void RegisteredVector::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically()) { clearProgrammatically(); return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Geom::Point origin = _origin; Geom::Point vector = getValue(); if (_polar_coords) { vector = Geom::Point::polar(vector[Geom::X]*M_PI/180, vector[Geom::Y]); } Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << origin << " , " << vector; write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
unsigned int PrintLatex::fill(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/, Geom::PathVector const &pathv, Geom::Affine const &transform, SPStyle const *style, Geom::OptRect const & /*pbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*dbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*bbox*/) { if (!_stream) { return 0; // XXX: fixme, returning -1 as unsigned. } if (style->fill.isColor()) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; float rgb[3]; float fill_opacity; os.setf(std::ios::fixed); fill_opacity=SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->fill_opacity.value); sp_color_get_rgb_floatv(&style->fill.value.color, rgb); os << "{\n\\newrgbcolor{curcolor}{" << rgb[0] << " " << rgb[1] << " " << rgb[2] << "}\n"; os << "\\pscustom[linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=curcolor"; if (fill_opacity!=1.0) { os << ",opacity="<<fill_opacity; } os << "]\n{\n"; print_pathvector(os, pathv, transform); os << "}\n}\n"; fprintf(_stream, "%s", os.str().c_str()); } return 0; }
static Inkscape::XML::Node * sp_textpath_write(SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags) { SPTextPath *textpath = SP_TEXTPATH(object); if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) && !repr) { repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:textPath"); } textpath->attributes.writeTo(repr); if (textpath->startOffset._set) { if (textpath->startOffset.unit == SVGLength::PERCENT) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << (textpath->startOffset.computed * 100.0) << "%"; SP_OBJECT_REPR(textpath)->setAttribute("startOffset", os.str().c_str()); } else { /* FIXME: This logic looks rather undesirable if e.g. startOffset is to be in ems. */ sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "startOffset", textpath->startOffset.computed); } } if ( textpath->sourcePath->sourceHref ) repr->setAttribute("xlink:href", textpath->sourcePath->sourceHref); if ( flags&SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD ) { GSList *l = NULL; for (SPObject* child = sp_object_first_child(object) ; child != NULL ; child = SP_OBJECT_NEXT(child) ) { Inkscape::XML::Node* c_repr=NULL; if ( SP_IS_TSPAN(child) || SP_IS_TREF(child) ) { c_repr = child->updateRepr(xml_doc, NULL, flags); } else if ( SP_IS_TEXTPATH(child) ) { //c_repr = child->updateRepr(xml_doc, NULL, flags); // shouldn't happen } else if ( SP_IS_STRING(child) ) { c_repr = xml_doc->createTextNode(SP_STRING(child)->string.c_str()); } if ( c_repr ) l = g_slist_prepend(l, c_repr); } while ( l ) { repr->addChild((Inkscape::XML::Node *) l->data, NULL); Inkscape::GC::release((Inkscape::XML::Node *) l->data); l = g_slist_remove(l, l->data); } } else { for (SPObject* child = sp_object_first_child(object) ; child != NULL ; child = SP_OBJECT_NEXT(child) ) { if ( SP_IS_TSPAN(child) || SP_IS_TREF(child) ) { child->updateRepr(flags); } else if ( SP_IS_TEXTPATH(child) ) { //c_repr = child->updateRepr(xml_doc, NULL, flags); // shouldn't happen } else if ( SP_IS_STRING(child) ) { SP_OBJECT_REPR(child)->setContent(SP_STRING(child)->string.c_str()); } } } if (((SPObjectClass *) textpath_parent_class)->write) ((SPObjectClass *) textpath_parent_class)->write(object, xml_doc, repr, flags); return repr; }
gchar * ScalarParam::param_getSVGValue() const { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << value; gchar * str = g_strdup(os.str().c_str()); return str; }
gchar * VectorParam::param_getSVGValue() const { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << origin << " , " << vector; gchar * str = g_strdup(os.str().c_str()); return str; }
gchar * PointParam::param_getSVGValue() const { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << *dynamic_cast<Geom::Point const *>( this ); gchar * str = g_strdup(os.str().c_str()); return str; }
gchar * TransfMat3x4::pt_to_str (Proj::Axis axis) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << tmat[0][axis] << " : " << tmat[1][axis] << " : " << tmat[2][axis]; return g_strdup(os.str().c_str()); }
/** * N.B.\ This routine will sometimes return strings with `e' notation, so is unsuitable for CSS * lengths (which don't allow scientific `e' notation). */ std::string sp_svg_length_write_with_units(SVGLength const &length) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; if (length.unit == SVGLength::PERCENT) { os << 100*length.value << sp_svg_length_get_css_units(length.unit); } else { os << length.value << sp_svg_length_get_css_units(length.unit); } return os.str(); }
char *Path::svg_dump_path() const { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; for (int i = 0; i < int(descr_cmd.size()); i++) { Geom::Point const p = (i == 0) ? Geom::Point(0, 0) : PrevPoint(i - 1); descr_cmd[i]->dumpSVG(os, p); } return g_strdup (os.str().c_str()); }
/* If the viewBox is missing, set one */ void Metafile::setViewBoxIfMissing(SPDocument *doc) { if (doc && !doc->getRoot()->viewBox_set) { bool saved = Inkscape::DocumentUndo::getUndoSensitive(doc); Inkscape::DocumentUndo::setUndoSensitive(doc, false); doc->ensureUpToDate(); // Set document unit Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = sp_document_namedview(doc, 0)->getRepr(); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; Inkscape::Util::Unit const* doc_unit = doc->getWidth().unit; os << doc_unit->abbr; repr->setAttribute("inkscape:document-units", os.str().c_str()); // Set viewBox doc->setViewBox(Geom::Rect::from_xywh(0, 0, doc->getWidth().value(doc_unit), doc->getHeight().value(doc_unit))); doc->ensureUpToDate(); // Scale and translate objects double scale = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(1, "px", doc_unit); Inkscape::UI::ShapeEditor::blockSetItem(true); double dh; if(SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT){ // for file menu open or import, or paste from clipboard dh = SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getHeight().value("px"); } else { // for open via --file on command line dh = doc->getHeight().value("px"); } // These should not affect input, but they do, so set them to a neutral state Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); bool transform_stroke = prefs->getBool("/options/transform/stroke", true); bool transform_rectcorners = prefs->getBool("/options/transform/rectcorners", true); bool transform_pattern = prefs->getBool("/options/transform/pattern", true); bool transform_gradient = prefs->getBool("/options/transform/gradient", true); prefs->setBool("/options/transform/stroke", true); prefs->setBool("/options/transform/rectcorners", true); prefs->setBool("/options/transform/pattern", true); prefs->setBool("/options/transform/gradient", true); doc->getRoot()->scaleChildItemsRec(Geom::Scale(scale), Geom::Point(0, dh), true); Inkscape::UI::ShapeEditor::blockSetItem(false); // restore options prefs->setBool("/options/transform/stroke", transform_stroke); prefs->setBool("/options/transform/rectcorners", transform_rectcorners); prefs->setBool("/options/transform/pattern", transform_pattern); prefs->setBool("/options/transform/gradient", transform_gradient); Inkscape::DocumentUndo::setUndoSensitive(doc, saved); } }
unsigned int PrintLatex::stroke(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/, Geom::PathVector const &pathv, Geom::Affine const &transform, SPStyle const *style, Geom::OptRect const & /*pbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*dbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*bbox*/) { if (!_stream) { return 0; // XXX: fixme, returning -1 as unsigned. } if (style->stroke.isColor()) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; float rgb[3]; float stroke_opacity; Geom::Affine tr_stack = m_tr_stack.top(); double const scale = tr_stack.descrim(); os.setf(std::ios::fixed); stroke_opacity=SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->stroke_opacity.value); sp_color_get_rgb_floatv(&style->stroke.value.color, rgb); os << "{\n\\newrgbcolor{curcolor}{" << rgb[0] << " " << rgb[1] << " " << rgb[2] << "}\n"; os << "\\pscustom[linewidth=" << style->stroke_width.computed*scale<< ",linecolor=curcolor"; if (stroke_opacity!=1.0) { os<<",strokeopacity="<<stroke_opacity; } if (style->stroke_dasharray_set && style->stroke_dash.n_dash && style->stroke_dash.dash) { int i; os << ",linestyle=dashed,dash="; for (i = 0; i < style->stroke_dash.n_dash; i++) { if ((i)) { os << " "; } os << style->stroke_dash.dash[i]; } } os <<"]\n{\n"; print_pathvector(os, pathv, transform); os << "}\n}\n"; fprintf(_stream, "%s", os.str().c_str()); } return 0; }
void PointParam::param_setValue(Geom::Point newpoint, bool write) { *dynamic_cast<Geom::Point *>( this ) = newpoint; if(write){ Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << newpoint; gchar * str = g_strdup(os.str().c_str()); param_write_to_repr(str); g_free(str); } if(knoth){ knoth->update_knots(); } }
void RegisteredUnitMenu::on_changed() { if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getUnitMenu()->getUnitAbbr(); _wr->setUpdating (true); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
/* * sp_svg_write_polygon: Write points attribute for polygon tag. * pathv may only contain paths with only straight line segments * Return value: points attribute string. */ static gchar *sp_svg_write_polygon(Geom::PathVector const & pathv) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator pit = pathv.begin(); pit != pathv.end(); ++pit) { for (Geom::Path::const_iterator cit = pit->begin(); cit != pit->end_default(); ++cit) { if ( is_straight_curve(*cit) ) { os << cit->finalPoint()[0] << "," << cit->finalPoint()[1] << " "; } else { g_error("sp_svg_write_polygon: polygon path contains non-straight line segments"); } } } return g_strdup(os.str().c_str()); }
/** * Writes the object into the repr object, then calls the parent's write routine. */ static Inkscape::XML::Node * sp_root_write(SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags) { SPRoot *root = SP_ROOT(object); if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) && !repr) { repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:svg"); } if (flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT) { repr->setAttribute("inkscape:version", Inkscape::version_string); } if ( !repr->attribute("version") ) { gchar* myversion = sp_version_to_string(root->version.svg); repr->setAttribute("version", myversion); g_free(myversion); } if (fabs(root->x.computed) > 1e-9) sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "x", root->x.computed); if (fabs(root->y.computed) > 1e-9) sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "y", root->y.computed); /* Unlike all other SPObject, here we want to preserve absolute units too (and only here, * according to the recommendation in http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/coords.html#Units). */ repr->setAttribute("width", sp_svg_length_write_with_units(root->width).c_str()); repr->setAttribute("height", sp_svg_length_write_with_units(root->height).c_str()); if (root->viewBox_set) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << root->viewBox.left() << " " << root->viewBox.top() << " " << root->viewBox.width() << " " << root->viewBox.height(); repr->setAttribute("viewBox", os.str().c_str()); } if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->write) ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->write(object, xml_doc, repr, flags); return repr; }
void RegisteredPoint::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically()) { clearProgrammatically(); return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getXValue() << "," << getYValue(); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
void RegisteredSuffixedInteger::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getValue(); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
void RegisteredRandom::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) { return; } _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getValue() << ';' << getStartSeed(); set_sensitive(false); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); set_sensitive(true); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
void RegisteredTransformedPoint::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically()) { clearProgrammatically(); return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Geom::Point pos = getValue() * to_svg; Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << pos; write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
void RegisteredScalarUnit::on_value_changed() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) return; _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getValue(""); if (_um) os << _um->getUnitAbbr(); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
/** * Virtual write: write object attributes to repr. */ Inkscape::XML::Node* Persp3D::write(Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags) { if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT) && !repr) { // this is where we end up when saving as plain SVG (also in other circumstances?); // hence we don't set the sodipodi:type attribute repr = xml_doc->createElement("inkscape:perspective"); } if (flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT) { // Written values are in 'user units'. double scale_x = 1.0; double scale_y = 1.0; SPRoot *root = document->getRoot(); if( root->viewBox_set ) { scale_x = root->viewBox.width() / root->width.computed; scale_y = root->viewBox.height() / root->height.computed; } { Proj::Pt2 pt = perspective_impl->tmat.column( Proj::X ); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << pt[0] * scale_x << " : " << pt[1] * scale_y << " : " << pt[2]; repr->setAttribute("inkscape:vp_x", os.str().c_str()); } { Proj::Pt2 pt = perspective_impl->tmat.column( Proj::Y ); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << pt[0] * scale_x << " : " << pt[1] * scale_y << " : " << pt[2]; repr->setAttribute("inkscape:vp_y", os.str().c_str()); } { Proj::Pt2 pt = perspective_impl->tmat.column( Proj::Z ); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << pt[0] * scale_x << " : " << pt[1] * scale_y << " : " << pt[2]; repr->setAttribute("inkscape:vp_z", os.str().c_str()); } { Proj::Pt2 pt = perspective_impl->tmat.column( Proj::W ); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << pt[0] * scale_x << " : " << pt[1] * scale_y << " : " << pt[2]; repr->setAttribute("inkscape:persp3d-origin", os.str().c_str()); } } SPObject::write(xml_doc, repr, flags); return repr; }
void RegisteredText::on_activate() { if (setProgrammatically) { setProgrammatically = false; return; } if (_wr->isUpdating()) { return; } _wr->setUpdating (true); Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; os << getText(); set_sensitive(false); write_to_xml(os.str().c_str()); set_sensitive(true); setText(os.str().c_str()); _wr->setUpdating (false); }
unsigned int PrintLatex::begin (Inkscape::Extension::Print *mod, SPDocument *doc) { Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os; int res; FILE *osf = NULL; const gchar * fn = NULL; gsize bytesRead = 0; gsize bytesWritten = 0; GError* error = NULL; os.setf(std::ios::fixed); fn = mod->get_param_string("destination"); gchar* local_fn = g_filename_from_utf8( fn, -1, &bytesRead, &bytesWritten, &error); fn = local_fn; /* TODO: Replace the below fprintf's with something that does the right thing whether in * gui or batch mode (e.g. --print=blah). Consider throwing an exception: currently one of * the callers (sp_print_document_to_file, "ret = mod->begin(doc)") wrongly ignores the * return code. */ if (fn != NULL) { while (isspace(*fn)) fn += 1; Inkscape::IO::dump_fopen_call(fn, "K"); osf = Inkscape::IO::fopen_utf8name(fn, "w+"); if (!osf) { fprintf(stderr, "inkscape: fopen(%s): %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); g_free(local_fn); return 0; } _stream = osf; } g_free(local_fn); /* fixme: this is kinda icky */ #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WIN32__) (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif res = fprintf(_stream, "%%LaTeX with PSTricks extensions\n"); /* flush this to test output stream as early as possible */ if (fflush(_stream)) { /*g_print("caught error in sp_module_print_plain_begin\n");*/ if (ferror(_stream)) { g_print("Error %d on output stream: %s\n", errno, g_strerror(errno)); } g_print("Printing failed\n"); /* fixme: should use pclose() for pipes */ fclose(_stream); _stream = NULL; fflush(stdout); return 0; } // width and height in pt _width = doc->getWidth().value("pt"); _height = doc->getHeight().value("pt"); if (res >= 0) { os << "%%Creator: " << PACKAGE_STRING << "\n"; os << "%%Please note this file requires PSTricks extensions\n"; os << "\\psset{xunit=.5pt,yunit=.5pt,runit=.5pt}\n"; // from now on we can output px, but they will be treated as pt os << "\\begin{pspicture}(" << doc->getWidth().value("px") << "," << doc->getHeight().value("px") << ")\n"; } m_tr_stack.push( Geom::Scale(1, -1) * Geom::Translate(0, doc->getHeight().value("px"))); /// @fixme hardcoded doc2dt transform return fprintf(_stream, "%s", os.str().c_str()); }