/* * Methods corresponding to IDL attributes and operations */ void OpenHRP_PathPlannerSVC_impl::getRoadmap(OpenHRP::PathPlanner::Roadmap_out graph) { std::cout << "getRoadmap()" << std::endl; PathEngine::Roadmap *roadmap = path_->getRoadmap(); graph = new OpenHRP::PathPlanner::Roadmap; std::cout << "the number of nodes = " << roadmap->nNodes() << std::endl; graph->length(roadmap->nNodes()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<roadmap->nNodes(); i++) { PathEngine::RoadmapNode *node = roadmap->node(i); const PathEngine::Configuration& pos = node->position(); graph[i].cfg[0] = pos.value(0); graph[i].cfg[1] = pos.value(1); graph[i].cfg[2] = pos.value(2); graph[i].neighbors.length(node->nChildren()); for (unsigned int j=0; j<node->nChildren(); j++) { graph[i].neighbors[j] = roadmap->indexOfNode(node->child(j)); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); const char *robotURL = NULL; std::vector<std::string> obstacleURL; std::vector<Vector3> obstacleP; std::vector<Vector3> obstacleRpy; for(int i = 1 ; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-robot") == 0) { robotURL = argv[++i]; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-obstacle") == 0) { obstacleURL.push_back(argv[++i]); Vector3 p, rpy; for (int j=0; j<3; j++) p[j] = atof(argv[++i]); obstacleP.push_back(p); for (int j=0; j<3; j++) rpy[j] = atof(argv[++i]); obstacleRpy.push_back(rpy); } } if (robotURL == NULL) { std::cerr << "please specify URL of VRML model by -robot option" << std::endl; return 1; } BodyPtr robot = new Body(); loadBodyFromModelLoader(robot, robotURL, argc, argv, true); problem prob; prob.addRobot("robot", robotURL, robot); std::vector<BodyPtr> obstacles; for (unsigned int i=0; i<obstacleURL.size(); i++) { char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "obstacle%02d", i); obstacles.push_back(prob.addObstacle(buf, obstacleURL[i])); } // This must be called after all bodies are added prob.initOLV(argc, argv); PathEngine::Configuration::size(4+6+6); PathEngine::Configuration::bounds(0, 0.2, 0.8); // body z PathEngine::Configuration::bounds(1, -0.5, 0.5); // body roll PathEngine::Configuration::bounds(2, -0.0, 0.5); // body pitch PathEngine::Configuration::bounds(3, -0.5, 0.5); // body yaw int arm; PathEngine::Configuration goalCfg; std::ifstream ifs("goal.txt"); ifs >> arm; for (unsigned int i=0; i<PathEngine::Configuration::size(); i++) { ifs >> goalCfg[i]; } #if 1 PathEngine::Configuration::weight(0) = 0.1; // z PathEngine::Configuration::weight(1) = 1; // roll PathEngine::Configuration::weight(2) = 1; // pitch PathEngine::Configuration::weight(3) = 1; // yaw PathEngine::Configuration::weight(4) = 0.8; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(5) = 0.6; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(6) = 0.4; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(7) = 0.3; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(8) = 0.2; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(9) = 0.1; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(10) = 0.8; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(11) = 0.6; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(12) = 0.4; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(13) = 0.3; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(14) = 0.2; PathEngine::Configuration::weight(15) = 0.1; #endif JointPathPtr armPath[2]; Link *chest = robot->link("CHEST_JOINT1"); Link *wrist[2] = {robot->link("RARM_JOINT5"), robot->link("LARM_JOINT5") }; for (int k=0; k<2; k++) { armPath[k] = robot->getJointPath(chest, wrist[k]); for (int i=0; i<armPath[k]->numJoints(); i++) { Link *j = armPath[k]->joint(i); PathEngine::Configuration::bounds(4+k*6+i, j->llimit, j->ulimit); } } PathEngine::PathPlanner *planner = prob.planner(); planner->setMobilityName("OmniWheel"); planner->setAlgorithmName("RRT"); PathEngine::RRT *rrt = (PathEngine::RRT *)planner->getAlgorithm(); rrt->extendFromGoal(true); planner->getAlgorithm()->setProperty("eps", "0.1"); planner->getAlgorithm()->setProperty("max-trials", "50000"); planner->getAlgorithm()->setProperty("interpolation-distance", "0.05"); prob.initCollisionCheckPairs(); prob.initPlanner(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<obstacles.size(); i++) { Link *root = obstacles[i]->rootLink(); root->p = obstacleP[i]; root->R = rotFromRpy(obstacleRpy[i]); root->coldetModel->setPosition(root->R, root->p); obstacles[i]->calcForwardKinematics(); } // set halfconf dvector halfconf; halfconf.setZero(robot->numJoints()); #define ToRad(x) ((x)*M_PI/180) halfconf[2] = halfconf[ 8] = ToRad(-40); halfconf[3] = halfconf[ 9] = ToRad( 78); halfconf[4] = halfconf[10] = ToRad(-38); double leg_link_len1=0, leg_link_len2=0; halfconf[16] = halfconf[23] = ToRad(20); halfconf[17] = ToRad(-10); halfconf[24] = -halfconf[17]; halfconf[19] = halfconf[26] = ToRad(-30); if (robot->modelName() == "HRP2") { halfconf[20] = ToRad(80); halfconf[27] = -halfconf[20]; halfconf[22] = halfconf[29] = -1.0; } leg_link_len1 = leg_link_len2 = 0.3; double waistHeight = leg_link_len1*cos(halfconf[2]) + leg_link_len2*cos(halfconf[4]) + 0.105; robot->rootLink()->p(2) = waistHeight; for (int i=0; i<robot->numJoints(); i++) { robot->joint(i)->q = halfconf[i]; } robot->calcForwardKinematics(); myCfgSetter setter(robot); PathEngine::Configuration startCfg; startCfg[0] = robot->rootLink()->p[2]; startCfg[1] = startCfg[2] = startCfg[3] = 0; for (int j=0; j<2; j++) { for (int i=0; i<armPath[j]->numJoints(); i++) { startCfg[4+j*6+i] = armPath[j]->joint(i)->q; } } planner->setStartConfiguration(startCfg); planner->setGoalConfiguration(goalCfg); planner->setApplyConfigFunc(boost::bind(&myCfgSetter::set, &setter, _1, _2)); planner->setConfiguration(startCfg); prob.updateOLV(); planner->setConfiguration(goalCfg); prob.updateOLV(); #if 0 int earm; ifs >> earm; while (!ifs.eof()) { PathEngine::Configuration cfg; for (unsigned int i=0; i<PathEngine::Configuration::size(); i++) { ifs >> cfg[i]; } if (arm == earm) { rrt->addExtraGoal(cfg); std::cout << "added an extra goal" << std::endl; planner->setConfiguration(cfg); prob.updateOLV(); } ifs >> earm; } #endif CustomCD cd(robot, "hrp2.shape", "hrp2.pairs", obstacles[0], "plant.pc"); prob.planner()->setCollisionDetector(&cd); struct timeval tv1, tv2; gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); // plan bool ret = planner->calcPath(); if (ret) { for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { planner->optimize("Shortcut"); planner->optimize("RandomShortcut"); } } gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); if (ret) { const std::vector<PathEngine::Configuration>& postures = planner->getWayPoints(); std::ofstream ofs("path.txt"); ofs << arm << std::endl; for (unsigned int i=0; i<postures.size(); i++) { planner->setConfiguration(postures[i]); for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { ofs << robot->rootLink()->p[j] << " "; } for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { for (int k=0; k<3; k++) { ofs << robot->rootLink()->R(j,k) << " "; } } for (int j=0; j<robot->numJoints(); j++) { ofs << robot->joint(j)->q << " "; } ofs << std::endl; prob.updateOLV(); } } else { PathEngine::Roadmap *roadmap = planner->getRoadmap(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<roadmap->nNodes(); i++) { PathEngine::RoadmapNode *node = roadmap->node(i); planner->setConfiguration(node->position()); prob.updateOLV(); } } double time = (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) + ((double)(tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec))/1e6; std::cout << "total time = " << time << "[s]" << std::endl; double cdtime = prob.planner()->timeCollisionCheck(); std::cout << "time spent in collision detection:" << cdtime << "[s](" << cdtime/time*100 << "[%]), " << cdtime*1e3/prob.planner()->countCollisionCheck() << "[ms/call]" << std::endl; std::cout << "profile:"; setter.profile(); return 0; }