Esempio n. 1
/// Compute all the imports for the given module in the Index.
void llvm::ComputeCrossModuleImportForModule(
    StringRef ModulePath, const ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
    FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList) {

  // Collect the list of functions this module defines.
  // GUID -> Summary
  GVSummaryMapTy FunctionSummaryMap;
  Index.collectDefinedFunctionsForModule(ModulePath, FunctionSummaryMap);

  // Compute the import list for this module.
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Computing import for Module '" << ModulePath << "'\n");
  ComputeImportForModule(FunctionSummaryMap, Index, ImportList);

#ifndef NDEBUG
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "* Module " << ModulePath << " imports from "
               << ImportList.size() << " modules.\n");
  for (auto &Src : ImportList) {
    auto SrcModName = Src.first();
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " - " << Src.second.size() << " functions imported from "
                 << SrcModName << "\n");
Esempio n. 2
// Automatically import functions in Module \p DestModule based on the summaries
// index.
Expected<bool> FunctionImporter::importFunctions(
    Module &DestModule, const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
    bool ForceImportReferencedDiscardableSymbols) {
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Starting import for Module "
               << DestModule.getModuleIdentifier() << "\n");
  unsigned ImportedCount = 0;

  // Linker that will be used for importing function
  Linker TheLinker(DestModule);
  // Do the actual import of functions now, one Module at a time
  std::set<StringRef> ModuleNameOrderedList;
  for (auto &FunctionsToImportPerModule : ImportList) {
  for (auto &Name : ModuleNameOrderedList) {
    // Get the module for the import
    const auto &FunctionsToImportPerModule = ImportList.find(Name);
    assert(FunctionsToImportPerModule != ImportList.end());
    Expected<std::unique_ptr<Module>> SrcModuleOrErr = ModuleLoader(Name);
    if (!SrcModuleOrErr)
      return SrcModuleOrErr.takeError();
    std::unique_ptr<Module> SrcModule = std::move(*SrcModuleOrErr);
    assert(&DestModule.getContext() == &SrcModule->getContext() &&
           "Context mismatch");

    // If modules were created with lazy metadata loading, materialize it
    // now, before linking it (otherwise this will be a noop).
    if (Error Err = SrcModule->materializeMetadata())
      return std::move(Err);

    auto &ImportGUIDs = FunctionsToImportPerModule->second;
    // Find the globals to import
    DenseSet<const GlobalValue *> GlobalsToImport;
    for (Function &F : *SrcModule) {
      if (!F.hasName())
      auto GUID = F.getGUID();
      auto Import = ImportGUIDs.count(GUID);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << (Import ? "Is" : "Not") << " importing function " << GUID
                   << " " << F.getName() << " from "
                   << SrcModule->getSourceFileName() << "\n");
      if (Import) {
        if (Error Err = F.materialize())
          return std::move(Err);
        if (EnableImportMetadata) {
          // Add 'thinlto_src_module' metadata for statistics and debugging.
    for (GlobalVariable &GV : SrcModule->globals()) {
      if (!GV.hasName())
      auto GUID = GV.getGUID();
      auto Import = ImportGUIDs.count(GUID);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << (Import ? "Is" : "Not") << " importing global " << GUID
                   << " " << GV.getName() << " from "
                   << SrcModule->getSourceFileName() << "\n");
      if (Import) {
        if (Error Err = GV.materialize())
          return std::move(Err);
    for (GlobalAlias &GA : SrcModule->aliases()) {
      if (!GA.hasName())
      auto GUID = GA.getGUID();
      auto Import = ImportGUIDs.count(GUID);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << (Import ? "Is" : "Not") << " importing alias " << GUID
                   << " " << GA.getName() << " from "
                   << SrcModule->getSourceFileName() << "\n");
      if (Import) {
        // Alias can't point to "available_externally". However when we import
        // linkOnceODR the linkage does not change. So we import the alias
        // and aliasee only in this case. This has been handled by
        // computeImportForFunction()
        GlobalObject *GO = GA.getBaseObject();
        assert(GO->hasLinkOnceODRLinkage() &&
               "Unexpected alias to a non-linkonceODR in import list");
#ifndef NDEBUG
        if (!GlobalsToImport.count(GO))
          DEBUG(dbgs() << " alias triggers importing aliasee " << GO->getGUID()
                       << " " << GO->getName() << " from "
                       << SrcModule->getSourceFileName() << "\n");
        if (Error Err = GO->materialize())
          return std::move(Err);
        if (Error Err = GA.materialize())
          return std::move(Err);

    // Link in the specified functions.
    if (renameModuleForThinLTO(*SrcModule, Index, &GlobalsToImport))
      return true;

    if (PrintImports) {
      for (const auto *GV : GlobalsToImport)
        dbgs() << DestModule.getSourceFileName() << ": Import " << GV->getName()
               << " from " << SrcModule->getSourceFileName() << "\n";

    // Instruct the linker that the client will take care of linkonce resolution
    unsigned Flags = Linker::Flags::None;
    if (!ForceImportReferencedDiscardableSymbols)
      Flags |= Linker::Flags::DontForceLinkLinkonceODR;

    if (TheLinker.linkInModule(std::move(SrcModule), Flags, &GlobalsToImport))
      report_fatal_error("Function Import: link error");

    ImportedCount += GlobalsToImport.size();

  NumImported += ImportedCount;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Imported " << ImportedCount << " functions for Module "
               << DestModule.getModuleIdentifier() << "\n");
  return ImportedCount;
Esempio n. 3
// Automatically import functions in Module \p DestModule based on the summaries
// index.
bool FunctionImporter::importFunctions(
    Module &DestModule, const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList) {
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Starting import for Module "
               << DestModule.getModuleIdentifier() << "\n");
  unsigned ImportedCount = 0;

  // Linker that will be used for importing function
  Linker TheLinker(DestModule);
  // Do the actual import of functions now, one Module at a time
  std::set<StringRef> ModuleNameOrderedList;
  for (auto &FunctionsToImportPerModule : ImportList) {
  for (auto &Name : ModuleNameOrderedList) {
    // Get the module for the import
    const auto &FunctionsToImportPerModule = ImportList.find(Name);
    assert(FunctionsToImportPerModule != ImportList.end());
    std::unique_ptr<Module> SrcModule = ModuleLoader(Name);
    assert(&DestModule.getContext() == &SrcModule->getContext() &&
           "Context mismatch");

    // If modules were created with lazy metadata loading, materialize it
    // now, before linking it (otherwise this will be a noop).

    auto &ImportGUIDs = FunctionsToImportPerModule->second;
    // Find the globals to import
    DenseSet<const GlobalValue *> GlobalsToImport;
    for (auto &GV : *SrcModule) {
      if (!GV.hasName())
      auto GUID = GV.getGUID();
      auto Import = ImportGUIDs.count(GUID);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << (Import ? "Is" : "Not") << " importing " << GUID << " "
                   << GV.getName() << " from " << SrcModule->getSourceFileName()
                   << "\n");
      if (Import) {
    for (auto &GV : SrcModule->globals()) {
      if (!GV.hasName())
      auto GUID = GV.getGUID();
      auto Import = ImportGUIDs.count(GUID);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << (Import ? "Is" : "Not") << " importing " << GUID << " "
                   << GV.getName() << " from " << SrcModule->getSourceFileName()
                   << "\n");
      if (Import) {
    for (auto &GV : SrcModule->aliases()) {
      if (!GV.hasName())
      auto GUID = GV.getGUID();
      auto Import = ImportGUIDs.count(GUID);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << (Import ? "Is" : "Not") << " importing " << GUID << " "
                   << GV.getName() << " from " << SrcModule->getSourceFileName()
                   << "\n");
      if (Import) {
        // Alias can't point to "available_externally". However when we import
        // linkOnceODR the linkage does not change. So we import the alias
        // and aliasee only in this case.
        GlobalObject *GO = GV.getBaseObject();
        if (!GO->hasLinkOnceODRLinkage())
#ifndef NDEBUG
        if (!GlobalsToImport.count(GO))
          DEBUG(dbgs() << " alias triggers importing aliasee " << GO->getGUID()
                       << " " << GO->getName() << " from "
                       << SrcModule->getSourceFileName() << "\n");

    // Link in the specified functions.
    if (renameModuleForThinLTO(*SrcModule, Index, &GlobalsToImport))
      return true;

    if (PrintImports) {
      for (const auto *GV : GlobalsToImport)
        dbgs() << DestModule.getSourceFileName() << ": Import " << GV->getName()
               << " from " << SrcModule->getSourceFileName() << "\n";

    if (TheLinker.linkInModule(std::move(SrcModule), Linker::Flags::None,
      report_fatal_error("Function Import: link error");

    ImportedCount += GlobalsToImport.size();

  NumImported += ImportedCount;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Imported " << ImportedCount << " functions for Module "
               << DestModule.getModuleIdentifier() << "\n");
  return ImportedCount;