void ApiListener::SyncClient(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& aclient, const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, bool needSync) { try { { ObjectLock olock(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(true); } /* Make sure that the config updates are synced * before the logs are replayed. */ Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Sending config updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; /* sync zone file config */ SendConfigUpdate(aclient); /* sync runtime config */ SendRuntimeConfigObjects(aclient); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished sending config updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; if (!needSync) { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); return; } Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Sending replay log for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; ReplayLog(aclient); if (endpoint->GetZone() == Zone::GetLocalZone()) UpdateObjectAuthority(); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished sending replay log for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener") << "Error while syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "': " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); } }
void ApiListener::SyncClient(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& aclient, const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint) { try { { ObjectLock olock(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(true); } Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Sending updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; /* sync zone file config */ SendConfigUpdate(aclient); /* sync runtime config */ SendRuntimeConfigObjects(aclient); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished sending updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; ReplayLog(aclient); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener") << "Error while syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "': " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); } }
/** * Processes a new client connection. * * @param client The new client. */ void ApiListener::NewClientHandlerInternal(const Socket::Ptr& client, const String& hostname, ConnectionRole role) { CONTEXT("Handling new API client connection"); TlsStream::Ptr tlsStream; { ObjectLock olock(this); try { tlsStream = new TlsStream(client, hostname, role, m_SSLContext); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot create TLS stream from client connection."); return; } } try { tlsStream->Handshake(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Client TLS handshake failed"); return; } boost::shared_ptr<X509> cert = tlsStream->GetPeerCertificate(); String identity; Endpoint::Ptr endpoint; bool verify_ok = false; if (cert) { try { identity = GetCertificateCN(cert); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener") << "Cannot get certificate common name from cert path: '" << GetCertPath() << "'."; return; } verify_ok = tlsStream->IsVerifyOK(); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "New client connection for identity '" << identity << "'" << (verify_ok ? "" : " (unauthenticated)"); if (verify_ok) endpoint = Endpoint::GetByName(identity); } else { Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "New client connection (no client certificate)"; } bool need_sync = false; if (endpoint) need_sync = !endpoint->IsConnected(); ClientType ctype; if (role == RoleClient) { Dictionary::Ptr message = new Dictionary(); message->Set("jsonrpc", "2.0"); message->Set("method", "icinga::Hello"); message->Set("params", new Dictionary()); JsonRpc::SendMessage(tlsStream, message); ctype = ClientJsonRpc; } else { tlsStream->WaitForData(5); if (!tlsStream->IsDataAvailable()) { Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener", "No data received on new API connection."); return; } char firstByte; tlsStream->Peek(&firstByte, 1, false); if (firstByte >= '0' && firstByte <= '9') ctype = ClientJsonRpc; else ctype = ClientHttp; } if (ctype == ClientJsonRpc) { Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "New JSON-RPC client"); JsonRpcConnection::Ptr aclient = new JsonRpcConnection(identity, verify_ok, tlsStream, role); aclient->Start(); if (endpoint) { endpoint->AddClient(aclient); if (need_sync) { { ObjectLock olock(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(true); } Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Sending updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; /* sync zone file config */ SendConfigUpdate(aclient); /* sync runtime config */ SendRuntimeConfigObjects(aclient); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished sending updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; ReplayLog(aclient); } } else AddAnonymousClient(aclient); } else { Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "New HTTP client"); HttpServerConnection::Ptr aclient = new HttpServerConnection(identity, verify_ok, tlsStream); aclient->Start(); AddHttpClient(aclient); } }
void ApiListener::ReplayLog(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& client) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = client->GetEndpoint(); if (endpoint->GetLogDuration() == 0) { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); return; } CONTEXT("Replaying log for Endpoint '" + endpoint->GetName() + "'"); int count = -1; double peer_ts = endpoint->GetLocalLogPosition(); double logpos_ts = peer_ts; bool last_sync = false; Endpoint::Ptr target_endpoint = client->GetEndpoint(); ASSERT(target_endpoint); Zone::Ptr target_zone = target_endpoint->GetZone(); if (!target_zone) { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); return; } for (;;) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_LogLock); CloseLogFile(); RotateLogFile(); if (count == -1 || count > 50000) { OpenLogFile(); lock.unlock(); } else { last_sync = true; } count = 0; std::vector<int> files; Utility::Glob(GetApiDir() + "log/*", boost::bind(&ApiListener::LogGlobHandler, boost::ref(files), _1), GlobFile); std::sort(files.begin(), files.end()); for (int ts : files) { String path = GetApiDir() + "log/" + Convert::ToString(ts); if (ts < peer_ts) continue; Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener") << "Replaying log: " << path; std::fstream *fp = new std::fstream(path.CStr(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary); StdioStream::Ptr logStream = new StdioStream(fp, true); String message; StreamReadContext src; while (true) { Dictionary::Ptr pmessage; try { StreamReadStatus srs = NetString::ReadStringFromStream(logStream, &message, src); if (srs == StatusEof) break; if (srs != StatusNewItem) continue; pmessage = JsonDecode(message); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener") << "Unexpected end-of-file for cluster log: " << path; /* Log files may be incomplete or corrupted. This is perfectly OK. */ break; } if (pmessage->Get("timestamp") <= peer_ts) continue; Dictionary::Ptr secname = pmessage->Get("secobj"); if (secname) { ConfigObject::Ptr secobj = ConfigObject::GetObject(secname->Get("type"), secname->Get("name")); if (!secobj) continue; if (!target_zone->CanAccessObject(secobj)) continue; } try { NetString::WriteStringToStream(client->GetStream(), pmessage->Get("message")); count++; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener") << "Error while replaying log for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "': " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); break; } peer_ts = pmessage->Get("timestamp"); if (ts > logpos_ts + 10) { logpos_ts = ts; Dictionary::Ptr lparams = new Dictionary(); lparams->Set("log_position", logpos_ts); Dictionary::Ptr lmessage = new Dictionary(); lmessage->Set("jsonrpc", "2.0"); lmessage->Set("method", "log::SetLogPosition"); lmessage->Set("params", lparams); JsonRpc::SendMessage(client->GetStream(), lmessage); } } logStream->Close(); } if (count > 0) { Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Replayed " << count << " messages."; } Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener") << "Replayed " << count << " messages."; if (last_sync) { { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); } OpenLogFile(); break; } } }
void ApiListener::SyncClient(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& aclient, const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, bool needSync) { Zone::Ptr eZone = endpoint->GetZone(); try { { ObjectLock olock(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(true); } Zone::Ptr myZone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); if (myZone->GetParent() == eZone) { Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Requesting new certificate for this Icinga instance from endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; JsonRpcConnection::SendCertificateRequest(aclient, nullptr, String()); if (Utility::PathExists(ApiListener::GetCertificateRequestsDir())) Utility::Glob(ApiListener::GetCertificateRequestsDir() + "/*.json", std::bind(&JsonRpcConnection::SendCertificateRequest, aclient, nullptr, _1), GlobFile); } /* Make sure that the config updates are synced * before the logs are replayed. */ Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Sending config updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'."; /* sync zone file config */ SendConfigUpdate(aclient); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished sending config file updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'."; /* sync runtime config */ SendRuntimeConfigObjects(aclient); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished sending runtime config updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'."; if (!needSync) { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); return; } Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Sending replay log for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'."; ReplayLog(aclient); if (eZone == Zone::GetLocalZone()) UpdateObjectAuthority(); Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished sending replay log for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'."; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); } Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener") << "Error while syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "': " << DiagnosticInformation(ex, false); Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener") << "Error while syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "': " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); } Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Finished syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'."; }