Esempio n. 1
TEST(FilePersistence, LoadingList)
	QString testDir = ":/FilePersistence/test/persisted";
	Model::Model model;
	FileStore store;

	model.load(&store, "partial");
	TestNodes::PartialList* root = dynamic_cast<TestNodes::PartialList*> (model.root());
	CHECK_CONDITION(root != nullptr);

	Model::List* list = root->list();

	CHECK_CONDITION(list != nullptr);
	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("List", list->typeName() );
	CHECK_CONDITION(list->isFullyLoaded() == false);
	CHECK_INT_EQUAL(1, list->id());


	CHECK_INT_EQUAL(4, list->size());

	Model::Text* one = list->at<Model::Text>(0);
	Model::Text* two = list->at<Model::Text>(1);
	Model::Text* three = list->at<Model::Text>(2);
	Model::Text* four = list->at<Model::Text>(3);

	CHECK_CONDITION(one != nullptr);
	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("one", one->get());
	CHECK_INT_EQUAL(2, one->id());

	CHECK_CONDITION(two != nullptr);
	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("two", two->get());
	CHECK_INT_EQUAL(3, two->id())

	CHECK_CONDITION(three != nullptr);
	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("three", three->get());
	CHECK_INT_EQUAL(4, three->id())

	CHECK_CONDITION(four != nullptr);
	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("four", four->get());
	CHECK_INT_EQUAL(5, four->id());

Esempio n. 2
TEST(FilePersistence, LoadingTypedList)
	QString testDir = ":/FilePersistence/test/persisted";
	Model::Model model;
	FileStore store;

	model.load(&store, "typedList");
	Model::TypedList<Model::Text>* list = dynamic_cast<Model::TypedList<Model::Text>*> (model.root());
	CHECK_CONDITION(list != nullptr);

	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("TypedListOfText", list->typeName() );
	CHECK_INT_EQUAL(2, list->size());

	Model::Text* one = list->at(0);
	Model::Text* two = list->at(1);

	CHECK_CONDITION(one != nullptr);
	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("one", one->get());

	CHECK_CONDITION(two != nullptr);
	CHECK_STR_EQUAL("two", two->get());
void VUnfinishedOperator::determineChildren()
	// TODO: find a better way and place to determine the style of children. Is doing this causing too many updates?
	// TODO: consider the performance of this. Possibly introduce a style updated boolean for all items so that they know
	//			what's the reason they are being updated.
	// The style needs to be updated every time since if our own style changes, so will that of the children.
	layout()->setStyle( &style()->layout());

	int delimIndex = 0;
	int operandIndex = 0;
	QList<Model::Node*> nodes;
	bool prefixEmpty = false;
	while (delimIndex < node()->delimiters()->size() || operandIndex < node()->operands()->size())
		if (delimIndex == operandIndex)
			Model::Text* delim = node()->delimiters()->at(delimIndex);
			if (!delim->get().isEmpty()) nodes.append(delim);
			else if (delimIndex == 0) prefixEmpty = true;

	layout()->synchronizeWithNodes(nodes, renderer());
	for (int i = prefixEmpty ? 1 : 0; i < layout()->length(); i+=2 )
		// We set these to read-only since that will make keyboard events pass though and allow these events to be handled
		// by the expression handler.