Item::Ptr UTransform::TransformResult::next(DynamicContext *context) { context->testInterrupt(); AutoVariableStoreReset reset(context, &scope_); if(toDo_) { toDo_ = false; NodeSet copiedNodes = NodeSet(nodecompare(context)); VectorOfCopyBinding::const_iterator end = transform_->getBindings()->end(); for(VectorOfCopyBinding::const_iterator it = transform_->getBindings()->begin(); it != end; ++it) { if((*it)->qname_ == 0) continue; Sequence values = (*it)->expr_->createResult(context)->toSequence(context); // Keep a record of the nodes that have been copied Result valIt = values; Item::Ptr val; while((val = valIt->next(context)).notNull()) { copiedNodes.insert((Node*)val.get()); } scope_.setVar((*it)->uri_, (*it)->name_, values); } // Get the pending update list PendingUpdateList pul = transform_->getModifyExpr()->createUpdateList(context); // Check that the targets of the pending updates are copied nodes for(PendingUpdateList::const_iterator i = pul.begin(); i != pul.end(); ++i) { Node::Ptr target = i->getTarget(); while(copiedNodes.find(target) == copiedNodes.end()) { target = target->dmParent(context); if(target.isNull()) { XQThrow3(StaticErrorException,X("UTransform::staticTyping"), X("The target node of an update expression in the transform expression is not a node from the copy clauses [err:XUDY0014]"), &(*i)); } } } // Apply the updates AutoDelete<UpdateFactory> ufactory(context->createUpdateFactory()); ufactory->applyUpdates(pul, context, transform_->getRevalidationMode()); // Execute the return expression result_ = transform_->getReturnExpr()->createResult(context); } Item::Ptr result = result_->next(context); if(result.isNull()) { result_ = 0; return 0; } return result; }
Sequence FunctionBaseURI::createSequence(DynamicContext* context, int flags) const { Node::Ptr node = (Node*)getParamNumber(1, context)->next(context).get(); if(node.isNull()) return Sequence(context->getMemoryManager()); return node->dmBaseURI(context); }
bool SequenceType::ItemType::matches(const Node::Ptr &toBeTested, DynamicContext* context) const { switch(m_nTestType) { case TEST_ELEMENT: { if(toBeTested->dmNodeKind() != Node::element_string) return false; if(!matchesNameType(toBeTested, context)) return false; // if the element has xsi:nil="true", m_bAllowNil MUST be true if(toBeTested->dmNilled(context)->isTrue() && !m_bAllowNil) return false; return true; } case TEST_ATTRIBUTE: { if(toBeTested->dmNodeKind() != Node::attribute_string) return false; if(!matchesNameType(toBeTested, context)) return false; return true; } case TEST_SCHEMA_ELEMENT: { if(toBeTested->dmNodeKind() != Node::element_string) return false; return matchesSchemaElement(toBeTested, context); } case TEST_SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE: { if(toBeTested->dmNodeKind() != Node::attribute_string) return false; // retrieve the type of the attribute name assert(m_pName!=NULL); const XMLCh* attributeNS=m_NameURI; const XMLCh* attributeName=m_pName->getName(); SchemaAttDef* attrDecl=context->getDocumentCache()->getAttributeDecl(attributeNS, attributeName); assert(attrDecl != NULL); // 1. The name of the candidate node matches the specified AttributeName ATQNameOrDerived::Ptr name = toBeTested->dmNodeName(context); if(name.isNull()) return false; const XMLCh *node_uri = ((const ATQNameOrDerived*)name.get())->getURI(); const XMLCh *node_name = ((const ATQNameOrDerived*)name.get())->getName(); if(!(XPath2Utils::equals(attributeName, node_name)) || !(XPath2Utils::equals(attributeNS, node_uri))) return false; // 2. derives-from(AT, ET) is true, where AT is the type of the candidate node and ET is the type declared // for attribute AttributeName in the in-scope attribute declarations. DatatypeValidator* pDV=attrDecl->getDatatypeValidator(); if(pDV && !toBeTested->hasInstanceOfType(pDV->getTypeUri(), pDV->getTypeLocalName(), context)) return false; return true; } case TEST_PI: { if(toBeTested->dmNodeKind() != Node::processing_instruction_string) return false; if(!matchesNameType(toBeTested, context)) return false; return true; } case TEST_COMMENT: { return (toBeTested->dmNodeKind() == Node::comment_string); } case TEST_TEXT: { return (toBeTested->dmNodeKind() == Node::text_string); } case TEST_SCHEMA_DOCUMENT: case TEST_DOCUMENT: { if(toBeTested->dmNodeKind() != Node::document_string) return false; if(m_pName == NULL && m_pType == NULL) return true; // if we have a constraint on name/type, they apply to the document element Result children = toBeTested->dmChildren(context, 0); Node::Ptr docElement; while((docElement = children->next(context)).notNull() && docElement->dmNodeKind() != Node::element_string) {} if(docElement.isNull()) return false; if(m_nTestType == TEST_DOCUMENT) return matchesNameType(docElement, context); else return matchesSchemaElement(docElement, context); } case TEST_NODE: case TEST_ANYTHING: { return true; } case TEST_ATOMIC_TYPE: case TEST_FUNCTION: { return false; } } return true; }