bool GameRootLinux::isLocked() { Ogre::UTFString homeDir = this->getHomeDirectory(); // check if the folder exists otherwise create it if (opendir(homeDir.asUTF8_c_str()) == nullptr) { if (mkdir(homeDir.asUTF8_c_str(), S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP) != 0) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Ogre::Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Can not create folder in home directory", "GameRootLinux::isLocked"); } } homeDir = homeDir+Ogre::UTFString("/pid"); std::fstream runfile; char* buf; int len, pid;, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); // No file, game not running if (!runfile.is_open()) return false; runfile.seekg (0, std::ios::end); len = runfile.tellg(); runfile.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); if (len > 20) { // should only store a number runfile.close(); return true; } buf = OGRE_NEW char[len];,len); runfile.close(); pid = atoi(buf); OGRE_DELETE buf; buf = 0; if (pid < 1) return false; Ogre::String proc = "/proc/"+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(pid)+"/status";, std::fstream::in); // No file, game not running if (!runfile.is_open()) return false; runfile.close(); return true; }
void GameRootLinux::setLocked(const bool& locked) { Ogre::UTFString homeDir = this->getHomeDirectory() + Ogre::UTFString("/pid"); std::fstream runfile; std::string buf; remove(homeDir.asUTF8_c_str()); if (locked) { buf = Ogre::String(Ogre::StringConverter::toString(getpid()));, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); runfile.write(buf.c_str(),buf.size()); runfile.close(); } }
void SendPrivateChat(int target_uid, Ogre::UTFString chatline, Ogre::UTFString target_username) { #ifdef USE_SOCKETW char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = {0}; const char *chat_msg = (const char *)chatline.asUTF8_c_str(); // format: int of UID, then chat message memcpy(buffer, &target_uid, sizeof(int)); strncpy(buffer + sizeof(int), chat_msg, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - sizeof(int)); size_t len = sizeof(int) + chatline.size() * sizeof(wchar_t); buffer[len] = 0; RoR::Networking::AddPacket(m_stream_id, MSG2_UTF_PRIVCHAT, (unsigned int)len, buffer); if (target_username.empty()) { user_info_t user; if (RoR::Networking::GetUserInfo(target_uid, user)) { target_username = GetColouredName(user.username, user.colournum); } } // add local visual Ogre::UTFString local_username = GetColouredName(RoR::Networking::GetUsername(), RoR::Networking::GetUserColor()); Ogre::UTFString nmsg = local_username + RoR::Color::WhisperColour + _L(" [whispered to ") + RoR::Color::NormalColour + target_username + RoR::Color::WhisperColour + "]" + RoR::Color::NormalColour + ": " + chatline; #ifdef USE_MYGUI RoR::Application::GetGuiManager()->pushMessageChatBox(nmsg); #endif // USE_MYGUI #endif // USE_SOCKETW }
void SendChat(Ogre::UTFString chatline) { #ifdef USE_SOCKETW const char *utf8_line = chatline.asUTF8_c_str(); RoR::Networking::AddPacket(m_stream_id, MSG2_UTF_CHAT, (unsigned int)strlen(utf8_line), (char *)utf8_line); #endif // USE_SOCKETW }
void ChatSystem::sendPrivateChat(int target_uid, Ogre::UTFString chatline, Ogre::UTFString username) { #ifdef USE_SOCKETW char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = ""; const char *chat_msg = (const char *)chatline.asUTF8_c_str(); // format: int of UID, then chat message memcpy(buffer, &target_uid, sizeof(int)); strncpy(buffer + sizeof(int), chat_msg, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - sizeof(int)); size_t len = sizeof(int) + chatline.size() * sizeof(wchar_t); buffer[len] = 0; this->addPacket(MSG2_UTF_PRIVCHAT, (unsigned int)len, buffer); if(username.empty()) { client_t *c = net->getClientInfo(target_uid); if(c) username = getColouredName(*c); } // add local visual #ifdef USE_MYGUI UTFString nmsg = net->getNickname(true) + normalColour + whisperColour + _L(" [whispered to ") + normalColour + username + whisperColour + "]" + normalColour + ": " + chatline; Console::getInstance().putMessage(Console::CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_NETWORK, Console::CONSOLE_LOCAL_CHAT, nmsg, "script_key.png"); #endif // USE_MYGUI #endif // USE_SOCKETW }
int showMsgBox(Ogre::UTFString title, Ogre::UTFString err, int type) { // we might call the showMsgBox without having ogre created yet! //LOG("message box: " + title + ": " + err); #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 int mtype = MB_ICONERROR; if(type == 1) mtype = MB_ICONINFORMATION; MessageBoxW( NULL, err.asWStr_c_str(), title.asWStr_c_str(), MB_OK | mtype | MB_TOPMOST); #elif OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_LINUX printf("\n\n%s: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str()); #elif OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_APPLE printf("\n\n%s: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str()); //CFOptionFlags flgs; //CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, kCFUserNotificationStopAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, T("A network error occured"), T("Bad server port."), NULL, NULL, NULL, &flgs); #endif return 0; }
int showOgreWebError(Ogre::UTFString title, Ogre::UTFString err, Ogre::UTFString url) { #ifndef NOOGRE // this only works in non-embedded mode // make no sense in embedded mode anyways ... storederror = true; stored_title = title; stored_err = err; stored_url = url; RigsOfRods *ror = RigsOfRods::getSingletonPtr(); if(ror) ror->tryShutdown(); #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_LINUX printf("\n\n%s: %s / url: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str(), url.asUTF8_c_str()); #endif return 0; #else return showWebError(Ogre::UTFString("Rigs of Rods: ") + title, err, url); #endif //NOOGRE }
// Helper function void Character::ReportError(const char* detail) { #ifdef USE_SOCKETW Ogre::UTFString username; RoRnet::UserInfo info; if (!RoR::Networking::GetUserInfo(m_source_id, info)) username = "******"; else username = info.username; char msg_buf[300]; snprintf(msg_buf, 300, "[RoR|Networking] ERROR on m_is_remote character (User: '******', SourceID: %d, StreamID: %d): ", username.asUTF8_c_str(), m_source_id, m_stream_id); LOGSTREAM << msg_buf << detail; #endif }
int showWebError(Ogre::UTFString title, Ogre::UTFString err, Ogre::UTFString url) { // NO logmanager use, because it could be that its not initialized yet! //LOG("web message box: " + title + ": " + err + " / url: " + url); #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 Ogre::UTFString additional = _L("\n\nYou can eventually get help here:\n\n") + url + _L("\n\nDo you want to open that address in your default browser now?"); err = err + additional; int Response = MessageBoxW( NULL, err.asWStr_c_str(), title.asWStr_c_str(), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND ); // 6 (IDYES) = yes, 7 (IDNO) = no if(Response == IDYES) { // Microsoft conversion hell follows :| wchar_t *command = L"open"; ShellExecuteW(NULL, command, url.asWStr_c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } #elif OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_LINUX printf("\n\n%s: %s / url: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str(), url.asUTF8_c_str()); #elif OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_APPLE printf("\n\n%s: %s / url: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str(), url.asUTF8_c_str()); //CFOptionFlags flgs; //CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, kCFUserNotificationStopAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, "An exception has occured!", err.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, &flgs); #endif return 0; }
void ChatSystem::sendChat(Ogre::UTFString chatline) { const char *utf8_line = chatline.asUTF8_c_str(); this->addPacket(MSG2_UTF_CHAT, (unsigned int)strlen(utf8_line), (char *)utf8_line); }