Esempio n. 1
FilterGroupState::FilterGroupState(const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters)
        : EffectState(bufferParameters),
          m_loFreq(kMaxCorner / bufferParameters.sampleRate()),
          m_hiFreq(kMinCorner / bufferParameters.sampleRate()) {
    m_buffer = mixxx::SampleBuffer(bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    m_pLowFilter = new EngineFilterBiquad1Low(1, m_loFreq, m_q, true);
    m_pHighFilter = new EngineFilterBiquad1High(1, m_hiFreq, m_q, true);
Esempio n. 2
        const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters)
            : EffectState(bufferParameters) {
    m_oldLow = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    m_oldHigh = 0;


    // Initialize the default center frequencies
    m_centerFrequencies[0] = 81;
    m_centerFrequencies[1] = 100;
    m_centerFrequencies[2] = 222;
    m_centerFrequencies[3] = 494;
    m_centerFrequencies[4] = 1097;
    m_centerFrequencies[5] = 2437;
    m_centerFrequencies[6] = 5416;
    m_centerFrequencies[7] = 9828;

    // Initialize the filters with default parameters
    m_low = new EngineFilterBiquad1LowShelving(44100, m_centerFrequencies[0], Q);
    m_high = new EngineFilterBiquad1HighShelving(44100, m_centerFrequencies[7], Q);
    for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
        m_bands.append(new EngineFilterBiquad1Peaking(44100,
Esempio n. 3
void BitCrusherEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                      BitCrusherGroupState* pState,
                                      const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                      const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                      const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                      const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures) {
    Q_UNUSED(enableState); // no need to ramp, it is just a bitcrusher ;-)

    const CSAMPLE downsample = m_pDownsampleParameter ?
            m_pDownsampleParameter->value() : 0.0;

    CSAMPLE bit_depth = m_pBitDepthParameter ?
            m_pBitDepthParameter->value() : 16;

    // divided by two because we use float math which includes the sing bit anyway
    const CSAMPLE scale = pow(2.0f, bit_depth) / 2;
    // Gain correction is required, because MSB (values above 0.5) is usually
    // rarely used, to achieve equal loudness and maximum dynamic
    const CSAMPLE gainCorrection = (17 - bit_depth) / 8;

    for (unsigned int i = 0;
            i < bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer();
            i += bufferParameters.channelCount()) {
        pState->accumulator += downsample;

        if (pState->accumulator >= 1.0) {
            pState->accumulator -= 1.0;
            if (bit_depth < 16) {

                pState->hold_l = floorf(SampleUtil::clampSample(pInput[i] * gainCorrection) * scale + 0.5f) / scale / gainCorrection;
                pState->hold_r = floorf(SampleUtil::clampSample(pInput[i+1] * gainCorrection) * scale + 0.5f) / scale / gainCorrection;
            } else {
                // Mixxx float has 24 bit depth, Audio CDs are 16 bit
                // here we do not change the depth
                pState->hold_l = pInput[i];
                pState->hold_r = pInput[i+1];

        pOutput[i] = pState->hold_l;
        pOutput[i+1] = pState->hold_r;
Esempio n. 4
void Bessel4LVMixEQEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                          Bessel4LVMixEQEffectGroupState* pState,
                                          const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                          const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                          const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                          const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures,
                                          const EffectChainMixMode mixMode) {

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        // Ramp to dry, when disabling, this will ramp from dry when enabling as well
        pState->processChannelAndPause(pInput, pOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else {
        double fLow;
        double fMid;
        double fHigh;
        if (!m_pKillLow->toBool()) {
            fLow = m_pPotLow->value();
        } else {
            fLow = 0;
        if (!m_pKillMid->toBool()) {
            fMid = m_pPotMid->value();
        } else {
            fMid = 0;
        if (!m_pKillHigh->toBool()) {
            fHigh = m_pPotHigh->value();
        } else {
            fHigh = 0;
        pState->processChannel(pInput, pOutput,
                               fLow, fMid, fHigh,
                               m_pLoFreqCorner->get(), m_pHiFreqCorner->get());
Esempio n. 5
        const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters)
        : EffectState(bufferParameters),
          m_samplerate(bufferParameters.sampleRate()) {
    m_pBuf = SampleUtil::alloc(bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    m_pLowFilter = new EngineFilterMoogLadder4Low(
            m_loFreq * bufferParameters.sampleRate(), m_resonance);
    m_pHighFilter = new EngineFilterMoogLadder4High(
            m_hiFreq * bufferParameters.sampleRate(), m_resonance);
Esempio n. 6
void LinkwitzRiley8EQEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                            LinkwitzRiley8EQEffectGroupState* pState,
                                            const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                            const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                            const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                            const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures) {

    float fLow = 0.f, fMid = 0.f, fHigh = 0.f;
    if (!m_pKillLow->toBool()) {
        fLow = m_pPotLow->value();
    if (!m_pKillMid->toBool()) {
        fMid = m_pPotMid->value();
    if (!m_pKillHigh->toBool()) {
        fHigh = m_pPotHigh->value();

    if (pState->m_oldSampleRate != bufferParameters.sampleRate() ||
            (pState->m_loFreq != static_cast<int>(m_pLoFreqCorner->get())) ||
            (pState->m_hiFreq != static_cast<int>(m_pHiFreqCorner->get()))) {
        pState->m_loFreq = static_cast<int>(m_pLoFreqCorner->get());
        pState->m_hiFreq = static_cast<int>(m_pHiFreqCorner->get());
        pState->m_oldSampleRate = bufferParameters.sampleRate();
        pState->setFilters(bufferParameters.sampleRate(), pState->m_loFreq, pState->m_hiFreq);

    pState->m_high2->process(pInput, pState->m_pHighBuf, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer()); // HighPass first run
    pState->m_low2->process(pInput, pState->m_pLowBuf, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer()); // LowPass first run for low and bandpass

    if (fMid != pState->old_mid ||
            fHigh != pState->old_high) {
                pState->m_pHighBuf, pState->old_high, fHigh,
                pState->m_pLowBuf, pState->old_mid, fMid,
    } else {
                pState->m_pHighBuf, fHigh,
                pState->m_pLowBuf, fMid,

    pState->m_high1->process(pState->m_pHighBuf, pState->m_pMidBuf, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer()); // HighPass + BandPass second run
    pState->m_low1->process(pState->m_pLowBuf, pState->m_pLowBuf, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer()); // LowPass second run

    if (fLow != pState->old_low) {
                pState->m_pLowBuf, pState->old_low, fLow,
                pState->m_pMidBuf, 1, 1,
    } else {
                pState->m_pLowBuf, fLow,
                pState->m_pMidBuf, 1,

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        // we rely on the ramping to dry in EngineEffect
        // since this EQ is not fully dry at unity
        pState->old_low = 1.0;
        pState->old_mid = 1.0;
        pState->old_high = 1.0;
    } else {
        pState->old_low = fLow;
        pState->old_mid = fMid;
        pState->old_high = fHigh;
Esempio n. 7
void AutoPanEffect::processChannel(
          const ChannelHandle& handle, AutoPanGroupState* pGroupState,
          const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
          const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
          const EffectEnableState enableState,
          const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures) {

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Disabled) {

    AutoPanGroupState& gs = *pGroupState;
    double width = m_pWidthParameter->value();
    double period = m_pPeriodParameter->value();
    double smoothing = 0.5 - m_pSmoothingParameter->value();

    if (groupFeatures.has_beat_length_sec) {
        // period is a number of beats
        double beats = std::max(roundToFraction(period, 2), 0.25);
        period = beats * groupFeatures.beat_length_sec * bufferParameters.sampleRate();

        // TODO(xxx) sync phase
        //if (groupFeatures.has_beat_fraction) {

    } else {
        // period is a number of seconds
        period = std::max(period, 0.25) * bufferParameters.sampleRate();

    // When the period is changed, the position of the sound shouldn't
    // so time need to be recalculated
    if (gs.m_dPreviousPeriod != -1.0) {
        gs.time *= period / gs.m_dPreviousPeriod;

    gs.m_dPreviousPeriod = period;

    if (gs.time >= period || enableState == EffectEnableState::Enabling) {
        gs.time = 0;

    // Normally, the position goes from 0 to 1 linearly. Here we make steps at
    // 0.25 and 0.75 to have the sound fully on the right or fully on the left.
    // At the end, the "position" value can describe a sinusoid or a square
    // curve depending of the size of those steps.

    // coef of the slope
    // a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
    //       1  / ( 1 - 2 * stepfrac)
    float a = smoothing != 0.5f ? 1.0f / (1.0f - smoothing * 2.0f) : 1.0f;

    // size of a segment of slope (controlled by the "smoothing" parameter)
    float u = (0.5f - smoothing) / 2.0f;


    double sinusoid = 0;

    // NOTE: Assuming engine is working in stereo.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i + 1 < bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer(); i += 2) {

        CSAMPLE periodFraction = CSAMPLE(gs.time) / period;

        // current quarter in the trigonometric circle
        float quarter = floorf(periodFraction * 4.0f);

        // part of the period fraction being a step (not in the slope)
        CSAMPLE stepsFractionPart = floorf((quarter + 1.0f) / 2.0f) * smoothing;

        // float inInterval = fmod( periodFraction, (period / 2.0) );
        float inStepInterval = fmod(periodFraction, 0.5f);

        CSAMPLE angleFraction;
        if (inStepInterval > u && inStepInterval < (u + smoothing)) {
            // at full left or full right
            angleFraction = quarter < 2.0f ? 0.25f : 0.75f;
        } else {
            // in the slope (linear function)
            angleFraction = (periodFraction - stepsFractionPart) * a;

        // transforms the angleFraction into a sinusoid.
        // The width parameter modulates the two limits. if width values 0.5,
        // the limits will be 0.25 and 0.75. If it's 0, it will be 0.5 and 0.5
        // so the sound will be stuck at the center. If it values 1, the limits
        // will be 0 and 1 (full left and full right).
        sinusoid = sin(M_PI * 2.0f * angleFraction) * width;
        gs.frac.setWithRampingApplied((sinusoid + 1.0f) / 2.0f);

        // apply the delay
        gs.delay->process(&pInput[i], &pOutput[i],
                -0.005 * math_clamp(((gs.frac * 2.0) - 1.0f), -1.0, 1.0) * bufferParameters.sampleRate());

        double lawCoef = computeLawCoefficient(sinusoid);
        pOutput[i] *= gs.frac * lawCoef;
        pOutput[i+1] *= (1.0f - gs.frac) * lawCoef;

        while (gs.time >= period) {
            // Click for debug
            //pOutput[i] = 1.0f;
            //pOutput[i+1] = 1.0f;

            // The while loop is required in case period changes the value
            gs.time -= period;
Esempio n. 8
void FilterEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                  FilterGroupState* pState,
                                  const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                  const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                  const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                  const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures,
                                  const EffectChainMixMode mixMode) {

    double hpf;
    double lpf;
    double q = m_pQ->value();

    const double minCornerNormalized = kMinCorner / bufferParameters.sampleRate();
    const double maxCornerNormalized = kMaxCorner / bufferParameters.sampleRate();

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        // Ramp to dry, when disabling, this will ramp from dry when enabling as well
        hpf = minCornerNormalized;
        lpf = maxCornerNormalized;
    } else {
        hpf = m_pHPF->value() / bufferParameters.sampleRate();
        lpf = m_pLPF->value() / bufferParameters.sampleRate();

    if ((pState->m_loFreq != lpf) ||
            (pState->m_q != q) ||
            (pState->m_hiFreq != hpf)) {
        // limit Q to ~4 in case of overlap
        // Determined empirically at 1000 Hz
        double ratio = hpf / lpf;
        double clampedQ = q;
        if (ratio < 1.414 && ratio >= 1) {
            ratio -= 1;
            double qmax = 2 + ratio * ratio * ratio * 29;
            clampedQ = math_min(clampedQ, qmax);
        } else if (ratio < 1 && ratio >= 0.7) {
            clampedQ = math_min(clampedQ, 2.0);
        } else if (ratio < 0.7 && ratio > 0.1) {
            ratio -= 0.1;
            double qmax = 4 - 2 / 0.6 * ratio;
            clampedQ = math_min(clampedQ, qmax);
        pState->m_pLowFilter->setFrequencyCorners(1, lpf, clampedQ);
        pState->m_pHighFilter->setFrequencyCorners(1, hpf, clampedQ);

    const CSAMPLE* pLpfInput = pState->;
    CSAMPLE* pHpfOutput = pState->;
    if (lpf >= maxCornerNormalized && pState->m_loFreq >= maxCornerNormalized) {
        // Lpf disabled Hpf can write directly to output
        pHpfOutput = pOutput;
        pLpfInput = pHpfOutput;

    if (hpf > minCornerNormalized) {
        // hpf enabled, fade-in is handled in the filter when starting from pause
        pState->m_pHighFilter->process(pInput, pHpfOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else if (pState->m_hiFreq > minCornerNormalized) {
            // hpf disabling
                    pHpfOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else {
        // paused LP uses input directly
        pLpfInput = pInput;

    if (lpf < maxCornerNormalized) {
        // lpf enabled, fade-in is handled in the filter when starting from pause
        pState->m_pLowFilter->process(pLpfInput, pOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else if (pState->m_loFreq < maxCornerNormalized) {
        // hpf disabling
                pOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else if (pLpfInput == pInput) {
        // Both disabled
        if (pOutput != pInput) {
            // We need to copy pInput pOutput
            SampleUtil::copy(pOutput, pInput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());

    pState->m_loFreq = lpf;
    pState->m_q = q;
    pState->m_hiFreq = hpf;
Esempio n. 9
void PhaserEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                  PhaserGroupState* pState,
                                  const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                  const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                  const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                  const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures,
                                  const EffectChainMixMode mixMode) {

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Enabling) {

    CSAMPLE depth = 0;
    if (enableState != EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        depth = m_pDepthParameter->value();

    double periodParameter = m_pLFOPeriodParameter->value();
    double periodSamples;
    if (groupFeatures.has_beat_length_sec) {
        // periodParameter is a number of beats
        periodParameter = std::max(roundToFraction(periodParameter, 2.0), 1/4.0);
        if (m_pTripletParameter->toBool()) {
            periodParameter /= 3.0;
        periodSamples = periodParameter * groupFeatures.beat_length_sec * bufferParameters.sampleRate();
    } else {
        // periodParameter is a number of seconds
        periodSamples = std::max(periodParameter, 1/4.0) * bufferParameters.sampleRate();
    // freqSkip is used to calculate the phase independently for each channel,
    // so do not multiply periodSamples by the number of channels.
    CSAMPLE freqSkip = 1.0 / periodSamples * 2.0 * M_PI;

    CSAMPLE feedback = m_pFeedbackParameter->value();
    CSAMPLE range = m_pRangeParameter->value();
    int stages = 2 * m_pStagesParameter->value();

    CSAMPLE* oldInLeft = pState->oldInLeft;
    CSAMPLE* oldOutLeft = pState->oldOutLeft;
    CSAMPLE* oldInRight = pState->oldInRight;
    CSAMPLE* oldOutRight = pState->oldOutRight;

    // Using two sets of coefficients for left and right channel
    CSAMPLE filterCoefLeft = 0;
    CSAMPLE filterCoefRight = 0;

    CSAMPLE left = 0, right = 0;

    CSAMPLE_GAIN oldDepth = pState->oldDepth;
    const CSAMPLE_GAIN depthDelta = (depth - oldDepth)
            / bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer();
    const CSAMPLE_GAIN depthStart = oldDepth + depthDelta;

    int stereoCheck = m_pStereoParameter->value();
    int counter = 0;

    for (unsigned int i = 0;
            i < bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer();
            i += bufferParameters.channelCount()) {
        left = pInput[i] + tanh(left * feedback);
        right = pInput[i + 1] + tanh(right * feedback);

        // For stereo enabled, the channels are out of phase
        pState->leftPhase = fmodf(pState->leftPhase + freqSkip, 2.0 * M_PI);
        pState->rightPhase = fmodf(pState->rightPhase + freqSkip + M_PI * stereoCheck, 2.0 * M_PI);

        // Updating filter coefficients once every 'updateCoef' samples to avoid
        // extra computing
        if ((counter++) % updateCoef == 0) {
                CSAMPLE delayLeft = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(pState->leftPhase);
                CSAMPLE delayRight = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(pState->rightPhase);

                // Coefficient computing based on the following:
                CSAMPLE wLeft = range * delayLeft;
                CSAMPLE wRight = range * delayRight;

                CSAMPLE tanwLeft = tanh(wLeft / 2);
                CSAMPLE tanwRight = tanh(wRight / 2);

                filterCoefLeft = (1.0 - tanwLeft) / (1.0 + tanwLeft);
                filterCoefRight = (1.0 - tanwRight) / (1.0 + tanwRight);

        left = processSample(left, oldInLeft, oldOutLeft, filterCoefLeft, stages);
        right = processSample(right, oldInRight, oldOutRight, filterCoefRight, stages);

        const CSAMPLE_GAIN depth = depthStart + depthDelta * (i / bufferParameters.channelCount());

        // Computing output combining the original and processed sample
        pOutput[i] = pInput[i] * (1.0 - 0.5 * depth) + left * depth * 0.5;
        pOutput[i + 1] = pInput[i + 1] * (1.0 - 0.5 * depth) + right * depth * 0.5;

    pState->oldDepth = depth;
Esempio n. 10
void FlangerEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                   FlangerGroupState* pState,
                                   const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                   const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                   const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                   const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures) {

    double lfoPeriodParameter = m_pSpeedParameter->value();
    double lfoPeriodFrames;
    if (groupFeatures.has_beat_length_sec) {
        // lfoPeriodParameter is a number of beats
        lfoPeriodParameter = std::max(roundToFraction(lfoPeriodParameter, 2.0), kMinLfoBeats);
        if (m_pTripletParameter->toBool()) {
            lfoPeriodParameter /= 3.0;
        lfoPeriodFrames = lfoPeriodParameter * groupFeatures.beat_length_sec
                * bufferParameters.sampleRate();
    } else {
        // lfoPeriodParameter is a number of seconds
        lfoPeriodFrames = std::max(lfoPeriodParameter, kMinLfoBeats)
                * bufferParameters.sampleRate();

    // When the period is changed, the position of the sound shouldn't
    // so time need to be recalculated
    if (pState->previousPeriodFrames != -1.0) {
        pState->lfoFrames *= lfoPeriodFrames / pState->previousPeriodFrames;
    pState->previousPeriodFrames = lfoPeriodFrames;

    // lfoPeriodSamples is used to calculate the delay for each channel
    // independently in the loop below, so do not multiply lfoPeriodSamples by
    // the number of channels.

    CSAMPLE_GAIN mix = m_pMixParameter->value();
    RampingValue<CSAMPLE_GAIN> mixRamped(
            pState->prev_mix, mix, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_mix = mix;

    CSAMPLE_GAIN regen = m_pRegenParameter->value();
    RampingValue<CSAMPLE_GAIN> regenRamped(
            pState->prev_regen, regen, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_regen = regen;

    // With and Manual is limited by amount of amplitude that remains from width
    // to kMaxDelayMs
    double width = m_pWidthParameter->value();
    double manual = m_pManualParameter->value();
    double maxManual = kCenterDelayMs + (kMaxLfoWidthMs - width) / 2;
    double minManual = kCenterDelayMs - (kMaxLfoWidthMs - width) / 2;
    manual = math_clamp(manual, minManual, maxManual);

    RampingValue<double> widthRamped(
            pState->prev_width, width, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_width = width;

    RampingValue<double> manualRamped(
            pState->prev_manual, manual, bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer());
    pState->prev_manual = manual;

    CSAMPLE* delayLeft = pState->delayLeft;
    CSAMPLE* delayRight = pState->delayRight;

   for (unsigned int i = 0;
          i < bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer();
          i += bufferParameters.channelCount()) {

        CSAMPLE_GAIN mix_ramped = mixRamped.getNext();
        CSAMPLE_GAIN regen_ramped = regenRamped.getNext();
        double width_ramped = widthRamped.getNext();
        double manual_ramped = manualRamped.getNext();

        if (pState->lfoFrames >= lfoPeriodFrames) {
            pState->lfoFrames = 0;

        float periodFraction = static_cast<float>(pState->lfoFrames) / lfoPeriodFrames;
        double delayMs = manual_ramped + width_ramped / 2 * sin(M_PI * 2.0f * periodFraction);
        double delayFrames = delayMs * bufferParameters.sampleRate() / 1000;

        SINT framePrev = (pState->delayPos - static_cast<SINT>(floor(delayFrames))
                + kBufferLenth) % kBufferLenth;
        SINT frameNext = (pState->delayPos - static_cast<SINT>(ceil(delayFrames))
                + kBufferLenth) % kBufferLenth;
        CSAMPLE prevLeft = delayLeft[framePrev];
        CSAMPLE nextLeft = delayLeft[frameNext];

        CSAMPLE prevRight = delayRight[framePrev];
        CSAMPLE nextRight = delayRight[frameNext];

        CSAMPLE frac = delayFrames - floorf(delayFrames);
        CSAMPLE delayedSampleLeft = prevLeft + frac * (nextLeft - prevLeft);
        CSAMPLE delayedSampleRight = prevRight + frac * (nextRight - prevRight);

        delayLeft[pState->delayPos] = tanh_approx(pInput[i] + regen_ramped * delayedSampleLeft);
        delayRight[pState->delayPos] = tanh_approx(pInput[i + 1] + regen_ramped * delayedSampleRight);

        pState->delayPos = (pState->delayPos + 1) % kBufferLenth;

        double gain = (1 - mix_ramped + kGainCorrection * mix_ramped);
        pOutput[i] = (pInput[i] + mix_ramped * delayedSampleLeft) / gain;
        pOutput[i + 1] = (pInput[i + 1] + mix_ramped * delayedSampleRight) / gain;

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        SampleUtil::clear(delayLeft, kBufferLenth);
        SampleUtil::clear(delayRight, kBufferLenth);
        pState->previousPeriodFrames = -1;
        pState->prev_regen = 0;
        pState->prev_mix = 0;
Esempio n. 11
void MoogLadder4FilterEffect::processChannel(
        const ChannelHandle& handle,
        MoogLadder4FilterGroupState* pState,
        const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
        const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
        const EffectEnableState enableState,
        const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures,
        const EffectChainMixMode mixMode) {

    double resonance = m_pResonance->value();
    double hpf;
    double lpf;
    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        // Ramp to dry, when disabling, this will ramp from dry when enabling as well
        hpf = kMinCorner;
        lpf = kMaxCorner;
    } else {
        hpf = m_pHPF->value();
        lpf = m_pLPF->value();

    if (pState->m_loFreq != lpf ||
            pState->m_resonance != resonance ||
            pState->m_samplerate != bufferParameters.sampleRate()) {
                bufferParameters.sampleRate(), lpf * bufferParameters.sampleRate(),

    if (pState->m_hiFreq != hpf ||
            pState->m_resonance != resonance ||
            pState->m_samplerate != bufferParameters.sampleRate()) {
                bufferParameters.sampleRate(), hpf * bufferParameters.sampleRate(),

    const CSAMPLE* pLpfInput = pState->m_pBuf;
    CSAMPLE* pHpfOutput = pState->m_pBuf;
    if (lpf >= kMaxCorner && pState->m_loFreq >= kMaxCorner) {
        // Lpf disabled Hpf can write directly to output
        pHpfOutput = pOutput;
        pLpfInput = pHpfOutput;

    if (hpf > kMinCorner) {
        // hpf enabled, fade-in is handled in the filter when starting from pause
        pState->m_pHighFilter->process(pInput, pHpfOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else if (pState->m_hiFreq > kMinCorner) {
        // hpf disabling
                pHpfOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else {
        // paused LP uses input directly
        pLpfInput = pInput;

    if (lpf < kMaxCorner) {
        // lpf enabled, fade-in is handled in the filter when starting from pause
        pState->m_pLowFilter->process(pLpfInput, pOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else if (pState->m_loFreq < kMaxCorner) {
        // hpf disabling
                pOutput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());
    } else if (pLpfInput == pInput) {
        // Both disabled
        if (pOutput != pInput) {
            // We need to copy pInput pOutput
            SampleUtil::copy(pOutput, pInput, bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer());

    pState->m_loFreq = lpf;
    pState->m_resonance = resonance;
    pState->m_hiFreq = hpf;
    pState->m_samplerate = bufferParameters.sampleRate();