int PIZStage::Initialize() { MM::Device* device = GetDevice(controllerName_.c_str()); if (device == NULL) return ERR_GCS_PI_NO_CONTROLLER_FOUND; int ret = device->Initialize(); if (ret != DEVICE_OK) return ret; ctrl_ = PIController::GetByLabel(controllerName_); if (ctrl_ == NULL) return ERR_GCS_PI_NO_CONTROLLER_FOUND; std::string sBuffer; ctrl_->qIDN(sBuffer); LogMessage(std::string("Connected to: ") + sBuffer); ret = ctrl_->InitStage(axisName_, stageType_); if (ret != DEVICE_OK) { LogMessage("Cannot init axis"); return ret; } // axis limits (assumed symmetrical) CPropertyAction* pAct = new CPropertyAction (this, &PIZStage::OnHoming); CreateProperty("HOMING", "", MM::String, false, pAct); pAct = new CPropertyAction (this, &PIZStage::OnVelocity); CreateProperty("Velocity", "", MM::Float, false, pAct); initialized_ = true; return DEVICE_OK; }
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus DiskoveryHub::DetectDevice(void ) { char answerTO[MM::MaxStrLength]; if (initialized_) return MM::CanCommunicate; MM::DeviceDetectionStatus result = MM::Misconfigured; try { std::string portLowerCase = port_; for( std::string::iterator its = portLowerCase.begin(); its != portLowerCase.end(); ++its) { *its = (char)tolower(*its); } if( 0< portLowerCase.length() && 0 !="undefined") && 0 !="unknown") ) { result = MM::CanNotCommunicate; // record the default answer time out GetCoreCallback()->GetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); // device specific default communication parameters GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Handshaking, "Hardware"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_BaudRate, "115200" ); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_StopBits, "1"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", "100.0"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "DelayBetweenCharsMs", "0"); // Attempt to communicate through the port MM::Device* pS = GetCoreCallback()->GetDevice(this, port_.c_str()); pS->Initialize(); PurgeComPort(port_.c_str()); bool present = false; int ret = IsControllerPresent(port_, present); if (ret != DEVICE_OK) return result; if (present) { result = MM::CanCommunicate; // set the timeout to a value higher than the heartbeat frequency // so that the logs will not overflow with errors GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", "6000"); } else { GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); } pS->Shutdown(); } } catch(...) { LogMessage("Exception in DetectDevice!",false); } return result; }
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus CTigerCommHub::DetectDevice() // looks for hub, not child devices { if (initialized_) return MM::CanCommunicate; // all conditions must be satisfied... MM::DeviceDetectionStatus result = MM::Misconfigured; char answerTO[MM::MaxStrLength]; try { std::string portLowerCase = port_; for( std::string::iterator its = portLowerCase.begin(); its != portLowerCase.end(); ++its) { *its = (char)tolower(*its); } if( 0< portLowerCase.length() && 0 !="undefined") && 0 !="unknown") ) { result = MM::CanNotCommunicate; // record the default answer time out GetCoreCallback()->GetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); // device specific default communication parameters for ASI Tiger controller GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Handshaking, "Off"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_BaudRate, "115200" ); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_StopBits, "1"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", "500.0"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "DelayBetweenCharsMs", "0"); MM::Device* pS = GetCoreCallback()->GetDevice(this, port_.c_str()); pS->Initialize(); PurgeComPort(port_.c_str()); int ret = TalkToTiger(); // this line unique to this hub, most of rest is copied from existing code if( DEVICE_OK != ret ) { LogMessageCode(ret,true); } else { // to succeed must reach here.... result = MM::CanCommunicate; } pS->Shutdown(); // restore the AnswerTimeout to the default GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); } } catch(...) { LogMessage("Exception in DetectDevice!"); } return result; }
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus Stage::DetectDevice(void) { // all conditions must be satisfied... MM::DeviceDetectionStatus result = MM::Misconfigured; try { std::string transformed = port_; for( std::string::iterator its = transformed.begin(); its != transformed.end(); ++its) { *its = (char)tolower(*its); } if( 0< transformed.length() && 0 !="undefined") && 0 !="unknown") ) { // the port property seems correct, so give it a try result = MM::CanNotCommunicate; // device specific default communication parameters GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_BaudRate, "9600" ); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_DataBits, "8"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_StopBits, "1"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Parity, "None"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Handshaking, "Off" ); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_AnswerTimeout, "500.0"); MM::Device* pS = GetCoreCallback()->GetDevice(this, port_.c_str()); pS->Initialize(); std::string v; int qvStatus = this->GetVersion(v); //LogMessage(std::string("version : ")+v, true); ver_=v; if( DEVICE_OK != qvStatus ) { LogMessageCode(qvStatus,true); } else { // to succeed must reach here.... result = MM::CanCommunicate; } pS->Shutdown(); } } catch(...) { LogMessage("Exception in DetectDevice!",false); } return result; }
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus Hub::DetectDevice(void) { // all conditions must be satisfied... MM::DeviceDetectionStatus result = MM::Misconfigured; char answerTO[MM::MaxStrLength]; try { std::string portLowerCase = port_; for( std::string::iterator its = portLowerCase.begin(); its != portLowerCase.end(); ++its) { *its = (char)tolower(*its); } if( 0< portLowerCase.length() && 0 !="undefined") && 0 !="unknown") ) { result = MM::CanNotCommunicate; // record the default answer time out GetCoreCallback()->GetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); // device specific default communication parameters // for ASI FW GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Handshaking, "Off"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_StopBits, "1"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", "500.0"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "DelayBetweenCharsMs", "0"); MM::Device* pS = GetCoreCallback()->GetDevice(this, port_.c_str()); std::vector< std::string> possibleBauds; possibleBauds.push_back("115200"); possibleBauds.push_back("28800"); possibleBauds.push_back("19200"); possibleBauds.push_back("9600"); for( std::vector< std::string>::iterator bit = possibleBauds.begin(); bit!= possibleBauds.end(); ++bit ) { GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_BaudRate, (*bit).c_str() ); pS->Initialize(); PurgeComPort(port_.c_str()); // Version char version[256]; int ret = g_hub.GetVersion(*this, *GetCoreCallback(), version); if( DEVICE_OK != ret ) { LogMessageCode(ret,true); } else { // to succeed must reach here.... result = MM::CanCommunicate; } pS->Shutdown(); CDeviceUtils::SleepMs(300); if( MM::CanCommunicate == result) break; } // always restore the AnswerTimeout to the default GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); } } catch(...) { LogMessage("Exception in DetectDevice!",false); } return result; }
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus RAMPSHub::DetectDevice(void) { LogMessage("RAMPS DetectDevice"); if (initialized_) return MM::CanCommunicate; // all conditions must be satisfied... MM::DeviceDetectionStatus result = MM::Misconfigured; char answerTO[MM::MaxStrLength]; try { std::string portLowerCase = port_; for( std::string::iterator its = portLowerCase.begin(); its != portLowerCase.end(); ++its) { *its = (char)tolower(*its); } if( 0< portLowerCase.length() && 0 !="undefined") && 0 !="unknown") ) { result = MM::CanNotCommunicate; // record the default answer time out GetCoreCallback()->GetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); // device specific default communication parameters // for Arduino Duemilanova GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Handshaking, "Off"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_BaudRate, "115200" ); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_StopBits, "1"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", "500.0"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "DelayBetweenCharsMs", "0"); MM::Device* pS = GetCoreCallback()->GetDevice(this, port_.c_str()); pS->Initialize(); // The first second or so after opening the serial port, the Arduino is waiting for firmwareupgrades. Simply sleep 2 seconds. CDeviceUtils::SleepMs(2000); MMThreadGuard myLock(executeLock_); string an; while (true) { int ret = ReadResponse(an); if (ret != DEVICE_OK) { LogMessage("Got timeout:"); LogMessageCode(ret,true); break; } } LogMessage("Checking for status."); PurgeComPort(port_.c_str()); int ret = GetStatus(); // later, Initialize will explicitly check the version # if( DEVICE_OK != ret ) { LogMessage("Got:"); LogMessageCode(ret,true); } else { // to succeed must reach here.... result = MM::CanCommunicate; } pS->Shutdown(); // always restore the AnswerTimeout to the default GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); } } catch(...) { LogMessage("Exception in DetectDevice!",false); } return result; }
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus VariLC::DetectDevice(void) { // all conditions must be satisfied... MM::DeviceDetectionStatus result = MM::Misconfigured; try { long baud; GetProperty(g_BaudRate_key, baud); std::string transformed = port_; for( std::string::iterator its = transformed.begin(); its != transformed.end(); ++its) { *its = (char)tolower(*its); } if( 0< transformed.length() && 0 !="undefined") && 0 !="unknown") ) { int ret = 0; MM::Device* pS; // the port property seems correct, so give it a try result = MM::CanNotCommunicate; // device specific default communication parameters GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_AnswerTimeout, "2000.0"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_BaudRate, baud_.c_str() ); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_DelayBetweenCharsMs, "0.0"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Handshaking, "Off"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Parity, "None"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_StopBits, "1"); GetCoreCallback()->SetDeviceProperty(port_.c_str(), "Verbose", "1"); pS = GetCoreCallback()->GetDevice(this, port_.c_str()); pS->Initialize(); ClearPort(*this, *GetCoreCallback(), port_); ret = SendSerialCommand(port_.c_str(), "V?", "\r"); GetSerialAnswer (port_.c_str(), "\r", serialnum_); GetSerialAnswer (port_.c_str(), "\r", serialnum_); if (ret!=DEVICE_OK || serialnum_.length() < 5) { LogMessageCode(ret,true); LogMessage(std::string("VariLC not found on ")+port_.c_str(), true); LogMessage(std::string("VariLC serial no:")+serialnum_, true); ret = 1; serialnum_ = "0"; pS->Shutdown(); } else { // to succeed must reach here.... LogMessage(std::string("VariLC found on ")+port_.c_str(), true); LogMessage(std::string("VariLC serial no:")+serialnum_, true); result = MM::CanCommunicate; GetCoreCallback()->SetSerialProperties(port_.c_str(), "600.0", baud_.c_str(), "0.0", "Off", "None", "1"); serialnum_ = "0"; pS->Initialize(); ret = SendSerialCommand(port_.c_str(), "R 1", "\r"); ret = SendSerialCommand(port_.c_str(), "C 0", "\r"); pS->Shutdown(); } } } catch(...) { LogMessage("Exception in DetectDevice!",false); } return result; }
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus FocalPointCheckSerialPort(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, std::string portToCheck, double answerTimeoutMs) { // all conditions must be satisfied... MM::DeviceDetectionStatus result = MM::Misconfigured; char answerTO[MM::MaxStrLength]; try { std::string portLowerCase = portToCheck; for( std::string::iterator its = portLowerCase.begin(); its != portLowerCase.end(); ++its) { *its = (char)tolower(*its); } if( 0< portLowerCase.length() && 0 !="undefined") && 0 !="unknown") ) { result = MM::CanNotCommunicate; core.GetDeviceProperty(portToCheck.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); // device specific default communication parameters // for ASI Stage core.SetDeviceProperty(portToCheck.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_Handshaking, "Off"); core.SetDeviceProperty(portToCheck.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_StopBits, "1"); std::ostringstream too; too << answerTimeoutMs; core.SetDeviceProperty(portToCheck.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", too.str().c_str()); core.SetDeviceProperty(portToCheck.c_str(), "DelayBetweenCharsMs", "0"); MM::Device* pS = core.GetDevice(&device, portToCheck.c_str()); std::vector< std::string> possibleBauds; possibleBauds.push_back("9600"); for( std::vector< std::string>::iterator bit = possibleBauds.begin(); bit!= possibleBauds.end(); ++bit ) { core.SetDeviceProperty(portToCheck.c_str(), MM::g_Keyword_BaudRate, (*bit).c_str() ); pS->Initialize(); core.PurgeSerial(&device, portToCheck.c_str()); // check status const char* command = "/"; int ret = core.SetSerialCommand( &device, portToCheck.c_str(), command, "\r"); if( DEVICE_OK == ret) { char answer[MM::MaxStrLength]; ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, portToCheck.c_str(), MM::MaxStrLength, answer, "\r\n"); if( DEVICE_OK != ret ) { char text[MM::MaxStrLength]; device.GetErrorText(ret, text); core.LogMessage(&device, text, true); } else { // to succeed must reach here.... result = MM::CanCommunicate; } } else { char text[MM::MaxStrLength]; device.GetErrorText(ret, text); core.LogMessage(&device, text, true); } pS->Shutdown(); if( MM::CanCommunicate == result) break; else // try to yield to GUI CDeviceUtils::SleepMs(10); } // always restore the AnswerTimeout to the default core.SetDeviceProperty(portToCheck.c_str(), "AnswerTimeout", answerTO); } } catch(...) { core.LogMessage(&device, "Exception in DetectDevice!",false); } return result; }