Esempio n. 1
bool overwriteInstruction(PatchBlock *block, uint64_t addr, uint8_t* val, size_t nbytes)
	ParseAPI::Block *b = block->block();
	ParseAPI::SymtabCodeRegion *r = dynamic_cast<ParseAPI::SymtabCodeRegion*>(b->region());
	if (r == NULL) return false;
	Offset region_off = (Offset)r->getPtrToInstruction(addr) - (Offset)r->symRegion()->getPtrToRawData();
	bool success;
	success = r->symRegion()->patchData(region_off++, (void*)val, nbytes);
	return success;
Esempio n. 2
void IndirectControlFlowAnalyzer::FindAllThunks() {
    // Enumuerate every block to find thunk
    for (auto bit = reachable.begin(); bit != reachable.end(); ++bit) {
        // We intentional treat a getting PC call as a special case that does not
	// end a basic block. So, we need to check every instruction to find all thunks
        ParseAPI::Block *b = *bit;
	const unsigned char* buf =
            (const unsigned char*)(b->region()->getPtrToInstruction(b->start()));
	if( buf == NULL ) {
	    parsing_printf("%s[%d]: failed to get pointer to instruction by offset\n",FILE__, __LINE__);
	InstructionDecoder dec(buf, b->end() - b->start(), b->obj()->cs()->getArch());
	InsnAdapter::IA_IAPI* block = InsnAdapter::IA_IAPI::makePlatformIA_IAPI(b->obj()->cs()->getArch(), dec, b->start(), b->obj() , b->region(), b->obj()->cs(), b);
	Address cur = b->start();
	while (cur < b->end()) {
	    if (block->getInstruction().getCategory() == c_CallInsn && block->isThunk()) {
	        bool valid;
		Address addr;
		boost::tie(valid, addr) = block->getCFT();
		const unsigned char *target = (const unsigned char *) b->region()->getPtrToInstruction(addr);
		InstructionDecoder targetChecker(target, InstructionDecoder::maxInstructionLength, b->obj()->cs()->getArch());
		Instruction thunkFirst = targetChecker.decode();
		set<RegisterAST::Ptr> thunkTargetRegs;
		for (auto curReg = thunkTargetRegs.begin(); curReg != thunkTargetRegs.end(); ++curReg) {
		    ThunkInfo t;
		    t.reg = (*curReg)->getID();
		    t.value = block->getAddr() + block->getInstruction().size();
		    t.value += ThunkAdjustment(t.value, t.reg, b);
		    t.block = b;
		    thunks.insert(make_pair(block->getAddr(), t));
		    parsing_printf("\tfind thunk at %lx, storing value %lx to %s\n", block->getAddr(), t.value ,;
	    cur += block->getInstruction().size();
	    if (cur < b->end()) block->advance();
	delete block;