// ======== GLOBAL CALLBACK FUNCTIONS ======== void depth_cb(freenect_device *dev, void *v_depth, uint32_t timestamp) { const freenect_frame_mode frMode = freenect_get_current_video_mode(dev); uint16_t *depth = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(v_depth); CKinect *obj = reinterpret_cast<CKinect*>(freenect_get_user(dev)); // Update of the timestamps at the end: CObservation3DRangeScan &obs = obj->internal_latest_obs(); mrpt::synch::CCriticalSectionLocker lock( &obj->internal_latest_obs_cs() ); obs.hasRangeImage = true; obs.range_is_depth = true; #ifdef KINECT_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC alloc_tim.enter("depth_cb alloc"); #endif // This method will try to exploit memory pooling if possible: obs.rangeImage_setSize(frMode.height,frMode.width); #ifdef KINECT_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC alloc_tim.leave("depth_cb alloc"); #endif const CKinect::TDepth2RangeArray &r2m = obj->getRawDepth2RangeConversion(); for (int r=0;r<frMode.height;r++) for (int c=0;c<frMode.width;c++) { // For now, quickly save the depth as it comes from the sensor, it'll // transformed later on in getNextObservation() const uint16_t v = *depth++; obs.rangeImage.coeffRef(r,c) = r2m[v & KINECT_RANGES_TABLE_MASK]; } obj->internal_tim_latest_depth() = timestamp; }
void rgb_cb(freenect_device *dev, void *img_data, uint32_t timestamp) { CKinect *obj = reinterpret_cast<CKinect*>(freenect_get_user(dev)); const freenect_frame_mode frMode = freenect_get_current_video_mode(dev); // Update of the timestamps at the end: CObservation3DRangeScan &obs = obj->internal_latest_obs(); mrpt::synch::CCriticalSectionLocker lock( &obj->internal_latest_obs_cs() ); #ifdef KINECT_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC alloc_tim.enter("depth_rgb loadFromMemoryBuffer"); #endif obs.hasIntensityImage = true; if (obj->getVideoChannel()==CKinect::VIDEO_CHANNEL_RGB) { // Color image: We asked for Bayer data, so we can decode it outselves here // and avoid having to reorder Green<->Red channels, as would be needed with // the RGB image from freenect. obs.intensityImageChannel = mrpt::slam::CObservation3DRangeScan::CH_VISIBLE; obs.intensityImage.resize(frMode.width, frMode.height, CH_RGB, true /* origin=top-left */ ); #if MRPT_HAS_OPENCV # if MRPT_OPENCV_VERSION_NUM<0x200 // Version for VERY OLD OpenCV versions: IplImage *src_img_bayer = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(frMode.width,frMode.height),8,1); src_img_bayer->imageDataOrigin = reinterpret_cast<char*>(img_data); src_img_bayer->imageData = src_img_bayer->imageDataOrigin; src_img_bayer->widthStep = frMode.width; IplImage *dst_img_RGB = obs.intensityImage.getAs<IplImage>(); // Decode Bayer image: cvCvtColor(src_img_bayer, dst_img_RGB, CV_BayerGB2BGR); # else // Version for modern OpenCV: const cv::Mat src_img_bayer( frMode.height, frMode.width, CV_8UC1, img_data, frMode.width ); cv::Mat dst_img_RGB= cv::cvarrToMat( obs.intensityImage.getAs<IplImage>(), false /* dont copy buffers */ ); // Decode Bayer image: cv::cvtColor(src_img_bayer, dst_img_RGB, CV_BayerGB2BGR); # endif #else THROW_EXCEPTION("Need building with OpenCV!") #endif }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------- render ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ void COpenGLViewport::render( const int render_width, const int render_height ) const { #if MRPT_HAS_OPENGL_GLUT const CRenderizable *it = NULL; // Declared here for usage in the "catch" try { // Change viewport: // ------------------------------------------- const GLint vx = m_view_x>1 ? GLint(m_view_x) : ( m_view_x<0 ? GLint(render_width+m_view_x) : GLint( render_width * m_view_x ) ); const GLint vy = m_view_y>1 ? GLint(m_view_y) : ( m_view_y<0 ? GLint(render_height+m_view_y) : GLint( render_height * m_view_y ) ); GLint vw; if (m_view_width>1) // >1 -> absolute pixels: vw = GLint(m_view_width); else if (m_view_width<0) { // Negative numbers: Specify the right side coordinates instead of the width: if (m_view_width>=-1) vw = GLint( -render_width * m_view_width - vx +1 ); else vw = GLint( -m_view_width - vx + 1 ); } else // A factor: { vw = GLint( render_width * m_view_width ); } GLint vh; if (m_view_height>1) // >1 -> absolute pixels: vh = GLint(m_view_height); else if (m_view_height<0) { // Negative numbers: Specify the right side coordinates instead of the width: if (m_view_height>=-1) vh = GLint( -render_height * m_view_height - vy + 1); else vh = GLint( -m_view_height - vy +1 ); } else // A factor: vh = GLint( render_height * m_view_height ); glViewport(vx,vy, vw, vh ); // Clear depth&/color buffers: // ------------------------------------------- m_lastProjMat.viewport_width = vw; m_lastProjMat.viewport_height = vh; glScissor(vx,vy,vw,vh); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); if ( !m_isTransparent ) { // Clear color & depth buffers: // Save? GLdouble old_colors[4]; if (m_custom_backgb_color) { glGetDoublev(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, old_colors ); glClearColor(m_background_color.R,m_background_color.G,m_background_color.B,m_background_color.A); } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // Restore old colors: if (m_custom_backgb_color) glClearColor(old_colors[0],old_colors[1],old_colors[2],old_colors[3]); } else { // Clear depth buffer only: glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); // If we are in "image mode", rendering is much simpler: just set // ortho projection and render the image quad: if (m_isImageView) { #if defined(OPENGLVIEWPORT_ENABLE_TIMEPROFILING) glv_timlog.enter("COpenGLViewport::render imageview"); #endif // "Image mode" rendering: // ----------------------------------- if (m_imageview_img) // should be ALWAYS true, but just in case! { // Note: The following code is inspired in the implementations: // - libcvd, by Edward Rosten http://www.edwardrosten.com/cvd/ // - PTAM, by Klein & Murray http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~gk/PTAM/ const mrpt::utils::CImage *img = m_imageview_img.pointer(); const int img_w = img->getWidth(); const int img_h = img->getHeight(); if (img_w!=0 && img_h!=0) { // Prepare an ortho projection: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); // Need to adjust the aspect ratio? const double ratio = vw*img_h/double(vh*img_w); double ortho_w = img_w; double ortho_h = img_h; if (ratio>1) ortho_w *= ratio; else if (ratio!=0) ortho_h /=ratio; glOrtho( -0.5, ortho_h - 0.5, ortho_w - 0.5, -0.5, -1,1); // Prepare raster pos & pixel copy direction in -Y. glRasterPos2f(-0.5f,-0.5f); glPixelZoom( vw / float(ortho_w), -vh / float(ortho_h) ); // Prepare image data types: const GLenum img_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; const int nBytesPerPixel = img->isColor() ? 3 : 1; const bool is_RGB_order = (!::strcmp(img->getChannelsOrder(),"RGB")); // Reverse RGB <-> BGR order? const GLenum img_format = nBytesPerPixel==3 ? (is_RGB_order ? GL_RGB : GL_BGR): GL_LUMINANCE; // Send image data to OpenGL: glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,img->getRowStride()/nBytesPerPixel ); glDrawPixels( img_w, img_h, img_format, img_type, img->get_unsafe(0,0) ); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,0); // Reset CRenderizable::checkOpenGLError(); } } // done. #if defined(OPENGLVIEWPORT_ENABLE_TIMEPROFILING) glv_timlog.leave("COpenGLViewport::render imageview"); #endif } else { // Non "image mode" rendering: // Set camera: // ------------------------------------------- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); const CListOpenGLObjects *objectsToRender; COpenGLViewport *viewForGetCamera; if (m_isCloned) { // Clone: render someone's else objects. ASSERT_(m_parent.get()!=NULL); COpenGLViewportPtr view = m_parent->getViewport( m_clonedViewport ); if (!view) THROW_EXCEPTION_CUSTOM_MSG1("Cloned viewport '%s' not found in parent COpenGLScene",m_clonedViewport.c_str()); objectsToRender = &view->m_objects; viewForGetCamera = m_isClonedCamera ? view.pointer() : const_cast<COpenGLViewport*>(this); } else { // Normal case: render our own objects: objectsToRender = &m_objects; viewForGetCamera = const_cast<COpenGLViewport*>(this); } // Get camera: // 1st: if there is a CCamera in the scene: CRenderizablePtr cam_ptr = viewForGetCamera->getByClass<CCamera>(); CCamera *myCamera=NULL; if (cam_ptr.present()) { myCamera = getAs<CCamera>(cam_ptr); } // 2nd: the internal camera of all viewports: if (!myCamera) myCamera = &viewForGetCamera->m_camera; ASSERT_(m_camera.m_distanceZoom>0); m_lastProjMat.azimuth = DEG2RAD(myCamera->m_azimuthDeg); m_lastProjMat.elev = DEG2RAD(myCamera->m_elevationDeg); m_lastProjMat.eye.x = myCamera->m_pointingX + max(0.01f,myCamera->m_distanceZoom) * cos(m_lastProjMat.azimuth)*cos(m_lastProjMat.elev); m_lastProjMat.eye.y = myCamera->m_pointingY + max(0.01f,myCamera->m_distanceZoom) * sin(m_lastProjMat.azimuth)*cos(m_lastProjMat.elev); m_lastProjMat.eye.z = myCamera->m_pointingZ + max(0.01f,myCamera->m_distanceZoom) * sin(m_lastProjMat.elev); if (fabs(fabs(myCamera->m_elevationDeg)-90)>1e-6) { m_lastProjMat.up.x=0; m_lastProjMat.up.y=0; m_lastProjMat.up.z=1; } else { float sgn = myCamera->m_elevationDeg>0 ? 1:-1; m_lastProjMat.up.x = -cos(DEG2RAD(myCamera->m_azimuthDeg))*sgn; m_lastProjMat.up.y = -sin(DEG2RAD(myCamera->m_azimuthDeg))*sgn; m_lastProjMat.up.z = 0; } m_lastProjMat.is_projective = myCamera->m_projectiveModel; m_lastProjMat.FOV = myCamera->m_projectiveFOVdeg; m_lastProjMat.pointing.x = myCamera->m_pointingX; m_lastProjMat.pointing.y = myCamera->m_pointingY; m_lastProjMat.pointing.z = myCamera->m_pointingZ; m_lastProjMat.zoom = myCamera->m_distanceZoom; if (myCamera->m_projectiveModel) { gluPerspective( myCamera->m_projectiveFOVdeg, vw/double(vh),m_clip_min,m_clip_max); CRenderizable::checkOpenGLError(); } else { const double ratio = vw/double(vh); double Ax = myCamera->m_distanceZoom*0.5; double Ay = myCamera->m_distanceZoom*0.5; if (ratio>1) Ax *= ratio; else { if (ratio!=0) Ay /=ratio; } glOrtho( -Ax,Ax,-Ay,Ay,-0.5*m_clip_max,0.5*m_clip_max); CRenderizable::checkOpenGLError(); } if (myCamera->is6DOFMode()) { // In 6DOFMode eye is set viewing towards the direction of the positive Z axis // Up is set as Y axis mrpt::poses::CPose3D viewDirection,pose,at; viewDirection.z(+1); pose = myCamera->getPose(); at = pose + viewDirection; gluLookAt( pose.x(), pose.y(), pose.z(), at.x(), at.y(), at.z(), pose.getRotationMatrix()(0,1), pose.getRotationMatrix()(1,1), pose.getRotationMatrix()(2,1) ); CRenderizable::checkOpenGLError(); }else{ // This command is common to ortho and perspective: gluLookAt( m_lastProjMat.eye.x, m_lastProjMat.eye.y, m_lastProjMat.eye.z, m_lastProjMat.pointing.x, m_lastProjMat.pointing.y, m_lastProjMat.pointing.z, m_lastProjMat.up.x, m_lastProjMat.up.y, m_lastProjMat.up.z); CRenderizable::checkOpenGLError(); } // Optional pre-Render user code: if (hasSubscribers()) { mrptEventGLPreRender ev(this); this->publishEvent(ev); } // Global OpenGL settings: // --------------------------------- glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, m_OpenGL_enablePolygonNicest ? GL_NICEST : GL_FASTEST); // Render objects: // ------------------------------------------- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); //GL_LESS // Setup lights // ------------------------------------------- glEnable( GL_LIGHTING ); glEnable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL ); glColorMaterial( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH ); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_TRUE); for (size_t i=0;i<m_lights.size();i++) m_lights[i].sendToOpenGL(); // Render all the objects: // ------------------------------------------- mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects(*objectsToRender); } // end of non "image mode" rendering // Finally, draw the border: // -------------------------------- if (m_borderWidth>0) { glLineWidth( 2*m_borderWidth ); glColor4f(0,0,0,1); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); // Disable lights when drawing lines glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); glVertex2f(-1,-1); glVertex2f(-1, 1); glVertex2f( 1, 1); glVertex2f( 1,-1); glEnd(); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); // Disable lights when drawing lines glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } // Optional post-Render user code: if (hasSubscribers()) { mrptEventGLPostRender ev(this); this->publishEvent(ev); } } catch(exception &e) { string msg; if (!it) msg = format("Exception while rendering a class '%s'\n%s", it->GetRuntimeClass()->className, e.what() ); else msg = format("Exception while rendering:\n%s", e.what() ); THROW_EXCEPTION(msg); } catch(...) { THROW_EXCEPTION("Runtime error!"); } #else THROW_EXCEPTION("The MRPT has been compiled with MRPT_HAS_OPENGL_GLUT=0! OpenGL functions are not implemented"); #endif }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------- loadTextureInOpenGL ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CTexturedObject::loadTextureInOpenGL() const { #if MRPT_HAS_OPENGL_GLUT unsigned char* dataAligned = nullptr; vector<unsigned char> data; #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC static mrpt::utils::CTimeLogger tim; #endif try { if (m_texture_is_loaded) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_glTextureName); checkOpenGLError(); return; } // Reserve the new one -------------------------- // allocate texture names: m_glTextureName = getNewTextureNumber(); // select our current texture glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_glTextureName); checkOpenGLError(); // when texture area is small, linear interpolation. Default is // GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST but we // are not building mipmaps. // See also: // http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=133116&page=1 glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); checkOpenGLError(); // when texture area is large, NEAREST: this is mainly thinking of // rendering // occupancy grid maps, such as we want those "big pixels" to be // clearly visible ;-) glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); checkOpenGLError(); // if wrap is true, the texture wraps over at the edges (repeat) // ... false, the texture ends at the edges (clamp) glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); checkOpenGLError(); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); checkOpenGLError(); // Assure that the images do not overpass the maximum dimensions allowed // by OpenGL: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GLint texSize; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &texSize); while (m_textureImage.getHeight() > (unsigned int)texSize || m_textureImage.getWidth() > (unsigned int)texSize) { m_textureImage = m_textureImage.scaleHalf(); m_textureImageAlpha = m_textureImageAlpha.scaleHalf(); } const int width = m_textureImage.getWidth(); const int height = m_textureImage.getHeight(); #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC { const std::string sSec = mrpt::format( "opengl_texture: load %ix%i %s %stransp", width, height, m_textureImage.isColor() ? "RGB" : "BW", m_enableTransparency ? "" : "no "); tim.enter(sSec.c_str()); } #endif r_width = width; // round2up( width ); r_height = height; // round2up( height ); // Padding pixels: m_pad_x_right = (r_width - width); m_pad_y_bottom = (r_height - height); if (m_enableTransparency) { ASSERT_(!m_textureImageAlpha.isColor()); ASSERT_( m_textureImageAlpha.getWidth() == m_textureImage.getWidth()); ASSERT_( m_textureImageAlpha.getHeight() == m_textureImage.getHeight()); } if (m_textureImage.isColor()) { // Color texture: if (m_enableTransparency) { // Color texture WITH trans. // -------------------------------------- #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC const std::string sSec = mrpt::format( "opengl_texture_alloc %ix%i (color,trans)", width, height); tim.enter(sSec.c_str()); #endif dataAligned = reserveDataBuffer(height * width * 4 + 512, data); #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC tim.leave(sSec.c_str()); #endif for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { unsigned char* ptrSrcCol = m_textureImage(0, y, 0); unsigned char* ptrSrcAlfa = m_textureImageAlpha(0, y); unsigned char* ptr = dataAligned + y * width * 4; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { *ptr++ = *ptrSrcCol++; *ptr++ = *ptrSrcCol++; *ptr++ = *ptrSrcCol++; *ptr++ = *ptrSrcAlfa++; } } // Prepare image data types: const GLenum img_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; const bool is_RGB_order = (!::strcmp( m_textureImage.getChannelsOrder(), "RGB")); // Reverse RGB <-> BGR order? const GLenum img_format = (is_RGB_order ? GL_RGBA : GL_BGRA); // Send image data to OpenGL: glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, width); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 /*level*/, 4 /* RGB components */, width, height, 0 /*border*/, img_format, img_type, dataAligned); checkOpenGLError(); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); // Reset // No need to hide a fill border: m_pad_x_right = 0; m_pad_y_bottom = 0; } // End of color texture WITH trans. else { // Color texture WITHOUT trans. // -------------------------------------- // Prepare image data types: const GLenum img_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; const int nBytesPerPixel = m_textureImage.isColor() ? 3 : 1; const bool is_RGB_order = (!::strcmp( m_textureImage.getChannelsOrder(), "RGB")); // Reverse RGB <-> BGR order? const GLenum img_format = nBytesPerPixel == 3 ? (is_RGB_order ? GL_RGB : GL_BGR) : GL_LUMINANCE; // Send image data to OpenGL: glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, m_textureImage.getRowStride() / nBytesPerPixel); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 /*level*/, 3 /* RGB components */, width, height, 0 /*border*/, img_format, img_type, m_textureImage.get_unsafe(0, 0)); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); // Reset // No need to hide a fill border: m_pad_x_right = 0; m_pad_y_bottom = 0; } // End of color texture WITHOUT trans. } else { // Gray-scale texture: if (m_enableTransparency) { #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC const std::string sSec = mrpt::format( "opengl_texture_alloc %ix%i (gray,transp)", width, height); tim.enter(sSec.c_str()); #endif dataAligned = reserveDataBuffer(height * width * 2 + 1024, data); #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC tim.leave(sSec.c_str()); #endif for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { unsigned char* ptrSrcCol = m_textureImage(0, y); unsigned char* ptrSrcAlfa = m_textureImageAlpha(0, y); unsigned char* ptr = dataAligned + y * width * 2; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { *ptr++ = *ptrSrcCol++; *ptr++ = *ptrSrcAlfa++; } } // Prepare image data types: const GLenum img_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; const GLenum img_format = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; // Send image data to OpenGL: glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, width); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 /*level*/, 2 /* RGB components */, width, height, 0 /*border*/, img_format, img_type, dataAligned); checkOpenGLError(); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); // Reset // No need to hide a fill border: m_pad_x_right = 0; m_pad_y_bottom = 0; } // End of gray-scale texture WITH trans. else { // Prepare image data types: const GLenum img_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; const GLenum img_format = GL_LUMINANCE; // Send image data to OpenGL: glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, m_textureImage.getRowStride()); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 /*level*/, 1 /* RGB components */, width, height, 0 /*border*/, img_format, img_type, m_textureImage(0, 0)); checkOpenGLError(); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); // Reset // No need to hide a fill border: m_pad_x_right = 0; m_pad_y_bottom = 0; } // End of gray-scale texture WITHOUT trans. } m_texture_is_loaded = true; #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_PROFILE_MEM_ALLOC { const std::string sSec = mrpt::format( "opengl_texture: load %ix%i %s %stransp", width, height, m_textureImage.isColor() ? "RGB" : "BW", m_enableTransparency ? "" : "no "); tim.leave(sSec.c_str()); } #endif #ifdef TEXTUREOBJ_USE_MEMPOOL // Before freeing the buffer in "data", donate my memory to the pool: if (!data.empty()) { TMyMemPool* pool = TMyMemPool::getInstance(); if (pool) { CTexturedObject_MemPoolParams mem_params; mem_params.len = data.size(); CTexturedObject_MemPoolData* mem_block = new CTexturedObject_MemPoolData(); data.swap(mem_block->data); pool->dump_to_pool(mem_params, mem_block); } } #endif } catch (exception& e) { THROW_EXCEPTION( format("m_glTextureName=%i\n%s", m_glTextureName, e.what())); } catch (...) { THROW_EXCEPTION("Runtime error!"); } #endif }
// ------------------------------------------------------ // Test_KinectOnlineOffline // ------------------------------------------------------ void Test_KinectOnlineOffline(bool is_online, const string &rawlog_file = string()) { // Launch grabbing thread: // -------------------------------------------------------- TThreadParam thrPar( is_online, rawlog_file, false // generate_3D_pointcloud_in_this_thread -> Don't, we'll do it in this main thread. ); mrpt::system::TThreadHandle thHandle= mrpt::system::createThreadRef(thread_grabbing ,thrPar); // Wait until data stream starts so we can say for sure the sensor has been initialized OK: cout << "Waiting for sensor initialization...\n"; do { CObservation3DRangeScanPtr newObs = thrPar.new_obs.get(); if (newObs && newObs->timestamp!=INVALID_TIMESTAMP) break; else mrpt::system::sleep(10); } while (!thrPar.quit); // Check error condition: if (thrPar.quit) return; cout << "OK! Sensor started to emit observations.\n"; // Create window and prepare OpenGL object in the scene: // -------------------------------------------------------- mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D win3D("Kinect 3D view",800,600); win3D.setCameraAzimuthDeg(140); win3D.setCameraElevationDeg(20); win3D.setCameraZoom(8.0); win3D.setFOV(90); win3D.setCameraPointingToPoint(2.5,0,0); mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColouredPtr gl_points = mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::Create(); gl_points->setPointSize(2.5); opengl::COpenGLViewportPtr viewInt; // Extra viewports for the RGB images. { mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScenePtr &scene = win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); // Create the Opengl object for the point cloud: scene->insert( gl_points ); scene->insert( mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXY::Create() ); scene->insert( mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::CornerXYZ() ); const double aspect_ratio = 480.0 / 640.0; const int VW_WIDTH = 400; // Size of the viewport into the window, in pixel units. const int VW_HEIGHT = aspect_ratio*VW_WIDTH; // Create an extra opengl viewport for the RGB image: viewInt = scene->createViewport("view2d_int"); viewInt->setViewportPosition(5, 30, VW_WIDTH,VW_HEIGHT ); win3D.addTextMessage(10, 30+VW_HEIGHT+10,"Intensity data",TColorf(1,1,1), 2, MRPT_GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12 ); win3D.addTextMessage(5,5, format("'o'/'i'-zoom out/in, ESC: quit"), TColorf(0,0,1), 110, MRPT_GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 ); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); win3D.repaint(); } mrpt::system::TTimeStamp last_obs_tim = INVALID_TIMESTAMP; while (win3D.isOpen() && !thrPar.quit) { CObservation3DRangeScanPtr newObs = thrPar.new_obs.get(); if (newObs && newObs->timestamp!=INVALID_TIMESTAMP && newObs->timestamp!=last_obs_tim ) { // It IS a new observation: last_obs_tim = newObs->timestamp; // Update visualization --------------------------------------- win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); // Estimated grabbing rate: win3D.addTextMessage(-350,-13, format("Timestamp: %s", mrpt::system::dateTimeLocalToString(last_obs_tim).c_str()), TColorf(0.6,0.6,0.6),"mono",10,mrpt::opengl::FILL, 100); win3D.addTextMessage(-100,-30, format("%.02f Hz", thrPar.Hz ), TColorf(1,1,1),"mono",10,mrpt::opengl::FILL, 101); // Show intensity image: if (newObs->hasIntensityImage ) { viewInt->setImageView(newObs->intensityImage); // This is not "_fast" since the intensity image may be needed later on. } win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); // ------------------------------------------------------- // Create 3D points from RGB+D data // // There are several methods to do this. // Switch the #if's to select among the options: // See also: http://www.mrpt.org/Generating_3D_point_clouds_from_RGB_D_observations // ------------------------------------------------------- if (newObs->hasRangeImage) { static mrpt::utils::CTimeLogger logger; logger.enter("RGBD->3D"); // Pathway: RGB+D --> PCL <PointXYZ> --> XYZ opengl #if 0 static pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud; logger.enter("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); newObs->project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(cloud, false /* without obs.sensorPose */); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); logger.enter("RGBD->3D.load in OpenGL"); gl_points->loadFromPointsMap(&cloud); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.load in OpenGL"); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); #endif // Pathway: RGB+D --> PCL <PointXYZRGB> --> XYZ+RGB opengl #if 0 static pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> cloud; logger.enter("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); newObs->project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(cloud, false /* without obs.sensorPose */); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); logger.enter("RGBD->3D.load in OpenGL"); gl_points->loadFromPointsMap(&cloud); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.load in OpenGL"); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); #endif // Pathway: RGB+D --> XYZ+RGB opengl #if 1 win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); logger.enter("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); newObs->project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(*gl_points, false /* without obs.sensorPose */); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); #endif // Pathway: RGB+D --> XYZ+RGB opengl (With a 6D global pose of the robot) #if 0 const CPose3D globalPose(1,2,3,DEG2RAD(10),DEG2RAD(20),DEG2RAD(30)); win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); logger.enter("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); newObs->project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(*gl_points, false /* without obs.sensorPose */, &globalPose); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); #endif // Pathway: RGB+D --> internal local XYZ pointcloud --> XYZ+RGB point cloud map --> XYZ+RGB opengl #if 0 // Project 3D points: if (!newObs->hasPoints3D) { logger.enter("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); newObs->project3DPointsFromDepthImage(); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.projectInto"); } CColouredPointsMap pntsMap; pntsMap.colorScheme.scheme = CColouredPointsMap::cmFromIntensityImage; pntsMap.loadFromRangeScan(*newObs); win3D.get3DSceneAndLock(); logger.enter("RGBD->3D.load in OpenGL"); gl_points->loadFromPointsMap(&pntsMap); logger.leave("RGBD->3D.load in OpenGL"); win3D.unlockAccess3DScene(); #endif logger.leave("RGBD->3D"); } win3D.repaint(); } // end update visualization: // Process possible keyboard commands: // -------------------------------------- if (win3D.keyHit()) { const int key = tolower( win3D.getPushedKey() ); switch(key) { // Some of the keys are processed in this thread: case 'o': win3D.setCameraZoom( win3D.getCameraZoom() * 1.2 ); win3D.repaint(); break; case 'i': win3D.setCameraZoom( win3D.getCameraZoom() / 1.2 ); win3D.repaint(); break; case 27: // ESC thrPar.quit = true; break; default: break; }; } mrpt::system::sleep(1); } cout << "Waiting for grabbing thread to exit...\n"; thrPar.quit = true; mrpt::system::joinThread(thHandle); cout << "Bye!\n"; }