void playdar_request_handler::handle_request(const moost::http::request& req, moost::http::reply& rep) { //TODO: Handle % encodings log::info() << "HTTP " << req.method << " " << req.uri << " " << req.origin << endl; if( req.origin != "" && req.origin != "::1" && // not tested the ipv6 check req.origin != "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" && req.uri.substr(0,5) != "/sid/" ) { log::info() << "BLOCKED. Only localhost may access non /sid/ urls." << endl; rep.stock_reply(moost::http::reply::unauthorized); return; } boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer(req.uri, boost::char_separator<char>("/?")); string base; if( tokenizer.begin() != tokenizer.end()) base = *tokenizer.begin(); boost::to_lower(base); HandlerMap::iterator handler = m_urlHandlers.find( base ); if( handler != m_urlHandlers.end()) { handler->second( req, rep ); } else { rep.stock_reply(moost::http::reply::not_found); } }
bool HostReflectionHost::BootUp::_handleMessage() { if(!_deviceToHostQueue->peek()) { return false; } report(" found message in gpu->cpu queue, pulling it..."); Header header; _deviceToHostQueue->pull(&header, sizeof(Header)); report(" type " << header.type); report(" threadId " << header.threadId); report(" size " << header.size); report(" handler " << header.handler); HandlerMap::iterator handler = _handlers.find(header.handler); assert(handler != _handlers.end()); if(header.type == Synchronous) { void* address = 0; _deviceToHostQueue->pull(&address, sizeof(void*)); report(" synchronous ack to address: " << address); bool value = true; cudaMemcpyAsync(address, &value, sizeof(bool), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, 0); header.size -= sizeof(void*); } unsigned int size = header.size + sizeof(Header); Header* message = reinterpret_cast<Header*>(new char[size]); std::memcpy(message, &header, sizeof(Header)); _deviceToHostQueue->pull(message + 1, header.size - sizeof(Header)); report(" invoking message handler..."); handler->second(*_hostToDeviceQueue, message); delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(message); return true; }