int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: leap_high_five /path/to/serial\n"; return 1; } LynxSSC lynx(argv[1], 115200); // lynx.move(3, 1500, -1, -1); lynx.move(3, 1500, -1, -1); sleep(2); lynx.move(4, 500, -1, 1000); sleep(2); lynx.move( LynxMoveGroup().move(3,1000,-1,500) .move(4,1500,-1,1000)); return 0; cout << "Initializing controller"; static Leap::Controller s_controller; FrameListener listener; cout << "Adding listener to controller"; s_controller.addListener(listener); // while (running) { // // while (inMotion) { // Jacobian3 J(armCurrent.q, armLengths); // } // } cin.get(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { EffectRunner r; // Create a sample listener and controller SampleListener listener; Leap::Controller controller; // Have the sample listener receive events from the controller controller.addListener(listener); if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--bg") == 0) controller.setPolicy(Leap::Controller::POLICY_BACKGROUND_FRAMES); // Keep this process running until Enter is pressed //std::cout << "Press Enter to quit..." << std::endl; //std::cin.get(); // Remove the sample listener when done //controller.removeListener(listener); //return 0; MyEffect e; r.setEffect(&e); // Defaults, overridable with command line options r.setMaxFrameRate(100); r.setLayout("../layouts/grid32x16z.json"); return r.main(argc, argv); }
void LeapController::Setup() { resetInitParams(); if (leapDevice && leapDevice->isConnected()) return; leapDevice = Device::create(); leapDevice->connectEventHandler( &LeapController::onFrame, this ); // Enable all gesture types Leap::Controller* controller = leapDevice->getController(); controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_SWIPE ); controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_CIRCLE ); // Write gesture config to console Leap::Config config = controller->config(); // Update config to make gestures easier config.setFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinLength", 30.0f ); config.setFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinVelocity", 100.0f );; App::get()->getSignalShutdown().connect(bind(&LeapController::Shutdown, this)); App::get()->getSignalUpdate().connect(bind(&LeapController::Update, this)); }
void LeapListener::onConnect(const Leap::Controller& controller) { std::cout << "Connected"; controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE); }
void MouseController::onFrame(const Leap::Controller &controller) { // get list of detected screens const Leap::ScreenList screens = controller.calibratedScreens(); // make sure we have a detected screen if (screens.empty()) return; const Leap::Screen screen = screens[0]; // find the first finger or tool const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame(); const Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands(); if (hands.empty()) return; const Leap::PointableList pointables = hands[0].pointables(); if (pointables.empty()) return; const Leap::Pointable firstPointable = pointables[0]; // get x, y coordinates on the first screen const Leap::Vector intersection = screen.intersect( firstPointable, true, // normalize 1.0f // clampRatio ); // if the user is not pointing at the screen all components of // the returned vector will be Not A Number (NaN) // isValid() returns true only if all components are finite if (! intersection.isValid()) return; unsigned int x = screen.widthPixels() * intersection.x; // flip y coordinate to standard top-left origin unsigned int y = screen.heightPixels() * (1.0f - intersection.y); CGPoint destPoint = CGPointMake(x, y); CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(kCGDirectMainDisplay, destPoint); }
void LeapMotionHandler::enableGest(Leap::Controller controller) { controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP); }
//LeapControllerPrivate void LeapControllerPrivate::SetPolicyStatus(Leap::Controller::PolicyFlag flag, bool status) { if (status) leap.setPolicy(flag); else leap.clearPolicy(flag); }
void LeapMotionListener::onConnect(const Leap::Controller & controller) { qDebug()<<"Connected Leap Motion"; controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP); controller.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { MouseController listener; Leap::Controller controller; controller.addListener(listener); std::cout << "Press any key to exit" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); controller.removeListener(listener); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "leap_tool_control"); RosListener listener; Leap::Controller controller; controller.addListener(listener); std::cout <<"Press Enter to quit..."<<std::endl; std::cin.get(); controller.removeListener(listener); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); int width = 500; int height = 500; unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL; displayMode = defaults(displayMode, width, height); glutInitDisplayMode (displayMode); glutInitContextVersion (3, 3); glutInitContextFlags(GLUT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE); glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE); #ifdef DEBUG glutInitContextFlags(GLUT_DEBUG); #endif glutInitWindowSize (width, height); glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200); int window = glutCreateWindow (argv[0]); glload::LoadFunctions(); glutSetOption(GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, GLUT_ACTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION); if(!glload::IsVersionGEQ(3, 3)) { printf("Your OpenGL version is %i, %i. You must have at least OpenGL 3.3 to run this tutorial.\n", glload::GetMajorVersion(), glload::GetMinorVersion()); glutDestroyWindow(window); return 0; } if(glext_ARB_debug_output) { glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB); glDebugMessageCallbackARB(DebugFunc, (void*)15); } init(); UserListener listener; Leap::Controller controller; controller.addListener(listener); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutMainLoop(); controller.removeListener(listener); return 0; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ OSVR_ReturnCode HardwareDetection::operator()(OSVR_PluginRegContext pContext) { Leap::Controller controller; if ( !controller.isConnected() ) { mFound = false; return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE; } if ( !mFound ) { mFound = true; osvr::pluginkit::registerObjectForDeletion(pContext, new ControllerDevice(pContext)); } return OSVR_RETURN_SUCCESS; }
void main() { // リスナーを登録する // リスナーとのやり取りは別スレッドにて行われる SampleListener listener; Leap::Controller leap; leap.addListener( listener ); leap.setPolicyFlags( Leap::Controller::PolicyFlag::POLICY_BACKGROUND_FRAMES ); std::cout << "終了するには何かキーを押してください" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); leap.removeListener( listener ); }
void Quickstart::onFrame(const Leap::Controller &controller) { // returns the most recent frame. older frames can be accessed by passing in // a "history" parameter to retrieve an older frame, up to about 60 // (exact number subject to change) const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame(); // do nothing unless hands are detected if (frame.hands().empty()) return; // first detected hand const Leap::Hand firstHand = frame.hands()[0]; // first pointable object (finger or tool) const Leap::PointableList pointables = firstHand.pointables(); if (pointables.empty()) return; const Leap::Pointable firstPointable = pointables[0]; // print velocity on the X axis cout << "Pointable X velocity: " << firstPointable.tipVelocity()[0] << endl; const Leap::FingerList fingers = firstHand.fingers(); if (fingers.empty()) return; for (int i = 0; i < fingers.count(); i++) { const Leap::Finger finger = fingers[i]; std::cout << "Detected finger " << i << " at position (" << finger.tipPosition().x << ", " << finger.tipPosition().y << ", " << finger.tipPosition().z << ")" << std::endl; } }
void Quickstart::onInit(const Leap::Controller &controller) { if (! controller.isConnected()) { // controller is not connected or the driver software is not started. // give the user a friendly reminder that we can't do anything yet cout << "Please connect your Leap Motion and run the Leap application" << endl; } }
void Listener::onControlUpdated(const Leap::Controller &controller, GesturePtr gesture, ControlPtr control) { midi_control_index ctrlIdx = control->controlIndex(); midi_control_value ctrlVal = control->mappedValue(); // // cout << "Recognized control index " << ctrlIdx // << " (" << control->description() << ")" // << ", raw value: " // << control->rawValue() << " mapped value: " << ctrlVal << endl; if (frameCount <= 10) return; // control latency struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); double elapsedTime = (tv.tv_sec - control->timestamp().tv_sec) * 1000.0; // sec to ms elapsedTime += (tv.tv_usec - control->timestamp().tv_usec) / 1000.0; // us to ms // frame latency double absoluteTimeOffset = tv_to_usec(tv) - tv_to_usec(firstFrameAbs); // cout << "absolute time offset: " << absoluteTimeOffset << endl; int64_t curFrameTime = controller.frame().timestamp(); int64_t frameOffset = curFrameTime - firstFrameLeap; int64_t frameLatency = absoluteTimeOffset - frameOffset; // cout << "frame: " << curFrameTime << ", absolute offset: " << (absoluteTimeOffset / 1000) << ", frameOffset: " << (frameOffset / 1000) << ", diff: " << (frameLatency / 1000) << endl; if (minLatency == 0 || frameLatency < minLatency) minLatency = frameLatency; if (frameLatency > maxLatency) maxLatency = frameLatency; controlCount++; totalLatency += frameLatency; if (elapsedTime > 3) cout << "frame latency: " << (frameLatency / 1000) << ", control output latency: " << elapsedTime << endl; }
void Listener::onFrame(const Leap::Controller &controller) { Leap::Frame curFrame = controller.frame(); if (firstFrameLeap == 0 && ++frameCount > 10) { gettimeofday(&firstFrameAbs, NULL); firstFrameLeap = curFrame.timestamp(); cout << "First frame clock time: " << tv_to_usec(firstFrameAbs) << endl; cout << "First frame leap time: " << firstFrameLeap << endl; } // use current active gesture recognizers to locate gestures // and then trigger appropriate note/controls // feed frames to recognizers vector<GesturePtr> recognizers = gestureRecognizers(); for (vector<GesturePtr>::iterator it = recognizers.begin(); it != recognizers.end(); ++it) { // get controls recognized from gestures GesturePtr gesture = *it; std::vector<ControlPtr> gestureControls; // controls from this gesture gesture->recognizedControls(controller, gestureControls); if (! gestureControls.size()) continue; // call gesture recognized callback onGestureRecognized(controller, gesture); for (vector<ControlPtr>::iterator ctl = gestureControls.begin(); ctl != gestureControls.end(); ++ctl) { ControlPtr control = *ctl; onControlUpdated(controller, gesture, control); } } }
void LeapFishyApp::processGesture() { Leap::Frame frame = m_LeapController.frame(); if( m_LastFrame == frame ) return; Leap::GestureList gestures = m_LastFrame.isValid() ? frame.gestures( m_LastFrame ) : frame.gestures(); m_LastFrame = frame; for( int i = 0; i < gestures.count(); i++ ) { if( gestures[i].type() == Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE ) { Leap::SwipeGesture swipe = gestures[i]; Leap::Vector diff = 0.006f*(swipe.position() - swipe.startPosition()); Vec2f curSwipe(diff.x, -diff.y); m_pPlayer->AddVelocity( curSwipe ); } else if( gestures[i].type() == Leap::Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP || gestures[i].type() == Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP ) { m_pPlayer->KillVelocity(); } } }
void LeapMotionListener::onFrame( const Leap::Controller& controller ) { // get least frame frame = controller.frame( 0 ); }
int main() { control.setPolicyFlags(Leap::Controller::POLICY_BACKGROUND_FRAMES); pipe = CreateFile(PNAME, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); atexit(fin); //tenfingers = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*10*4); printf("connected\n"); //get fist positions as well DWORD word = 0; while(1) { fdata ret = get_finger_positions(); WriteFile(pipe, (char*)&ret, sizeof(fdata), &word, NULL); Sleep(1); } //CloseHandle(pipe); }
void Listener::onFrame( const Leap::Controller& controller ) { lock_guard<mutex> lock( *mMutex ); if ( !mNewFrame ) { mFrame = controller.frame(); mNewFrame = true; } }
//Inherited from Cinder - post-graphics initalization setup steps. Loads our particle texture & sets up the Leap controller. void GesturesDemo::setup() { ci::gl::Texture* particleTexture = new ci::gl::Texture(ci::loadImage(ci::app::loadResource(RES_PARTICLE))); ci::gl::disableVerticalSync(); //required for higher than 60fps field.SetParticleTexture(particleTexture); mouseIsDown = false; lastMousePos.set(0, 0); controller.addListener( listener ); }
int main() { // create instance of our Listener subclass Quickstart listener; // create generic Controller to interface with the Leap device Leap::Controller controller; // tell the Controller to start sending events to our Listener controller.addListener(listener); // run until user presses a key cin.get(); // clean up controller.removeListener(listener); return 0; }
void LeapListener::onDeviceChange(const Leap::Controller& controller) { std::cout << "Device Changed" << std::endl; const Leap::DeviceList devices = controller.devices(); for (int i = 0; i < devices.count(); ++i) { std::cout << "id: " << devices[i].toString() << std::endl; std::cout << " isStreaming: " << (devices[i].isStreaming() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; } }
void LeapFishyApp::shutdown() { m_LeapController.removeListener( m_LeapListener ); delete m_pPlayer; killAllEnemyFish(); delete m_pEnemyFishes; }
void onFrame(const Leap::Controller& ctrl) override { if(ctrl.isConnected()) { Leap::GestureList gestures = ctrl.frame().gestures(); /* if(gestures.count()) { Gesture gesture = gestures[0]; if(gestures[0].isValid()) { if(gestures[0].type() == Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE) { ScreenTapGesture screentap = gestures[0]; t_atom data[4]; Leap::Vector vector = screentap.direction(); atom_setsym(data, gensym("direction")); atom_setfloat(data+1, vector.yaw()); atom_setfloat(data+1, vector.roll()); atom_setfloat(data+1, vector.pitch()); outlet_anything(x->f_gesture, leap_sym_circle, 0, NULL); } else if(gesture.type() == Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE) { ; } else if(gesture.type() == Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP) { ; } else if(gesture.type() == Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP) { ; } else { ; } } }*/ } }
fdata get_finger_positions() { Leap::Frame frame = control.frame(); Leap::FingerList fingers = frame.fingers(); Leap::ToolList tools =; Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands(); //std::vector<std::pair<cl_float4, int>> positions; fdata hand_data; int p = 0; for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { hand_data.fingers[i] = 0.0f; } ///will explode if more than 2 for(int i=0; i<hands.count(); i++) { const Leap::Hand hand = hands[i]; Leap::FingerList h_fingers = hand.fingers(); float grab_strength = hand.grabStrength(); hand_data.grab_confidence[i] = grab_strength; for(int j=0; j<h_fingers.count(); j++) { const Leap::Finger finger = h_fingers[j]; float mfingerposx = finger.tipPosition().x; float mfingerposy = finger.tipPosition().y; float mfingerposz = finger.tipPosition().z; //cl_float4 ps = {mfingerposx, mfingerposy, mfingerposz, 0.0f}; //cl_float4 ps = {mfingerposx, mfingerposy, mfingerposz, 0.0f}; int id =; hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposx; hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposy; hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposz; hand_data.fingers[p++] = 0.0f; //positions.push_back(std::pair<cl_float4, int>(ps, id)); } } return hand_data; }
void LeapCinderRainApp::processFingers() { Leap::Frame frame = m_LeapController.frame(); Leap::FingerList fingers = frame.fingers(); m_Rain->ClearPointTo(); for( int i = 0; i < fingers.count(); i++ ) { m_Rain->CheckPointTo( normalizeCoords( fingers[i].tipPosition() ), 40.0f ); } }
// This is called every SL viewer frame void LLLMImpl::stepFrame() { if (mLMController && mFrameAvailable && mLMConnected) { mFrameAvailable = false; // Get the most recent frame and report some basic information const Leap::Frame frame = mLMController->frame(); Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands(); static LLCachedControl<S32> sControllerMode(gSavedSettings, "LeapMotionTestMode", 0); if( !mTool || mTool->getId() != sControllerMode ) { delete mTool; mTool = nd::leap::constructTool( sControllerMode ); } if( mTool ) mTool->onRenderFrame( frame ); else { switch (sControllerMode) { case 1: modeFlyingControlTest(hands); break; case 2: modeStreamDataToSL(hands); break; case 3: modeGestureDetection1(hands); break; case 4: modeMoveAndCamTest1(hands); break; // <FS:Zi> Leap Motion flycam case 10: modeFlycam(hands); break; // </FS:Zi> case 411: modeDumpDebugInfo(hands); break; default: // Do nothing break; } } } }
void eleap::eleap_t::impl_t::onFrame(const Leap::Controller& controller) { const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame(); if (frame.isValid()) { // send the known hands in this frame, this will handle hands coming and going const Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands(); { unsigned long long time_encoded = (0&0xffffffff)<<8 | (DATA_KNOWN_HANDS&0xff); float *f; unsigned char *dp; piw::data_nb_t d = ctx_.allocate_host(time_encoded,INT32_MAX,INT32_MIN,0,BCTVTYPE_INT,sizeof(int32_t),&dp,hands.count(),&f); memset(f,0,hands.count()*sizeof(int32_t)); *dp = 0; for(int i = 0; i < hands.count(); ++i) { const Leap::Hand hand = hands[i]; if(hand.isValid() && hand.fingers().count() > 1) { ((int32_t *)f)[i] =; } } enqueue_fast(d,1); } // handle the actual data for the detected hands for(int i = 0; i < hands.count(); ++i) { const Leap::Hand hand = hands[i]; if(hand.isValid() && hand.fingers().count() > 1) { unsigned long long time_encoded = (<<8 | (DATA_PALM_POSITION&0xff); const Leap::Vector palm_pos = hand.palmPosition(); float *f; unsigned char *dp; piw::data_nb_t d = ctx_.allocate_host(time_encoded,600,-600,0,BCTVTYPE_FLOAT,sizeof(float),&dp,3,&f); memset(f,0,3*sizeof(float)); *dp = 0; f[0] = piw::normalise(600,-600,0,palm_pos.x); f[1] = piw::normalise(600,-600,0,palm_pos.y); f[2] = piw::normalise(600,-600,0,palm_pos.z); enqueue_fast(d,1); } } } }