 * Get the sample component. Use the name provided as a property as the basis
 *for the lookup as a priority.
 * Throws if the name is invalid.
 * @param inst : Instrument to search through
 * @return : The component : The component object found.
    Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr inst) const {
  std::string sampleComponent = "some-surface-holder";
  if (!isPropertyDefault("SampleComponentName")) {
    sampleComponent = this->getPropertyValue("SampleComponentName");
  auto searchResult = inst->getComponentByName(sampleComponent);
  if (searchResult == nullptr) {
    throw std::invalid_argument(sampleComponent +
                                " does not exist. Check input properties.");
  return searchResult;
 * Get the detector component. Use the name provided as a property as the basis
 *for the lookup as a priority.
 * Throws if the name is invalid.
 * @param workspace : Workspace from instrument with detectors
 * @param isPointDetector : True if this is a point detector. Used to guess a
 * @return The component : The component object found.
boost::shared_ptr<const Mantid::Geometry::IComponent>
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr workspace, const bool isPointDetector) const {
  boost::shared_ptr<const IComponent> searchResult;
  if (!isPropertyDefault("SpectrumNumbersOfDetectors")) {
    const std::vector<int> spectrumNumbers =
    const bool strictSpectrumChecking =
    checkSpectrumNumbers(spectrumNumbers, strictSpectrumChecking, g_log);
    auto specToWorkspaceIndex = workspace->getSpectrumToWorkspaceIndexMap();
    DetectorGroup_sptr allDetectors = boost::make_shared<DetectorGroup>();
    const auto &spectrumInfo = workspace->spectrumInfo();
    for (auto index : spectrumNumbers) {
      const size_t spectrumNumber{static_cast<size_t>(index)};
      auto it = specToWorkspaceIndex.find(index);
      if (it == specToWorkspaceIndex.end()) {
        std::stringstream message;
        message << "Spectrum number " << spectrumNumber
                << " does not exist in the InputWorkspace";
        throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
      const size_t workspaceIndex = it->second;
      auto detector = workspace->getDetector(workspaceIndex);
      if (spectrumInfo.isMasked(workspaceIndex))
        g_log.warning() << "Adding a detector (ID:" << detector->getID()
                        << ") that is flagged as masked.\n";
    searchResult = allDetectors;
  } else {
    Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr inst = workspace->getInstrument();
    std::string componentToCorrect =
        isPointDetector ? "point-detector" : "linedetector";

    if (!isPropertyDefault("DetectorComponentName")) {
      componentToCorrect = this->getPropertyValue("DetectorComponentName");
    searchResult = inst->getComponentByName(componentToCorrect);
    if (searchResult == nullptr) {
      throw std::invalid_argument(componentToCorrect +
                                  " does not exist. Check input properties.");

  return searchResult;
Esempio n. 3
 * Gets the eFixed value from the workspace using the instrument parameters.
 * @param ws Pointer to the workspace
 * @return eFixed value
double IndirectTab::getEFixed(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws) {
  Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr inst = ws->getInstrument();
  if (!inst)
    throw std::runtime_error("No instrument on workspace");

  // Try to get the parameter form the base instrument
  if (inst->hasParameter("Efixed"))
    return inst->getNumberParameter("Efixed")[0];

  // Try to get it form the analyser component
  if (inst->hasParameter("analyser")) {
    std::string analyserName = inst->getStringParameter("analyser")[0];
    auto analyserComp = inst->getComponentByName(analyserName);

    if (analyserComp && analyserComp->hasParameter("Efixed"))
      return analyserComp->getNumberParameter("Efixed")[0];

  throw std::runtime_error("Instrument has no efixed parameter");
Esempio n. 4
  @param  inst         Instrument
  @param  bankName     Name of detector bank
  @param  col          Column number containing peak
  @param  row          Row number containing peak
  @param  Edge         Number of edge points for each bank
  @return True if peak is on edge
bool edgePixel(Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr inst,
               std::string bankName, int col, int row, int Edge) {
  if (bankName == "None")
    return false;
  boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::IComponent> parent =
  if (parent->type() == "RectangularDetector") {
    boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::RectangularDetector> RDet =
        boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Geometry::RectangularDetector>(

    return col < Edge || col >= (RDet->xpixels() - Edge) || row < Edge ||
           row >= (RDet->ypixels() - Edge);
  } else {
    std::vector<Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr> children;
    boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::ICompAssembly> asmb =
        boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Geometry::ICompAssembly>(parent);
    asmb->getChildren(children, false);
    int startI = 1;
    if (children[0]->getName() == "sixteenpack") {
      startI = 0;
      parent = children[0];
      boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::ICompAssembly> asmb =
          boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Geometry::ICompAssembly>(parent);
      asmb->getChildren(children, false);
    boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::ICompAssembly> asmb2 =
        boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Geometry::ICompAssembly>(children[0]);
    std::vector<Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr> grandchildren;
    asmb2->getChildren(grandchildren, false);
    int NROWS = static_cast<int>(grandchildren.size());
    int NCOLS = static_cast<int>(children.size());
    // Wish pixels and tubes start at 1 not 0
    return col - startI < Edge || col - startI >= (NCOLS - Edge) ||
           row - startI < Edge || row - startI >= (NROWS - Edge);
  return false;