bool Facebook::extractConnectionTypeAndId(FacebookRequest *req, MAUtil::String &connectionType, MAUtil::String &id) const { const MAUtil::String path = req->getPath(); int found = path.findFirstOf('/'); if(String::npos == found) { return false; } id = path.substr(0, found); connectionType = path.substr(found+1); return (connectionType.size()>0 && id.size()>0); }
void string() { MAUtil::String str = "test"; assert("String::==", str == "test"); assert("String::!=", str != "fest"); assert("String::<", !(str < "fest") && (MAUtil::String("fest") < str)); assert("String::>", !(MAUtil::String("fest") > str) && (str > "fest")); assert("String::<=", str <= "test" && str <= "west"); assert("String::>=", str >= "test" && str >= "fest"); assert("String::+", (str + "ing") == "testing"); str+="ing"; assert("String::+=", str == "testing"); assert("String::find()", str.find("ing") == 4 && str.find("1") == MAUtil::String::npos); str+=" string"; assert("String::findLastOf()", str.findLastOf('g') == 13 && str.findLastOf('1') == MAUtil::String::npos); assert("String::findFirstOf()", str.findFirstOf('g') == 6 && str.findFirstOf('1') == MAUtil::String::npos); assert("String::findFirstNotOf()", str.findFirstNotOf('t') == 1 && str.findFirstNotOf('1') == 0); str.insert(7, " MAUtil::"); assert("String::insert(string)", str == "testing MAUtil:: string"); str.remove(16, 2); assert("String::remove()", str == "testing MAUtil::tring"); str.insert(16, 'S'); assert("String::insert(char)", str == "testing MAUtil::String"); assert("String::substr()", str.substr(8, 6) == "MAUtil"); assert("String::length()", str.length() == 22); str.reserve(32); assert("String::reserve()", str == "testing MAUtil::String" && str.length() == 22); assert("String::capacity()", str.capacity() == 32); str.clear(); assert("String::clear()", str.length() == 0 && str == ""); }
void SettingsScreen::loadSettings() { MAUtil::String filename = getLocalPath() + SETTINGS_FILE_NAME; MAHandle file = maFileOpen(filename.c_str(), MA_ACCESS_READ); if(file < 0) { printf("Error opening file %i\n", file); return; } // Check if the file exists. int res = maFileExists(file); MAASSERT(res >= 0); if(!res) { printf("File does not exist.\n"); maFileClose(file); return; } // Get the file size. int size = maFileSize(file); printf("Size: %i\n", size); MAASSERT(size >= 0); // Read the file data. static char data[200]; MAASSERT(size < (int)sizeof(data)); res = maFileRead(file, data, size); MAASSERT(res == 0); // Close the file. printf("Closing...\n"); res = maFileClose(file); MAASSERT(res == 0); printf("Done.\n"); MAUtil::String contents = data; printf("Loaded settings string %s", contents.c_str()); if (contents.findFirstOf(',', 0) <= 0) return; int commaPosition = contents.findFirstOf(',', 0); MAUtil::String appCode = contents.substr(0, commaPosition); mAppCodeBox->setText(appCode); printf("app code: %s", appCode.c_str()); int prevCommaPosition = commaPosition + 1; commaPosition = contents.findFirstOf(',', prevCommaPosition); MAUtil::String appUniq = contents.substr(prevCommaPosition, commaPosition-prevCommaPosition); mAppUniqBox->setText(appUniq); printf("app uniq: %s", appUniq.c_str()); prevCommaPosition = commaPosition + 1; commaPosition = contents.findFirstOf(',', prevCommaPosition); MAUtil::String appPwd = contents.substr(prevCommaPosition, contents.length() - prevCommaPosition); //mAppPwdBox->setText(appPwd); printf("app pwd: %s", appPwd.c_str()); //helper = CBHelper(appCode, appUniq); //helper.setPassword(appPwd); this->mScreen->initalizeHelper(appCode, appUniq, appPwd); }