int NoteCollection::compareDates( const Glib::DateTime& a, const Glib::DateTime& b ) { int yearA = a.get_year(); int yearB = b.get_year(); if( yearA == yearB ) { int dayA = a.get_day_of_year(); int dayB = b.get_day_of_year(); if( dayA == dayB ) { return 0; } else if( dayA > dayB ) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } else if( yearA > yearB ) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }
chat_action::chat_action(Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<Glib::ustring> name, Glib::DateTime time, const Glib::ustring& text): m_label(name, time.to_local(), text) { utils::debug::scope_log log(DBG_LVL_1("gtox"), { name.get_value().raw(), time.format("%c").raw(), text.raw() });; m_username.get_style_context()->add_class("gtox-action-username"); m_username.property_valign() = Gtk::ALIGN_START; m_username_binding = Glib::Binding::bind_property( name, m_username.property_label(), Glib::BINDING_DEFAULT | Glib::BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); show(); add(m_hbox);; m_hbox.add(m_username); m_hbox.add(m_label); property_reveal_child() = false; m_dispatcher.emit([this]() { utils::debug::scope_log log(DBG_LVL_1("gtox"), {}); property_reveal_child() = true; }); }
/* Runs in a separate thread */ void Manager::check_threads() { // Build a list of threads that are past due for an update std::vector<std::pair<gint64, std::shared_ptr<Thread> > > threads_to_check; Glib::DateTime now = Glib::DateTime::create_now_utc(); { Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lock(threads_mutex); threads_to_check.reserve(threads.size()); std::copy_if(threads.begin(), threads.end(), std::back_inserter(threads_to_check), [&now](std::pair<gint64, std::shared_ptr<Thread> > pair) { std::shared_ptr<Thread> t = pair.second; Glib::TimeSpan diff = std::abs(now.difference(t->last_checked)); return ( diff > t->get_update_interval() && !t->is_404 ); }); } for ( auto pair : threads_to_check ) { auto thread = pair.second; try{ Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lock(curler_mutex); std::list<Glib::RefPtr<Post> > posts = curler.pullThread(thread); thread->last_checked = Glib::DateTime::create_now_utc(); if (posts.size() > 0) { auto iter = posts.rbegin(); thread->last_post = Glib::DateTime::create_now_utc((*iter)->get_unix_time()); thread->updatePosts(posts); push_updated_thread(thread->id); } } catch (Thread404 e) { thread->is_404 = true; push_updated_thread(thread->id); on_404(thread->id); } catch (Concurrency e) { // This should be impossible since we are using the mutex. g_critical("Manager's Curler is being used by more than one thread."); } catch (TooFast e) { g_warning("Attempted to hit the 4chan JSON API faster than once a second."); } catch (CurlException e) { g_warning("Got Curl error: %s", e.what()); } } // for threads_to_check signal_thread_updated(); }
std::string StringUtils::dateToString(const Glib::DateTime& date){ /* Recibe una fecha y hora tipo Glib::DateTime y devuelve una cadena formateada "dd/mm/aa-hh:mm" */ std::stringstream s; std::string ss; s << date.format("%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M"); s >> ss; return ss; }
chat_action::label::label(Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<Glib::ustring> name, Glib::DateTime time, const Glib::ustring& message): widget::label(message), m_name(name), m_time(time) { utils::debug::scope_log log(DBG_LVL_1("gtox"), { name.get_value().raw(), time.format("%c").raw(), message.raw() }); }