bool CMOOSRemoteLite::MailLoop() { m_bRunMailLoop = true; while(!m_bQuit) { MOOSPause(300); MOOSMSG_LIST MailIn; if(m_bRunMailLoop && m_Comms.Fetch(MailIn)) { //process mail //simply write out MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; //make it in time order MailIn.sort(); MailIn.reverse(); for(p = MailIn.begin();p!=MailIn.end();p++) { if(p->IsSkewed(MOOSTime())) continue; if(MOOSStrCmp(p->m_sKey,"NAV_SUMMARY")) { DoNavSummary(*p); } else if(p->GetKey().find("DEBUG")!=string::npos) { //we print MOOS_DEBUG messages to the screen string sMsg = p->m_sVal; MOOSRemoveChars(sMsg,"\r\n"); MOOSTrace(">%-10s @ %7.2f \"%s\"\n", p->m_sSrc.c_str(), p->m_dfTime-GetAppStartTime(), sMsg.c_str()); } else { CUSTOMJOURNAL_MAP::iterator w = m_CustomJournals.find(p->GetKey()); if(w!=m_CustomJournals.end()) { w->second.Add(p->GetAsString()); } } } UpdateMOOSVariables(MailIn); } } return true; }
bool CMOOSLogger::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { //these three calls look through the incoming mail //and handle all appropriate logging DoAsyncLog(NewMail); UpdateMOOSVariables(NewMail); LogSystemMessages(NewMail); //here we look for more unusual things MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator q; for(q=NewMail.begin();q!=NewMail.end();q++) { if(q->IsSkewed(MOOSTime())) continue; //are we being asked to restart? if(MOOSStrCmp(q->GetKey(),"LOGGER_RESTART")) { OnLoggerRestart(); } } return true; }
//this is a mail callback - it is called as soon as mail arrives bool OnMail(void *pParam){ CMOOSCommClient* pC = reinterpret_cast<CMOOSCommClient*>(pParam); //grab all the held mail MOOSMSG_LIST M; pC->Fetch(M); //get the mail MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator q; //process it for(q=M.begin();q!=M.end();q++){ q->Trace();//print it } return true; }
bool OnMail (void * pParam) { CMOOSCommClient* pC = reinterpret_cast<CMOOSCommClient*> (pParam); MOOSMSG_LIST M; pC->Fetch(M); MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator q; for(q=M.begin();q!=M.end();q++) { q->Trace(); } return true; }
bool CMOOSApp::LookForAndHandleAppCommand(MOOSMSG_LIST & NewMail) { MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator q; bool bResult = true; for(q=NewMail.begin();q!=NewMail.end();q++) { if(MOOSStrCmp(q->GetKey(),GetCommandKey())) { //give a derived class a chance to respond bResult&= OnCommandMsg(*q); } } return bResult; }
void moossafir::SimDriver::do_work() { MOOSMSG_LIST msgs; if(moos_client_.Fetch(msgs)) { for(MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator it = msgs.begin(), end = msgs.end(); it != end; ++it) { const std::string& in_moos_var = driver_cfg_.GetExtension(moossafir::Config::incoming_moos_var); if(it->GetKey() == in_moos_var) { const std::string& value = it->GetString(); && glog << group(glog_in_group()) << in_moos_var << ": " << value << std::endl; goby::acomms::protobuf::ModemRaw in_raw; in_raw.set_raw(value); ModemDriverBase::signal_raw_incoming(in_raw); try { goby::acomms::protobuf::ModemTransmission m; std::string data; int id; if(goby::moos::val_from_string(data, value, "data")) m.add_frame(dccl::hex_decode(data)); if(!goby::moos::val_from_string(id, value, "modem_id")) throw(std::runtime_error("No `modem_id` field")); m.set_src(id); receive_message(m); } catch(std::exception& e) { && glog << group(glog_in_group()) << warn << "Failed to parse incoming message: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } } } }
bool OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST & Mail){ //process it MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator q; for(q=Mail.begin();q!=Mail.end();q++) { //are we a ponger if(q->GetKey()=="ex1010-ping") Notify("ex1010-pong",q->GetDouble()); if(q->GetKey()=="ex1010-pong"){ double latency =(MOOSLocalTime()-q->GetDouble())/2; mean_latency_+= latency; if(count_>2)//this simply removes case of stale data in DB max_latency_ = std::max(latency,max_latency_); if(count_<burstsize_-1) Notify("ex1010-ping",MOOSLocalTime()); } count_++; } return true; }
bool NodeManager::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p=NewMail.begin(); p!=NewMail.end(); p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; if (msg.GetKey() == "NAV_LAT") { m_node_lat = msg.GetDouble(); m_lat_set = true; } else if (msg.GetKey() == "NAV_LONG") { m_node_lon = msg.GetDouble(); m_lon_set = true; } else if (msg.GetKey() == "MSEASOCEANMODEL_RETURN") { int num_values = p->GetBinaryDataSize()/sizeof(double); int num_rows = num_values; Matrix a(num_rows, 1); double *a_data = a.fortran_vec(); memcpy(a_data, p->GetBinaryData(), p->GetBinaryDataSize()); m_model_values_return = a; double drift_x = m_model_values_return(0)/100; //MSEAS model velocity data is in cm/s double drift_y = m_model_values_return(1)/100; m_Comms.Notify("DRIFT_X", drift_x); m_Comms.Notify("DRIFT_Y", drift_y); } #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif } return(true); }
/** OnNewMail */ bool CImageGrabberApp::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { std::string cad; for(MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator i = NewMail.begin(); i != NewMail.end(); ++i) { if( (i->GetName()=="SHUTDOWN") && (MOOSStrCmp(i->GetString(),"true")) ) { // Disconnect comms: MOOSTrace("Closing Module \n"); this->RequestQuit(); } if( (i->GetName()=="IMG_GRABBER_CMD") ) // process command to the grabber, typically: start or stop to grab { VERBOSE_LEVEL(2) << "[pImageGrabber -- INFO] Received Command: " << i->GetString().c_str() << endl; std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize( i->GetString(), " ", lista ); cad = MOOSToLower( lista[0].c_str() ); if( MOOSStrCmp(cad,"start") ) { if( !m_start_grabbing ) { m_grabbed_images_counter = 0; // reset counter of grabbed images m_start_grabbing = true; VERBOSE_LEVEL(1) << "[pImageGrabber -- INFO] Image recording started." << endl; } // end-start-grabbing } else if( MOOSStrCmp(cad,"stop") ) { if( m_start_grabbing ) { m_start_grabbing = false; VERBOSE_LEVEL(1) << "[pImageGrabber -- INFO] Image recording stopped." << endl; } // end-stop-grabbing } else VERBOSE_LEVEL(0) << "[pImageGrabber -- INFO] Command not recognized: " << cad << endl; } } UpdateMOOSVariables(NewMail); return true; } // end-OnNewMail
bool CMOOSCommClient::DispatchInBoxToActiveThreads() { //here we dispatch to special callbacks managed by threads MOOS::ScopedLock L(ActiveQueuesLock_); //before we start we can see if we have a default queue installed... std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string> >::iterator q; MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator t = m_InBox.begin(); //iterate over all pending messages. while(t!=m_InBox.end()) { // std::cerr<<"Inbox size:"<<m_InBox.size()<<"\n"; // t->Trace(); //does this message have a active queue mapping? q= Msg2ActiveQueueName_.find(t->GetKey()); //have we ever checked this message against the wildcard queues? std::set<std::string>::iterator u = WildcardCheckSet_.find(t->GetKey()); if(q==Msg2ActiveQueueName_.end() || u==WildcardCheckSet_.end() ) { //maybe the wildcard queues are interested? //or maybe this is a new message whihc has not been seen by wildcard queues //each element is a <nickname,pattern> string pair; std::map<std::string, std::string >::iterator w; bool bFoundWCMatch = false; for(w = WildcardQueuePatterns_.begin();w!=WildcardQueuePatterns_.end();w++) { std::string sPattern = w->second; //build a list of all wc queues that match this message //add these queues to the list of queues pointed to by this message if(MOOSWildCmp(sPattern,t->GetKey())) { // std::cerr<<"found wildcard match adding queue "<<w->first // <<" to routing for "<<t->GetKey()<<"\n"; Msg2ActiveQueueName_[t->GetKey()].insert(w->first); bFoundWCMatch = true; } } //remember all messages that have been received... //we do it here because at this point wild card queue have been given //the option to register their interest.... //but what to do if a wc queue in installed at run time...? WildcardCheckSet_.insert(t->GetKey()); //std::cerr<<"added key"<<t->GetKey()<<" to wildcard chacek set\n"; //if we found a least one mapping simply go again without //incrementing if(bFoundWCMatch) { continue; } else { if(q==Msg2ActiveQueueName_.end()) { //wildcard queues are not interested //no standard queue is interested //nothing to do.... return true; } } } //now we know which queue(s) are relevant for us. //there namaes are in a string list. std::set<std::string>::iterator r; bool bPickedUpByActiveQueue = false; for(r = q->second.begin();r!=q->second.end();r++) { // std::cerr<<"found queue that is relevent "<<*r<<"\n"; //for each named queue find a pointer to //the actual active queue std::map<std::string,MOOS::ActiveMailQueue*>::iterator v; v = ActiveQueueMap_.find(*r); if(v!=ActiveQueueMap_.end()) { //and now we have checked it exists push this message to that //queue MOOS::ActiveMailQueue* pQ = v->second; // std::cerr<<"pushing to queue: "<<(void*)pQ<<"\n"; bPickedUpByActiveQueue = true; pQ->Push(*t); } else { //this is bad news - we have be told to use a queue //which does not exist. //std::cerr<<"WTF\n"; throw std::runtime_error("active queue "+*r+" not found"); } } if(bPickedUpByActiveQueue) { //we have now handled this message remove it from the Inbox. MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator to_erase = t; ++t; m_InBox.erase(to_erase); } else { ++t; } } return true; }