int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; cout<<"Usage:"<<endl; cout<<"[space] toggle showing input mesh, output mesh or slice "<<endl; cout<<" through tet-mesh of convex hull."<<endl; cout<<"'.'/',' push back/pull forward slicing plane."<<endl; cout<<endl; // Load mesh: (V,T) tet-mesh of convex hull, F contains facets of input // surface mesh _after_ self-intersection resolution igl::readMESH(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH "/big-sigcat.mesh",V,T,F); // Compute barycenters of all tets igl::barycenter(V,T,BC); // Compute generalized winding number at all barycenters cout<<"Computing winding number over all "<<T.rows()<<" tets..."<<endl; igl::winding_number(V,F,BC,W); // Extract interior tets MatrixXi CT((W.array()>0.5).count(),4); { size_t k = 0; for(size_t t = 0;t<T.rows();t++) { if(W(t)>0.5) { CT.row(k) = T.row(t); k++; } } } // find bounary facets of interior tets igl::boundary_facets(CT,G); // boundary_facets seems to be reversed... G = G.rowwise().reverse().eval(); // normalize W = (W.array() - W.minCoeff())/(W.maxCoeff()-W.minCoeff()); // Plot the generated mesh igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer viewer; update_visualization(viewer); viewer.callback_key_down = &key_down; viewer.launch(); }
int calculate_column_width(const Eigen::VectorXd& x, const std::string& name, const int sig_figs, std::ios_base::fmtflags& format) { int padding = 2; // Fixed Precision size_t fixed_threshold = 8; size_t max_fixed_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { size_t width = compute_width(x[i], sig_figs); max_fixed_width = width > max_fixed_width ? width : max_fixed_width; } if (max_fixed_width + padding < fixed_threshold) { format = std::ios_base::fixed; max_fixed_width = name.length() > max_fixed_width ? name.length() : max_fixed_width; return max_fixed_width + padding; } // Scientific Notation size_t scientific_width = sig_figs + 1 + 4; // Decimal place + exponent if (x.minCoeff() < 0) ++scientific_width; scientific_width = name.length() > scientific_width ? name.length() : scientific_width; format = std::ios_base::scientific; return scientific_width + padding; }
TEST_F(Models_BasicDistributions_Triangle, Test_Triangle) { populate_chains(); Eigen::VectorXd y = chains->samples(chains->index("y")); EXPECT_LE(y.minCoeff(), -0.9) << "expecting to get close to the corner"; EXPECT_GE(y.maxCoeff(), 0.9) << "expecting to get close to the corner"; }
int calculate_size(const Eigen::VectorXd& x, const std::string& name, const int digits, std::ios_base::fmtflags& format) { using std::max; using std::ceil; using std::log10; double padding = 0; if (digits > 0) padding = digits + 1; double fixed_size = 0.0; if (x.maxCoeff() > 0) fixed_size = ceil(log10(x.maxCoeff()+0.001)) + padding; if (x.minCoeff() < 0) fixed_size = max(fixed_size, ceil(log10(-x.minCoeff()+0.01))+(padding+1)); format = std::ios_base::fixed; if (fixed_size < 7) { return max(fixed_size, max(name.length(), std::string("-0.0").length())+0.0); } double scientific_size = 0; scientific_size += 4.0; // "-0.0" has four digits scientific_size += 1.0; // e double exponent_size = 0; if (x.maxCoeff() > 0) exponent_size = ceil(log10(log10(x.maxCoeff()))); if (x.minCoeff() < 0) exponent_size = max(exponent_size, ceil(log10(log10(-x.minCoeff())))); scientific_size += fmin(exponent_size, 3); format = std::ios_base::scientific; return scientific_size; }
void do_residuals_stats(const Eigen::VectorXd & r, Eigen::VectorXd &stats, std::string & file_hdr) { file_hdr = "% MAX_ABS_ERR MIN_ABS_ERR AVERAGE_ERR STD_DEV RMSE MEDIAN\n"; const size_t N = r.size(); stats.resize(6); if (!N) return; stats[0] = r.maxCoeff(); stats[1] = r.minCoeff(); mrpt::math::meanAndStd(r, stats[2], stats[3]); // RMSE: stats[4] = std::sqrt( r.array().square().sum() / N ); std::vector<double> v(N); for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++) v[i]=r[i]; nth_element(v.begin(), v.begin()+(N/2), v.end()); stats[5] = v[N/2]; }
void IRLTest::generateData() { int num_active_features; int num_data; int num_samples_per_data; double cost_noise_stddev; num_features_ = 10; num_active_features = 2; num_data = 10; num_samples_per_data = 10; cost_noise_stddev = 0.1; // generate random weights real_weights_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(num_features_); real_weights_.head(num_active_features).setRandom(); data_.resize(num_data); for (int i=0; i<num_data; ++i) { IRLData* d = new IRLData(num_features_); Eigen::MatrixXd features = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(num_samples_per_data, num_features_); Eigen::VectorXd target = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(num_samples_per_data); features.setRandom(); // compute w^t * phi Eigen::VectorXd costs = features*real_weights_; // add random noise to costs costs += cost_noise_stddev * Eigen::VectorXd::Random(num_samples_per_data); // set min cost target to 1 int min_index; double min_cost = costs.minCoeff(&min_index); target(min_index) = 1.0; d->addSamples(features, target); data_[i].reset(d); } real_weights_exist_ = true; }
bool mrpt::vision::pnp::rpnp::compute_pose(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Matrix3d> R_, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> t_) { // selecting an edge $P_{ i1 }P_{ i2 }$ by n random sampling int i1 = 0, i2 = 1; double lmin = Q(0, i1)*Q(0, i2) + Q(1, i1)*Q(1, i2) + Q(2, i1)*Q(2, i2); Eigen::MatrixXi rij (n,2); R_=Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(3,3); t_=Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) rij(i, j) = rand() % n; for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) { int i = rij(ii, 0), j = rij(ii,1); if (i == j) continue; double l = Q(0, i)*Q(0, j) + Q(1, i)*Q(1, j) + Q(2, i)*Q(2, j); if (l < lmin) { i1 = i; i2 = j; lmin = l; } } // calculating the rotation matrix of $O_aX_aY_aZ_a$. Eigen::Vector3d p1, p2, p0, x, y, z, dum_vec; p1 = P.col(i1); p2 = P.col(i2); p0 = (p1 + p2) / 2; x = p2 - p0; x /= x.norm(); if (abs(x(1)) < abs(x(2)) ) { dum_vec << 0, 1, 0; z = x.cross(dum_vec); z /= z.norm(); y = z.cross(x); y /= y.norm(); } else { dum_vec << 0, 0, 1; y = dum_vec.cross(x); y /= y.norm(); z = x.cross(y); x /= x.norm(); } Eigen::Matrix3d R0; R0.col(0) = x; R0.col(1) =y; R0.col(2) = z; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) P.col(i) = R0.transpose() * (P.col(i) - p0); // Dividing the n - point set into(n - 2) 3 - point subsets // and setting up the P3P equations Eigen::Vector3d v1 = Q.col(i1), v2 = Q.col(i2); double cg1 =; double sg1 = sqrt(1 - cg1*cg1); double D1 = (P.col(i1) - P.col(i2)).norm(); Eigen::MatrixXd D4(n - 2, 5); int j = 0; Eigen::Vector3d vi; Eigen::VectorXd rowvec(5); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i == i1 || i == i2) continue; vi = Q.col(i); double cg2 =; double cg3 =; double sg2 = sqrt(1 - cg2*cg2); double D2 = (P.col(i1) - P.col(i)).norm(); double D3 = (P.col(i) - P.col(i2)).norm(); // get the coefficients of the P3P equation from each subset. rowvec = getp3p(cg1, cg2, cg3, sg1, sg2, D1, D2, D3); D4.row(j) = rowvec; j += 1; if(j>n-3) break; } Eigen::VectorXd D7(8), dumvec(8), dumvec1(5); D7.setZero(); for (int i = 0; i < n-2; i++) { dumvec1 = D4.row(i); dumvec= getpoly7(dumvec1); D7 += dumvec; } Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, 7> psolve(D7.reverse()); Eigen::VectorXcd comp_roots = psolve.roots().transpose(); Eigen::VectorXd real_comp, imag_comp; real_comp = comp_roots.real(); imag_comp = comp_roots.imag(); Eigen::VectorXd::Index max_index; double max_real= real_comp.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(&max_index); std::vector<double> act_roots_; int cnt=0; for (int i=0; i<imag_comp.size(); i++ ) { if(abs(imag_comp(i))/max_real<0.001) { act_roots_.push_back(real_comp(i)); cnt++; } } double* ptr = &act_roots_[0]; Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> act_roots(ptr, cnt); if (cnt==0) { return false; } Eigen::VectorXd act_roots1(cnt); act_roots1 << act_roots.segment(0,cnt); std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3d> R_cum(cnt); std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> t_cum(cnt); std::vector<double> err_cum(cnt); for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++) { double root = act_roots(i); // Compute the rotation matrix double d2 = cg1 + root; Eigen::Vector3d unitx, unity, unitz; unitx << 1,0,0; unity << 0,1,0; unitz << 0,0,1; x = v2*d2 -v1; x/=x.norm(); if (abs( < abs( { z = x.cross(unity);z/=z.norm(); y=z.cross(x); y/y.norm(); } else { y=unitz.cross(x); y/=y.norm(); z = x.cross(y); z/=z.norm(); } R.col(0)=x; R.col(1)=y; R.col(2)=z; //calculating c, s, tx, ty, tz Eigen::MatrixXd D(2 * n, 6); D.setZero(); R0 = R.transpose(); Eigen::VectorXd r(Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(, R0.cols()*R0.rows())); for (int j = 0; j<n; j++) { double ui = img_pts(j, 0), vi = img_pts(j, 1), xi = P(0, j), yi = P(1, j), zi = P(2, j); D.row(2 * j) << -r(1)*yi + ui*(r(7)*yi + r(8)*zi) - r(2)*zi, -r(2)*yi + ui*(r(8)*yi - r(7)*zi) + r(1)*zi, -1, 0, ui, ui*r(6)*xi - r(0)*xi; D.row(2 * j + 1) << -r(4)*yi + vi*(r(7)*yi + r(8)*zi) - r(5)*zi, -r(5)*yi + vi*(r(8)*yi - r(7)*zi) + r(4)*zi, 0, -1, vi, vi*r(6)*xi - r(3)*xi; } Eigen::MatrixXd DTD = D.transpose()*D; Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> es(DTD); Eigen::VectorXd Diag = es.pseudoEigenvalueMatrix().diagonal(); Eigen::MatrixXd V_mat = es.pseudoEigenvectors(); Eigen::MatrixXd::Index min_index; Diag.minCoeff(&min_index); Eigen::VectorXd V = V_mat.col(min_index); V /= V(5); double c = V(0), s = V(1); t << V(2), V(3), V(4); //calculating the camera pose by 3d alignment Eigen::VectorXd xi, yi, zi; xi = P.row(0); yi = P.row(1); zi = P.row(2); Eigen::MatrixXd XXcs(3, n), XXc(3,n); XXc.setZero(); XXcs.row(0) = r(0)*xi + (r(1)*c + r(2)*s)*yi + (-r(1)*s + r(2)*c)*zi + t(0)*Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(n); XXcs.row(1) = r(3)*xi + (r(4)*c + r(5)*s)*yi + (-r(4)*s + r(5)*c)*zi + t(1)*Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(n); XXcs.row(2) = r(6)*xi + (r(7)*c + r(8)*s)*yi + (-r(7)*s + r(8)*c)*zi + t(2)*Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(n); for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) XXc.col(ii) = Q.col(ii)*XXcs.col(ii).norm(); Eigen::Matrix3d R2; Eigen::Vector3d t2; Eigen::MatrixXd XXw = obj_pts.transpose(); calcampose(XXc, XXw, R2, t2); R_cum[i] = R2; t_cum[i] = t2; for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) XXc.col(k) = R2 * XXw.col(k) + t2; Eigen::MatrixXd xxc(2, n); xxc.row(0) = XXc.row(0).array() / XXc.row(2).array(); xxc.row(1) = XXc.row(1).array() / XXc.row(2).array(); double res = ((xxc.row(0) - img_pts.col(0).transpose()).norm() + (xxc.row(1) - img_pts.col(1).transpose()).norm()) / 2; err_cum[i] = res; } int pos_cum = std::min_element(err_cum.begin(), err_cum.end()) - err_cum.begin(); R_ = R_cum[pos_cum]; t_ = t_cum[pos_cum]; return true; }
int Lemke(const Eigen::MatrixXd& _M, const Eigen::VectorXd& _q, Eigen::VectorXd* _z) { int n = _q.size(); const double zer_tol = 1e-5; const double piv_tol = 1e-8; int maxiter = 1000; int err = 0; if (_q.minCoeff() > 0) { // LOG(INFO) << "Trivial solution exists."; *_z = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); return err; } *_z = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(2 * n); int iter = 0; double theta = 0; double ratio = 0; int leaving = 0; Eigen::VectorXd Be = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(n, 1); Eigen::VectorXd x = _q; std::vector<int> bas; std::vector<int> nonbas; int t = 2 * n + 1; int entering = t; bas.clear(); nonbas.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { bas.push_back(i); } Eigen::MatrixXd B = -Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < bas.size(); ++i) { B.col(bas[i]) = _M.col(bas[i]); } x = -B.partialPivLu().solve(_q); Eigen::VectorXd minuxX = -x; int lvindex; double tval = minuxX.maxCoeff(&lvindex); leaving = bas[lvindex]; bas[lvindex] = t; Eigen::VectorXd U = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (x[i] < 0) U[i] = 1; } Be = -(B * U); x += tval * U; x[lvindex] = tval; B.col(lvindex) = Be; for (iter = 0; iter < maxiter; ++iter) { if (leaving == t) { break; } else if (leaving < n) { entering = n + leaving; Be = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); Be[leaving] = -1; } else { entering = leaving - n; Be = _M.col(entering); } Eigen::VectorXd d = B.partialPivLu().solve(Be); std::vector<int> j; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (d[i] > piv_tol) j.push_back(i); } if (j.empty()) { // err = 2; break; } int jSize = static_cast<int>(j.size()); Eigen::VectorXd minRatio(jSize); for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { minRatio[i] = (x[j[i]] + zer_tol) / d[j[i]]; } double theta = minRatio.minCoeff(); std::vector<int> tmpJ; std::vector<double> tmpMinRatio; for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { if (x[j[i]] / d[j[i]] <= theta) { tmpJ.push_back(j[i]); tmpMinRatio.push_back(minRatio[i]); } } // if (tmpJ.empty()) // { // LOG(WARNING) << "tmpJ should never be empty!!!"; // LOG(WARNING) << "dumping data:"; // LOG(WARNING) << "theta:" << theta; // for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) // { // LOG(WARNING) << "x(" << j[i] << "): " << x[j[i]] << "d: " << d[j[i]]; // } // } j = tmpJ; jSize = static_cast<int>(j.size()); if (jSize == 0) { err = 4; break; } lvindex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { if (bas[j[i]] == t) lvindex = i; } if (lvindex != -1) { lvindex = j[lvindex]; } else { theta = tmpMinRatio[0]; lvindex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { if (tmpMinRatio[i]-theta > piv_tol) { theta = tmpMinRatio[i]; lvindex = i; } } lvindex = j[lvindex]; } leaving = bas[lvindex]; ratio = x[lvindex] / d[lvindex]; bool bDiverged = false; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (isnan(x[i]) || isinf(x[i])) { bDiverged = true; break; } } if (bDiverged) { err = 4; break; } x = x - ratio * d; x[lvindex] = ratio; B.col(lvindex) = Be; bas[lvindex] = entering; } if (iter >= maxiter && leaving != t) err = 1; if (err == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < bas.size(); ++i) { if (bas[i] < _z->size()) { (*_z)[bas[i]] = x[i]; } } Eigen::VectorXd realZ = _z->segment(0, n); *_z = realZ; if (!validate(_M, *_z, _q)) { // _z = VectorXd::Zero(n); err = 3; } } else { *_z = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); // solve failed, return a 0 vector } // if (err == 1) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Iterations exceeded limit"; // else if (err == 2) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Unbounded ray"; // else if (err == 3) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Solver converged with numerical issues. " // << "Validation failed."; // else if (err == 4) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Iteration diverged."; return err; }
//#define IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE IGL_INLINE bool igl::linprog( const Eigen::VectorXd & c, const Eigen::MatrixXd & _A, const Eigen::VectorXd & b, const int k, Eigen::VectorXd & x) { // This is a very literal translation of // using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; bool success = true; // number of constraints const int m = _A.rows(); // number of original variables const int n = _A.cols(); // number of iterations int it = 0; // maximum number of iterations //const int MAXIT = 10*m; const int MAXIT = 100*m; // residual tolerance const double tol = 1e-10; const auto & sign = [](const Eigen::VectorXd & B) -> Eigen::VectorXd { Eigen::VectorXd Bsign(B.size()); for(int i = 0;i<B.size();i++) { Bsign(i) = B(i)>0?1:(B(i)<0?-1:0); } return Bsign; }; // initial (inverse) basis matrix VectorXd Dv = sign(sign(b).array()+0.5); Dv.head(k).setConstant(1.); MatrixXd D = Dv.asDiagonal(); // Incorporate slack variables MatrixXd A(_A.rows(),_A.cols()+D.cols()); A<<_A,D; // Initial basis VectorXi B = igl::colon<int>(n,n+m-1); // non-basis, may turn out that vector<> would be better here VectorXi N = igl::colon<int>(0,n-1); int j; double bmin = b.minCoeff(&j); int phase; VectorXd xb; VectorXd s; VectorXi J; if(k>0 && bmin<0) { phase = 1; xb = VectorXd::Ones(m); // super cost s.resize(n+m+1); s<<VectorXd::Zero(n+k),VectorXd::Ones(m-k+1); N.resize(n+1); N<<igl::colon<int>(0,n-1),B(j); J.resize(B.size()-1); // [0 1 2 3 4] // ^ // [0 1] // [3 4] J.head(j) = B.head(j); J.tail(B.size()-j-1) = B.tail(B.size()-j-1); B(j) = n+m; MatrixXd AJ; igl::slice(A,J,2,AJ); const VectorXd a = b - AJ.rowwise().sum(); { MatrixXd old_A = A; A.resize(A.rows(),A.cols()+a.cols()); A<<old_A,a; } D.col(j) = -a/a(j); D(j,j) = 1./a(j); }else if(k==m) { phase = 2; xb = b; s.resize(c.size()+m); // cost function s<<c,VectorXd::Zero(m); }else //k = 0 or bmin >=0 { phase = 1; xb = b.array().abs(); s.resize(n+m); // super cost s<<VectorXd::Zero(n+k),VectorXd::Ones(m-k); } while(phase<3) { double df = -1; int t = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); // Lagrange mutipliers fro Ax=b VectorXd yb = D.transpose() * igl::slice(s,B); while(true) { if(MAXIT>0 && it>=MAXIT) { #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning! maximum iterations without convergence."<<endl; #endif success = false; break; } // no freedom for minimization if(N.size() == 0) { break; } // reduced costs VectorXd sN = igl::slice(s,N); MatrixXd AN = igl::slice(A,N,2); VectorXd r = sN - AN.transpose() * yb; int q; // determine new basic variable double rmin = r.minCoeff(&q); // optimal! infinity norm if(rmin>=-tol*(sN.array().abs().maxCoeff()+1)) { break; } // increment iteration count it++; // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling if(df>=0) { if(MAXIT == -1) { #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning! degenerate vertex"<<endl; #endif success = false; } igl::find((r.array()<0).eval(),J); double Nq = igl::slice(N,J).minCoeff(); // again seems like q is assumed to be a scalar though matlab code // could produce a vector for multiple matches (N.array()==Nq).cast<int>().maxCoeff(&q); } VectorXd d = D*A.col(N(q)); VectorXi I; igl::find((d.array()>tol).eval(),I); if(I.size() == 0) { #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning! solution is unbounded"<<endl; #endif // This seems dubious: it=-it; success = false; break; } VectorXd xbd = igl::slice(xb,I).array()/igl::slice(d,I).array(); // new use of r int p; { double r; r = xbd.minCoeff(&p); p = I(p); // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling if(df>=0) { igl::find((xbd.array()==r).eval(),J); double Bp = igl::slice(B,igl::slice(I,J)).minCoeff(); // idiotic way of finding index in B of Bp // code down the line seems to assume p is a scalar though the matlab // code could find a vector of matches) (B.array()==Bp).cast<int>().maxCoeff(&p); } // update x xb -= r*d; xb(p) = r; // change in f df = r*rmin; } // row vector RowVectorXd v = D.row(p)/d(p); yb += v.transpose() * (s(N(q)) - d.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B)); d(p)-=1; // update inverse basis matrix D = D - d*v; t = B(p); B(p) = N(q); if(t>(n+k-1)) { // remove qth entry from N VectorXi old_N = N; N.resize(N.size()-1); N.head(q) = old_N.head(q); N.head(q) = old_N.head(q); N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1) = old_N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1); }else { N(q) = t; } } // iterative refinement xb = (xb+D*(b-igl::slice(A,B,2)*xb)).eval(); // must be due to rounding VectorXi I; igl::find((xb.array()<0).eval(),I); if(I.size()>0) { // so correct VectorXd Z = VectorXd::Zero(I.size(),1); igl::slice_into(Z,I,xb); } // B, xb,n,m,res=A(:,B)*xb-b if(phase == 2 || it<0) { break; } if(xb.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B) > tol) { it = -it; #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning, no feasible solution"<<endl; #endif success = false; break; } // re-initialize for Phase 2 phase = phase+1; s*=1e6*c.array().abs().maxCoeff(); s.head(n) = c; } x.resize(std::max(B.maxCoeff()+1,n)); igl::slice_into(xb,B,x); x = x.head(n).eval(); return success; }
void propa_2d() { trace.beginBlock("2d propagation"); typedef DiscreteExteriorCalculus<2, 2, EigenLinearAlgebraBackend> Calculus; typedef DiscreteExteriorCalculusFactory<EigenLinearAlgebraBackend> CalculusFactory; { trace.beginBlock("solving time dependent equation"); const Calculus::Scalar cc = 8; // px/s << "cc = " << cc << endl; const Z2i::Domain domain(Z2i::Point(0,0), Z2i::Point(29,29)); const Calculus calculus = CalculusFactory::createFromDigitalSet(generateDiskSet(domain), false); //! [time_laplace] const Calculus::DualIdentity0 laplace = calculus.laplace<DUAL>() + 1e-8 * calculus.identity<0, DUAL>(); //! [time_laplace] << "laplace = " << laplace << endl; trace.beginBlock("finding eigen pairs"); //! [time_eigen] typedef Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> EigenSolverMatrix; const EigenSolverMatrix eigen_solver(laplace.myContainer); const Eigen::VectorXd eigen_values = eigen_solver.eigenvalues(); const Eigen::MatrixXd eigen_vectors = eigen_solver.eigenvectors(); //! [time_eigen] << "eigen_values_range = " << eigen_values.minCoeff() << "/" << eigen_values.maxCoeff() << endl; trace.endBlock(); //! [time_omega] const Eigen::VectorXd angular_frequencies = cc * eigen_values.array().sqrt(); //! [time_omega] Eigen::VectorXcd initial_wave = Eigen::VectorXcd::Zero(calculus.kFormLength(0, DUAL)); //set_initial_phase_null(calculus, initial_wave); set_initial_phase_dir_yy(calculus, initial_wave); { Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-1, 1)); board << Calculus::DualForm0(calculus, initial_wave.real()); board.saveSVG("propagation_time_wave_initial_coarse.svg"); } //! [time_init_proj] Eigen::VectorXcd initial_projections = eigen_vectors.transpose() * initial_wave; //! [time_init_proj] // low pass //! [time_low_pass] const Calculus::Scalar lambda_cutoff = 4.5; const Calculus::Scalar angular_frequency_cutoff = 2*M_PI * cc / lambda_cutoff; int cutted = 0; for (int kk=0; kk<initial_projections.rows(); kk++) { const Calculus::Scalar angular_frequency = angular_frequencies(kk); if (angular_frequency < angular_frequency_cutoff) continue; initial_projections(kk) = 0; cutted ++; } //! [time_low_pass] << "cutted = " << cutted << "/" << initial_projections.rows() << endl; { const Eigen::VectorXcd wave = eigen_vectors * initial_projections; Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-1, 1)); board << Calculus::DualForm0(calculus, wave.real()); board.saveSVG("propagation_time_wave_initial_smoothed.svg"); } const int kk_max = 60; trace.progressBar(0,kk_max); for (int kk=0; kk<kk_max; kk++) { //! [time_solve_time] const Calculus::Scalar time = kk/20.; const Eigen::VectorXcd current_projections = (angular_frequencies * std::complex<double>(0,time)).array().exp() * initial_projections.array(); const Eigen::VectorXcd current_wave = eigen_vectors * current_projections; //! [time_solve_time] std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_time_wave_solution_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << kk << ".svg"; Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-1, 1)); board << Calculus::DualForm0(calculus, current_wave.real()); board.saveSVG(ss.str().c_str()); trace.progressBar(kk+1,kk_max); } << endl; trace.endBlock(); } { trace.beginBlock("forced oscillations"); const Z2i::Domain domain(Z2i::Point(0,0), Z2i::Point(50,50)); const Calculus calculus = CalculusFactory::createFromDigitalSet(generateDiskSet(domain), false); const Calculus::DualIdentity0 laplace = calculus.laplace<DUAL>(); << "laplace = " << laplace << endl; trace.beginBlock("finding eigen pairs"); typedef Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> EigenSolverMatrix; const EigenSolverMatrix eigen_solver(laplace.myContainer); const Eigen::VectorXd laplace_eigen_values = eigen_solver.eigenvalues(); const Eigen::MatrixXd laplace_eigen_vectors = eigen_solver.eigenvectors(); << "eigen_values_range = " << laplace_eigen_values.minCoeff() << "/" << laplace_eigen_values.maxCoeff() << endl; trace.endBlock(); Calculus::DualForm0 concentration(calculus); { const Z2i::Point point(25,25); const Calculus::Cell cell = calculus.myKSpace.uSpel(point); const Calculus::Index index = calculus.getCellIndex(cell); concentration.myContainer(index) = 1; } { Board2D board; board << domain; board << concentration; board.saveSVG("propagation_forced_concentration.svg"); } for (int ll=0; ll<6; ll++) { //! [forced_lambda] const Calculus::Scalar lambda = 4*20.75/(1+2*ll); //! [forced_lambda] << "lambda = " << lambda << endl; //! [forced_dalembert_eigen] const Eigen::VectorXd dalembert_eigen_values = (laplace_eigen_values.array() - (2*M_PI/lambda)*(2*M_PI/lambda)).array().inverse(); const Eigen::MatrixXd concentration_to_wave = laplace_eigen_vectors * dalembert_eigen_values.asDiagonal() * laplace_eigen_vectors.transpose(); //! [forced_dalembert_eigen] //! [forced_wave] Calculus::DualForm0 wave(calculus, concentration_to_wave * concentration.myContainer); //! [forced_wave] wave.myContainer /= wave.myContainer(calculus.getCellIndex(calculus.myKSpace.uSpel(Z2i::Point(25,25)))); { << "saving samples" << endl; const Calculus::Properties properties = calculus.getProperties(); { std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_forced_samples_hv_" << ll << ".dat"; std::ofstream handle(ss.str().c_str()); for (int kk=0; kk<=50; kk++) { const Z2i::Point point_horizontal(kk,25); const Z2i::Point point_vertical(25,kk); const Calculus::Scalar xx = 2 * (kk/50. - .5); handle << xx << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_horizontal) << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_vertical) << endl; } } { std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_forced_samples_diag_" << ll << ".dat"; std::ofstream handle(ss.str().c_str()); for (int kk=0; kk<=50; kk++) { const Z2i::Point point_diag_pos(kk,kk); const Z2i::Point point_diag_neg(kk,50-kk); const Calculus::Scalar xx = 2 * sqrt(2) * (kk/50. - .5); handle << xx << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_diag_pos) << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_diag_neg) << endl; } } } { std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_forced_wave_" << ll << ".svg"; Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-.5, 1)); board << wave; board.saveSVG(ss.str().c_str()); } } trace.endBlock(); } trace.endBlock(); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; using namespace igl; if(!readMESH("../shared/octopus-low.mesh",low.V,low.T,low.F)) { cout<<"failed to load mesh"<<endl; } if(!readMESH("../shared/octopus-high.mesh",high.V,high.T,high.F)) { cout<<"failed to load mesh"<<endl; } // Precomputation { Eigen::VectorXi b; { Eigen::VectorXi J = Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(high.V.rows(),0,high.V.rows()-1); Eigen::VectorXd sqrD; Eigen::MatrixXd _2; cout<<"Finding closest points..."<<endl; igl::point_mesh_squared_distance(low.V,high.V,J,sqrD,b,_2); assert(sqrD.minCoeff() < 1e-7 && "low.V should exist in high.V"); } // force perfect positioning, rather have popping in low-res than high-res. // The correct/elaborate thing to do is express original low.V in terms of // linear interpolation (or extrapolation) via elements in (high.V,high.F) igl::slice(high.V,b,1,low.V); // list of points --> list of singleton lists std::vector<std::vector<int> > S; igl::matrix_to_list(b,S); cout<<"Computing weights for "<<b.size()<< " handles at "<<high.V.rows()<<" vertices..."<<endl; // Technically k should equal 3 for smooth interpolation in 3d, but 2 is // faster and looks OK const int k = 2; igl::biharmonic_coordinates(high.V,high.T,S,k,W); cout<<"Reindexing..."<<endl; // Throw away interior tet-vertices, keep weights and indices of boundary VectorXi I,J; igl::remove_unreferenced(high.V.rows(),high.F,I,J); for_each(,,[&I](int & a){a=I(a);}); for_each(,,[&I](int & a){a=I(a);}); igl::slice(MatrixXd(high.V),J,1,high.V); igl::slice(MatrixXd(W),J,1,W); } // Resize low res (high res will also be resized by affine precision of W) low.V.rowwise() -= low.V.colwise().mean(); low.V /= (low.V.maxCoeff()-low.V.minCoeff()); low.V.rowwise() += RowVector3d(0,1,0); low.U = low.V; high.U = high.V; arap_data.with_dynamics = true; arap_data.max_iter = 10; = ARAP_ENERGY_TYPE_DEFAULT; arap_data.h = 0.01; arap_data.ym = 0.001; if(!arap_precomputation(low.V,low.T,3,VectorXi(),arap_data)) { cerr<<"arap_precomputation failed."<<endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Constant gravitational force Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> M; igl::massmatrix(low.V,low.T,igl::MASSMATRIX_TYPE_DEFAULT,M); const size_t n = low.V.rows(); arap_data.f_ext = M * RowVector3d(0,-9.8,0).replicate(n,1); // Random initial velocities to wiggle things arap_data.vel = MatrixXd::Random(n,3); igl::viewer::Viewer viewer; // Create one huge mesh containing both meshes igl::cat(1,low.U,high.U,scene.U); igl::cat(1,low.F,MatrixXi(high.F.array()+low.V.rows()),scene.F); // Color each mesh,scene.F); MatrixXd C(scene.F.rows(),3); C<< RowVector3d(0.8,0.5,0.2).replicate(low.F.rows(),1), RowVector3d(0.3,0.4,1.0).replicate(high.F.rows(),1);; viewer.callback_key_pressed = [&](igl::viewer::Viewer & viewer,unsigned int key,int mods)->bool { switch(key) { default: return false; case ' ': viewer.core.is_animating = !viewer.core.is_animating; return true; case 'r': low.U = low.V; return true; } }; viewer.callback_pre_draw = [&](igl::viewer::Viewer & viewer)->bool { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); if(viewer.core.is_animating) { arap_solve(MatrixXd(0,3),arap_data,low.U); for(int v = 0;v<low.U.rows();v++) { // collide with y=0 plane const int y = 1; if(low.U(v,y) < 0) { low.U(v,y) = -low.U(v,y); // ~ coefficient of restitution const double cr = 1.1; arap_data.vel(v,y) = - arap_data.vel(v,y) / cr; } } scene.U.block(0,0,low.U.rows(),low.U.cols()) = low.U; high.U = W * (low.U.rowwise() + RowVector3d(1,0,0)); scene.U.block(low.U.rows(),0,high.U.rows(),high.U.cols()) = high.U;;; } return false; }; viewer.core.show_lines = false; viewer.core.is_animating = true; viewer.core.animation_max_fps = 30.;; cout<<R"( [space] to toggle animation 'r' to reset positions )"; viewer.core.rotation_type = igl::viewer::ViewerCore::ROTATION_TYPE_TWO_AXIS_VALUATOR_FIXED_UP; viewer.launch(); }
Eigen::RowVectorXd scaledValues(Eigen::VectorXd const& x) { return x.unaryExpr(scaledValue(x.minCoeff(),x.maxCoeff())).transpose(); }