// BuildLinkItems -- This function generates a LinkItemList for the LinkItems
// linker function by combining the Files and Libraries in the order they were
// declared on the command line.
static void BuildLinkItems(
  Linker::ItemList& Items,
  const cl::list<std::string>& Files,
  const cl::list<std::string>& Libraries) {

  // Build the list of linkage items for LinkItems.

  cl::list<std::string>::const_iterator fileIt = Files.begin();
  cl::list<std::string>::const_iterator libIt  = Libraries.begin();

  int libPos = -1, filePos = -1;
  while ( libIt != Libraries.end() || fileIt != Files.end() ) {
    if (libIt != Libraries.end())
      libPos = Libraries.getPosition(libIt - Libraries.begin());
      libPos = -1;
    if (fileIt != Files.end())
      filePos = Files.getPosition(fileIt - Files.begin());
      filePos = -1;

    if (filePos != -1 && (libPos == -1 || filePos < libPos)) {
      // Add a source file
      Items.push_back(std::make_pair(*fileIt++, false));
    } else if (libPos != -1 && (filePos == -1 || libPos < filePos)) {
      // Add a library
      Items.push_back(std::make_pair(*libIt++, true));
/// GenerateNative - generates a native object file from the
/// specified bytecode file.
/// Inputs:
///  InputFilename   - The name of the input bytecode file.
///  OutputFilename  - The name of the file to generate.
///  NativeLinkItems - The native libraries, files, code with which to link
///  LibPaths        - The list of directories in which to find libraries.
///  gcc             - The pathname to use for GGC.
///  envp            - A copy of the process's current environment.
/// Outputs:
///  None.
/// Returns non-zero value on error.
static int GenerateNative(const std::string &OutputFilename,
                          const std::string &InputFilename,
                          const Linker::ItemList &LinkItems,
                          const sys::Path &gcc, char ** const envp,
                          std::string& ErrMsg) {
  // Remove these environment variables from the environment of the
  // programs that we will execute.  It appears that GCC sets these
  // environment variables so that the programs it uses can configure
  // themselves identically.
  // However, when we invoke GCC below, we want it to use its normal
  // configuration.  Hence, we must sanitize its environment.
  char ** clean_env = CopyEnv(envp);
  if (clean_env == NULL)
    return 1;
  RemoveEnv("LIBRARY_PATH", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("GCC_EXEC_PREFIX", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("COMPILER_PATH", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("COLLECT_GCC", clean_env);

  // Run GCC to assemble and link the program into native code.
  // Note:
  //  We can't just assemble and link the file with the system assembler
  //  and linker because we don't know where to put the _start symbol.
  //  GCC mysteriously knows how to do it.
  std::vector<const char*> args;

  // Add in the library paths
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < LibPaths.size(); index++) {

  // Add the requested options
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < XLinker.size(); index++) {

  // Add in the libraries to link.
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < LinkItems.size(); index++)
    if (LinkItems[index].first != "crtend") {
      if (LinkItems[index].second) {
        std::string lib_name = "-l" + LinkItems[index].first;
      } else


  if (Verbose) {
    cout << "Generating Native Executable With:\n";

  // Run the compiler to assembly and link together the program.
  int R = sys::Program::ExecuteAndWait(
    gcc, &args[0], (const char**)clean_env, 0, 0, 0, &ErrMsg);
  delete [] clean_env;
  return R;
Esempio n. 3
/// GenerateNative - generates a native object file from the
/// specified bitcode file.
/// Inputs:
///  InputFilename   - The name of the input bitcode file.
///  OutputFilename  - The name of the file to generate.
///  NativeLinkItems - The native libraries, files, code with which to link
///  LibPaths        - The list of directories in which to find libraries.
///  FrameworksPaths - The list of directories in which to find frameworks.
///  Frameworks      - The list of frameworks (dynamic libraries)
///  gcc             - The pathname to use for GGC.
///  envp            - A copy of the process's current environment.
/// Outputs:
///  None.
/// Returns non-zero value on error.
static int GenerateNative(const std::string &OutputFilename,
                          const std::string &InputFilename,
                          const Linker::ItemList &LinkItems,
                          const sys::Path &gcc, char ** const envp,
                          std::string& ErrMsg) {
  // Remove these environment variables from the environment of the
  // programs that we will execute.  It appears that GCC sets these
  // environment variables so that the programs it uses can configure
  // themselves identically.
  // However, when we invoke GCC below, we want it to use its normal
  // configuration.  Hence, we must sanitize its environment.
  char ** clean_env = CopyEnv(envp);
  if (clean_env == NULL)
    return 1;
  RemoveEnv("LIBRARY_PATH", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("GCC_EXEC_PREFIX", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("COMPILER_PATH", clean_env);
  RemoveEnv("COLLECT_GCC", clean_env);

  // Run GCC to assemble and link the program into native code.
  // Note:
  //  We can't just assemble and link the file with the system assembler
  //  and linker because we don't know where to put the _start symbol.
  //  GCC mysteriously knows how to do it.
  std::vector<std::string> args;

  // Add in the library and framework paths
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < LibPaths.size(); index++) {
    args.push_back("-L" + LibPaths[index]);
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < FrameworkPaths.size(); index++) {
    args.push_back("-F" + FrameworkPaths[index]);

  // Add the requested options
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < XLinker.size(); index++)

  // Add in the libraries to link.
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < LinkItems.size(); index++)
    if (LinkItems[index].first != "crtend") {
      if (LinkItems[index].second)
        args.push_back("-l" + LinkItems[index].first);

  // Add in frameworks to link.
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < Frameworks.size(); index++) {

  // Now that "args" owns all the std::strings for the arguments, call the c_str
  // method to get the underlying string array.  We do this game so that the
  // std::string array is guaranteed to outlive the const char* array.
  std::vector<const char *> Args;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = args.size(); i != e; ++i)

  if (Verbose) {
    errs() << "Generating Native Executable With:\n";

  // Run the compiler to assembly and link together the program.
  int R = sys::Program::ExecuteAndWait(
    gcc, &Args[0], const_cast<const char **>(clean_env), 0, 0, 0, &ErrMsg);
  delete [] clean_env;
  return R;