Esempio n. 1
int main()

	// Create a new window
	g_pHWND = CreateGameWindow();

	// Create a GWEN GDI+ Renderer
	// Note: we're using the buffered version.
	// This version draws to a texture and then draws that texture to the window
	// This prevents all the crazy flickering (test with Gwen::Renderer::GDIPlus to see)
	Gwen::Renderer::GDIPlusBuffered* pRenderer = new Gwen::Renderer::GDIPlusBuffered( g_pHWND );

	// Create a GWEN skin
	//Gwen::Skin::Simple skin;
	Gwen::Skin::TexturedBase* skin = new Gwen::Skin::TexturedBase( pRenderer );
	skin->Init( "DefaultSkin.png" );

	// Create a Canvas (it's root, on which all other GWEN panels are created)
	Gwen::Controls::Canvas* pCanvas = new Gwen::Controls::Canvas( skin );
	pCanvas->SetSize( 998, 650 - 24 );
	pCanvas->SetDrawBackground( true );
	pCanvas->SetBackgroundColor( Gwen::Color( 150, 170, 170, 255 ) );

	// Create our unittest control (which is a Window with controls in it)
	UnitTest* pUnit = new UnitTest( pCanvas );
	pUnit->SetPos( 10, 10 );

	// Create a Windows Control helper 
	// (Processes Windows MSG's and fires input at GWEN)
	Gwen::Input::Windows GwenInput;
	GwenInput.Initialize( pCanvas );

	// Begin the main game loop
	MSG msg;
	while( true )
		// Skip out if the window is closed
		if ( !IsWindowVisible( g_pHWND ) )

		// If we have a message from windows..
		if ( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
			// .. give it to the input handler to process
			GwenInput.ProcessMessage( msg );

			// if it's QUIT then quit..
			if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT )

			if ( msg.message == WM_PAINT )
				// This doesn't actually draw it, it just marks it
				// so it will redraw when next checked (NeedsRedraw)

			// Handle the regular window stuff..


		// If GWEN's Canvas needs a redraw then redraw it
		// In your game you would probably just draw it 
		//  every frame. But we have the option of only
		//  drawing it when it needs it too.
		if ( pCanvas->NeedsRedraw() )

	delete pCanvas;
	delete skin;
	delete pRenderer;