Esempio n. 1
//This is probably going to be quite complex...need to get the types for all columns
//any any other attributes required by kexi
//helped by reading the 'tables' test program
bool PqxxMigrate::drv_readTableSchema(
    const QString& originalName, KexiDB::TableSchema& tableSchema)
//    m_table = new KexiDB::TableSchema(table);

    //TODO IDEA: ask for user input for captions
//moved    m_table->setCaption(table + " table");

    //Perform a query on the table to get some data
    if (!query("select * from " + drv_escapeIdentifier(originalName) + " limit 1"))
        return false;
    //Loop round the fields
    for (uint i = 0; i < (uint)m_res->columns(); i++) {
        QString fldName(m_res->column_name(i));
        KexiDB::Field::Type fldType = type(m_res->column_type(i), fldName);
        QString fldID(KexiUtils::string2Identifier(fldName));
        const pqxx::oid toid = tableOid(originalName);
        if (toid == 0)
            return false;
        KexiDB::Field *f = new KexiDB::Field(fldID, fldType);
        f->setPrimaryKey(primaryKey(toid, i));
        f->setUniqueKey(uniqueKey(toid, i));
        f->setAutoIncrement(autoInc(toid, i));//This should be safe for all field types

        // Do this for var/char types

        // Do this for numeric type

        kDebug() << "Added field [" << f->name() << "] type [" << f->typeName()
        << ']';
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool Authenticator::loadStore() {
    KexiDB::TableSchema* table = KexiWebForms::Model::gConnection->tableSchema("kexi__users");

    if (!table) {
        // the table doesn't exist, create it (programmatically)
        kDebug() << "kexi__users table does not exist, creating it";
        KexiDB::TableSchema* kexi__users = new KexiDB::TableSchema("kexi__users");
        KexiDB::Field* id = new KexiDB::Field("u_id", KexiDB::Field::Integer);
        kexi__users->insertField(0, id);
        KexiDB::Field* name = new KexiDB::Field("u_name", KexiDB::Field::Text);
        kexi__users->insertField(1, name);
        KexiDB::Field* password = new KexiDB::Field("u_password", KexiDB::Field::Text);
        kexi__users->insertField(2, password);
        KexiDB::Field* create = new KexiDB::Field("u_create", KexiDB::Field::Boolean);
        kexi__users->insertField(3, create);
        KexiDB::Field* read = new KexiDB::Field("u_read", KexiDB::Field::Boolean);
        kexi__users->insertField(4, read);
        KexiDB::Field* update = new KexiDB::Field("u_update", KexiDB::Field::Boolean);
        kexi__users->insertField(5, update);
        KexiDB::Field* fdelete = new KexiDB::Field("u_delete", KexiDB::Field::Boolean);
        kexi__users->insertField(6, fdelete);
        KexiDB::Field* fquery = new KexiDB::Field("u_query", KexiDB::Field::Boolean);
        kexi__users->insertField(7, fquery);

        if (!KexiWebForms::Model::gConnection->createTable(kexi__users)) {
            // Table was not created, fatal error
            kError() << "Failed to create system table kexi__users";
            kError() << "Error string: " << KexiWebForms::Model::gConnection->errorMsg();
            delete kexi__users;
            return false;
        } else {
            // Table was created, create two standard accounts
            KexiDB::QuerySchema query(*kexi__users);
            KexiDB::Cursor* cursor = KexiWebForms::Model::gConnection->prepareQuery(query);
            KexiDB::RecordData recordData(kexi__users->fieldCount());
            KexiDB::RowEditBuffer editBuffer(true);
            // root
            QVariant vtrue(true);
            QVariant vfalse(false);
            kDebug() << "Creating user root with password root";
            QVariant user_root("root");
            QVariant password_root("root");
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(name->name()), user_root);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(password->name()), password_root);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(create->name()), vtrue);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(read->name()), vtrue);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(update->name()), vtrue);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(fdelete->name()), vtrue);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(fquery->name()), vtrue);
            kDebug() << "Registering user within database";
            if (cursor->insertRow(recordData, editBuffer)) {
                kDebug() << "Succeeded";
                User* u = new User("root", "root");
                m_auth->addUser(u->name().toUtf8().constData(), u->password().toUtf8().constData());
            } else {
                kError() << "An error occurred";
                return false;

            // anonymous
            kDebug() << "Creating user anonymous with password guest";
            QVariant user_anonymous("anonymous");
            QVariant password_anonymous("guest");
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(name->name()), user_anonymous);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(password->name()), password_anonymous);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(create->name()), vfalse);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(read->name()), vfalse);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(update->name()), vfalse);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(fdelete->name()), vfalse);
            editBuffer.insert(*query.columnInfo(fquery->name()), vfalse);
            if (cursor->insertRow(recordData, editBuffer)) {
                kDebug() << "Succeeded";
                User* u = new User("anonymous", "guest");
                m_auth->addUser(u->name().toUtf8().constData(), u->password().toUtf8().constData());
            } else {
                kError() << "An error occurred";
                return false;
    } else {
        // load stuff from the store, create appropriated User objects, store them within
        // Authenticator
        KexiDB::QuerySchema query(*table);
        KexiDB::Cursor* cursor = KexiWebForms::Model::gConnection->executeQuery(query);
        while (cursor->moveNext()) {
            // Skip id
            QString* username = new QString(cursor->value(1).toString());
            QString* password = new QString(cursor->value(2).toString());
            QList<Permission>* perms = new QList<Permission>;

            if (cursor->value(3).toBool()) perms->append(CREATE);
            if (cursor->value(4).toBool()) perms->append(READ);
            if (cursor->value(5).toBool()) perms->append(UPDATE);
            if (cursor->value(6).toBool()) perms->append(DELETE);
            if (cursor->value(7).toBool()) perms->append(QUERY);

            User* u = new User(*username, *password, *perms);
            m_auth->addUser(u->name().toUtf8().constData(), u->password().toUtf8().constData());
            kDebug() << "Loaded user " << *username << " from store";

    return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool MDBMigrate::getPrimaryKey(KexiDB::TableSchema* table, MdbTableDef* tableDef)
    MdbIndex *idx;

    if (!tableDef) {
        return false;

    // Find the PK index in the MDB file
    bool foundIdx = false;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tableDef->num_idxs; i++) {
        idx = (MdbIndex*) g_ptr_array_index(tableDef->indices, i);
//  QString fldName = QString::fromUtf8(idx->name);

        if (!strcmp(idx->name, "PrimaryKey")) {
            idx = (MdbIndex*) g_ptr_array_index(tableDef->indices, i);
            foundIdx = true;

    if (!foundIdx) {
        return false;

    //! @todo: MDB index order (asc, desc)

    kDebug() << "num_keys" << idx->num_keys;

    //! Create the KexiDB IndexSchema ...
    QVector<int> key_col_num(idx->num_keys);

    // MDBTools counts columns from 1 - subtract 1 where necessary
    KexiDB::IndexSchema* p_idx = new KexiDB::IndexSchema(table);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < idx->num_keys; i++) {
        key_col_num[i] = idx->key_col_num[i];
        kDebug() << "key" << i + 1 << " col " << key_col_num[i]
                 << table->field(idx->key_col_num[i] - 1)->name()
        p_idx->addField(table->field(idx->key_col_num[i] - 1));

    kDebug() << p_idx->debugString();

    // ... and add it to the table definition
    // but only if the PK has only one field, so far :o(

    KexiDB::Field *f;
    if (idx->num_keys == 1 && (f = table->field(idx->key_col_num[0] - 1))) {
    } else {
        //! @todo: How to add a composite PK to a TableSchema?

    return true;