Esempio n. 1
void Parser::addSymbol(const ParserTreeItem::Ptr &item, const CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol)
    if (item.isNull() || !symbol)

    // easy solution - lets add any scoped symbol and
    // any symbol which does not contain :: in the name

//    if (symbol->isDeclaration())
//        return;

    //! \todo collect statistics and reorder to optimize
    if (symbol->isForwardClassDeclaration()
        || symbol->isExtern()
        || symbol->isFriend()
        || symbol->isGenerated()
        || symbol->isUsingNamespaceDirective()
        || symbol->isUsingDeclaration()

    // skip static local functions
//    if ((!symbol->scope() || symbol->scope()->isClass())
//        && symbol->isStatic() && symbol->isFunction())
//        return;

    const CPlusPlus::Name *symbolName = symbol->name();
    if (symbolName && symbolName->isQualifiedNameId())

    QString name = d->overview.prettyName(symbol->name()).trimmed();
    QString type = d->overview.prettyType(symbol->type()).trimmed();
    int iconType = CPlusPlus::Icons::iconTypeForSymbol(symbol);

    SymbolInformation information(name, type, iconType);

    ParserTreeItem::Ptr itemAdd;

    // If next line will be removed, 5% speed up for the initial parsing.
    // But there might be a problem for some files ???
    // Better to improve qHash timing
    itemAdd = item->child(information);

    if (itemAdd.isNull())
        itemAdd = ParserTreeItem::Ptr(new ParserTreeItem());

    // locations are 1-based in Symbol, start with 0 for the editor
    SymbolLocation location(QString::fromUtf8(symbol->fileName() , symbol->fileNameLength()),
                            symbol->line(), symbol->column() - 1);

    // prevent showing a content of the functions
    if (!symbol->isFunction()) {
        const CPlusPlus::Scope *scope = symbol->asScope();
        if (scope) {
            CPlusPlus::Scope::iterator cur = scope->firstMember();
            while (cur != scope->lastMember()) {
                const CPlusPlus::Symbol *curSymbol = *cur;
                if (!curSymbol)

                //                if (!symbol->isClass() && curSymbol->isStatic() && curSymbol->isFunction())
                //                        return;

                addSymbol(itemAdd, curSymbol);

    bool appendChild = true;

    // if item is empty and has not to be added
    if (symbol->isNamespace() && itemAdd->childCount() == 0)
        appendChild = false;

    if (appendChild)
        item->appendChild(itemAdd, information);