Esempio n. 1
void simrun_slave( const sim_parameters& par,const mpi::communicator& mpicomm)
    Replica* rep = new Replica(par);

    if ( rep->prepare( par.init ) == false ) {
        delete rep;

    // perform dry runs to reach thermal equilibrium
    rep->mcstep_dry( par.drysweeps );

    unsigned int completed_bins_thisslave = 0;
    bool master_out_of_work = false;
    unsigned int scheduled_bins_thisslave;
    mpicomm.send( 0, MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS );
    mpicomm.recv( 0, MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS, scheduled_bins_thisslave );
    master_out_of_work = ( scheduled_bins_thisslave == 0 );

    std::vector<double> q2_binmeans;
    std::vector<double> q4_binmeans;

    while ( scheduled_bins_thisslave > 0 ) {

        unsigned int new_scheduled_bins_thisslave;
        mpi::request master_answer;

        if ( !master_out_of_work ) {
            // ask the master for more work
            mpicomm.send( 0, MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS );
            master_answer = mpicomm.irecv(
                        0, MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS,
        // initialize binning array
        vector<double> q2_currentbin;
        vector<double> q4_currentbin;
        try {
            // try to allocate enough memory ...
            q2_currentbin.reserve( par.binwidth );
            q4_currentbin.reserve( par.binwidth );
        } catch ( bad_alloc ) {
            delete rep;
        for (unsigned int mcs = 0;mcs < par.binwidth;++mcs ) {
            // perform a Monte Carlo step

            // measure observables
            double q2 = 0, q4 = 0;
            double thissample_q = rep->Q();
            // remember the sample's properties to calculate their mean value
            q2 	= thissample_q * thissample_q;
            q4 	= thissample_q * thissample_q * thissample_q * thissample_q;

                    accumulate( q2_currentbin.begin(), q2_currentbin.end(), 0.0 ) /
                    static_cast<double>( q2_currentbin.size() )

        // report completion of the work
        mpicomm.send( 0, 2 );

        if ( !master_out_of_work ) {
            // wait for answer from master concerning the next bin
            if ( new_scheduled_bins_thisslave == 1 ) {
            } else {
                master_out_of_work = true;

    assert( mpicomm.rank() != 0 );
    mpi::gather( mpicomm, q2_binmeans, 0 );
Esempio n. 2
sim_results simrun_master( const sim_parameters& par,const mpi::communicator& mpicomm)
    // ----- PREPARE SIMULATION -----
    // assume something went wrong until we are sure it didn't
    sim_results res;
    res.success = false;
    // ----- RUN SIMULATION -----
    Replica* rep = new Replica(par);

    if ( rep->prepare( par.init ) == false ) {
        delete rep;
        return res;

    unsigned int finished_workers = 0;
    unsigned int scheduled_bins = 0;
    unsigned int completed_bins = 0;
    unsigned int enqueued_bins  = par.bins;

    // define procedure to query the slaves for new work requests
    function<void()> mpiquery_work_requests( [&]() {
        while ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status
                = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS ) ) {
            // receive the request and hand out new bins to the source
            mpicomm.recv( status->source(), MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS );
            if ( enqueued_bins > 0 ) {
                mpicomm.send( status->source(), MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS, 1 );
                scheduled_bins += 1;
                enqueued_bins  -= 1;
            } else {
                mpicomm.send( status->source(), MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS, 0 );
    } );

    // define procedure to query the slaves for finished work
    function<void()> mpiquery_finished_work( [&]() {
        while ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status
                = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, 2 ) ) {
            mpicomm.recv( status->source(), 2 );
    } );

    cout << ":: Performing Monte Carlo cycle" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "   Progress:" << endl;

    // perform dry runs to reach thermal equilibrium
    for(unsigned int mcs = 0; mcs < par.drysweeps; mcs++) {
        // take care of the slaves

    unsigned int completed_bins_master = 0;

    std::vector<double> q2_binmeans;
    std::vector<double> q4_binmeans;

    while ( enqueued_bins > 0 ) {
        cout << '\r' << "     Bin "
             << completed_bins << "/" << par.bins;


        // initialize binning array
        vector<double> q2_currentbin;
        vector<double> q4_currentbin;
        try {
            // try to allocate enough memory ...
            q2_currentbin.reserve( par.binwidth );
            q4_currentbin.reserve( par.binwidth );
        } catch ( bad_alloc ) {
            delete rep;
            return res;
        for (unsigned int mcs = 0;mcs < par.binwidth;++mcs ) {
            // take care of the slaves

            // perform a Monte Carlo step

            // measure observables
            double q2 = 0, q4 = 0;
            double thissample_q = rep->Q();
            // remember the sample's properties to calculate their mean value
            q2 	= thissample_q * thissample_q;
            q4 	= thissample_q * thissample_q * thissample_q * thissample_q;

                    accumulate( q2_currentbin.begin(), q2_currentbin.end(), 0.0 ) /
                    static_cast<double>( q2_currentbin.size() )


    while ( completed_bins != par.bins ||
            static_cast<int>( finished_workers ) < mpicomm.size() ) {
        if ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status
             = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, MSGTAG_S_M_FINISHED_BINS ) ) {
            mpicomm.recv( status->source(), MSGTAG_S_M_FINISHED_BINS );

            cout << "\n";
            cout << '\r' << "     Bin " << completed_bins << "/" << par.bins;

        if ( boost::optional<mpi::status> status
             = mpicomm.iprobe( mpi::any_source, MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS ) ) {
            // receive the request for more work
            mpicomm.recv( status->source(), MSGTAG_S_M_REQUEST_BINS );
            // tell him there is no more work
            mpicomm.send( status->source(), MSGTAG_M_S_DISPATCHED_BINS, 0 );

    assert( enqueued_bins == 0 );
    assert( scheduled_bins == 0 );

    cout << '\r' << "     Bin " << completed_bins << "/" << par.bins << endl;

    // all measurements done ... let's tidy things up
    delete rep;

    assert( mpicomm.rank() == 0 );
    vector< vector<double> > q2_binmeans_collector;
    mpi::gather( mpicomm, q2_binmeans, q2_binmeans_collector, 0 );

    vector<double> q2_binmeans_all;
    for ( auto it = q2_binmeans_collector.begin();
          it != q2_binmeans_collector.end();
          ++it ) {
        q2_binmeans_all.insert( q2_binmeans_all.end(), it->begin(), it->end() );

    double q2 = 0, q4 = 0;
    q2 = static_cast<double>(
                accumulate( q2_binmeans_all.begin(), q2_binmeans_all.end(), 0.0 )
                ) / static_cast<double>( q2_binmeans_all.size() );

    double B = 0;
    B = (3 - q4 / (q2 * q2)) / 2;
    res.B = B;
    res.success = true;
    return res;
Esempio n. 3
void mandel_mpi (mpi::communicator world,
                 int2D*		matrix,			/* to fill */
                 int		nr,			/* row size */
                 int		nc,			/* column size */
                 real		base_x,			/* lower left corner */
                 real		base_y,			/* lower left corner */
                 real		ext_x,			/* extent */
                 real		ext_y)			/* extent */
  int		r, c;			/* row and column indices */
  real		dx, dy;			/* per-step deltas */
  int		gfxCount = 0;		/* number of times graphics called */

  int row_count = 0;
  int i;
  mpi::status status;
  int source;
  const int WORK_REQUEST_TAG = 0;
  const int WORK_RESPONSE_TAG = 1;
  const int NO_MORE_WORK = -1;
  int processed_rows = 0;

  dx = ext_x / (nr - 1);
  dy = ext_y / (nc - 1);

  if (world.size () > 1) {
    if (world.rank () == 0) {
      // control process

      // send out work
      while (row_count < nr) {
        status = world.recv (mpi::any_source, WORK_REQUEST_TAG);
        source = status.source ();
        // send next row
        world.isend (source, WORK_RESPONSE_TAG, row_count);
      // send out no more work
      for (i = 1; i < world.size (); i++) {
        status = world.recv (mpi::any_source, WORK_REQUEST_TAG);
        source = status.source ();
        world.isend (source, WORK_RESPONSE_TAG, NO_MORE_WORK);
      // receive results
      for (r = 0; r < nr; r++) {
        world.recv (mpi::any_source, r + 1, matrix[r], nc);
    else {
      // work process
      while (true) {
        // request next row
        world.send (0, WORK_REQUEST_TAG);
        world.recv (0, WORK_RESPONSE_TAG, r);
        if (r != NO_MORE_WORK) {
          for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
            matrix[r][c] = mandel_calc_mpi (base_x + (r * dx), base_y + (c * dy));
          // send results
          world.isend (0, r + 1, matrix[r], nc);
        else {
#if defined(TEST_OUTPUT) || defined(TEST_TIME)
      printf ("processed rows: %d\n", processed_rows);
    // broadcast matrix
    for (r = 0; r < nr; r++) {
      broadcast (world, matrix[r], nc, 0);
  else {
    for (r = 0; r < nr; r++) {
      for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
        matrix[r][c] = mandel_calc_mpi (base_x + (r * dx), base_y + (c * dy));

  gfx_mandel(gfxCount++, matrix, nr, nc);

  /* return */