void MeshGmshLoader::normalizeGroup(helper::vector< sofa::core::loader::PrimitiveGroup>& group) { int start = 0; for (unsigned i=0;i<group.size();i++) { group[i].p0 = start; start += group[i].nbp; } }
void ClosestPointRegistrationForceField<DataTypes>::detectBorder(vector<bool> &border,const helper::vector< tri > &triangles) { unsigned int nbp=border.size(); unsigned int nbt=triangles.size(); for(unsigned int i=0;i<nbp;i++) border[i]=false; if(!nbt) return; vector<vector< unsigned int> > ngbTriangles((int)nbp); for(unsigned int i=0;i<nbt;i++) for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++) ngbTriangles[triangles[i][j]].push_back(i); for(unsigned int i=0;i<nbp;i++) if(ngbTriangles[i].size()==0) border[i]=true; for(unsigned int i=0;i<nbt;i++) for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++) { unsigned int id1=triangles[i][j],id2=triangles[i][(j==2)?0:j+1]; if(!border[id1] || !border[id2]) { bool bd=true; for(unsigned int i1=0;i1<ngbTriangles[id1].size() && bd;i1++) for(unsigned int i2=0;i2<ngbTriangles[id2].size() && bd;i2++) if(ngbTriangles[id1][i1]!=i) if(ngbTriangles[id1][i1]==ngbTriangles[id2][i2]) bd=false; if(bd) border[id1]=border[id2]=true; } } }
int MultilevelHexahedronSetTopologyContainer::getHexaChildren(const unsigned int hexaId, helper::vector<unsigned int>& children) const { std::list<Component*> compList; compList.push_back(_coarseComponents.getValue()[hexaId]); Component* comp = compList.front(); while(!comp->_children.empty()) { for(std::set<Component*>::iterator iter = comp->_children.begin(); iter != comp->_children.end(); ++iter) { compList.push_back(*iter); } compList.pop_front(); comp = compList.front(); } std::set<Component*> compSet; compSet.insert(compList.begin(), compList.end()); children.reserve(compSet.size()); for(unsigned int i=0; i<_fineComponents.getValue().size(); ++i) { if(compSet.find(_fineComponents.getValue()[i]) != compSet.end()) children.push_back(i); } return (int) children.size(); }
/** * Compute distances between both point clouds (symmetrical and non-symmetrical distances) */ SReal InertiaAlign::computeDistances( helper::vector<sofa::defaulttype::Vec<3,SReal> > S, helper::vector<sofa::defaulttype::Vec<3,SReal> > T) { SReal maxST = 0.0; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < S.size(); i++) { SReal d = InertiaAlign::distance(S[i], T); if (d>maxST) maxST = d; } SReal maxTS = 0.0; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < T.size(); i++) { SReal d = InertiaAlign::distance(T[i], S); if (d>maxTS) maxTS = d; } if (maxTS > maxST) return maxST/S.size(); else return maxTS/S.size(); }
void LMatrixManipulator::buildLMatrix(const helper::vector<LLineManipulator> &lines, SparseMatrixEigen& matrix) const { for (unsigned int l=0; l<lines.size(); ++l) { const LLineManipulator& lManip=lines[l]; SparseVectorEigen vector; lManip.buildCombination(LMatrix,vector); matrix.startVec(l); for (SparseVectorEigen::InnerIterator it(vector); it; ++it) { matrix.insertBack(l,it.index())=it.value(); } } }
void MeshGmshLoader::addInGroup(helper::vector< sofa::core::loader::PrimitiveGroup>& group,int tag,int /*eid*/) { for (unsigned i=0;i<group.size();i++) { if (tag == group[i].p0) { group[i].nbp++; return; } } stringstream ss; string s; ss << tag; group.push_back(sofa::core::loader::PrimitiveGroup(tag,1,s,s,-1)); }
void GraphModeler::saveComponents(helper::vector<QTreeWidgetItem*> items, const std::string &file) { std::ofstream out(file.c_str()); simulation::XMLPrintVisitor print(sofa::core::ExecParams::defaultInstance() /* PARAMS FIRST */, out); print.setLevel(1); out << "<Node name=\"Group\">\n"; for (unsigned int i=0; i<items.size(); ++i) { if (BaseObject* object=getObject(items[i])) print.processBaseObject(object); else if (Node *node=getNode(items[i])) print.execute(node); } out << "</Node>\n"; }
void GlText::textureDraw_Indices(const helper::vector<defaulttype::Vector3>& positions, const double& scale) { if (!s_asciiTexture) { GlText::initTexture(); s_asciiTexture->init(); } defaulttype::Mat<4, 4, GLfloat> modelviewM; const unsigned int nb_char_width = 16; const unsigned int nb_char_height = 16; const float worldHeight = 1.0; const float worldWidth = 0.5; glPushAttrib(GL_TEXTURE_BIT); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); // multiply tex color with glColor //glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); // only tex color (no glColor) glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0); s_asciiTexture->bind(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << i; std::string str = oss.str(); unsigned int length = str.size(); std::vector<Vector3> vertices; std::vector<Vector2> UVs; glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glPushMatrix(); // Makes text always face the viewer by removing the scene rotation // get the current modelview matrix glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelviewM.ptr()); modelviewM.transpose(); defaulttype::Vec3d temp(positions[i][0], positions[i][1], positions[i][2]); temp = modelviewM.transform(temp); glLoadIdentity(); //translate a little bit to center the text on the position (instead of starting from a top-left position) glTranslatef((float)temp[0] - (worldWidth*length*scale)*0.5, (float)temp[1] + worldHeight*scale*0.5, (float)temp[2]); glScalef((float)scale, (float)scale, (float)scale); glRotatef(180.0, 1, 0, 0); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < length; j++) { Vector3 vertex_up_left = Vector3(j*worldWidth, worldHeight, 0.0f); Vector3 vertex_up_right = Vector3(j*worldWidth + worldWidth, worldHeight, 0.0f); Vector3 vertex_down_right = Vector3(j*worldWidth + worldWidth, 0.0f, 0.0f); Vector3 vertex_down_left = Vector3(j*worldWidth, 0.0f, 0.0f); vertices.push_back(vertex_up_left); vertices.push_back(vertex_down_left); vertices.push_back(vertex_down_right); vertices.push_back(vertex_up_right); char character = str[j] - 32; float uv_x = (character % nb_char_width) / (float)nb_char_width; float uv_y = 1.0f - ((character / nb_char_height) / (float)nb_char_height); Vector2 uv_up_left = Vector2(uv_x, (uv_y - (1.0f / (float)nb_char_height))); Vector2 uv_up_right = Vector2(uv_x + (1.0f / (float)nb_char_width), (uv_y - (1.0f / (float)nb_char_height))); Vector2 uv_down_right = Vector2(uv_x + (1.0f / (float)nb_char_width), uv_y); Vector2 uv_down_left = Vector2(uv_x, uv_y); UVs.push_back(uv_up_left); UVs.push_back(uv_down_left); UVs.push_back(uv_down_right); UVs.push_back(uv_up_right); } glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vertices.size(); j++) { glTexCoord2fv(UVs[j].data()); glVertex3fv(vertices[j].data()); } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); } s_asciiTexture->unbind(); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glPopAttrib(); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); }
void TimerData::print() { static ctime_t tmargin = CTime::getTicksPerSec() / 100000; std::ostream& out = std::cout; out << "==== " << id << " ====\n\n"; if (!records.empty()) { out << "Trace of last iteration :\n"; ctime_t t0 = records[0].time; ctime_t last_t = 0; int level = 0; for (unsigned int ri = 1; ri < records.size(); ++ri) { const Record& r = records[ri]; out << " * "; if (ri > 0 && ri < records.size()-1 && r.time <= last_t + tmargin) { printNoVal(out); out << " "; } else { printTime(out, r.time - t0); out << " ms"; last_t = r.time; } out << " "; if (r.type == Record::REND || r.type == Record::RSTEP_END) --level; for (int l=0; l<level; ++l) out << " "; switch(r.type) { case Record::RNONE: out << "NONE"; break; case Record::RSTEP_BEGIN: out << "> begin " << AdvancedTimer::IdStep(r.id); if (r.obj) out << " on " << AdvancedTimer::IdObj(r.obj); break; case Record::RSTEP_END: out << "< end " << AdvancedTimer::IdStep(r.id); if (r.obj) out << " on " << AdvancedTimer::IdObj(r.obj); break; case Record::RSTEP: out << "- step " << AdvancedTimer::IdStep(r.id); if (r.obj) out << " on " << AdvancedTimer::IdObj(r.obj); break; case Record::RVAL_SET: out << ": var " << AdvancedTimer::IdVal(r.id); out << " = " << r.val; break; case Record::RVAL_ADD: out << ": var " << AdvancedTimer::IdVal(r.id); out << " += " << r.val; break; case Record::REND: out << "END"; break; default: out << "UNKNOWN RECORD TYPE" << (int)r.type; } out << std::endl; if (r.type == Record::RBEGIN || r.type == Record::RSTEP_BEGIN) ++level; } } if (!steps.empty()) { out << "\nSteps Duration Statistics (in ms) :\n"; out << " LEVEL\t START\t NUM\t MIN\t MAX\t MEAN\t DEV\t TOTAL\tPERCENT\tID\n"; ctime_t ttotal = stepData[AdvancedTimer::IdStep()].ttotal; for (unsigned int s=0; s<steps.size(); ++s) { StepData& data = stepData[steps[s]]; printVal(out, data.level); out << '\t'; printTime(out, data.tstart, data.numIt); out << '\t'; printVal(out, data.num, (s == 0) ? 1 : nbIter); out << '\t'; printTime(out, data.tmin); out << '\t'; printTime(out, data.tmax); out << '\t'; double mean = (double)data.ttotal / data.num; printTime(out, (ctime_t)mean); out << '\t'; printTime(out, (ctime_t)(sqrt((double)data.ttotal2/data.num - mean*mean))); out << '\t'; printTime(out, data.ttotal, (s == 0) ? 1 : nbIter); out << '\t'; printVal(out, 100.0*data.ttotal / (double) ttotal); out << '\t'; if (s == 0) out << "TOTAL"; else { for(int ii=0; ii<data.level; ii++) out<<"."; // indentation to show the hierarchy level out << steps[s]; } out << std::endl; } } if (!vals.empty()) { out << "\nValues Statistics :\n"; out << " NUM\t MIN\t MAX\t MEAN\t DEV\t TOTAL\tID\n"; for (unsigned int s=0; s<vals.size(); ++s) { ValData& data = valData[vals[s]]; printVal(out, data.num, nbIter); out << '\t'; printVal(out, data.vmin); out << '\t'; printVal(out, data.vmax); out << '\t'; double mean = data.vtotal / data.num; printVal(out, mean); out << '\t'; printVal(out, sqrt(data.vtotal2/data.num - mean*mean) ); out << '\t'; printVal(out, data.vtotal, nbIter); out << '\t'; out << vals[s]; out << std::endl; } } out << "\n iteration : " << getCurRecords()->size(); out << "\n==== END ====\n"; out << std::endl; }
void TimerData::process() { if (records.empty()) return; ++nbIter; if (nbIter == 0) return; // do not keep stats on very first iteration ctime_t t0 = records[0].time; //ctime_t last_t = 0; int level = 0; for (unsigned int ri = 0; ri < records.size(); ++ri) { const Record& r = records[ri]; ctime_t t = r.time - t0; //last_t = r.time; if (r.type == Record::REND || r.type == Record::RSTEP_END) --level; switch (r.type) { case Record::RNONE: break; case Record::RBEGIN: case Record::RSTEP_BEGIN: case Record::RSTEP: { AdvancedTimer::IdStep id; if (r.type != Record::RBEGIN) id = AdvancedTimer::IdStep(r.id); if (stepData.find(id) == stepData.end()) steps.push_back(id); StepData& data = stepData[id]; data.level = level; if (data.lastIt != nbIter) { data.lastIt = nbIter; data.tstart += t; ++data.numIt; } data.lastTime = t; ++data.num; break; } case Record::REND: case Record::RSTEP_END: { AdvancedTimer::IdStep id; if (r.type != Record::REND) id = AdvancedTimer::IdStep(r.id); StepData& data = stepData[id]; if (data.lastIt == nbIter) { ctime_t dur = t - data.lastTime; data.ttotal += dur; data.ttotal2 += dur*dur; if (data.num == 1 || dur > data.tmax) data.tmax = dur; if (data.num == 1 || dur < data.tmin) data.tmin = dur; } break; } case Record::RVAL_SET: case Record::RVAL_ADD: { AdvancedTimer::IdVal id = AdvancedTimer::IdVal(r.id); if (valData.find(id) == valData.end()) vals.push_back(id); ValData& data = valData[id]; if (r.type == Record::RVAL_SET || (data.lastIt != nbIter)) { // update vmin and vmax if (data.num == 1 || data.vtotalIt < data.vmin) data.vmin = data.vtotalIt; if (data.num == 1 || data.vtotalIt > data.vmax) data.vmax = data.vtotalIt; } if (data.lastIt != nbIter) { data.lastIt = nbIter; data.vtotalIt = r.val; data.vtotal += r.val; data.vtotal2 += r.val*r.val; ++data.numIt; ++data.num; } else if (r.type == Record::RVAL_SET) { data.vtotalIt = r.val; data.vtotal += r.val; data.vtotal2 += r.val*r.val; ++data.num; } else { data.vtotalIt += r.val; data.vtotal += r.val; data.vtotal2 += r.val*r.val; } break; } } if (r.type == Record::RBEGIN || r.type == Record::RSTEP_BEGIN) ++level; } for (unsigned int vi=0; vi < vals.size(); ++vi) { AdvancedTimer::IdVal id = vals[vi]; ValData& data = valData[id]; if (data.num > 0) { // update vmin and vmax if (data.num == 1 || data.vtotalIt < data.vmin) data.vmin = data.vtotalIt; if (data.num == 1 || data.vtotalIt > data.vmax) data.vmax = data.vtotalIt; } } }
json TimerData::getLightJson(std::string stepNumber) { json jsonOutput; std::vector<std::string> deepthTree; std::string jsonObjectName = stepNumber; std::string father; int componantLevel = 0; int subComponantLevel = 0; std::stringstream ComposantId; if (!steps.empty()) { // Clean the streamString ComposantId.str(""); componantLevel = 0; subComponantLevel = 0; // Create the JSON container jsonOutput[jsonObjectName]; for (unsigned int s=0; s<steps.size(); s++) { // Clean the streamString ComposantId.str(""); StepData& data = stepData[steps[s]]; if (s == 0) { ComposantId << "TOTAL"; deepthTree.push_back(ComposantId.str()); subComponantLevel = 0; jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Father"] = "None"; jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"] = createJSONArray(s, jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"], data); } else { for(int ii=0; ii<data.level; ii++) ++subComponantLevel; // indentation to show the hierarchy level // If the level increment if(componantLevel < subComponantLevel) { father = deepthTree.at(deepthTree.size()-1); ComposantId << steps[s]; deepthTree.push_back(ComposantId.str()); jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Father"] = father; jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"] = createJSONArray(s, jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"], data);; } // If the level decrement else if(componantLevel > subComponantLevel) { deepthTree.pop_back(); father = deepthTree.at(deepthTree.size()-1); ComposantId << steps[s]; jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Father"] = father; jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"] = createJSONArray(s, jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"], data); } // If the level stay the same else if (componantLevel == subComponantLevel) { ComposantId << steps[s]; jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Father"] = father; jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"] = createJSONArray(s, jsonOutput[jsonObjectName][ComposantId.str()]["Values"], data); } } componantLevel = subComponantLevel; subComponantLevel = 0; } } return jsonOutput; }
void TimerData::print(std::ostream& result) { //static ctime_t tmargin = CTime::getTicksPerSec() / 100000; std::ostream& out = result; out << "Timer: " << id << "\n"; if (!steps.empty()) { //out << "\nSteps Duration Statistics (in ms) :\n"; out << " LEVEL START NUM MIN MAX MEAN DEV TOTAL PERCENT ID\n"; ctime_t ttotal = stepData[AdvancedTimer::IdStep()].ttotal; for (unsigned int s=0; s<steps.size(); ++s) { StepData& data = stepData[steps[s]]; printVal(out, data.level); out << " "; printTime(out, data.tstart, data.numIt); out << " "; printVal(out, data.num, (s == 0) ? 1 : nbIter); out << " "; printTime(out, data.tmin); out << " "; printTime(out, data.tmax); out << " "; double mean = (double)data.ttotal / data.num; printTime(out, (ctime_t)mean); out << " "; printTime(out, (ctime_t)(sqrt((double)data.ttotal2/data.num - mean*mean))); out << " "; printTime(out, data.ttotal, (s == 0) ? 1 : nbIter); out << " "; printVal(out, 100.0*data.ttotal / (double) ttotal); out << " "; if (s == 0) out << "TOTAL"; else { for(int ii=0; ii<data.level; ii++) out<<"."; // indentation to show the hierarchy level out << steps[s]; } out << std::endl; } } if (!vals.empty()) { out << "\nValues Statistics :\n"; out << " NUM\t MIN\t MAX\t MEAN\t DEV\t TOTAL\tID\n"; for (unsigned int s=0; s<vals.size(); ++s) { ValData& data = valData[vals[s]]; printVal(out, data.num, nbIter); out << '\t'; printVal(out, data.vmin); out << '\t'; printVal(out, data.vmax); out << '\t'; double mean = data.vtotal / data.num; printVal(out, mean); out << '\t'; printVal(out, sqrt(data.vtotal2/data.num - mean*mean) ); out << '\t'; printVal(out, data.vtotal, nbIter); out << '\t'; out << vals[s]; out << std::endl; } } //out << "\n==== END ====\n"; out << std::endl; }