if(_axis == mAspectProperties.mAxis)

  mAspectProperties.mAxis = _axis.normalized();
Esempio n. 19
UniversalJoint::UniversalJoint(BodyNode* _parent, BodyNode* _child,
                               const Eigen::Vector3d& _axis0,
                               const Eigen::Vector3d& _axis1,
                               const std::string& _name)
    : Joint(_parent, _child, _name)
    mJointType = UNIVERSAL;


    mS = Eigen::Matrix<double,6,2>::Zero();
    mdS = Eigen::Matrix<double,6,2>::Zero();

    mDampingCoefficient.resize(2, 0);

    mAxis[0] = _axis0.normalized();
    mAxis[1] = _axis1.normalized();
Esempio n. 20
 * @function getPlaneTransform
 * @brief Assumes plane coefficients are of the form ax+by+cz+d=0, normalized
Eigen::Matrix4d getPlaneTransform ( pcl::ModelCoefficients &coeffs,
				    double up_direction,
				    bool flatten_plane ) {
  Eigen::Matrix4d tf = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity();
  if( coeffs.values.size() <= 3 ) {
    std::cout << "[ERROR] Coefficient size less than 3. I will output nonsense values"<<std::endl;
    return tf;
  double a = coeffs.values[0];
  double b = coeffs.values[1];
  double c = coeffs.values[2];
  double d = coeffs.values[3];
  //asume plane coefficients are normalized
  Eigen::Vector3d position(-a*d, -b*d, -c*d);
  Eigen::Vector3d z(a, b, c);
  //if we are flattening the plane, make z just be (0,0,up_direction)
  if(flatten_plane) {
    z << 0, 0, up_direction;
  else {
    //make sure z points "up" (the plane normal and the table must have a > 90 angle, hence the cosine must be negative)
    if ( z.dot( Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, up_direction) ) > 0) {
      z = -1.0 * z;
      printf("Changing sign \n");
      coeffs.values[0]*= -1; coeffs.values[1]*= -1; coeffs.values[2]*= -1; coeffs.values[3]*= -1;
  //try to align the x axis with the x axis of the original frame
  //or the y axis if z and x are too close too each other
  Eigen::Vector3d x; x << 1, 0, 0;
  if ( fabs(z.dot(x)) > 1.0 - 1.0e-4) x = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
  Eigen::Vector3d y = z.cross(x); y.normalized();
  x = y.cross(z); x.normalized();
  Eigen::Matrix3d rotation;
  rotation.block(0,0,3,1) = x;
  rotation.block(0,1,3,1) = y;
  rotation.block(0,2,3,1) = z;
  Eigen::Quaterniond orientation( rotation );
  tf.block(0,0,3,3) = orientation.matrix();
  tf.block(0,3,3,1) = position;
  return tf;
Esempio n. 21
Eigen::Matrix3d Utility::g2R(const Eigen::Vector3d &g)
    Eigen::Matrix3d R0;
    Eigen::Vector3d ng1 = g.normalized();
    Eigen::Vector3d ng2{0, 0, 1.0};
    R0 = Eigen::Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors(ng1, ng2).toRotationMatrix();
    double yaw = Utility::R2ypr(R0).x();
    R0 = Utility::ypr2R(Eigen::Vector3d{-yaw, 0, 0}) * R0;
    // R0 = Utility::ypr2R(Eigen::Vector3d{-90, 0, 0}) * R0;
    return R0;
Esempio n. 22
void PlanarJoint::UniqueProperties::setArbitraryPlane(
    const Eigen::Vector3d& _transAxis1,
    const Eigen::Vector3d& _transAxis2)
  // Set plane type as arbitrary plane
  mPlaneType = PT_ARBITRARY;

  // First translational axis
  mTransAxis1 = _transAxis1.normalized();

  // Second translational axis
  mTransAxis2 = _transAxis2.normalized();

  // Orthogonalize translational axese
  double dotProduct = mTransAxis1.dot(mTransAxis2);
  assert(std::abs(dotProduct) < 1.0 - 1e-6);
  if (std::abs(dotProduct) > 1e-6)
    mTransAxis2 = (mTransAxis2 - dotProduct * mTransAxis1).normalized();

  // Rotational axis
  mRotAxis = (mTransAxis1.cross(mTransAxis2)).normalized();
Esempio n. 23
void randomize_transform(Eigen::Isometry3d& tf,
                         double translation_limit=100,
                         double rotation_limit=100)
  Eigen::Vector3d r = random_vec<3>(translation_limit);
  Eigen::Vector3d theta = random_vec<3>(rotation_limit);


    tf.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(theta.norm(), theta.normalized()));
Esempio n. 24
RevoluteJoint::RevoluteJoint(const Eigen::Vector3d& axis,
                             const std::string& _name)
  : Joint(REVOLUTE, _name),
    mAxis(axis.normalized()) {

  mS = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>::Zero();
  mdS = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>::Zero();

  mSpringStiffness.resize(1, 0.0);
  mDampingCoefficient.resize(1, 0.0);
  mRestPosition.resize(1, 0.0);
Esempio n. 25
// Calculate the fitting error of a plane to certain 3D data
double PlaneFit::fitPlaneError(const Points3D& P, const Eigen::Vector3d& normal, Eigen::Vector3d& point)
	// Normalise the normal vector (to put the resulting error in units of normal distance to plane)
	Eigen::Vector3d n = normal.normalized();

	// Calculate the average distance to the plane of the data points
	double err = 0.0;
	size_t N = P.size();
	for(size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
		err += fabs(n.dot(P[i] - point))/N;

	// Return the calculated error
	return err;
Esempio n. 26
Eigen::Vector3d Circuit::GetFieldFromPoint(
  const Eigen::Vector3d& point,
  const Eigen::Vector3d& segmentCenter,
  const Eigen::Vector3d& flowDirection,
  double segmentCoeff
) {
  Eigen::Vector3d r = segmentCenter.array()-point.array();
  double rLengthSquared = r.squaredNorm(); // distance squared.
  Eigen::Vector3d rUnit = r.normalized();
  Eigen::Vector3d Vcrossr = flowDirection.cross(rUnit);

  Eigen::Vector3d B = segmentCoeff/rLengthSquared*Vcrossr.array();
  return B;
Esempio n. 27
RevoluteJoint::RevoluteJoint(BodyNode* _parent, BodyNode* _child,
                             const Eigen::Vector3d& axis,
                             const std::string& _name)
    : Joint(_parent, _child, _name),
    mJointType = REVOLUTE;


    mS = Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1>::Zero();
    mdS = Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1>::Zero();

    mDampingCoefficient.resize(1, 0);
Esempio n. 28
ScrewJoint::ScrewJoint(const Eigen::Vector3d& axis,
                       double _pitch,
                       const std::string& _name)
  : Joint(SCREW, _name),
    mPitch(_pitch) {

  mS = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>::Zero();
  mdS = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>::Zero();

  mSpringStiffness.resize(1, 0.0);
  mDampingCoefficient.resize(1, 0.0);
  mRestPosition.resize(1, 0.0);
Esempio n. 29
int main(int , char** )
  for (int k = 0; k < 100000; ++k) {

    // create a random rotation matrix by sampling a random 3d vector
    // that will be used in axis-angle representation to create the matrix
    Eigen::Vector3d rotAxisAngle = Vector3d::Random();
    rotAxisAngle += Vector3d::Random();
    Eigen::AngleAxisd rotation(rotAxisAngle.norm(), rotAxisAngle.normalized());
    Eigen::Matrix3d Re = rotation.toRotationMatrix();

    // our analytic function which we want to evaluate
    Matrix<double, 3 , 9>  dq_dR;
    compute_dq_dR (dq_dR, 

    // compute the Jacobian using AD
    Matrix<double, 3 , 9, Eigen::RowMajor> dq_dR_AD;
    typedef ceres::internal::AutoDiff<RotationMatrix2QuaternionManifold, double, 9> AutoDiff_Dq_DR;
    double *parameters[] = { Re.data() };
    double *jacobians[] = { dq_dR_AD.data() };
    double value[3];
    RotationMatrix2QuaternionManifold rot2quat;
    AutoDiff_Dq_DR::Differentiate(rot2quat, parameters, 3, value, jacobians);

    // compare the two Jacobians
    const double allowedDifference = 1e-6;
    for (int i = 0; i < dq_dR.rows(); ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < dq_dR.cols(); ++j) {
        double d = fabs(dq_dR_AD(i,j) - dq_dR(i,j));
        if (d > allowedDifference) {
          cerr << "\ndetected difference in the Jacobians" << endl;
          cerr << PVAR(Re) << endl << endl;
          cerr << PVAR(dq_dR_AD) << endl << endl;
          cerr << PVAR(dq_dR) << endl << endl;
          return 1;
    cerr << "+";

  return 0;
Esempio n. 30
	//not used, using implicit instead
	vector<Eigen::Vector3d> mySpring::calcSpringForce() {// {S_SCALAR,S_VECTOR, ATTR, SPRING};
		vector<Eigen::Vector3d> result(2, Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 0));
		if (restLen != 0) {		//spring with damping force
			Eigen::Vector3d aMb = (a->getPosition() - b->getPosition());
			Eigen::Vector3d lnorm = aMb.normalized();//unitlength vector of sprRestVec
			Eigen::Vector3d ldot = (a->getPosition() - a->getPosition(1));      //since using verlet, use this for velocity
			double d = ((a->getPosition(1) - b->getPosition(1)).norm());
			double KsTerm = Ks * (d - restLen);
			double KdTerm = Kd * (ldot.dot(lnorm));
			double fp = -1 * (KsTerm + KdTerm);
			result[0] = (lnorm * fp);
			result[1] = (lnorm * (-1 * fp));
		}//only add force if magnitude of distance vector is not 0
		else {
			cout << "0 restlen spring : " << ID << endl;
		return result;