Esempio n. 1
v8::Handle<v8::Value> PoiMergerJs::jsPoiMerge(const v8::Arguments& args)
  HandleScope scope;

    if (args.Length() != 2)
      return v8::ThrowException(HootExceptionJs::create(IllegalArgumentException(
        "Expected exactly two arguments to 'poiMerge'.")));

    // Argument 1: script -- note second param is directory to search under (~/hoot/rules)
    const QString scriptPath = ConfPath::search(toCpp<QString>(args[0]), "rules");

    // Argument 2: Map with POIs
    OsmMapJs* mapJs = node::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<OsmMapJs>(args[1]->ToObject());

    // Pull out internal POI map
    OsmMapPtr map( mapJs->getMap() );

    // Instantiate script merger
    shared_ptr<PluginContext> script(new PluginContext());
    v8::HandleScope handleScope;
    v8::Context::Scope context_scope(script->getContext());
    script->loadScript(scriptPath, "plugin");

    v8::Handle<v8::Object> global = script->getContext()->Global();

    if (global->Has(String::New("plugin")) == false)
      return v8::ThrowException(HootExceptionJs::create(IllegalArgumentException(
        "Expected the script to have exports.")));

    v8::Handle<v8::Value> pluginValue = global->Get(String::New("plugin"));
    v8::Persistent<v8::Object> plugin = v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::New(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(pluginValue));
    if (plugin.IsEmpty() || plugin->IsObject() == false)
      return v8::ThrowException(HootExceptionJs::create(IllegalArgumentException(
        "Expected plugin to be a valid object.")));

    // Got in Map with POIs A, B, C, D, E
    // Make a set of pairs to indicate all are same object:
    //   A->B, A->C, A->D, A->E
    // ...then pass those pairs one at a time through the merger, since it only merges pairs
    OsmMap::NodeMap nodes = map->getNodeMap();
    OsmMapPtr mergedMap(map);
    const ElementId firstId = ElementId::node((*(nodes.constBegin()))->getId());
    //LOG_DEBUG("First ID: " << firstId.getId());
    for (OsmMap::NodeMap::const_iterator it = nodes.constBegin() + 1; it != nodes.constEnd(); ++it)
      const boost::shared_ptr<const Node>& n = it.value();

      std::set< std::pair< ElementId, ElementId> > matches;
      matches.insert(std::pair<ElementId,ElementId>(firstId, ElementId::node(n->getId())));

      // Now create scriptmerger, and invoke apply method which will apply apply merge transformation, reducing the POIs down to one
      ScriptMerger merger(script, plugin, matches);
      OsmMapPtr mergedMap(map);
      std::vector< std::pair< ElementId, ElementId > > replacedNodes;
      merger.apply(mergedMap, replacedNodes );

      if ( replacedNodes.size() == 1 )
        LOG_DEBUG("POI merge: replacing node #" << replacedNodes[0].first.getId() <<
          " with updated version of node #" << replacedNodes[0].second.getId() );
        mergedMap->replaceNode(replacedNodes[0].first.getId(), replacedNodes[0].second.getId());

    // Hand merged POIs back to caller in OsmMap
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> returnMap = OsmMapJs::create(mergedMap);
    return scope.Close(returnMap);
  catch ( const HootException& e )
    return v8::ThrowException(HootExceptionJs::create(e));
Esempio n. 2
void MapCropper::apply(shared_ptr<OsmMap>& map)
  LOG_INFO("Cropping map.");
  shared_ptr<OsmMap> result = map;

  if (MapReprojector::isGeographic(map) == false && _nodeBounds.isNull() == false)
    throw HootException("If the node bounds is set the projection must be geographic.");

  // @todo visit the elements from the most senior (e.g. relation that has no parents) to the
  // most junior (nodes).

  // go through all the ways
  const WayMap ways = result->getWays();
  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = ways.begin(); it != ways.end(); it++)
    const shared_ptr<Way>& w = it->second;
    shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w);
    const Envelope& e = *(ls->getEnvelopeInternal());

    // if the way is completely outside the region we're keeping
    if (_isWhollyOutside(e))
      // remove the way
    else if (_isWhollyInside(e))
      // keep the way
      // do an expensive operation to decide how much to keep, if any.
      _cropWay(result, w->getId());

  shared_ptr<NodeToWayMap> n2wp = result->getIndex().getNodeToWayMap();
  NodeToWayMap& n2w = *n2wp;

  LOG_INFO("  Removing nodes...");

  // go through all the nodes
  const OsmMap::NodeMap nodes = result->getNodeMap();
  for (OsmMap::NodeMap::const_iterator it = nodes.constBegin(); it != nodes.constEnd(); it++)
    const Coordinate& c = it.value()->toCoordinate();

    bool nodeInside = false;

    if (_envelope.isNull() == false)
      if (_invert == false)
        nodeInside = _envelope.covers(c);
        nodeInside = !_envelope.covers(c);
      auto_ptr<Point> p(GeometryFactory::getDefaultInstance()->createPoint(c));

      if (_invert == false)
        nodeInside = _envelopeG->intersects(p.get());
        nodeInside = !_envelopeG->intersects(p.get());

    // if the node is outside
    if (!nodeInside)
      // if the node is within the limiting bounds.
      if (_nodeBounds.isNull() == true || _nodeBounds.contains(c))
        // if the node is not part of a way
        if (n2w.find(it.key()) == n2w.end())
          // remove the node

  RemoveEmptyRelationsVisitor v;