int replace(int ac, char **av) { int cookie ; if(!pcrecpp::RE("([0-9]+)").FullMatch(av[0], &cookie)) { qDebug() << "invalid integer:" << av[0] ; return 1 ; } QString title = QString("replacement_of_%1").arg(cookie) ; Maemo::Timed::Event e ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a = e.addAction() ; a.whenTriggered() ; a.setSendCookieFlag() ; a.runCommand(QString("echo cookie=[COOKIE] (%1) TRIGGERED $(date) >> /tmp/aa").arg(title)) ; e.setAttribute("TITLE", title) ; e.setTicker(time(NULL)+10) ; Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ; if(!timed.isValid()) { qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << timed.lastError() ; return 1 ; } QDBusReply<uint> res = timed.replace_event_sync(e, cookie) ; if(!res.isValid()) { qDebug() << "replace_event call failed:" << res.error().message() ; return 1 ; } qDebug() << "new event cookie:" << res.value() ; return 0 ; }
Maemo::Timed::Event tst_Events::createEvent(const qint64 timestamp, const int dueInSeconds) { // Create an event, which will go off in dueInSeconds Maemo::Timed::Event event; event.setAttribute("APPLICATION", APPNAME); event.setAttribute("TITLE", QString("%1").arg(timestamp)); event.setAlarmFlag(); event.setReminderFlag(); QDateTime dateTime; dateTime.setMSecsSinceEpoch(timestamp); event.setTicker(dateTime.toTime_t() + dueInSeconds); // Add an action to the event, the action writes a message to a file when the event is triggered Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &act = event.addAction(); act.setSendCookieFlag(); // Timed will replace <COOKIE> with the cookie of the event that triggers this action QString message = QString(ACTIONSTRING).arg(timestamp).arg("<COOKIE>"); act.runCommand(QString("echo -n %1 > %2") .arg(message) .arg(PATH)); act.whenTriggered(); return event; }
void AlarmObject::save() { try { Maemo::Timed::Event ev; // Keep the event after it has triggered ev.setKeepAliveFlag(); // Trigger the voland alarm/reminder dialog ev.setReminderFlag(); if (!m_title.isEmpty()) ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("TITLE"), m_title); ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("timeOfDay"), QString::number(m_hour * 60 + m_minute)); ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("APPLICATION"), QLatin1String("nemoalarms")); ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("createdDate"), QString::number(m_createdDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch())); ev.setAlarmFlag(); if (!m_countdown) { ev.setBootFlag(); if (!m_daysOfWeek.isEmpty()) ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("daysOfWeek"), m_daysOfWeek); if (m_enabled) { Maemo::Timed::Event::Recurrence rec = ev.addRecurrence(); rec.addHour(m_hour); rec.addMinute(m_minute); rec.everyDayOfMonth(); rec.everyMonth(); // Single-shot alarms are done with a recurrence and the single-shot // flag, which removes recurrence information after the first trigger. if (m_daysOfWeek.isEmpty()) { rec.everyDayOfWeek(); ev.setSingleShotFlag(); } // Map characters to numeric weekdays used by libtimed QString weekdayMap(QLatin1String("SmtwTfs")); for (int i = 0; i < m_daysOfWeek.size(); i++) { int day = weekdayMap.indexOf(m_daysOfWeek[i]); if (day >= 0) rec.addDayOfWeek(day); } } ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("type"), QLatin1String("clock")); } else { uint duration = m_hour * 3600 + m_minute * 60; QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); if (m_enabled) { QDateTime triggerDateTime = now.addSecs(duration - m_elapsed); m_triggerTime = triggerDateTime.toTime_t(); ev.setTicker(triggerDateTime.toTime_t()); } else { if (m_triggerTime > 0) { m_elapsed = (duration - (m_triggerTime - now.toTime_t())); m_triggerTime = 0; } else { m_elapsed = 0; } emit elapsedChanged(); ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("elapsed"), QString::number(m_elapsed)); } emit triggerTimeChanged(); ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("triggerTime"), QString::number(m_triggerTime)); ev.setAttribute(QLatin1String("type"), QLatin1String("countdown")); } QDBusPendingCallWatcher *w; if (m_cookie) w = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(TimedInterface::instance()->replace_event_async(ev, m_cookie), this); else w = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(TimedInterface::instance()->add_event_async(ev), this); connect(w, SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)), SLOT(saveReply(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*))); // Emit the updated signal immediately to update UI emit updated(); } catch (Maemo::Timed::Exception &e) { qWarning() << "org.nemomobile.alarms: Cannot sync alarm to timed:" << e.what(); } }
int add_event(const char *title) { bool need_ui = title != NULL ; bool recurrence = false ; int time_shift = 8 ; Maemo::Timed::Event e ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_trig = e.addAction() ; a_trig.whenTriggered() ; a_trig.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_trig.runCommand("echo cookie=[COOKIE]=<COOKIE> TRIGGERED $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; if(title!=NULL) { e.setAttribute("TITLE", title) ; if(pcrecpp::RE("boot").PartialMatch(title)) e.setBootFlag() ; if(pcrecpp::RE("alarm").PartialMatch(title)) e.setAlarmFlag() ; if(pcrecpp::RE("usermode").PartialMatch(title)) e.setUserModeFlag() ; if(pcrecpp::RE("silent").PartialMatch(title)) need_ui = false ; if(pcrecpp::RE("recur").PartialMatch(title)) recurrence = true ; if(pcrecpp::RE("calendar").PartialMatch(title)) e.setAttribute("PLUGIN", "libCalendarReminder") ; int time_to_wait ; if(pcrecpp::RE("/(-?\\d+)/").PartialMatch(title, &time_to_wait)) time_shift = time_to_wait ; } if(need_ui) { e.setAlignedSnoozeFlag() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b1 = e.addButton() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b2 = e.addButton() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b3 = e.addButton() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b4 = e.addButton() ; b1.setSnooze(10) ; b2.setSnooze(17) ; b3.setSnooze(60) ; (void)b4 ; // b4 doesn't snooze: it closes the dialog Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a1 = e.addAction() ; a1.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #1 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a1.setSendCookieFlag() ; a1.whenButton(b1) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a2 = e.addAction() ; a2.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #2 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a2.setSendCookieFlag() ; a2.whenButton(b2) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a3 = e.addAction() ; a3.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #3 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a3.setSendCookieFlag() ; a3.whenButton(b3) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a4 = e.addAction() ; a4.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #4 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a4.setSendCookieFlag() ; a4.whenButton(b1) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_0 = e.addAction() ; a_0.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] CANCELED BY USER $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a_0.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_0.whenSysButton(0) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_sys1 = e.addAction() ; a_sys1.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] FIRST SYSTEM BYTTON $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE); a_sys1.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_sys1.whenSysButton(1) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_sys2 = e.addAction() ; a_sys2.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] SECOND SYSTEM BYTTON $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a_sys2.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_sys2.whenSysButton(2) ; } if(recurrence) // add a recurrence at 12:34 every day { Maemo::Timed::Event::Recurrence &r = e.addRecurrence() ; r.everyMonth() ; r.everyDayOfMonth() ; r.everyDayOfWeek() ; r.addHour(12), r.addMinute(34) ; } e.setTicker(time(NULL)+time_shift) ; e.setAttribute("APPLICATION", "simple_client") ; Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ; if(!ifc.isValid()) { qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << ifc.lastError() ; return 1 ; } QDBusReply<uint> res = ifc.add_event_sync(e) ; if(!res.isValid()) { qDebug() << "call failed:" << res.error().message() ; return 1 ; } qDebug() << "added event, cookie:" << res.value() ; return 0 ; }