Esempio n. 1
void ViCommandMode::execute_search(const Glib::ustring &cmd, char begin )
    //     /{pattern}/{offset}<CR>
    // search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of
    // {pattern} and go {offset} lines up or down.
    int count = 1;              
    int offset = 0;
    Glib::ustring pattern;

    int idx = cmd.find( begin ); 
    if (idx > 0)
        Glib::ustring rest = cmd.substr(idx+1);
        offset = convert<int>(rest);

        pattern = cmd.substr(0, idx);
        pattern = cmd;

    Direction dir = Forward;
    if (begin == '?')  
        dir = Backward;

    g_print("Searching for %s with offset %i\n",, offset);

    Editor *ed = Application::get()->get_current_editor();
    ed->search(pattern, dir);
Esempio n. 2
/** get a string composed of elements separated by personnal separator, and return in vector
 *  each element
int mini_parser(char separator, Glib::ustring str, std::vector<string>* vector )
	int res = - 1 ;
	vector->clear() ;
	guint last = 0 ;

	bool cut = false ;

	if (str!="") {
		for (guint i=0; i<str.size(); i++) {
			if ( str[i]==separator ) {
				cut = true ;
				vector->insert(vector->end(), str.substr(last,i-last) );
				last=i+1 ;
		if (cut)
			vector->insert(vector->end(), str.substr(last,str.size()-1) );
			vector->insert(vector->end(), str.substr(last,str.size()) );
		res = 1 ;
	else {
		Log::err() << "mini_parser <information:> no string value" << std::endl ;
	return res ;
Esempio n. 3
 * Get the full path, directory, and base file name of this running executable
bool RegistryTool::getExeInfo(Glib::ustring &fullPath,
                              Glib::ustring &path,
                              Glib::ustring &exeName)

    char buf[MAX_PATH+1];
    if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, MAX_PATH))
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not fetch executable file name\n");
        return false;
        //printf("Executable file name: '%s'\n", buf);

    fullPath = buf;
    path     = "";
    exeName  = "";
    Glib::ustring::size_type pos = fullPath.rfind('\\');
    if (pos != fullPath.npos)
        path = fullPath.substr(0, pos);
        exeName = fullPath.substr(pos+1);

    return true;
Esempio n. 4
// XML backend helper: Split the path into a node key and an attribute key.
void Preferences::_keySplit(Glib::ustring const &pref_path, Glib::ustring &node_key, Glib::ustring &attr_key)
    // everything after the last slash
    attr_key = pref_path.substr(pref_path.rfind('/') + 1, Glib::ustring::npos);
    // everything before the last slash
    node_key = pref_path.substr(0, pref_path.rfind('/'));
Esempio n. 5
int checkStringOffset(Glib::ustring str, int toffset)
	//-- Empty string
	if (str.empty() || StringOps(str).trim().empty())
		return -1 ;
	//-- Before text
	if (toffset <= 0)
		return 0 ;
	//-- After text
	else if (toffset >= (str.length()-1) )
		return 1 ;
		const Glib::ustring& tmpBefore = str.substr(0, toffset) ;
		const Glib::ustring& tmpAfter = str.substr(toffset, str.length()-1) ;
		StringOps tmpB(tmpBefore) ;
		StringOps tmpAft(tmpAfter) ;
		//-- Before is only spaces, it's before text :)
		if (tmpB.trim(" \n").empty())
			return 0 ;
		//-- After is only spaces, it's after text :)
		else if (tmpAft.trim(" \n").empty())
			return 1 ;
		//-- Otherwise it's middle :)
			return 2 ;
Esempio n. 6
void rise::parser::on_start_element(const Glib::ustring &_name,
                    		    const AttributeList &_attributes)
    Glib::ustring prefix, name = _name;
    auto pos = _name.find(':');
    if(pos != Glib::ustring::npos)
	prefix = _name.substr(0, pos);
	name = _name.substr(pos + 1);

    auto *el = doc.get_root_node();
    if(!el) el = doc.create_root_node();
    else el =>add_child(name, prefix);

    for(auto itr = _attributes.begin(); itr != _attributes.end(); ++itr)
	Glib::ustring name = itr->name;
	Glib::ustring value = itr->value;
	auto pos = name.find(':');
	if(pos == Glib::ustring::npos)
	    if(name == "xmlns") el->set_namespace_declaration(value);
	    else el->set_attribute(name, value);
	    Glib::ustring prefix = name.substr(0, pos);
	    Glib::ustring suffix = name.substr(pos + 1);
	    if(prefix == "xmlns") el->set_namespace_declaration(value, suffix);
	    else el->set_attribute(suffix, value, prefix);
Esempio n. 7
 * Ellipse text if longer than maxlen, "50% start text + ... + ~50% end text"
 * Text should be > length 8 or just return the original text
Glib::ustring gr_ellipsize_text(Glib::ustring const &src, size_t maxlen)
    if (src.length() > maxlen && maxlen > 8) {
        size_t p1 = (size_t) maxlen / 2;
        size_t p2 = (size_t) src.length() - (maxlen - p1 - 1);
        return src.substr(0, p1) + "…" + src.substr(p2);
    return src;
Esempio n. 8
equation* mainWindow::createEqFromStr(Glib::ustring str)
	Gtk::MessageDialog tempDialog(*this, "Error!");
	unsigned int equalPos = commandLine->get_text().find("=");
	//check for = sign else give a error
	if(equalPos > 2000000000)
		tempDialog.set_secondary_text("No \"=\" found");;
		return 0;
		//Now substring the str form equalPos
		Glib::ustring leftSide = str.substr(0, equalPos);
		//now find the function variable
		unsigned int firstBrace = leftSide.find("(");
		//if this is zero, no function name is given.
		if(firstBrace == 0)
			tempDialog.set_secondary_text("No function name is given");;
			return 0;
			//if ( is not found error
			if(firstBrace > 2000000000)
				tempDialog.set_secondary_text("Missing \"(\" in function name");;
				return 0;
			Glib::ustring afterBrace = leftSide.substr(firstBrace);
			if(afterBrace.length() != 3)
				tempDialog.set_secondary_text("Syntax error in variable name");;
				return 0;
			Glib::ustring variableName = afterBrace.substr(1,1);
			Glib::ustring functionName = leftSide.substr(0, firstBrace);
			Glib::ustring rightSide = str.substr(equalPos+1);
			equation *tempEq = new equation();
			return tempEq;
Esempio n. 9
int mainWindow::callFunc(Glib::ustring str)
	Gtk::MessageDialog tempDialog(*this, "Error!");
	unsigned int leftBrace = str.find("(");
	unsigned int rightBrace = str.find(")");
	if(leftBrace > 2000000000)
		tempDialog.set_secondary_text("Missing \"(\"");;
		return SYNTAX_ERROR;
	}else if(rightBrace > 2000000000){
		tempDialog.set_secondary_text("Missing \")\"");;
		return SYNTAX_ERROR;
	}else if(leftBrace > rightBrace){
		tempDialog.set_secondary_text("Syntax error near )");;
		return SYNTAX_ERROR;
	}else if(leftBrace == 0){
		tempDialog.set_secondary_text("No function name given");;
		return SYNTAX_ERROR;
		Glib::ustring funcName = str.substr(0, leftBrace);
		Glib::ustring rawArg = str.substr(leftBrace+1, rightBrace-leftBrace-1);
		if(funcName == "del")
			if(this->eqView->removeByName(rawArg) == false)
				tempDialog.set_secondary_text("No function by that name!");;
			return FUNC_HANDLED;
				equation *tmpEq = this->eqView->getEqByName(funcName);
				double number = strtod(rawArg.c_str(),NULL);
				number = tmpEq->getYFromX(number);
				char buffer[600];
				return FUNC_NOT_FOUND;
Esempio n. 10
 * Try to guess the DOI of the paper from the raw text
void BibData::guessDoi (Glib::ustring const &graw)
	std::string const &raw = graw;
	boost::regex expression(
		"(?:[Dd][Oo][Ii]:? *)"
		"(?:[Dd]igital *[Oo]bject *[Ii]denti(?:fi|ямБ)er:? *)"

	std::string::const_iterator start, end;
	start = raw.begin();
	end = raw.end();
	boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
	boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default;
	while(regex_search(start, end, what, expression, flags)) {
		Glib::ustring wholeMatch = std::string(what[0]);
		Glib::ustring gstr = std::string(what[1]);

		// Special case to chop off trailing comma to deal with
		// "doi: foo, available online" in JCompPhys
		// Note that commas ARE legal suffix characters in Doi spec
		// But there's nothing in the spec about regexing them
		// out of PDFS :-) -jcs
		if (gstr[gstr.size() - 1] == ',') {
			gstr = gstr.substr (0, gstr.size() - 1);

		 * Special case to chop off trailing parenthesis
		 * in ( case
		if (wholeMatch[0] == '(' && wholeMatch[wholeMatch.size() - 1] == ')') {
			gstr = gstr.substr (0, gstr.size() - 1);

		setDoi (gstr);
Esempio n. 11
void Document::renameFromKey ()
	if (getFileName().empty () || getKey().empty ())

	Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File> oldfile = Gio::File::create_for_uri(getFileName());

	Glib::ustring shortname = oldfile->query_info()->get_display_name();
	DEBUG ("Shortname = %1", shortname);
	Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File> parentdir = oldfile->get_parent();

	Glib::ustring::size_type pos = shortname.rfind (".");
	Glib::ustring extension = "";
	if (pos != Glib::ustring::npos)
		extension = shortname.substr (pos, shortname.length() - 1);

	Glib::ustring newfilename = getKey() + extension;
	DEBUG ("Newfilename = %1", newfilename);

	Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File> newfile = parentdir->get_child(newfilename);

	try {
		setFileName (newfile->get_uri ());
	} catch (Gio::Error &ex) {
		Utility::exceptionDialog (&ex,
			String::ucompose (_("Moving '%1' to '%2'"),
				oldfile->get_uri (),
				newfile->get_uri ())
Esempio n. 12
bool Document::matchesSearch (Glib::ustring const &search)
    /* This is a bit of a hack, I guess, but it's a low-impact way of 
     * implementing the change. If the search term contains a space, I 
     * iteratively decompose it into substrings and pass those onto
     * this function. If anything doesn't match, we return a failure.
    if (search.find(' ') != Glib::ustring::npos) {
        Glib::ustring::size_type p1 = 0;
        Glib::ustring::size_type p2;

        do {

            /* Find the next space in the string, if any.
            p2 = search.find(' ', p1);

            /* Extract the appropriate substring.
            Glib::ustring const searchTerm = search.substr(p1, p2);

            /* If the term is empty, ignore it and move on. It might just be a 
             * trailing or duplicate space character.
            if (searchTerm.empty()) {

            /* Now that we have the substring, which is guaranteed to be
             * free of spaces, we can pass it recursively into this function.
             * If the term does NOT match, fail the entire comparison right away.
            if (!matchesSearch(searchTerm)) {
                return false;

            p1 = p2 + 1;		/* +1 to skip over the space */

        } while (p2 != Glib::ustring::npos); /* Terminate at end of string */
        return true;		/* All matched, so OK. */

    Glib::ustring const searchNormalised = search.casefold();

    FieldMap fields = getFields ();
    FieldMap::iterator fieldIter = fields.begin ();
    FieldMap::iterator const fieldEnd = fields.end ();
    for (; fieldIter != fieldEnd; ++fieldIter) {
        if (fieldIter->second.casefold().find(searchNormalised) != Glib::ustring::npos)
            return true;

    if (notes_.casefold().find(searchNormalised) != Glib::ustring::npos)
        return true;

    if (key_.casefold().find(searchNormalised) != Glib::ustring::npos)
        return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 13
bool bHasSuffix(const Glib::ustring & _rsString,
                const Glib::ustring & _rsSuffix,
                bool _bCaseSensitive)
	if (_rsSuffix.size() > _rsString.size())
		return false;

	Glib::ustring sEnd = _rsString.substr(_rsString.size() - _rsSuffix.size());

	if (_bCaseSensitive)
		if (_rsSuffix == sEnd)
			return true;
		if (_rsSuffix.lowercase() == sEnd.lowercase())
			return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 14
void ViCommandMode::execute(const Glib::ustring &cmd)
    add_history( cmd );

    char ch = cmd[0];
    Glib::ustring rest = cmd.substr(1);

    if (ch == '/')
        //  Forward search
        execute_search(rest, ch);
    else if (ch == '?')
        //  Backward search
        execute_search(rest, ch);
    else if (ch == ':')
Esempio n. 15
void FORMATEAR(Gtk::Entry* entry) {
	Glib::ustring texto = entry->get_text();
	Glib::ustring primera_letra = texto.substr(0, 1);
	primera_letra = primera_letra.uppercase();
	texto.replace(0, 1, primera_letra);
Esempio n. 16
 static Glib::ustring fixup_suffix(const Glib::ustring& uri)
    // Add .fmp extension automatically if not provided.
    size_t len = uri.length();
    if (len >= 4 && (uri.substr(len - 4) != ".fmp"))
       return uri + ".fmp";
       return uri;
Esempio n. 17
void ViCommandMode::map_key( const Glib::ustring &widget_type, 
                             const Glib::ustring &key,
                             ExecutableAction *a )
    if (key[0] == ':')
        m_commandMap[key.substr(1)] = a;
        m_keyMap[key] = a;
Glib::ustring NoteDirectoryWatcherApplicationAddin::get_id(const Glib::ustring & path)
  Glib::ustring dir_separator;
  dir_separator += G_DIR_SEPARATOR;
  int last_slash = sharp::string_last_index_of(path, dir_separator);
  int first_period = path.find(".", last_slash);

  return path.substr(last_slash + 1, first_period - last_slash - 1);
Esempio n. 19
void UIManager::addLocalBitmapsAsIconFactory()
    // Destination Gtk::IconFactory
    _iconFactory = Gtk::IconFactory::create();

    // Iterate over each file in the bitmaps dir
    std::string bitmapsPath = GlobalRegistry().get(RKEY_BITMAPS_PATH) + "/";

    Glib::Dir bitmapsDir(bitmapsPath);
    for (Glib::DirIterator i = bitmapsDir.begin();
         i != bitmapsDir.end();
        Glib::ustring filename = *i;

		// Skip directories
		if (Glib::file_test(bitmapsPath + filename, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))

        // Load the pixbuf into an IconSet
			Gtk::IconSet is(
				Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file(bitmapsPath + filename)

			// Add IconSet to Factory with "darkradiant:" stock prefix
			Glib::ustring filenameWithoutExtension = filename.substr(
				0, filename.rfind(".")

			Gtk::StockID stockID(
					"darkradiant:%1", filenameWithoutExtension

			_iconFactory->add(stockID, is);
		catch (Gdk::PixbufError& ex)
			rWarning() << "Could not load pixbuf from file: " <<
				filename << ": " << ex.what() << std::endl;
		catch (Glib::FileError& ex)
			rWarning() << "Could not load pixbuf from file: " <<
				filename << ": " << ex.what() << std::endl;

    // Add the IconFactory to the default factory list
Esempio n. 20
Glib::ustring PluginManager::findDataFile (Glib::ustring const file)
	std::vector<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = pythonPaths_.begin ();
	std::vector<Glib::ustring>::iterator const end = pythonPaths_.end ();
	for (; it != end; ++it) {
		Glib::ustring filename = Glib::build_filename (*it, file);

		if (filename.substr(0,2) == Glib::ustring ("./")) {
			filename = Glib::get_current_dir () + filename.substr (1, filename.length());

		Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File> uri = Gio::File::create_for_path (filename);

		DEBUG ("Trying %1", filename);

		if (uri->query_exists ())
			return filename;

	return Glib::ustring ();
Esempio n. 21
Glib::ustring Configuration::get_name_from_path(const Glib::ustring& path) {
	Glib::ustring name;

	Glib::ustring::size_type p = path.rfind("/");
	if(p == Glib::ustring::npos) {
		name = path;
	else {
		name = path.substr(p+1);
	return name;
Esempio n. 22
 * Set the string value of a key/name registry entry
bool RegistryTool::setStringValue(const Glib::ustring &keyNameArg,
                                  const Glib::ustring &valueName,
                                  const Glib::ustring &value)
    Glib::ustring keyName = keyNameArg;
    bool ret = false;

    HKEY rootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; //default root
    //Trim out the root key if necessary
    for (KeyTableEntry *entry = keyTable; entry->key; entry++)
        if (, entry->strlen, entry->str)==0)
            rootKey = entry->key;
            keyName = keyName.substr(entry->strlen);
    //printf("trimmed string: '%s'\n", keyName.c_str());

    //Get or create the key
    gunichar2 *keyw       = g_utf8_to_utf16(, -1, 0,0,0);
    gunichar2 *valuenamew = g_utf8_to_utf16(, -1, 0,0,0);

    HKEY key;
    if (RegCreateKeyExW(rootKey, (WCHAR*) keyw,
                       0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
                       KEY_WRITE, NULL, &key, NULL))
       fprintf(stderr, "RegistryTool: Could not create the registry key '%s'\n", keyName.c_str());
       goto fail;

    // Set the value
    if (RegSetValueExW(key, (WCHAR*) valuenamew,
          0,  REG_SZ, (LPBYTE), (DWORD) (value.size() + 1)))
       fprintf(stderr, "RegistryTool: Could not set the value '%s'\n", value.c_str());
       goto failkey;

    ret = true;
    return ret;
Esempio n. 23
 * Get the full path, directory, and base file name of this running executable
bool RegistryTool::getExeInfo(Glib::ustring &fullPath,
                              Glib::ustring &path,
                              Glib::ustring &exeName)
    const int pathbuf = 2048;
    gunichar2 pathw[pathbuf];
    GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, (WCHAR*) pathw, pathbuf);

    gchar *utf8path = g_utf16_to_utf8(pathw, -1, 0,0,0);
    fullPath = utf8path;

    path     = "";
    exeName  = "";
    Glib::ustring::size_type pos = fullPath.rfind('\\');
    if (pos != fullPath.npos)
        path = fullPath.substr(0, pos);
        exeName = fullPath.substr(pos+1);

    return true;
Esempio n. 24
void tokenizeWords(const Glib::ustring& str, std::vector<Glib::ustring>& container)

    ustring::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(' ', 0);
    ustring::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(' ', lastPos);

    while (ustring::npos != pos || ustring::npos != lastPos)
        container.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));

        lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(' ', pos);
        pos = str.find_first_of(' ', lastPos);
Esempio n. 25
void strTo(const Glib::ustring& p_str, T p_out){
	int l_pos;
	unsigned int l_oldpos;
	std::stringstream l_str;
	Q l_ret;

	// Si la cadena no contiene nada, terminamos
	if(p_str.size() == 0)

	// Puntero de cabecera y cola en la cadena
	l_oldpos = 0;
	l_pos = p_str.find("," , 0);
	// Si hay cadenas
	while(l_pos > -1){
		// Convertimos y añadimos la substring
		l_str << p_str.substr(l_oldpos, l_pos - l_oldpos).c_str();
		l_str >> l_ret;
		*p_out++ = l_ret;

		// Saltamos , o ", "
		if(p_str[l_pos + 1] == ' ')
			l_oldpos = l_pos + 2;
			l_oldpos = l_pos + 1;
		// Buscamos la siguiente ","
		l_pos = p_str.find("," , l_oldpos);

	if(l_oldpos != p_str.size()){
		// Convertimos y añadimos la substring
		l_str << p_str.substr(l_oldpos, p_str.size()).c_str();
		l_str >> l_ret;
		*p_out = l_ret;
Esempio n. 26
	virtual void	on_end_element (
		Glib::Markup::ParseContext& context,
		const Glib::ustring& element)
		if (Glib::str_has_prefix (text_, "<![CDATA[") &&
				Glib::str_has_suffix (text_, "]]>")) {
			text_ = text_.substr (strlen ("<![CDATA["),
				text_.length () - strlen ("<![CDATA[" "]]>"));

		if (element == "doi") {
			bib_.setDoi (text_);
		} else if (element == "article_title") {
			bib_.setTitle (text_);
		/* FIXME: assuming given_name precedes surname */
		} else if (element == "given_name") {
			given_name_ = text_;
		} else if (element == "surname") {
			if (!given_name_.empty()) {
				text_ = text_ + ", " + given_name_;
				given_name_ = "";
			authors_.push_back (text_);
		} else if (element == "journal_title") {
			bib_.setJournal (text_);
		} else if (element == "volume") {
			bib_.setVolume (text_);
		} else if (element == "issue") {
			bib_.setIssue (text_);
		} else if (element == "first_page") {
			bib_.setPages (text_);
		} else if (element == "year") {
			bib_.setYear (text_);
		} else if (element == "volume_title") {
			bib_.addExtra ("BookTitle", text_);
		} else if (element == "body") {
			/* End of entry */
			Glib::ustring authorString;
			std::vector<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = authors_.begin ();
			for (; it != authors_.end(); ++it) {
				if (it != authors_.begin()) {
					authorString += " and ";
				authorString += *it;
			if (!authorString.empty())
				bib_.setAuthors (authorString);
Esempio n. 27
void ViCommandMode::execute_command(const Glib::ustring &cmd_line)
    // TODO: more intelligent parsing
    Glib::ustring cmd;
    int idx = cmd_line.find_first_of(' ');
    if (idx > 0)
        m_cmd_params = cmd_line.substr(idx+1);
        cmd = cmd_line.substr(0, idx);
        cmd = cmd_line;
        m_cmd_params = "";

    g_print("Command %s with params '%s'\n",,;

    ExecutableAction *act = m_commandMap[cmd];
    if (act)
Esempio n. 28
unsigned long XGPacketBuilder::parse_number(Glib::ustring str)
        unsigned long l = 0;
        size_t n = str.find("0x");
        if (n != std::string::npos)
                l = std::strtol(str.substr(n).c_str(), 0, 16);
                l = std::strtol(str.c_str(), 0, 10);
        return l;
Esempio n. 29
  typename TrieHit<value_t>::ListPtr find_matches (const Glib::ustring & haystack)
    TrieStatePtr current_state = m_root;
    typename TrieHit<value_t>::ListPtr matches(
      new typename TrieHit<value_t>::List());
    int start_index = 0;

    for (Glib::ustring::size_type i = 0; i < haystack.size(); i++) {
      gunichar c = haystack[i];
      if (!m_case_sensitive)
        c = Glib::Unicode::tolower(c);

      if (current_state == m_root)
        start_index = i;

      // While there's no matching transition, follow the fail states
      // Because we're potentially changing the depths (aka length of
      // matched characters) in the tree we're updating the start_index
      // accordingly
      while ((current_state != m_root)
             && 0 == find_state_transition(current_state, c)) {
        TrieStatePtr old_state = current_state;
        current_state = current_state->fail_state();
        start_index += old_state->depth() - current_state->depth();

      current_state = find_state_transition (current_state, c);
      if (0 == current_state)
        current_state = m_root;

      // If the state contains a payload: We've got a hit
      // Return a TrieHit with the start and end index, the matched
      // string and the payload object
      if (current_state->payload_present()) {
        int hit_length = i - start_index + 1;
        typename TrieHit<value_t>::Ptr hit(
          new TrieHit<value_t>(start_index,
                               start_index + hit_length,
                               haystack.substr(start_index, hit_length),

    return matches;
Esempio n. 30
inline Glib::ustring apply_filename_macros(Glib::ustring filename)
   //TODO: allow the  following two macros only in the game itself:
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(ui-menu-icon-path)", "$(exe-share)/ui/icons/48");
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(ui-icon-path)", "$(exe-share)/ui/icons");
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(exe-share)", "$(exe-prefix)/share/$(app-name)");
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(test-references)", "$(local-folder)/test-references");
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(tmp)", "$(local-folder)/temp");
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(local-folder)", Private::Base::local_folder);
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(appdata)", Private::Base::path_appdata);
    filename  = "$(home)"+filename.substr(1, filename.length()-1);
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(home)", Private::Base::path_home);
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(exe-prefix)", Private::Base::path_exe_prefix);
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(exe-filename)", Private::Base::path_exe_filename);
  str_replace_all_with(filename, "$(app-name)", Private::Base::app_name);

  return filename;