Esempio n. 1
void EUTelTrackAnalysis::plotResidualVsPosition(EUTelTrack track) {
    streamlog_out(DEBUG2) << " EUTelTrackAnalysis::plotResidualVsPosition------------------------------BEGIN"<< std::endl;
    std::vector<EUTelState> states = track.getStates();
    for(size_t i=0; i<states.size(); ++i) {
        EUTelState state  =;
        if(!state.getIsThereAHit()) {
        EVENT::TrackerHit* hit = state.getHit();
        float* statePosition = state.getPosition();
        const double* hitPosition = hit->getPosition();
        float residual[2];
        streamlog_out(DEBUG2) << "State position: " << statePosition[0]<<","<<statePosition[1]<<","<<statePosition[2]<< std::endl;
        streamlog_out(DEBUG2) << "Hit position: " << hitPosition[0]<<","<<hitPosition[1]<<","<<hitPosition[2]<< std::endl;

        typedef std::map<int ,AIDA::IProfile2D*  >::iterator it_type;
        for(it_type iterator = _mapFromSensorIDToHistogramX.begin(); iterator != _mapFromSensorIDToHistogramX.end(); iterator++) {
            if(iterator->first == state.getLocation()) {
                streamlog_out(DEBUG2) << "Add residual X : " << residual[0]<< std::endl;

                _mapFromSensorIDToHistogramX[ state.getLocation() ]  -> fill( hitPosition[0], hitPosition[1], residual[0], 1 );
        for(it_type iterator = _mapFromSensorIDToHistogramY.begin(); iterator != _mapFromSensorIDToHistogramY.end(); iterator++) {
            if(iterator->first == state.getLocation()) {

                streamlog_out(DEBUG2) << "Add residual Y : " << residual[1]<< std::endl;
                _mapFromSensorIDToHistogramY[ state.getLocation() ]  -> fill( hitPosition[0], hitPosition[1], residual[1], 1 );
    streamlog_out(DEBUG2) << " EUTelTrackAnalysis::plotResidualVsPosition------------------------------END"<< std::endl;
Esempio n. 2
aidaTT::trackParameters createPreFit(aidaTT::trackParameters& tp, const TrackerHitVec& lcioHits ){
  // create a prefit from the hits w/o QMS and dEdx
  aidaTT::moveHelixTo( tp, aidaTT::Vector3D() ) ; // move to origin
  aidaTT::trajectory traj( tp, fitter, propagation ) ; 
  // try to use up to 25 or so hits....
  unsigned nHits = lcioHits.size() ;
  int step = ( nHits <= 25  ? 1 : int( 1.*nHits/25. )  ) ; 
  streamlog_out( DEBUG2 ) << " MarlinAidaTTTrack::createPreFit() :  will use every " 
			  <<  step << "-th hit for prefit ! " << std::endl ; 
  for(unsigned i=0 ; i < nHits ; i+= step ){
    EVENT::TrackerHit* hit = lcioHits[i] ;
    long hitid = hit->getCellID0() ;
    SurfMap::iterator it = surfMap.find( hitid ) ;
    if( it == surfMap.end() ){
      streamlog_out( DEBUG3 ) << " MarlinAidaTTTrack::createPreFit() : no surface found for id : " 
			      << cellIDString( hitid ) << std::endl ;
    const aidaTT::ISurface* surf = it->second ;
    double hitpos[3] ;
    std::vector<double> precision ;
    getHitInfo( hit, hitpos, precision , surf) ;
    streamlog_out( DEBUG2 ) << " MarlinAidaTTTrack::createPreFit() : adding hit for "
			    <<  cellIDString( hitid ) << " at " 
			    << aidaTT::Vector3D( hit->getPosition() ) << std::endl ;
    traj.addMeasurement( hitpos, precision, *surf, hit );
  int success =;
  if( success ) { 
    const aidaTT::fitResults* result = traj.getFitResults();
    const aidaTT::trackParameters& newTP = result->estimatedParameters() ;
    streamlog_out( DEBUG4 ) << " MarlinAidaTTTrack::createPreFit() : prefit tp: " 
			    << newTP << std::endl ;
    return newTP ;
  } else {
    streamlog_out( WARNING ) << " MarlinAidaTTTrack::createPreFit() : prefit failed for tp: " 
			     << tp << std::endl ;
    return tp ;
